Medicaid is always the payer of last resort; however, if the initial timely filing period expires because of delays by the third party insurer in providing third party payment or denial documentation, the claim will be considered timely if it is received within 60 days from the date of the third party payment or denial or within 365 days from the date of service, whichever occurs first. A copy of the third party payment voucher or letter of denial must be attached to the claim form or the claim will be denied.
If the initial timely filing period expires because of delays by the county in establishing recipient eligibility or because recipient eligibility is back-dated, the claim will be considered timely; if it is received within the applicable initial timely filing period from the date that the recipient appears on the state eligibility files. Each claim must be accompanied by an authorized notification from the county department of social services which verifies the delayed or retroactiave eligibility, and states the date when such action was entered on the eligibility system or the claim will be denied.
Denied and incorrectly paid claims may be resubmitted to the fiscal agent at any time during the initial timely filing period. However, if the initial timely filing period has expired, the fiscal agent must receive the rebill or adjustment/reconsideration request within 60 days from the latest Remittance Statement (RS) run date or the latest other written notification of adverse action. Copies of all Medicaid Remittance Statements and/or other written notifications of adverse action documenting initial and subsequent timely filing within the 60-day limit must be attached to the claim form or the rebill or request for adjustment/reconsideration will be denied.
A claim, whether filed for the first time, rebilled, or submitted for adjustment/reconsideration, is considered to be filed when the fiscal agent documents receipt of that claim. Dated claim signatures, certified mail receipts and postmarks, or internal office logs (computerized or manual), for example, shall not constitute filing for the purpose of meeting the timely filing requirements of this manual and the controlling federal regulations. The date of receipt is the date the fiscal agent receives the claim, as indicated by a date stamp, or an imprinted Transaction Control Number assigned by the automated claims processing system- on the claim.
If an original claim, a rebill of a denied claim, a request for adjustment of an incorrectly paid claim, or a request for reconsideration of a denied or incorrectly paid claim to the fiscal agent's Medicaid Exceptions Unit is not acknowledged in written/printed form within thirty (30) days, it is the responsibility of the provider to inquire concerning its status, or resubmit. The weekly Medicaid Remittance Statement shall be proper and sufficient notification of fiscal agent action resulting from any provider request or submittal.
10 CCR 2505-10-8.043