"administrator" means the administrator of the APCD appointed by the director of the department.
"APCD" means the Colorado All-Payer Claims Database.
"Alternative Payment Model (APM) file" means a detailed file that captures payments made to providers outside of the traditional fee-for-service model. This includes: Foundation Payments for Infrastructure and Operations, Pay for Reporting, Pay for Performance, Shared Savings, Shared Savings and Downside Risk, Risk Based Payments NOT Linked to Quality, Condition-Specific Population-Based Payment, Comprehensive Population-Based Payment, Integrated Finance and Delivery Systems, and Capitated Payments NOT Linked to Quality. APM files are submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"APM Contract Supplement file" means a file that captures qualitative information related to alternative arrangements between carriers and providers; submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"Anti-trust safety zone" means the exchange of information that antitrust agencies have identified as unlikely to raise substantial concerns if:
"control total file" means a file that captures aggregated data related to payments made to providers outside of the traditional fee-for-service model. This includes: Foundation Payments for Infrastructure and Operations, Pay for Reporting, Pay for Performance, Shared Savings, Shared Savings and Downside Risk, Risk Based Payments NOT Linked to Quality, Condition-Specific Population-Based Payment, Comprehensive Population-Based Payment, Integrated Finance and Delivery Systems, and Capitated Payments NOT Linked to Quality. APM files are submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"dental claims data file" means a file that includes data about dental claims and other encounter information, according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"department" means the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
"director" means the Executive Director of the department.
"eligibility data file" means a file that includes data about a person who receives health care coverage from a payer, according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as codified at 29 U.S.C. ch. 18.
"HIPAA" means the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, U.S.C. § 1320d - 1320d-8, and its implementing regulations, 45 C.F.R. Parts 160, 162 and 164, as may be amended.
"historic data" means eligibility data file(s), medical claims data file(s), pharmacy file(s) and provider file(s) for the period commencing January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2014 (except in the case of a self-insured employer-sponsored health plan, in which case, "historic data" shall mean, at minimum, such data file(s) for the period commencing January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015).
"medical claims data file" means a file that includes data about medical claims and other encounter information, according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"payer" means a private health care payer and a public health care payer.
"pharmacy benefit manager contract information file" means a file that includes information related to contracts between carriers and pharmacy benefit managers; and is submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"pharmacy file" means a file that includes data about prescription medications and claims filed by pharmacies, according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"PMPM" means Per Member Per Month and is submitted according to the requirements in the submission guide.
"prescription drug affordability board file" means a file that includes required information about prescription drugs as outlined in SB21-175; and is submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"Prescription Drug Rebate" means aggregated information regarding the total amount of any prescription drug rebates and other pharmaceutical manufacturer compensation or price concessions paid by pharmaceutical manufacturers to a payer or their pharmacy benefit manager(s).
"private health care payer" means an insurance carrier as defined in C.R.S. § 10-16-102(8) covering an aggregate of 1,000 or more enrolled lives in health coverage plans as defined in C.R.S. § 10-16-102(34). For purposes, of this regulation, "private health care payer" includes carriers, third-party administrators, administrative services only organizations, and pharmacy benefit managers offering health benefits plans under C.R.S. § 10-16-102(32)(a), dental, vision, pharmacy, Medicare Advantage, Medicare supplemental plans, limited benefit health insurance, or short-term limited-duration health insurance. For the purposes of this regulation, a "private health care payer" also means a self-insured employer-sponsored health or pharmacy plan covering an aggregate of 100 or more enrolled lives in Colorado if the employer is not subject to ERISA. It does not include a self-insured employer-sponsored health or pharmacy plan if the employer is subject to ERISA; carriers offering accident only; credit; benefits for long term care, home health care, community-based care, or any combination thereof under Article 19 of Title 10; disability income insurance; liability insurance including general liability insurance and automobile liability insurance; coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance; worker's compensation or similar insurance; or automobile medical payment insurance, specified disease, or hospital indemnity and other fixed indemnity insurance.
"protected health information" shall have the same meaning as in the HIPAA Privacy Rule in 45 C.F.R. § 160.103.
"provider file" means a file that includes additional information about the individuals and entities that submitted claims that are included in the medical claims file; and is submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"public health care payer" means the Colorado Medicaid program established under articles 4, 5 and 6 of title 25.5, C.R.S., the children's basic health plan established under article 8 of title 25.5, C.R.S. and Cover Colorado established under part 5 article 8 of title 10, C.R.S.
"self-funded employee health plans" means health plans where the financial risk associated with medical claims is held by the organization sponsoring the health coverage.
"submission guide" means the document entitled "Colorado All-Payer Claims Database Data Submission Guide" developed by the administrator that sets forth the required schedules, data file format, record specifications, data elements, definitions, code tables and edit specifications for payer submission of eligibility data files, medical, dental and pharmacy claims data files and provider data files in accordance with the APCD Data Submission Guide Version 16 dated March 2025 which document is hereby incorporated by reference.
"third party administrator (TPA)" or "administrative services only (APO)" means a business organization that performs administrative services for a health plan such as billing, plan design, claims processing, record keeping, and regulatory compliance activities.
"value-based purchasing contract file" means a file that includes information about pharmacy value-based purchasing contracts between carriers/PBMs and drug manufacturers; and is submitted according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
"vision claims data file" means a file that includes data about vision claims and other encounter information, according to the requirements contained in the submission guide.
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Medical Services Board Coordinator
303 E 17th Avenue, Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80203
Copies of material shall be provided by the department, at cost, upon request.
10 CCR 2505-5-1.200