1 Colo. Code Regs. § 212-3-6-410

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 1 CCR 212-3-6-410 - Retail Marijuana Testing Facilities: General Limitations or Prohibited Acts

Basis and Purpose - 6-410

The statutory authority for this rule includes but is not limited to sections 44-10-202(1)(a), 44-10-202(1)(b), 44-10-202(1)(c), 44-10-203(1)(a), 44-10-203(1)(c), 44-10-203(1)(k), 44-10-203(2)(c), 44-10-203(2)(d), 44-10-202(4), 44-10-203(2)(h), 44-10-203(2)(y), 44-10-203(3)(c), 44-10-203(2)(d), 44-10-401(2)(b)(IV), 44-10-604, 44-10-701, 35-61-104, and 35-61-105.5, C.R.S. The purpose of this rule is to clarify those acts that are limited in some fashion, or prohibited, by a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility. This Rule 6-410 was previously Rule R 702, 1 CCR 212-2.

A.Prohibited Financial Interest. A Person who is Controlling Beneficial Owner or Passive Beneficial of a Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facility, Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturer, Retail Marijuana Store, Medical Marijuana Store, Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility, or a Medical Marijuana Products Manufacturer shall not be a Controlling Beneficial Owner or Passive Beneficial Owner of a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility.
B.Conflicts of Interest. The Retail Marijuana Testing Facility shall establish policies to prevent the existence of or appearance of undue commercial, financial, or other influences that may diminish the competency, impartiality, and integrity of the Retail Marijuana Testing Facility's testing processes or results, or that may diminish public confidence in the competency, impartiality and integrity of the Retail Marijuana Testing Facility's testing processes or results. At a minimum, employees, owners or agents of a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility who participate in any aspect of the analysis and results of a Sample or Test Batch are prohibited from improperly influencing the testing process, improperly manipulating data, or improperly benefiting from any on-going financial, employment, personal or business relationship with the Retail Marijuana Business that provided the Sample.
C.Transfer of Retail Marijuana Prohibited. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility shall not Transfer Retail Marijuana to another Retail Marijuana Business or a consumer, except that a Retail Marijuana Testing Facility may Transfer a Sample to another Retail Marijuana Testing Facility.
D.Destruction of Received Test Batches. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility shall properly dispose of all Test Batches it receives, that are not Transferred to another Retail Marijuana Testing Facility, after all necessary tests have been conducted and any required period of storage. See Rule 3-230 - Waste Disposal.
E.Sample Rejection. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility shall reject any Sample where the condition of the Sample at receipt indicates that the Sample may have been tampered with.
F.Retail Marijuana Business Requirements Applicable. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility shall be considered a Licensed Premises. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility shall be subject to all requirements applicable to Retail Marijuana Businesses.
G.Retail Marijuana Testing Facility - Inventory Tracking System Required. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility must use the Inventory Tracking System to ensure all Test Batches containing Retail Marijuana are identified and tracked from the point they are Transferred from a Retail Marijuana Business through the point of Transfer or destruction or disposal. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility that performs testing on Hemp must use the Inventory Tracking System to ensure all samples of Hemp are identified and tracked from the point they are Transferred from a cultivator registered with the Commissioner of the Colorado Department of Agriculture, pursuant to section 35-61-104, C.R.S., to the point of Transfer or destruction or disposal. The Inventory Tracking System reporting shall include the results of any tests that are conducted on Retail Marijuana or Hemp. See also Rule 3-805 - Regulated Marijuana Businesses: Inventory Tracking System and Rule 3-825 - Reporting and Inventory Tracking System. The Retail Marijuana Testing Facility must have the ability to reconcile its Sample records with the Inventory Tracking System and the associated transaction history. See also Rule 3-905 - Business Records Required and Rule 3-825.
H.Testing of Unregistered or Untracked Hemp or Hemp Products Prohibited.
1. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility is authorized to accept or test Hemp only if (1) the entity providing the Test Batches of Hemp is regulated by Article 61 of Title 35, C.R.S., (2) the Hemp is submitted by a registered cultivator, and (3) the Hemp is tracked in the Inventory Tracking System.
2. A Retail Marijuana Testing Facility is authorized to accept or test Hemp Product only if (1) the entity providing the Samples of Hemp Product is registered and regulated pursuant to Article 4 or Title 25, C.R.S., and (2) the Hemp Product being submitted for testing is tracked in the Inventory Tracking System.
I.Violation Affecting Public Safety. Failure to comply with this Rule may constitute a license violation affecting public safety.

1 CCR 212-3-6-410

42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 1/1/2020
43 CR 21, November 10, 2020, effective 1/1/2021
44 CR 07, April 10, 2021, effective 5/1/2021
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 8/1/2021
44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/1/2022
45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 12/1/2022
46 CR 23, December 10, 2023, effective 1/8/2024