The incorporation by reference (as indicated within) throughout section 1.020 excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced materials. Pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-4-103 (12.5) the Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety available for public inspection during regular business hours, at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203. Certified copies of incorporated materials are provided at cost upon request.
Incorporated materials are found in the following sections: and
The definitions set forth at section 1.010.1 of these rules are also applicable to this section 1.020.
These rules are the administrative rules for County Departments concerning the operations and the administration of Medical Assistance by County Departments, including but not limited to administrative internal controls, County Department Director responsibilities and oversight of compliance by the County Department with State Department and federal requirements. The State Department's authority for County Administrative rules is as allowed by C.R.S. §§25.5-1-114 and 117 -122.
The County Department is charged with the responsibility for administering all Medical Assistance Program activities in accordance with rules established by the State Department. The County Department will only be reimbursed for payments under the Colorado Medical Assistance Act and the administration of these programs if said programs are administered in accordance with the State Department rules as well as all other applicable federal, State, and local laws, rules and regulations.
There are many federal, State, and local laws, rules and regulations that govern the administration of grants, the employment of personnel, and the health and safety of our lands and the general population. When in doubt as to the existence, applicability, or intent of any law, rule or regulation, County Department personnel shall make inquiries with the State Department and/or the applicable federal department or agency.
The County Board of Social/Human Services shall consist of the board of the county commissioners in each county.
The County Board shall perform its Medical Assistance duties, responsibilities, and activities separate and apart from the duties and responsibilities of the board of county commissioners and in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the State Department for the administration of Medical Assistance activities in the counties.
The County Board shall cooperate with the State and federal government in any reasonable manner, in conformity with the laws of the State, which may be necessary to qualify for federal aid, including the preparation of plans, making reports in such form and containing such information as any federal agency may require from time to time, and compliance with such provisions as the federal government may from time to time find necessary to assure correctness and verification of the reports.
The County Board shall appoint a County Department Director or shall appoint someone acting in the capacity of a director. At no time will the County Department be without the services of a director or an acting director.
One member of the County Board shall sign all warrants or one member of the County Board shall have their facsimile signature on all social/human services warrants. In the case of a facsimile signature there shall be detailed written procedures that set forth internal administrative controls and internal accounting controls surrounding the application of the facsimile signature.
One member of the County Board, who shall be designated by resolution for that purpose, shall review and approve in writing the expenditure of salaries and expenses prior to the disbursement of funds. Such written approvals shall indicate the approval of the board of county commissioners and the County Board.
The County Board is ultimately responsible for the preparation, content, completion and/or distribution of materially correct financial statements of the social/human services fund prepared by the County Department staff, or outside entities.
The County Department Director shall serve as secretary to the County Board unless the County Board otherwise appoints a secretary.
The County Department Director shall be charged with the executive and administrative duties and responsibilities of the County Department, subject to the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Department.
The County Department Director, with the approval of the County Board, shall appoint such staff as may be necessary to administer Medical Assistance within the County Department. Such staff shall be appointed and shall serve in accordance with a merit system for the selection, retention, and promotion of the County Department employees as described in the county merit system. The salaries of the members of such staff shall be fixed in accordance with the rules and salary schedules prescribed by the county merit system. The county merit system shall conform to the Code of Colorado Regulations, 9 CCR 2502-1, Volume 2, and 5 CFR 900.601. 9 CCR 2502-1, Volume 2 (2021) and 5 CFR 900.601 (2021) are hereby incorporated by reference into this rule.
Required Trainings include those specified in section . and include trainings related to eligibility determination, the eligibility determination system and other trainings as communicated by the State Department.
The County Department Director shall be responsible for organizing operations and staff functions to assure the effectiveness and efficiencies of operations of the County Department and compliance with applicable State and federal requirements, laws, and regulations. The County Department Director shall establish adequate internal controls that include, but are not limited to:
The County Departments shall use the State of Colorado automated statewide financial, member and/or provider information systems. These systems are designed to collect and store financial records and program data; assist with eligibility and payment determinations; generate forms and reports; create electronic benefit authorizations; and add to, delete, or make changes to the information on file.
The County Departments shall only grant access to the use of State of Colorado statewide member information systems to County Department employees whose duties are directly related to the administration of Medical Assistance or unless approval is otherwise granted by the State Department.
Medical Assistance data within statewide member and/or provider information automated systems is considered owned by the State of Colorado. All usage of Medical Assistance data from the statewide automated systems is subject to approval by the State Department. If usage of Medical Assistance data is determined to be non-compliant with State Department requirements, the State Department may require corrective actions as specified in section 1.020.11 (Non-Compliance Findings and Action Plan Processes) of these rules.
Medical Assistance data used by County Departments for the purpose of administering the Medical Assistance program on behalf of the State Department shall be protected at a minimum according to the Colorado Information Security Policies as determined by the Chief Information Security Officer in the Governor's Office of Information Technology or a higher federal standard, if applicable.
Medical Assistance data originating from statewide member and/or provider information automated systems shall be used only by those County Department employees whose job duties pertain to the administration of Medical Assistance. Medical Assistance data will not be shared except under those conditions as specified by the State Department. If sharing of Medical Assistance data is determined to be non-compliant with State Department requirements, the State Department may require corrective actions as specified in section 1.020.11 (Non-Compliance Findings and Action Plan Processes) of these rules.
For all automated systems originating from or purchased by the County Departments, the County Department shall:
Pursuant to federal and State law, Medical Assistance program regulations and State of Colorado privacy guidance, information collected and maintained in the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) is private and confidential. Information, which is collected or created by the County Departments, acting as the statutory agent for the State Department for the administration of the Medical Assistance program, is confidential information and shall be protected from disclosure by the County Departments. The County Departments, as agents of the State Department, shall comply with 42 CFR § 431.300, et seq, which regulates the use and disclosure of information used to determine eligibility for the Medical Assistance program. Access to financial data shall be role-based and only permitted for the administration of the Medical Assistance program. The County Departments may, to the extent that they are able to de-identify information in compliance with HIPAA, release fiscal data, budgets, financial statements and reports that do not identify a beneficiary. The counties may only disclose de-identified information pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), if the county's legal advisor has declared the records subject to release under CORA
Information secured and stored by the County Department for the purpose of conducting the administration of Medicaid or other Medical Assistance programs, such as for determining eligibility, is deemed confidential.
Unless disclosure is specifically permitted by the State Department, the following types of information are the exclusive property of and are restricted to use by the State Department and the County Departments for the purpose of administration of the Medical Assistance program:
No one outside the County Department shall have access to records of the County Department, including records collected for or held in CBMS.
County Department employees who are acting as the agent of the State Department shall have access to confidential records when they are performing work pursuant to 42 CFR § 431.302. These individuals shall have access only for purposes necessary for the administration of Medical Assistance programs.
Federal and State auditors and private auditors for the County Department, and the applicant/recipient of public assistance and their legal representative may also have access when they comply with HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2 and all other federal and state statutes and regulations which regulate the privacy of Medical Assistance information.
The County Department Director shall assure that the County Department has available all necessary and complete records for audit purposes and that adequate prior years' expenditure documents are maintained for use in the budgeting process.
Medical Assistance data of any form shall be retained for the current year, plus three previous years unless:
County Departments shall administer Medical Assistance programs in such a manner that no person will, on the basis of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability, be excluded from participation, be denied any aid, care, services, or other benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in such program. Aid, care, services or other benefits includes all forms of assistance, including direct and vendor payments, work programs, social services, and information and referral services.
The County Department shall not, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, on the grounds of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability:
No discrimination on the grounds of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability is permitted in relation to:
The County Department shall assure that other agencies, persons, contractors and other entities with which it does business are in compliance with the above prohibition of discrimination requirements on a continuing basis. The County Department staff are responsible for being alert to any discriminatory activity of other agencies and for notifying the State Department concerning the situation.
The State Department, through its various contacts with agencies, persons, and referral sources, will be continuously alert to discriminatory activity and will take appropriate action to assure compliance by the offender. If corrective action is not taken, the State Department will notify the agency of termination of payments and association in regard to recipients or applicants. The County Department, on notification by the State Department, will also terminate payments to or association with any agency, person, or resource being used which has been found to continue discriminatory activity in regard to applicants or recipients.
An individual who believes he or she is being discriminated against may file a complaint with the County Department, the State Department, or directly with the federal government. When a complaint is filed with the County Department, the County Department Director is responsible for an immediate investigation of the matter and taking necessary corrective action to eliminate any discriminatory activities found. If such activities are not found, the individual shall be given an explanation. If the person is not satisfied, he or she is requested to direct his or her complaint, in writing, to the State Department, which will be responsible for further investigation and other necessary action consistent with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which are hereby incorporated by reference into this rule.
Upon receipt of a complaint alleging discrimination by the County Department due to race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability, the State Department shall explain the Medical Assistance programs non-discrimination policy to the individual. If there is insufficient information as to the nature or other detail concerning the complaint, the State Department shall contact the County Department in writing to obtain such information. Copies of the letter shall be sent to the complainant. The County Department shall reply in writing.
If the State Department determines the County Department action is not discriminatory and the applicant/recipient disagrees, the applicant/recipient has the right to appeal the case to the State Department. This appeal shall be filed in accordance with the appeal rules as described in the "Protections to the Individual,"9 CCR 2503-6 Section 3.609.94.
If it is found that a County Department practice or action is discriminatory, the State Department shall initiate a corrective action per section 1.020.11 to assure that any and all discriminatory practices are permanently terminated.
In an effort to comply with 28 C.F.R § 42.410, 45 C.F.R. § 84.7 and state statute, County Departments are required to appoint an Individual as the Civil Rights Contact Person ("Contact Person") to assist in administering Medical Assistance programs and practices in accordance with the above referenced civil rights laws. The Contact Person will perform the following responsibilities:
County Departments are required to post the State Department's Nondiscrimination Statement (or substantially similar notice) in a conspicuous place and in appropriate languages (at minimum both English and Spanish). Recommended locations are reception areas, intake areas or other key entry points. The State Department will provide copies of the Nondiscrimination Statement to the various County Department programs. County Departments may also develop and utilize their own nondiscrimination policy statement, as long it subscribes to federal laws and regulations.
County Departments are required to adhere to the regulations/guidelines established by the various Federal departments providing Federal financial assistance through the State Department. Questions regarding compliance with such regulations/guidelines may be made directly to the following Federal departments:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights
1961 Stout Street, Room 08-148
Denver, CO 80294-3538
Voice Phone: (800) 368-1019
FAX: (202) 619-3818
TDD: (800) 537-7697
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310
Denver, CO 80204-3582
Voice Phone: 303-844-5695
FAX: 303-844-4303
TDD: 303-877-8339
U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Mail Stop 9410
Washington, DC 20250-9410
Voice Phone: 202-260-1026
Toll-free: 866-632-9992
Local or Federal relay: 800-877-8339
Spanish relay: 800-845-6136
Fax: 202-690-7442
Fair Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
1670 Broadway
Denver, Colorado 80202-4801
Voice Phone: (303) 672-5437
Toll-free: 1-800-877 -7353
TDD: (303) 672-5248
County Departments should develop a member Civil Rights Plan that outlines how they will ensure members, potential members, employees, and others that their programs and services are provided without regard to race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability. This plan should identify how the availability of auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities and languages services to individuals whose first language is not English will be communicated and their complaint filing process.
In recognition of the fact that complaints may vary in kind and complexity, the County Department should conduct an investigation appropriate to each complaint. Investigative procedures will depend on the nature and extent of the discrimination alleged and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. Appropriate investigative procedures may include informal review or a formal investigation. Investigations should be conducted in a timely manner.
County Departments and recipients of services are expected to cooperate in all phases of an investigation and ensuing actions. Retaliation against the person filing the complaint or persons participating or cooperating in the Investigation is prohibited by federal law.
The complainant and the person against whom the allegation was made should be informed of the completion of the investigation and whether the allegations were substantiated.
If, after an investigation is concluded, there is reason to believe that the federal laws referenced above have been violated, or that there was inappropriate behavior or action, the State Department will strive to obtain the cooperation necessary to ensure that satisfactory resolutions in accordance with federal and state statutes are utilized.
The State Department has a statutory responsibility to ensure timely and accurate communications to applicants and recipients of the Medical Assistance program. The County Department, as an agent of the state, is also bound by this requirement. Medical Assistance-specific communications issued by the County Department to applicants and enrollees are considered communications issued by the Medical Assistance program, which also must be timely and accurate. Such communications issued by the County Department are subject to review and approval by the State Department to ensure timeliness and accuracy.
Communications subject to review by the State Department include written and electronic notices and forms provided to applicants or recipients of the Medical Assistance program as part of ongoing operations of the County Department.
The State Department may, at its discretion, review communications issued by County Departments sent through various communication mediums such as websites, online postings, or social media for timeliness and accuracy.
County Department communications deemed by the State Department to be untimely and/or inaccurate shall be issued a finding of non-compliance and will be subject to the corrective action processes as described in section 1.020.11 (Non-Compliance Findings and Action Plan Processes) by the State Department.
The County Department shall designate a point-of-contact to the State Department for communications and information sharing. This contact is responsible for coordinating with the County Department's public information officer, webmaster, and other communications staff.
This section and sections 1.020.10, 1.020.11, and 1.020.12 authorize the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to enter into informal and formal corrective action plans for non-financial findings of non-compliance identified by the State Department through audits, quality assurance and compliance checks.
County Departments shall promptly respond to and comply with State Department requests related to federal and State audit requirements, such as Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control (MEQC), Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM), Office of the State Auditor (OSA), Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audits and any other required federal or State audit.
All County Department eligibility determinations and actions performed to administer Medical Assistance programs are subject to review by the State Department Quality Assurance Program. The County Departments shall comply with all State Department Quality Assurance Program requirements and any other federal or state audits.
County Departments shall implement appropriate quality assurance measures for activities and expenditures utilizing state and federal funding for the purposes of the administration of Medical Assistance.
To ensure compliance with State and federal rules, the State Department may conduct desk reviews and site audits of County Departments. Desk reviews and site audits may review any aspect of a County Department's administration of the Medical Assistance program.
At the request of the State Department, the County Department shall submit a self-report audit or self-review data. This County Department self-report audit or self-review data is subject to Post-Audits by the State Department to verify the accuracy of the data.
Failure by the County Department to comply with any aspect of this section 1.020.10. (Audits, Quality Assurance and Reviews) shall result in action plan processes as described in section 1.020.11 (Non-Compliance Findings and Action Plan Processes).
After conducting an audit or review as specified in section 1.020.10 . (Audits, Quality Assurance, and Reviews), the State Department shall issue any unresolved findings of non-compliance through Management Decision Letters. Findings of non-compliance will be grouped into the following categories:
Non-compliance with administrative requirements, including missing or incomplete policies, procedures, or processes; legal non-compliance; or other types of non-compliance not defined below.
Non-compliance with quality assurance, audit, or review requirements set forth in 1.020.10.
Non-compliance with performance measures as determined by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
The State Department will provide a copy of any Management Decision Letter regarding findings of non-compliance that may lead to corrective actions or fiscal sanctions as described in this section 1.020.11 (Non-Compliance Findings and Action Plan Processes) to the County Department Director.
When addressing non-compliance by the County Department that may lead to or has resulted in the issuance of a Management Decision Letter, the State Department shall require the County Department to submit an action plan to address the non-compliance identified. The State Department shall specify to the County Department the type of action plan that is required to be implemented.
An informal plan implemented with technical assistance to address non-compliance and/or performance that may lead to non-compliance. This type of plan is not subject to fiscal sanctions as defined in section 1.020.12 . The State Department may convert a Tier 1 Improvement Action Plan to a Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan for any Tier 1 plans that have failed to be adequately or timely implemented.
A formal plan implemented with technical assistance to address non-compliance and/or performance that may lead to non-compliance. This type of plan is subject to fiscal sanctions as defined in section 1.020.12 . The State Department may communicate with the County Board regarding any Tier 2 Corrective Action Plans.
Upon request of the State Department, the County Department shall complete a Tier 1 Improvement Action Plan or Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan. The Tier 1 or Tier 2 Action Plan submitted by the County Department shall include:
Description, in writing, of how both the individual and systemic root cause of each non-compliance issue has been previously corrected; the date in which the correction took place; the staff involved in the correction; and documentation supporting the correction that took place.
Plan, in writing, explaining how each root cause, both individual and systemic, of the non-compliance issue will be corrected. Such a plan must contain the following information for each non-compliance issue:
The corrective action plan should proceed as rapidly as possible to correct all non-compliance.
compliance will be completed.
The County Department may request technical assistance from the State Department in developing either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan. This request must occur within 15 calendar days of notification to the County Department of the requirement to complete a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan.
If notified of the requirement to complete a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Action Plan, the County Department shall complete such Plan within 30 calendar days of receiving notification from the State Department.
If the County Department needs additional time to develop a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Action Plan, the County Department Director must submit a request electronically to the State Department at specifying the new timeframe requested and providing an explanation for the extension request.
The State Department will review the request for time extension within five business days of receipt and respond to the County Department Director.
Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the proposed Tier 1 or Tier 2 action plan from the County Department, the State Department will review and either accept or reject the proposed Tier 1 or Tier 2 Action Plan.
If the submitted Tier 1 or Tier 2 action plan is accepted by the State Department, the County Department Director will be notified electronically of the approval within ten calendar days and implementation of the plan may begin immediately.
If the submitted Tier 1 or Tier 2 action plan is rejected by the State Department, the County Department Director will be notified electronically of the decision and will be required to resubmit a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan after participating in technical assistance provided by the State Department to address the individual and systemic root cause of non-compliance.
The County Department is required to successfully complete an initial technical assistance meeting within 15 calendar days of receipt of the Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan rejection.
If the County Department cannot complete the initial technical assistance meeting within 15 calendar days, the State Department will review the request for time extension within five business days of receipt and respond to the County Department Director.
Upon acceptance of the Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan, the State Department begins monitoring the implementation of the plan. Monitoring may include but is not limited to routine reviews of reports, field observations, periodic check-ins, plan amendments, and technical assistance.
The State Department will verify that the County Department has complied with the approved Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan. The County Department shall submit any documentation needed to verify compliance with the accepted Plan.
If the State Department has verified that the County Department has not complied with the accepted Tier 1 or Tier 2 Plan, then:
The first notification of fiscal sanctions due to non-compliance on a Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan shall be sent to the County Department Director sixty calendar days prior to the implementation of fiscal sanctions. The first notification shall include the dollar amount of fiscal sanctions, or any other sanction implemented per section 1.020.12 and the date the sanction will be implemented. The County Department shall have thirty calendar days after notification of fiscal sanctions to cure non-compliance with the Tier 2 Plan to avoid implementation of fiscal sanctions.
The second notification of fiscal sanctions due to non-compliance on a Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan shall be sent to the County Department Director thirty calendar days prior to the implementation of fiscal sanctions. The second notification shall include the dollar amount of fiscal sanctions, or any other sanction implemented per section 1.020.12 and the date the sanction will be implemented. The County Department shall have 15 calendar days to cure non-compliance with the Tier 2 Plan to avoid fiscal sanctions.
The third notification of fiscal sanctions due to non-compliance on a Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan shall be sent to the County Department Director five (5) calendar days prior to the implementation of fiscal sanctions. The third notification shall include the dollar amount of fiscal sanctions, or any other sanction implemented per section 1.020.12 and the date the sanction will be implemented. After receiving a third notification, the County Department will no longer be able to cure non-compliance with the Tier 2 Plan and fiscal sanctions will be implemented.
Compliance with the Tier 2 Plan after fiscal sanctions have been implemented shall cure the non-compliance with the Tier 2 Plan but will not reverse fiscal sanctions implemented from non-compliance.
Upon completion of a Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan and verification of completion by the State Department, a closure letter will be sent to the County Department Director.
The County Department shall appeal any first or second notification of non-compliance within the timeframe specified in section (Non-Compliance with Accepted Plan) by sending an electronic communication to the State Department at The basis for the appeal shall be limited to a factual error in the report or an incorrect interpretation of law, rule, or regulations. The County Department may submit documents or evidence with its appeal. The third notification of non-compliance is not subject to appeal by the County Department. Within 10 calendar days of receiving the appeal, the State Department shall issue a final decision in writing, which will be sent electronically to the County Department Director. The effective date of the final decision is the date it is signed.
If the County Department does not meet the requirements of 10 CCR 2505-10 sections 8.000, 8.100, 8.400, 8.500, 8.940 through 8.943, and 8.1000; 10 CCR 2505-5 section 1.010 and 1.020; or 10 CCR 2505-3 sections 100, 300, 400, and 600; or fails to comply with an approved Tier 2 Corrective Action Plan as described in section (Improvement Action Plans and Corrective Action Plans), the State Department may impose the following sanctions:
10 CCR 2505-5-1.020