An out-of-state Hospital may receive payment for emergency Hospital services if:
Out-of-state Hospitals may receive reimbursement for Outpatient Hospital Services if they meet the conditions specified in 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.300.2.B.2 - 4.
Out-of-state Hospitals may receive reimbursement for non-emergent Inpatient Hospital Services if they meet the conditions specified in 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.300.2.B.2 - 4, and the Department has issued a prior authorization.
Swing-bed Hospitals shall maintain personal needs accounts, submit AP-5615 forms, and be responsible for collecting patient payment amounts in accordance with the requirements established for nursing facilities in 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.482.
Inpatient Hospital Services are a covered Medicaid benefit, when provided by or under the direction of a physician, for as many days as determined Medically Necessary.
Beginning July 1, 2020, reimbursement for a mother's hospitalization for delivery does not include reimbursement for the newborn's hospitalization. Services shall be reimbursed under the identification number of each client.
Inpatient Hospital psychiatric care is a Medicaid benefit for individuals age 20 and under when provided as a service of an in-state Hospital.
Inpatient Hospital dialysis treatment is a Medicaid benefit at in-state DRG Hospitals for eligible recipients who are Inpatients only in those cases where hospitalization is required for:
Administration of subacute care by an enrolled hospital in its inpatient hospital or alternate care facilities is covered for the duration of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. Subacute care in a hospital setting shall be equivalent to the level of care administered by a skilled nursing facility for skilled nursing and intermediate care services as defined in 10 CCR 2505-10, Sections 8.406 and 8.409. Members may be admitted to subacute care after an inpatient admission, or directly from an emergency department, observation status, or primary care referral to the administering hospital.
Outpatient Hospital Services are a Medicaid benefit when determined Medically Necessary and provided by or under the direction of a physician. Outpatient Hospital Services are limited to the scope of Outpatient Hospital Services as defined in 42 C.F.R. Section 440.20. Outpatient Hospital Services include:
Observation Stays are a covered Medicaid benefit when provided by or under the direction of a physician, for as many days as determined Medically Necessary. The physician must adequately document in the client's medical records that Observation Stay is Medically Necessary for the purposes of evaluating a client for possible Inpatient admission, treating a client expected to be stabilized and released without the need for Inpatient admission, or allowing extended recovery following a complication of an Outpatient procedure. In a majority of cases, the decision whether to admit a client to Inpatient admission or discharge from the hospital can be made in less than twenty-four hours. Only rarely shall Observation Stay exceed forty-eight hours in length.
Observation Stays end when a physician orders either Inpatient admission or discharge from the hospital. An Inpatient admission cannot be converted to an Outpatient Observation Stay after the client is discharged unless for purposes of rebilling after an audit finding as specified in 10 CCR 2505-108.043.
The decision to admit a client to Observation Stay is a medical determination that is based on a multitude of factors, including, but not limited to the:
Outpatient psychiatric services, including prevention, diagnosis and treatment of emotional or mental disorders, are Medicaid benefits at non-Psychiatric Hospitals.
When determining medical necessity or the appropriate level of care for members diagnosed with an eating disorder as defined in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the Body Mass Index (BMI), ideal body weight, or any other standard requiring an achieved weight must not be used, in accordance with the requirements of Sections 25.5-5-336 (1-2) (2023). Such members must meet criteria in Sections 8.300.3.C.4.c.iii-iv, and Section 8.300.3.C.4.c.v if under age 18. All other members must meet the first four following criteria, members under age 18 must also meet criteria five:
All bariatric surgical procedures require prior authorization, which must include:
The following services are not covered benefits:
For the purposes of Inpatient reimbursement, DRG Hospitals are assigned to one of the following peer groups. Hospitals which do not fall into the peer groups described in a and b shall default to the peer groups described in c and d based on geographic location.:
DRG Hospitals shall be reimbursed for Inpatient Hospital Services based on a system of DRGs and a hospital-specific Medicaid Inpatient base rate. The reimbursement for Inpatient Hospital Services shall be referred to as the DRG base payment.
For in-state Colorado DRG Hospitals (both PPS and non-PPS), the starting point shall be the hospital-specific Medicare Federal base rate with the specific adjustments listed. The Operating Federal Portion and Federal Capital Rate (source: CMS Tables 1A-1B & IE) will be adjusted by the Wage Index and Geographic Adjustment Factor (GAF) from the CMS IMPACT File. For CAH and Pediatric hospitals (non-PPS Medicare hospitals), both adjustment factors as listed above will be set to 1.0 and the corresponding labor and non-labor related amounts will be applied because these factors are not available from CMS. Additionally, the Quality and Meaningful Electronic Health Records (EHR) User adjustments will be applied to all PPS hospitals as indicated on the CMS corrected IMPACT file, while all non-PPS hospitals are assumed to have submitted Quality Data and be meaningful EHR users since no data exists for them. The corrected Medicare base rate IMPACT File shall be used to set the Federal Base Rate and other adjustments detailed above effective on October 1 of the previous fiscal year.
Indirect Medical Education (IME) / Value Based Purchasing Adjustment (VBP) Factor / Readmission Adjustment Factor and Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) Reduction:
Four Add-ons will be mutually exclusive and applied as described here and will be applied as a percentage against the Medicare Federal Base Rate w/Wage Index/GAF Adjustments as detailed below.
The remaining add-ons are open to all hospitals who qualify and are applied as a percentage of the Medicare Federal Base Rate with Wage Index/GAF Adjustments and distributed on a sliding scale between the respective ceiling and floor.
The GME Medicaid hospital-specific cost add-on shall be an estimate of the cost per discharge for GME based on: Medicare approved GME program where legitimate GME expenses have been reported in accordance with Medicare's rules detailed in 42 C.F.R. § 413.75, et. seq. GME will be calculated when the following two criteria are met:
In rebasing years, for all in-state, Colorado DRG Hospitals (both PPS and non-PPS), the starting point for the Medicaid Inpatient base rate, as determined in Section 8.300.5.A.3.a - e, shall be adjusted by an equal percentage. This percentage shall be determined by the Department as required by the available funds appropriated by the General Assembly. Additionally, a 10% corridor has been implemented to prevent any hospital's inpatient base rate from increasing or decreasing more than 10% each rebasing year.
The Medicaid Inpatient base rates are rebased every other year as described in Section 8.300.5.A.3.a -f and are effective each July 1. In non-rebasing years, the Medicaid Inpatient base rates will be adjusted by the State Budget Action as set by Legislature and are effective each July 1. The Medicaid base rate shall be adjusted during the fiscal year, if necessary, based on appropriations available to the Department and/or adjustments necessary to balance the DRG payment equation.
The Medicaid Inpatient base rate for new in-state Colorado DRG Hospitals shall be the average Colorado Medicaid Inpatient base rate for their corresponding peer group. A Hospital is considered "new" until the next Inpatient rate rebasing year after the Hospital's contract effective date. For the next Inpatient rate rebasing year, the Hospital's Medicaid Inpatient base rate shall be equal to the rate as determined in Section 8.300.5.A.3-6. If the Hospital does not have a Medicare Inpatient base rate or a full year Medicare/Medicaid cost report to compute a starting point as described in Section 8.300.5.A.3.a, their initial rate shall be equal to the average Colorado Medicaid Inpatient base rate for their corresponding peer group.
The Medicaid Inpatient base rate for border-state Hospitals shall be equal to the average Medicaid Inpatient base rate for the corresponding peer group.
The Department shall reimburse State-Owned Psychiatric Hospitals on an interim basis according to a per diem rate. The Department will determine the per diem rate based on an estimate of 100% of Medicaid costs from the Hospital's Medicare cost report. Periodically, the Department will audit actual costs and may require a cost settlement to insure reimbursement is 100% of actual audited Medicaid costs.
The Department shall reimburse Long-Term Care, Rehabilitation, and Spine/Brain Injury Treatment Specialist Hospitals for inpatient services provided to Medicaid patients on a per diem basis. The per diem rates shall follow a step-down methodology based on length of stay, with a decrease of five (5) percent with each step. Each step shall be assigned a corresponding per diem rate based on historical Medicaid payment rates and evaluation of Hospital data concerning the relationship between Hospital costs and client length of stay. The Department may adjust hospital rates annually on July 1 to account for changes in funding by the General Assembly. The criteria for each of the steps are described below:
Excluding items that are reimbursed according to the Department's fee schedule, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges multiplied by the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 28%. When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a Hospital's Outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited Medicaid cost less 28% or billed charges less 28%.
Effective September 1, 2009, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 29.1 percent (29.1%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 29.1 percent (29.1%) or billed charges less 29.1 percent (29.1%).
Effective January 1, 2010, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 30 percent (30%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 30 percent (30%) or billed charges less 30 percent (30%).
Effective July 1, 2010, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 30.7 percent (30.7%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 30.7 percent (30.7%) or billed charges less 30.7 percent (30.7%).
Effective July 1, 2011, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 31.2 percent (31.2%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 31.2 percent (31.2%) or billed charges less 31.2 percent (31.2%).
Effective July 1, 2013, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 29.8 percent (29.8%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 29.8 percent (29.8%) or billed charges less 29.8 percent (29.8%).
Effective July 1, 2014, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 28.4 percent (28.4%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 28.4 percent (28.4%) or billed charges less 28.4 percent (28.4%).
Effective July 1, 2015, Outpatient Hospital Services are reimbursed on an interim basis at actual billed charges times the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio less 28 percent (28%). When the Department determines that the Medicare cost-to-charge ratio is not representative of a hospital's outpatient costs, the cost-to-charge ratio may be calculated using historical data. A periodic cost audit is done and any necessary retrospective adjustment is made to bring reimbursement to the lower of actual audited cost less 28 percent (28%) or billed charges less 28 percent (28%).
Effective October 31, 2016, DRG Hospitals will be reimbursed for Outpatient Hospital Services based on a system of Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping and a Hospital-specific Medicaid Outpatient base rate. The reimbursement for Outpatient Hospital Services shall be referred to as the EAPG Payment.
Excluding items that are reimbursed according to the Department's fee schedule, border-state Hospitals and out-of-network Hospitals, including out-of-state Hospitals, shall be paid 30% of billed charges for Outpatient Hospital Services. Consideration of additional reimbursement shall be made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with supporting documentation submitted by the Hospital.
Out-of-Network DRG Hospitals will be reimbursed for Outpatient Hospital Services based on the system of Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping described in Section 8.300.6.A.1. Such hospitals will be assigned to a Pediatric, Long Term Acute Care, or Rehabilitation peer group depending on hospital type. If a provider does not meet the criteria for any of the above peer groups, it will be assigned to a Rural or Urban peer group based on location. The hospital will receive a base rate of 90% of the average peer group rate as calculated from Colorado hospitals base rate statistics. Out-of-Network DRG Hospitals will periodically have their Medicaid Outpatient base rates adjusted as determined in Section 8.300.6.A.k.7.
Effective August 11, 2018, for services meeting the criteria of an Outpatient Hospital Specialty Drug that would have otherwise been compensated through the EAPG methodology, a hospital must submit a request for authorization to the Department prior to administration of the drug. If the request is approved, then the payment will be negotiated between the Department and the hospital on a case-by-case basis.
Pursuant to C.R.S. §25.5-5-509, effective July 8, 2022, payments for select Outpatient Hospital Opioid Antagonist Drugs that would have otherwise been compensated through the EAPG methodology will be reimbursed at either the lower of the billed charges or the fee schedule rate.
GME costs for Medicaid managed care clients shall be paid directly to qualifying Hospitals rather than to managed care organizations (MCOs).
A Hospital qualifies for a Family Medicine Residency Training Program payment when it is recognized by the Commission on Family Medicine and has at least 10 residents and interns. The Family Medicine Residency Training Program payment will only be made to Medicaid in-network Hospitals. For each program which qualifies under this section, the additional Inpatient Hospital payment will be calculated based upon historical data and paid in 12 equal monthly installments. The Family Medicine Residency Training Program payment is a fixed amount subject to annual appropriation by the General Assembly.
State University Teaching Hospitals shall receive a supplemental Inpatient Hospital payment for GME costs associated with Inpatient Hospital Services provided to Medicaid fee-for-service and managed care clients. The State University Teaching Hospital payment is calculated based on GME costs and estimated Medicaid discharges using the same methodology as that used to calculate the GME add-on to the Medicaid Inpatient base rate described in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.300.5.A.3.c ., and the GME payments to Hospitals for Medicaid managed care described in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.300.7 . The State University Teaching Hospital payment is a fixed amount subject to annual appropriation by the General Assembly.
All participating Hospitals are required to comply with utilization management and review, prior authorization requirements, audit and/or program integrity, and quality improvement activities administered by the Department's utilization review vendor, external quality review organization or other representative.
Care for Medicaid clients in hospital beds designated as swing beds shall be prior authorized and subject to the Continued Stay Review process in accordance with the criteria and procedures found in 10 CCR 2505-10, Sections 8.393 and 8.400 through 8.415. Prior authorization requires a level of care determination using the Uniform Long Term Care 100.2 and a Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) screening.
10 CCR 2505-10-8.300