In order to promote the most appropriate placement of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities when skilled or maintenance services are sought, the physician shall, unless an emergency admission is required, refer the client to the Community Centered Board (CCB) where the client resides. Class I services shall be authorized by the URC only when the following requirements have been met:
Referrals by physicians of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities for Class I services without review by the CCB will not be certified by the URC for Medicaid reimbursement. Clients for whom ICF/IID or HCBS-DD services are appropriate as defined in Section 8.401.18, subject to the physician's and the client's or the client's designated representative concurrence, shall be referred immediately to the URC and to the appropriate Community Centered Board under the provisions at Section 8.405.
If the information provided on the LOC Screen indicates the client does meet the level of care requirements, the URC shall proceed with the admission and/or referral procedures described above.
10 CCR 2505-10-8.402