10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.484.5

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 11, June 10, 2024
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.484.5 - RIGHTS MODIFICATIONS
8.484.5.A Any modification of an individual's rights must be supported by a specific assessed need and justified in the Person-Centered Support Plan, pursuant to the process set out in Sections 8.484.5.C and 8.484.5.D below. Rights Modifications may not be imposed across-the-board and may not be based on the convenience of the provider. The provider must ensure that a Rights Modification does not infringe on the rights of individuals not subject to the modification. Wherever possible, Rights Modifications should be avoided or minimized, consistent with the concept of dignity of risk.
8.484.5.B The process set out in Sections 8.484.5.C -D below applies to all Rights Modifications.
8.484.5.C For a Rights Modification to be implemented, the following information must be documented in the individual's Person-Centered Support Plan, and any provider implementing the Rights Modification must maintain a copy of the documentation:
1. The right to be modified.
2. The specific and individualized assessed need for the Rights Modification.
3. The positive interventions and supports used prior to any Rights Modification, as well as the plan going forward for the provider to support the individual in learning skills so that the modification becomes unnecessary.
4. The less intrusive methods of meeting the need that were tried but did not work.
5. A clear description of the Rights Modification that is directly proportionate to the specific assessed need.
6. A plan for regular collection of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of and need for the Rights Modification, including specification of the positive behaviors and objective results that the individual can achieve to demonstrate that the Rights Modification is no longer needed.
7. An established timeline for periodic reviews of the data collected under the preceding paragraph. The Rights Modification must be reviewed and revised upon reassessment of functional need at least every 12 months, and sooner if the individual's circumstances or needs change significantly, the individual requests a review/revision, or another authority requires a review/revision.
8. The Informed Consent of the individual (or, if authorized, their guardian or other legally authorized representative) agreeing to the Rights Modification.
9. An assurance that interventions and supports will cause no harm to the individual, including documentation of the implications of the modification for the individual's everyday life and the ways the modification is paired with additional supports to prevent harm or discomfort and to mitigate any undesired effects of the modification.
10. Alternatives to consenting to the Rights Modification, along with their most significant likely consequences.
11. An assurance that the individual will not be subject to retaliation or prejudice in their receipt of appropriate services and supports for declining to consent or withdrawing their consent to the Rights Modification.
8.484.5.D Additional Rights Modification process requirements:
1. Prior to obtaining Informed Consent, the case manager must offer the individual the opportunity to have an advocate, who is identified and selected by the individual, present at the time that Informed Consent is obtained. The case manager must offer to assist the individual, if desired, in identifying an independent advocate who is not involved with providing services or supports to the individual. These offers and the individual's response must be documented by the case manager.
2. Any providers that desire or expect to be involved in implementing a Rights Modification may supply to the case manager information required to be documented under this Section 8.484.5, except for documentation of Informed Consent and the offers and response relating to an advocate, which may be obtained and documented only by the case manager. The individual determines whether any information supplied by the provider is satisfactory before the case manager enters it into their Person-Centered Support Plan.
8.484.5.E Use of Restraints
1. If Restraints are used with an individual at an HCBS Setting, their use must:
a. Be based on an assessed need after all less restrictive interventions have been exhausted;
b. Be documented in the individual's Person-Centered Support Plan as a modification of the generally applicable rights protected under Section 8.484.3, consistent with the Rights Modification process in this Section 8.484.5; and
c. Be compliant with any applicable waiver.
2. Prone Restraints are prohibited in all circumstances. Nothing in this Section E permits the use of any Restraint that is precluded by other authorities.
8.484.5.F If Restrictive or Controlled Egress Measures are used at an HCBS Setting, they must:
1. Be implemented on an individualized (not setting-wide) basis;
2. Make accommodations for individuals in the same setting who are not at risk of unsafe wandering or exit-seeking behaviors;
3. Be documented in the individual's Person-Centered Support Plan as a modification of the generally applicable rights protected under Section 8.484.3, consistent with the Rights Modification process in this Section 8.484.5, with the documentation including:
a. An assessment of the individual's unsafe wandering or exit-seeking behaviors (and the underlying conditions, diseases, or disorders relating to such behaviors) and the need for safety measures;
b. Options that were explored before any modifications occurred to the Person-Centered Support Plan;
c. The individual's understanding of the setting's safety features, including any Restrictive or Controlled Egress Measures;
d. The individual's choices regarding measures to prevent unsafe wandering or exit-seeking;
e. The individual's (or, if authorized, their guardian's or other legally authorized representative's) consent to restrictive- or controlled-egress goals for care;
f. The individual's preferences for engagement within the setting's community and within the broader community; and
g. The opportunities, services, supports, and environmental design that will enable the individual to participate in desired activities and support their mobility; and
4. Not be developed or used for non-person-centered purposes, such as punishment or staff/contractor convenience.
8.484.5.G If there is a serious risk to anyone's health or safety, a Rights Modification may be implemented or continued for a short time without meeting all the requirements of this Section 8.484.5, so long as the provider immediately (a) implements staffing and other measures to deescalate the situation and (b) reaches out to the case manager to set up a meeting as soon as possible, and in no event past the end of the third business day following the date on which the risk arises. At the meeting, the individual can grant or deny their Informed Consent to the Rights Modification. The Rights Modification may not be continued past the conclusion of this meeting or the end of the third business day, whichever comes first, unless all the requirements of this Section 8.484.5 have been met.
8.484.5.H When a provider proposes a Rights Modification and supplies to the case manager all of the information required to be documented under this Section 8.484.5, except for documentation that may be obtained only by the case manager, the case manager shall arrange for a meeting with the individual to discuss the proposal and facilitate the individual's decision regarding whether to grant or deny their Informed Consent. Except when the timeline in Section 8.484.5.G applies, the case manager shall arrange for this meeting to occur by the end of the tenth business day following the date on which they received from the provider of all the required information. The individual may elect to make a final decision during or after this meeting. If the individual does not inform their case manager of their decision by the end of the fifth business day following the date of the meeting, they are deemed not to have consented.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.484.5

44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/10/2022
46 CR 03, February 10, 2022, effective 3/15/2023