1 Colo. Code Regs. § 212-3-6-905

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 1 CCR 212-3-6-905 - Licensed Hospitality Businesses: General Provisions

Basis and Purpose - 6-905

The statutory authority for this rule includes but is not limited to sections 44-10-202(1), 44-10-203(2)(ff), 44-10-305(2)(b), 44-10-609, and 44-10-610, C.R.S. The purpose of this rule is to establish general provisions for Licensed Hospitality Businesses.

A.Privileges Granted. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall only exercise those privileges granted pursuant to the Marijuana Code and these Rules.
B.Local Approval Required. No Licensed Hospitality Business may operate in a Local Jurisdiction that does not have an ordinance or resolution authorizing the operation of that type of Licensed Hospitality Business within the Local Jurisdiction. A Licensed Hospitality Business must comply with any requirements or restrictions on its operations imposed by the Local Jurisdiction's ordinance or resolution.
C.Liability Insurance Required. Licensed Hospitality Businesses are required to carry general liability insurance. If a Licensed Hospitality Business has not obtained general liability insurance at the time of its initial license application, it must obtain general liability insurance prior to submitting the Licensee's first renewal application.
D.Responsible Vendor Training Required. All Controlling Beneficial Owners and employees of a Licensed Hospitality Business shall have a valid responsible vendor designation as required in section 44-10-609, C.R.S., and described in the 3-500 Series Rules.
E.No Visible Consumption of Regulated Marijuana. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall ensure that the display and consumption of any marijuana is not visible from outside of its Licensed Premises. The requirement in this paragraph (E) also applies to Licensed Hospitality Businesses that operate in an isolated portion of a Retail Food Establishment. See Rule 6-915 - Licensed Hospitality Businesses: Operation Within A Retail Food Establishment.
1.Outdoor Consumption Areas Permitted. A Licensed Hospitality Business may have a Consumption Area outdoors under the following conditions:
a. The Licensed Hospitality Business shall ensure that all marijuana is kept out of plain sight and is not visible from a public place without the use of optical aids, such as telescopes or binoculars, or aircraft; and
b. The Licensed Hospitality Business shall ensure that the Consumption Area is surrounded by a sight-obscuring wall, fence, hedge, or other opaque or translucent barrier.
F.Required Signage.
1.Identification of Consumption Area. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall ensure all areas ingress and egress to the Consumption Area(s) be clearly identified by the posting of a sign which shall not be less than 12 inches wide and 12 inches long, composed of letters not less than a half inch in height, which shall state, "Consumption Area - No One Under 21 Years of Age Allowed."
2.Required Warning. Licensed Hospitality Businesses must post, at all times and in a prominent place inside the Consumption Area, a warning that is at minimum twelve inches high and twelve inches wide that reads as follows:

"Must be 21 or older to enter

Marijuana may only be consumed in designated areas out of public view

No consumption of alcohol or tobacco products on site

We reserve the right to refuse entry or service for reasons including visible intoxication

It is against the law to drive while impaired by marijuana"

G.Entry By A Person Under 21 Years Prohibited. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall not allow any individual under 21 years of age to enter its Licensed Premises. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall verify that every individual entering the Licensed Premises has a valid government-issued photo identification showing that the individual is 21 years of age or older. See Rule 3-405 - Acceptable Forms of Identification.
H.Customers in Consumption Area. The Consumption Area must be reasonably monitored by a Licensee at all times when consumers are present to ensure that only persons who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to enter. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall reasonably monitor consumers in the Consumption Area to ensure compliance with these 6-900 Series Rules.
I.Conduct on the Licensed Premises.
1.Consumption By Intoxicated Patrons Prohibited. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall not permit the Transfer, the use, or consumption of marijuana by any person displaying any visible signs of intoxication.
2.Alcohol Consumption Prohibited. No consumption of alcohol is permitted in a Licensed Hospitality Business. A Licensed Hospitality Business is responsible for preventing the consumption of alcohol within its Licensed Premises.
3.Tobacco Consumption Prohibited. No smoking of tobacco or tobacco products is permitted in a Licensed Hospitality Business. A Licensed Hospitality Business is responsible for preventing the smoking of tobacco and tobacco products within its Licensed Premises.
4.Employee Consumption Prohibited. No employee of a Licensed Hospitality Business who is on duty may use or consume marijuana. A Licensed Hospitality Business is responsible for preventing the use or consumption of marijuana by on-duty employees within its Licensed Premises.
5.Flammable Instrument Restrictions. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall not allow the use of the following devices in the Licensed Premises if prohibited by a local ordinance or resolution:
a. Any device using liquid petroleum gas;
b. A butane torch;
c. A butane lighter; or
d. Matches.
6.Orderliness. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall operate the business in a decent, orderly, and respectable manner. A Licensed Hospitality Business shall not knowingly permit any activity or acts of disorderly conduct as defined by and provided for in section 18-9-106, C.R.S., nor shall a Licensed Hospitality Business permit rowdiness, undue noise, or other disturbances or activity offensive to the senses of the average citizen, or to the residents of the neighborhood in which the Licensed Hospitality Business is located.
J.Free Marijuana Prohibited. A Licensed Hospitality Business may not give away marijuana to a consumer for any reason.
K.Food Products Permitted. A Licensed Hospitality Business is permitted to sell or give away consumable products that do not contain marijuana under the following circumstances:
1. The Licensed Hospitality Business operates in an isolated portion of a Retail Food Establishment;
2. A Licensed Hospitality Business that is not a Retail Food Establishment may prepare and serve hot coffee, hot tea, instant hot beverages, and nonpotentially hazardous doughnuts or pastries obtained from sources complying with all laws related to food and food labeling; or
3. A Licensed Hospitality Business that is not a Retail Food Establishment may sell or give away nonpotentially hazardous prepackaged food and commercially prepared, prepackaged foods requiring no preparation other than the heating of food within its original container or package.
L.Emergency Entry by Public Safety Personnel. If an emergency requires law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical service providers, or other public safety personnel to enter the Licensed Premises of a Licensed Hospitality Business, the Licensed Hospitality Business is responsible for ensuring that all consumption and other activities, including sales, if applicable, cease until such personnel have completed their investigation or services and have left the Licensed Premises.
M.Criminal Activity Reporting Requirements. In addition to other reporting requirements set forth in these Rules, a Licensed Hospitality Business must report directly to the Division any criminal activity requiring an in-person response from law enforcement. Any report required under this Rule must be submitted within 48 hours after an Owner Licensee or Employee Licensee of the Licensed Hospitality Business learns of the event.
N.Removal of Persons from the Licensed Premises. A Licensed Hospitality Business may remove a person from the Licensed Premises for any reason, including but not limited to, any consumer showing any visible signs of intoxication.
O.Control and Disposal of Marijuana Left by a Consumer. A Licensed Hospitality Business is responsible for the collection and disposal of any marijuana left on the Licensed Premises by a consumer. When a consumer leaves any marijuana on the Licensed Premises, a Licensed Hospitality Business must promptly collect and remove the marijuana from the Restricted Access Area or Consumption Area and either immediately destroy or store and secure the marijuana in a Limited Access Area or an area inaccessible to consumers in accordance with Rule 6-920(A).
1.Marijuana Consumer Waste. In conjunction with the collecting and securing of any remaining marijuana, a Licensed Hospitality Business may segregate any Marijuana Consumer Waste in order to Transfer the Marijuana Consumer Waste for purposes of recycling in accordance with Rule 3-240 - Collection of Marijuana Consumer Waste.
2.Destruction Required. At, or before, the end of each business day, a Licensed Hospitality Business shall destroy any marijuana left on its Licensed Premises by a consumer in conformance with Rule 3-230 - Waste Disposal. The Licensed Hospitality Business shall document any destruction of Regulated Marijuana in a waste log. See Rule 3-905 - Business Records Required.
P.Consumer Education Materials. A Licensed Hospitality Business must provide Consumer Education Materials regarding the safe consumption of marijuana. Consumer Education Materials may be made available in print or digital form, may never make claims regarding health or physical benefits of marijuana, and must be prominently displayed. Consumer Education Materials shall at a minimum include the following statement:

"WARNING: Using marijuana, in any form, while you are pregnant or breastfeeding passes THC to your baby and may be harmful to your baby. There is no known safe amount of marijuana use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Create a transportation plan ahead of time. Don't operate a vehicle impaired.

Impairing effects of marijuana may be delayed."

Q. Licensees shall provide consumers with information regarding safe transportation, which must be reflected in the Licensee's standard operating procedures and posted on the Licensed Premises.
R.Noncompliance Severity. In addition to any mitigating or aggravating factors in Rule 8-235(C), a Licensee's lack of internal controls to effectively monitor conduct on the Licensed Premises, including prevention of underage access, compliance with sales limits, and preventing consumption of alcohol will be considered as aggravating factors when determining the appropriate recommendation for disciplinary action and the State Licensing Authority's appropriate determination of a penalty.

1 CCR 212-3-6-905

42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 1/1/2020
43 CR 21, November 10, 2020, effective 1/1/2021
44 CR 07, April 10, 2021, effective 5/1/2021
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 8/1/2021
44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/1/2022
45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 12/1/2022
46 CR 23, December 10, 2023, effective 1/8/2024