Personal needs funds, whether contributed or direct, shall be used for the care of the resident, as set forth in Section 8.482.5.
No person, institution, partnership, corporation or other entity shall divert resident income from the control and exclusive use of the resident, without proper legal authorization or power.
Refer to Section 8.440.1 for services and items included in the per diem payment and to Section 8.440.2 for services and items not included in the per diem payment.
The control of resident income is vested in the resident, or in such person as the resident may designate. A designee may be a conservator, administrator, family member or other representative. The resident's income is to be used by the resident, or on behalf of the resident. No designee, or any other person or institution, shall convert any of these monies to their own use or use the income on behalf anyone for any reason, except the resident.
When notified by the nursing facility of the refusal of the resident or the resident's family, conservator or administrator to release resident income due, the County Department shall immediately contact the refusing party. If, after such contact, the party still refuses to release such income, the action shall be deemed a failure to cooperate, and the county department shall proceed to discontinue Medicaid benefits for the resident.
Effective April 8, 1988, with respect to the post-eligibility treatment of income of individuals who are institutionalized there shall be taken into account amounts for incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by Colorado Medicaid or third party insurance, including health insurance premiums, deductibles or co-insurance; hearing aids, supplies, and care; corrective lenses, eye care, and supplies; and other incurred expenses for medical or remedial care that are not subject to payment by a third party.
For allowable PETI-IME expenses costs shall be prior authorized by the Department or its designee. The process is as follows:
PETI-IME expenses for corrective lenses will be limited to services not covered under Section 8.203 Vision Services. Corrective lenses are limited to one (1) pair per twenty-four (24) month period under Section 8.203.4.B. For a change in vision within twenty-four (24) months, an eye exam is required to show the change in vision.
On receipt of Form AP-5615, the county department will, within five working days:
If the resident's income exceeds the cost of care paid for the private resident portion of the month, the excess income is applicable to the remaining Medicaid portion of the month.
Medicaid will pay a nursing facility to hold a bed for non-medical and/or programmatic leave days up to a combined total of 42 days per resident per calendar year.
Non-medical leave days are defined as days of leave from the nursing facility for non-medical reasons. Programmatic leave days are days of leave prescribed by a physician for therapeutic and/or rehabilitative reasons. Programmatic leave may entail visits to family, friends or guardians, or leave to participate in approved therapeutic and/or rehabilitative programs. A leave day is considered to have been incurred for any day during which the resident is absent from the nursing facility for therapeutic and/or rehabilitative purposes and does not return by midnight of that day.
Before Medicaid payment is made for room reservation costs for non-medical and/or programmatic leave, the attending physician must approve each leave and affirm that such leave is not contrary to the resident's written plan of care. In the case of programmatic leave, this approval must be in writing and noted on the resident's chart and/or Individual Habilitation Plan (IHP). In addition, the physician must affirm that the resident's programmatic leave is of therapeutic and rehabilitative value and consistent with the overall plan of care and/or Individual Habilitation Plan developed for the resident.
If the resident has the approval of the attending physician in writing, and such approval is noted on the resident's chart, room reservations for non-medical and/or programmatic leave may be paid for by the resident, after the allowable 42 days per calendar year has been paid from Medicaid funds. Charges to residents for this leave are subject to the following restrictions:
The Department shall assess, enforce, and collect penalties for noncompliance with regulations, in accordance and as authorized under C.R.S. §25.5-6-205(1)(a), including but not limited to the following:
When a patient is admitted to a nursing facility for the first time, or transferred from Medicare or private pay, the nursing facility shall set up a new account for personal needs funds, which lists a beneficiary or beneficiaries (with percentages), as specified in A. of this subsection.E. Readmissions, Transfers from Another Nursing Facility.
If the resident returns to the same nursing facility, no additional accounting is necessary. If the resident does not return to the same facility, however, disposition of the personal needs funds shall be made as specified in this section.
Many nursing facility residents are either unable or unwilling to manage their personal funds and the residents or their families or guardians wish this responsibility to be assumed by the nursing facility. Because nursing facility residents who are Medicaid members often have income from Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Railroad Retirement, or other sources, it is necessary for participating nursing facilities to maintain a system of accounting for Medicaid funds, resident income, and resident's personal needs accounts. This system shall be maintained in accordance with standards required by the Department, and subject to audit. The following sections outline a standard system of accounting to be used by participating nursing facilities for these purposes. Any deviation from this system must have written approval of the Department.
(Note: This is not a complete listing of every account which would normally appear in a General Ledger, but includes the accounts necessary for purposes of this system of accounting.)
10 CCR 2505-10-8.482