At Risk Teenager means a person under nineteen years of age who resides in a neighborhood in which there is a preponderance of poverty, unemployment and underemployment, substance abuse, crime, school dropouts, a significant public assistance population, teen pregnancies and teen parents or other conditions that put families at risk.
Support Services means individual or group counseling, which includes a component on delayed parenting, health guidance and health services such as home visits or visiting nurse services.
The client shall be identified as an At Risk Teenager by a school, health care provider, social service or other community agency.
Eligible providers shall meet all the following criteria;
The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Pilot Program includes a package of support services developed to reduce teen pregnancy. The support service package may include, but shall not be limited to:
The service package must be specified in the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Pilot Program provider application and provided as approved. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Pilot Program services are in addition to the currently reimbursed family planning services available to clients.
Reimbursement is dependent upon receipt of 90% federal financial funds under the family planning provision. Reimbursement shall be the lower of:
10 CCR 2505-10-8.726