10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.484.2

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 11, June 10, 2024
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.484.2 - DEFINITIONS
8.484.2.A Age Appropriate Activities and Materials means activities and materials that foster social, intellectual, communicative, and emotional development and that challenge the individual to use their skills in these areas while considering their chronological age, developmental level, and physical skills.
8.484.2.B Covered HCBS means any Home- and Community-Based Service(s) provided under the Colorado State Medicaid Plan, a Colorado Medicaid waiver program, or a State-funded program administered by the Department. This category excludes Respite Services, Palliative/Supportive Care services provided outside the child's home under the Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver, and Youth Day Services under the CES Waiver.
8.484.2.C HCBS Setting means any physical location where Covered HCBS are provided.
1. HCBS Settings include, but are not limited to, Provider-Owned or-Controlled Non-residential Settings, Other Non-residential Settings, Provider-Owned or-Controlled Residential Settings, and Other Residential Settings.
2. If Covered HCBS are provided at a physical location to one or more individuals, the setting is considered an HCBS Setting, regardless of whether some individuals at the setting do not receive Covered HCBS. The requirements of this Section 8.484 apply to the setting as a whole and protect the rights of all individuals receiving services at the setting regardless of payer source.
8.484.2.D Informed Consent means the informed, freely given, written agreement of the individual (or, if authorized, their guardian or other legally authorized representative) to a Rights Modification. The case manager ensures that the agreement is informed, freely given, and in writing by confirming that the individual (or, if authorized, their guardian or other legally authorized representative) understands all of the information required to be documented in Section 8.484.5 and has signed the Department-prescribed form to that effect.
8.484.2.E Intensive Supervision means one-on-one (1:1), line-of-sight, or 24-hour supervision. Intensive Supervision is a Rights Modification if the individual verbally or non-verbally expresses that they do not want the supervision or if the supervision would be covered by the Department's processes for rights suspensions or restrictive procedures pursuant to the version of Sections 8.600.4, 8.604.3, and 8.608.1-2 in effect on December 30, 2021.
8.484.2.F Other Non-residential Setting means a physical location that is non-residential and that is not owned, leased, operated, or managed by an HCBS provider or by an independent contractor providing nonresidential services.
1. Other Non-residential Settings include, but are not limited to, locations in the community where Covered HCBS are provided.
8.484.2.G Other Residential Setting means a physical location that is residential and that is not owned, leased, operated, or managed by an HCBS provider or by an independent contractor providing residential services.
1. Other Residential Settings include, but are not limited to, Residential Settings owned or leased by individuals receiving HCBS or their families (personal homes) and those owned or leased by relatives paid to provide HCBS unless such relatives are independent contractors of HCBS providers.
8.484.2.H Person-Centered Support Plan means a service and support plan that is directed by the individual whenever possible, with the individual's representative acting in a participatory role as needed, is prepared by the case manager under Sections 8.393.2.E or 8.519.11, identifies the supports needed for the individual to achieve personally identified goals, and is based on respecting and valuing individual preferences, strengths, and contributions.
8.484.2.I Plain Language means language that is understandable to the individual and in their native language, and it may include pictorial methods, if warranted;
8.484.2.J Provider-Owned or-Controlled Non-residential Setting means a physical location that is non-residential and that is owned, leased, operated, or managed by an HCBS provider or by an independent contractor providing non-residential services.
1. Provider-Owned or-Controlled Non-residential Settings include, but are not limited to, provider-owned facilities where Adult Day, Day Treatment, Specialized Habilitation, Supported Community Connections, Prevocational Services, and Supported Employment Services are provided.
8.484.2.K Provider-Owned or-Controlled Residential Setting means a physical location that is residential and that is owned, leased, operated, or managed by an HCBS provider or by an independent contractor providing residential services.
1. Provider-Owned or-Controlled Residential Settings include, but are not limited to, Alternative Care Facilities (ACFs); Supported Living Program (SLP) and Transitional Living Program (TLP) facilities; group homes for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD); Host Homes for adults with IDD; any Individual Residential Services and Supports (IRSS) setting that is owned or leased by a service provider or independent contractor of such a provider; and foster care homes, Host Homes, group homes, residential child care facilities, and Qualified Residential Treatment Programs (QRTPs) in which Children's Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) services are provided.
8.484.2.L Restraint means any manual method or direct bodily contact or force, physical or mechanical device, material, or equipment that restricts normal functioning or movement of all or any portion of a person's body, or any drug, medication, or other chemical that restricts a person's behavior or restricts normal functioning or movement of all or any portion of their body. Physical or hand-over-hand assistance is a Restraint if the individual verbally or non-verbally expresses that they do not want the assistance or if the assistance is a safety or emergency control procedure or would be covered by the Department's processes for rights suspensions or restrictive procedures pursuant to the version of Sections 8.600.4, 8.604.3, and 8.608.1-2 in effect on December 30, 2021.
8.484.2.M Restrictive or Controlled Egress Measures means devices, technologies, or approaches that have the effect of restricting or controlling egress or monitoring the coming and going of individuals. The following measures are deemed to have such an effect and are Restrictive or Controlled Egress Measures: locks preventing egress; audio monitors, chimes, motion-activated bells, silent or auditory alarms, and alerts on entrances/exits at residential settings; and wearable devices that indicate to anyone other than the wearer their location or their presence/absence within a building. Other measures that have the effect of restricting or controlling egress or monitoring the coming and going of individuals are also Restrictive or Controlled Egress Measures.
8.484.2.N Rights Modification means any situation in which an individual is limited in the full exercise of their rights.
1. Rights Modifications include, but are not limited to:
a. the use of Intensive Supervision if deemed a Rights Modification under the definition in Section 8.484.2.E above;
b. the use of Restraints;
c. the use of Restrictive or Controlled Egress Measures;
d. modifications to the other rights in Section 8.484.3 (basic criteria applicable to all HCBS Settings) and Section 8.484.4 (additional criteria for HCBS Settings);
e. any provider actions to implement a court order limiting any of the foregoing individual rights;
f. rights suspensions under Section 25.5-10-218(3), C.R.S.; and
g. all situations formerly covered by the Department's processes for rights suspensions or restrictive procedures pursuant to the version of Sections 8.600.4, 8.604.3, and 8.608.1-2 in effect on December 30, 2021.
2. Modifications to the rights to dignity and respect, the rights in Sections 8.484.3.A.6 -11 (covering such matters as person-centeredness; civil rights; freedom from abuse; and Plain-Language explanations of rights, dispute resolution policies, and grievance/complaint procedures), and the right to physical accessibility are not permitted.
3. For children under age 18, a limitation or restriction to any of the rights in Sections 8.484.3 and 8.484.4 that is typical for children of that age, including children not receiving HCBS, is not a Rights Modification. Consider age-appropriate behavior when assessing what is typical for children of that age. If the child is not able to fully exercise the right because of their age, then there is no need to pursue the Rights Modification process under Section 8.484.5 . However, if the proposed limitation or restriction is above and beyond what a typically developing peer would require, then it must be handled as a Rights Modification under Section 8.484.5.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.484.2

44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/10/2022
46 CR 03, February 10, 2022, effective 3/15/2023