This enforcement remedy allows the State Controller's Office to intercept monies from vendors/contractors who perform work for the State of Colorado and owe child support arrearages.
The Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Child Support Services, is the single point of contact between Child Support Services and the State Controller's Office.
Obligors shall be selected for referral on their court order when the monthly support obligation is not paid in full.
The selection criteria is applied to each court order and subsequent court orders for the obligor. When a match is made between the obligor record and the vendor offset table, the county child support services worker will be notified electronically through the automated child support system. The vendor offset table is maintained by the controller's office and lists all vendors used by the State of Colorado.
When the county child support services worker is notified that the case has been selected for vendor offset, he/she shall review the case to ensure that the ledger balances are correct. If the county child support services worker determines that vendor offset is not appropriate for the case, an electronic message must be sent through the automated child support system to the "SEU VO" mailbox to request suppression. The case will remain suppressed until the county child support services worker electronically requests the Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Child Support Services, lift the suppression.
The Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Child Support Services, generates a Notice of State Vendor Payment Offset when there is a match with the obligor with the vendor table and the match is not suppressed by the county Child Support Services Unit. The obligor has thirty calendar days from the generation date of the Notice of State Vendor Payment Offset to take one of the following actions to stop the intercept of the vendor payment:
All changes or other actions taken shall be documented in the automated child support system by the county child support services worker.
9 CCR 2504-1-6.907