Initial Assessment Form means the Prenatal Plus Program risk assessment tool that must be used by all Prenatal Plus Program Providers to further assess and document a client's needs.
Program Eligibility Screening Form means the Prenatal Plus Program eligibility tool that must be used by all Prenatal Plus Program Providers to determine if a client is eligible for Prenatal Plus Program services.
Prenatal Plus Program Provider means an entity or agency that meets the qualifications described in Section 8.748.4 and has been accepted as such by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department).
The purpose of the Prenatal Plus Program is to improve the maternal and infant health outcomes of at-risk Medicaid clients by providing comprehensive and coordinated prenatal and early postpartum support services that complement traditional clinical prenatal care. The primary goal of the program is to reduce the incidence of low birth weight babies while also addressing other lifestyle, behavioral, and non-medical aspects of a woman's life that may affect her and/or her baby's health and well-being. By focusing on case management, nutrition counseling and support, psychosocial counseling and support, client education and health promotion, the Prenatal Plus Program seeks to ensure that women have access to the services and information needed to have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.
10 CCR 2505-10-8.748