For admission to ICF/IID facilities clients must be evaluated by the Case Management Agency in the area where the client resides. If services will be provided through an agency in another area, the client shall be evaluated by that area's Case Management Agency.
The client shall be referred by the Case Management Agency to the URC for admission review and to the appropriate County Department of Social/Human Services for determination of Medicaid eligibility. The URC shall not determine admission certification under Medicaid for any intellectually or developmentally disabled client in the absence of a referral from the Case Management Agency except for emergency admissions to the Class I facilities.
In cases where the Case Management Agency declines to recommend placement of a client into an ICF/IID facility, the Case Management Agency shall inform the client of the recommendation using the HCBS-DD-21 form. The Case Management Agency shall also notify the client or the client's designated representative of the client's right to request a formal URC level of care review.
The client shall have thirty (30) days from the postmark date of the notice to request a formal URC review. If the client requests a formal URC level of care review, the Case Management Agency shall submit the required documentation plus any new documentation submitted by the client to the URC. The URC shall review and make a level of care determination in accordance with the admission procedures below.
Following receipt of the completed LOC Screen and any other supporting information, the URC Case Management Agency shall review the information and make a final certification determination.
If certification is approved, the URC Case Management Agency shall assign an initial length of stay for HCBS-DD services.
If certification is denied, the decision of the URC/Case Management Agency may be appealed in accordance with Section 8.057.
10 CCR 2505-10-8.405