Heating Fuel Assistance Program applicants shall submit a completed application form as defined in the "Definitions" section 3.751.1 of these rules to the county department in order to be considered for Heating Fuel Assistance Program benefits. The county department/Contractor shall not require office interviews for purposes of determining eligibility.
If the requested verification is provided after the application is denied, the county or contractor shall reopen and complete processing of the application within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt. The requested verification must be received by June 15th of the current program year.
If a household reports to the county/Contractor that it has mailed or otherwise made application for basic benefits and the county department/Contractor cannot locate the application for the household, such application shall be deemed "lost". The procedures for handling "lost" applications shall be prescribed by the State Department. The client must notify the county/Contractor of the lost application no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the submission date.
A county department/contractor shall have up to thirty (30) calendar days from the date of application as defined in section 3.751.1 of these rules to determine eligibility. The date of application is considered day zero (0). If the thirtieth (30) day falls on a weekend or a holiday, the county/contractor shall have until close of business on the following business day to determine eligibility.
Emergency applications for households shall be processed expeditiously and eligibility determined within eighteen (18) calendar days of notification of the emergency by the applicant to the county department/contractor. To allow for the full two (2) weeks for households to return requested verification, cases pending verification must not be denied prior to the fifteenth (15th) day in which the request has been mailed out. If the eighteenth (18) day falls on a weekend or holiday the eligibility determination shall be processed by the close of business the next business day.
Emergency applications for households shall be processed as expeditiously as possible not to exceed eighteen (18) calendar days.
Upon determination of eligibility, the household shall be notified in writing of approval or denial in accordance with the notice requirements in these rules.
The county of residence for applicant households shall be the county where the applicant household is residing as of the date of application. An application received from a non-resident of the county shall be forwarded to the county Department of Human Services in the county of residence or contractor in the county of residence within five (5) working days. Processing time begins upon receipt of the application by the county Department of Human Services in the county of residence or contractor in the county of residence. The county forwarding the application shall, simultaneously, notify the applicant household, in writing, of the name, address, and phone number of the county Department of Human Services to which the application was forwarded.
If the application is not forwarded within five (5) working days to the county Department of Human Services in the county of residence or contractor in the county of residence the receiving county department of human services will work the application to completion. If the receiving county department of human services pends the application prior to forwarding the application to the county Department of Human Services in the county of residence or contractor in the county of residence, the receiving county department of human services will work the application to completion.
If an approved household moves from one county to another within Colorado, the original county of residence in which eligibility was determined, shall remain responsible for processing that case throughout the program year. The new county of residence shall provide assistance to the case processing county as requested. If an applicant then applies in the new county of residence, the application shall be denied, and the applicant notified that benefits will be paid by the original county.
An applicant who voluntarily withdraws his/her application prior to eligibility being determined shall be denied. The applicant may notify the county either in writing or verbally that they are voluntarily withdrawing their application. Verbal notice must be documented in the report of contact (ROC).
An applicant who cannot be located prior to eligibility being determined shall be denied. The county/Contractor must attempt to locate the applicant by mailing a forwardable letter to the last known address. If the applicant does not respond within fifteen (15) business days, the application shall be denied.
For purposes of advance payment, notices of denial shall advise the applicants of the reason for denial, appeal rights and procedures including, but not limited to, a hearing.
9 CCR 2503-7-3.756