10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.601

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.601 - [Repealed effective 9/14/2024] ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES
A. Annually, any private corporation, for profit or not for profit, seeking designation as a Community Centered Board shall submit an application for designation to the Department.
1. Applications shall be submitted in a form and manner specified by the Department which shall be made available to applicants upon request.
2. The Department shall notify all applicants by first class mail of its determination of designation or non-designation by May 15 of each year.
3. The designation shall cover a twelve (12) month period beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
4. Designation of a Community Centered Board shall be based on the following factors:
a. Utilization of existing service agencies, social networks or natural sources of support in the designated service area. This shall be determined and based on an actual count of service agencies within a designated service area and a description of utilization of such agencies as well as a description of existing social networks and natural sources of support which were utilized.
b. Encouragement of competition among service agencies within the designated service area to provide newly identified services or supports, the variety of service agencies available to the person receiving services within the designated service area, and the demonstrated effort to purchase new or expanded services or supports from service agencies other than those affiliated with the Community Centered Board. This shall be evaluated based on the ability of the applicant to substantiate such activities.
c. Utilization of state funded services and supports administered at the local level, including, but not limited to, public education, social services, public health, and rehabilitation programs. This shall be determined based on a description of local utilization of state funded services and on a review of the previous fiscal year audit, current budget submission and the designated service area plan.
d. Quality of services and supports provided for persons with developmental disabilities. Quality shall be measured based on compliance with federal and state licensing or program approval requirements, accreditation reports, agencies' self-evaluation efforts, and Department's quality assurance monitoring activities. Other resources to evaluate quality that may be considered include: analysis of disputes and complaints, use of grievance procedures, and measures of satisfaction by persons receiving services or supports.
e. The establishment of new services and supports for the prevention of institutionalization, the support of deinstitutionalization, and a commitment to innovative, effective, and inclusive services and supports for persons with developmental disabilities. This shall be determined based on past performance, documented use of innovative and inclusive service and support approaches, effectiveness measures, and a description of the Community Centered Board's future plans.
f. The demonstrated effort of the applicant to pursue authorized services and supports for all eligible persons within the designated service area. This shall be determined based on both past performance and the applicant's written plan for addressing needed but unavailable services and supports.
g. Compliance with the transparency requirements included in Section 25.5-10-209(6) -(8), C.R.S. and these rules.
5. Any applicant that has not previously functioned as a Community Centered Board shall respond to the application process with statements of intent and plans in any area where past performance cannot be documented.
B. If the Department determines that the Community Centered Board is in substantial compliance, the Community Centered Board shall receive designation. Upon designation, a Community Centered Board shall agree by contract to meet all requirements of Section 25.5 -10, C.R.S., all rules and the following requirements:
1. In order to assure public accountability, the Community Centered Board shall be under the control and direction of a board of directors or trustees, pursuant to Section 25.5-10-209(2)(a), C.R.S.
2. Staff members of the Community Centered Board, employees or board members of service agencies, or contractors to the Community Centered Board or service agencies providing services to individuals through the specific Community Centered Board may not serve on the governing board.
3. Community Centered Board governing board members shall recuse themselves from proceedings which may affect their direct or indirect financial interests.
4. The Community Centered Board shall notify the Department in writing within ten (10) business days of any changes in the board of directors.
5. Each Community Centered Board shall provide to the incoming members of its board of directors training in such topics as the duties of a board member, the financial and fiduciary responsibilities assumed by board members, the intellectual and developmental disability system in the state, the overall business functions of the Community Centered Board, and any other matters that will, in the determination of the community centered board, allow the board member to better understand and fulfill his or her obligations to the board of directors and the community centered board and the role played by Community Centered Boards in the state in connection with the delivery of services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
a. The Community Centered Board shall keep documentation indicating that each board member has received training materials. This documentation and copies of all training materials shall be provided to the department upon request.
6. The board of directors of each designated Community Centered Board shall meet no less than once each quarter of the calendar year.
7. Each Community Centered Board shall provide a direct e-mail address to each member of its board of directors on the website of the community centered board. The e-mail address selected must specify the name of the individual board member and make reference to the particular community centered board for which he or she serves as a member of the board of directors.
a. An e-mail that is sent to a member of the board of directors of a community centered board shall not be filtered by an employee of the Community Centered Board. The CCB shall insure that all emails addressed to a member of the board of directors are provided to that board member.
b. In the event a board member is unable to access a computer or needs assistance with e-mail, the Community Centered Board shall provide appropriate assistance, including providing e-mails in alternative formats upon request or mailing correspondence through the U.S. postal service.
8. The board of directors or trustees shall adopt specific bylaw provisions which ensure that they are in compliance with all provisions of Section 25.5-10-209(2)(b), C.R.S., and:
a. Notices of meetings of the board of directors shall be posted in an identified public place at the Community Centered Board.
b. The Community Centered Board shall post the date, time, and location of each regularly scheduled meeting of its board of directors on the website of the Community Centered Board not less than fourteen business days prior to the date of the meeting.
c. The Community Centered Board shall post on the website of the Community Centered Board the date, time, and location of any special or emergency meeting of the board of directors not less than twenty-four hours before the meeting.
d. Each Community Centered Board shall post the agenda for each meeting of its board of directors on the website of the Community Centered Board not less than seven business days prior to the date of the meeting. Agendas shall remain posted on the website for at least three months.
e. The Community Centered Board shall post on the website of the community centered board the agenda of any special or emergency meeting of the board of directors not less than twenty-four hours before the meeting. Special or emergency meeting agendas shall remain posted on the website for at least three months.
f. The board of directors of each Community Centered Board shall present the financial statements of the corporation for the approval of the board at each regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors. The financial statements must reflect accurate and current financial information and be prepared using generally accepted accounting principles. Where exigent circumstances are present that materially affect the preparation of the financial statements on a monthly basis, such statements may be presented for the approval of the board of directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board but not less than at least once each quarter of the calendar year.
g. Each Community Centered Board shall post on the website of the Community Centered Board the minutes of each meeting of its board of directors as such minutes are approved by the board of directors. Each Community Centered Board shall also post on the website of the Community Centered Board any additional documents that were distributed to the board at such meeting that were not, as of that date, already posted on the website of the Community Centered Board unless the public distribution of such documents, or any portion of such documents, is otherwise prohibited pursuant to the privacy requirements specified in the health insurance portability and accountability act or as otherwise prohibited by law. Minutes of special meetings of the board of directors must be posted after approval by the board of the same at the board's next regular meeting.
i. Meeting minutes shall remain posted on the website of the Community Centered Board for a minimum of three calendar years.
h. All meetings of a quorum of the board at which any public business is discussed or at which any formal action may be taken shall be open to the public for input. This does not apply to those matters covered in executive session pursuant to Section 25.5-10-209(2)(b)(IV), C.R.S.
i. Each meeting of the board must allow for public comment, and the agenda must reflect this requirement. Public comment must be reasonably permitted during the board meeting to accommodate community needs.
i. This section does not apply to any chance meeting or social gathering of the board at which discussion of the public business of the board is not the central purpose.
j. Any documents related to functions of the Community Centered Board to be distributed at a meeting of the board of directors that are available for public dissemination at the time the agenda is posted must also be posted on the website of the Community Centered Board at the time the agenda is posted, and written copies of such documents must be made available for public dissemination at the board meeting. Such documents shall remain posted on the website for at least three months.
k. This posting requirement does not apply to any document, or any portion of such document, the disclosure of which requires the approval of the board of directors and which approval has not been obtained as of the time the agenda is posted or any other document, or any portion of such document, containing any information that is legally prohibited from being disclosed to the public pursuant to the privacy requirements specified in the health insurance portability and accountability act, any document that has been or will be discussed by the board of directors meeting in executive session, or any other document the disclosure of which is otherwise prohibited by law.
l. Any contract that each Community Centered Board enters into with either the Department of Health Care Policy And Financing or the Department of Human Services must be posted on the website of the Community Centered Board in a place on the website that allows access to the public in a clear, accessible, easily operated, and uncomplicated manner not later than thirty days following approval of the contract by the board of directors of the Community Centered Board.
i. All contracts shall remain posted on the website for at least three calendar years.
9. Upon designation the Community Centered Board shall within available appropriations provide or arrange for services and supports which meet all the provisions of Section 25.5-10-209(2)(c) through (h), C.R.S., and:
a. In accordance with reporting requirements of the Department's data system, maintain and update records of persons determined to be eligible for services and supports and who are receiving case management services.
b. Provide for case management services pursuant to Section 8.607 of these rules.
c. Notify the eligible person and, if appropriate, their parents or guardian regarding the availability of services and supports pursuant to requirements of Sections 8.607 and 8.605.2.
d. Establish a Human Rights Committee(s) as required in Section 8.608.5 of these rules.
e. Devise and implement a plan for monitoring the programmatic practices of the Community Centered Board and contracted service agencies, pursuant to Section 8.607.6 in these rules.
C. Each Community Centered Board shall submit annually a written long-range plan or an annual update to that plan for its designated service area pursuant to guidelines developed by the Department.
1. The long-range plan or annual updates to the plan shall be developed through collaborative community efforts, facilitated by the community centered board, and shall include an annual public forum.

At a minimum, the designated service area planning process shall include appropriate opportunities and times for participation and input for persons with developmental disabilities who are receiving or waiting for services and supports: families who are receiving or waiting for services and supports; and service agencies under contract with the Community Centered Board.

2. Copies of the written long-range plan or annual update must be available to the public during business hours at a reasonable cost not to exceed the costs allowed in Section 24-72-205, C.R.S.
D. The Department shall review each Community Centered Board to assure that it complies with the requirements set forth in these rules.
E. The Department will maintain a website allowing for community members to make anonymous complaints regarding Community Centered Board transparency.
F. Community Centered Boards found to be in violation of section 25.5-10-209, C.R.S. or these rules shall be notified by electronic mail. Community Centered Boards shall have five (5) business days from the date of the notification to remedy any violation.
G.. Community Centered Boards remaining out of compliance after five (5) business days, shall be required to develop a corrective action plan, upon written notification by the Department. The Community Centered Board shall submit to the Department the written corrective action plan within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the written request from the Department. Compliance with the corrective action plan shall be monitored by the Department. Failure to timely submit or make corrections specified in the corrective action plan may result in withholding of contract payments or revocation of designation.
H. The Executive Director or designee may revoke the designation of a Community Centered Board upon a finding that the Community Centered Board is in violation of Section 25.5-10-101, C.R.S., et seq., as amended, other state or federal laws, or these rules.

Revocation of the designation of the Community Centered Board shall conform to the provisions and procedures specified in Section 24-4-104, C.R.S.

I. Once a designation has been revoked, the Executive Director or designee may designate another private corporation, for profit or not-for-profit, to perform the case management services and administrative duties of the Community Centered Board pending designation of a new Community Centered Board.
J. Any party may protest the decision of the Executive Director or designee to designate a Community Centered Board pursuant to provisions of Section 24-4-104(5), C.R.S.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.601

47 CR 16, August 25, 2024, effective 9/14/2024