1 Colo. Code Regs. § 212-3-2-280

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 1 CCR 212-3-2-280 - Controlling Beneficial Owners that are Persons Prohibited, Unsuitable, Revoked, or Suspended; At Least One Controlling Beneficial Owner Holding a Valid Owner License Required; and Prohibited Third-Party Acts

Basis and Purpose - 2-280

The statutory basis for this rule includes but is not limited to sections 44-10-203(2)(c), 44-10-203(2)(l), 44-10-203(2)(t), 44-10-203(2)(ee)(D), 44-10-203(7), 44-10-307, 44-10-309(4) -(5), 44-10-310(5) and (11), 44-10-313(8)(a), and 44-10-901, C.R.S. The purpose of this rule is to clarify the conditions and procedures for divestiture of any Person prohibited from holding a license under section 44-10-307, C.R.S., or who is found unsuitable by the State Licensing Authority. This rule also requires that every Regulated Marijuana Business have at least one Controlling Beneficial Owner and provides what happens in the event of suspension of a Regulated Marijuana Business's Controlling Beneficial Owner(s). Finally, this rule provides that Licensees cannot have unlicensed persons take actions on their behalf or for their benefit that the Licensees themselves are prohibited from taking under these rules or the Marijuana Code.

A.Controlling Beneficial Owners That Are Persons Prohibited, Unsuitable, or Revoked.
1.Less than 100% of all Controlling Beneficial Owners - Divestiture. If less than 100% of a Regulated Marijuana Business's Controlling Beneficial Owners are or become a Person prohibited from holding a license by these Rules or the Marijuana Code, have his or her Owner License revoked by a Final Agency Order, or are found unsuitable, the Regulated Marijuana Business must divest all of the Beneficial Ownership of that Controlling Beneficial Owner.
a. Unless extended for good cause, within 90 days of a Controlling Beneficial Owner becoming a Person prohibited from holding a license, having his or her Owner License revoked, or being found unsuitable, the Regulated Marijuana Business must either:
i. Submit a change of owner application, where required, and any document(s) necessary to transfer all of that Controlling Beneficial Owner's Interests to one or more Persons that are not prohibited from holding a license or unsuitable. Any required change of owner application is subject to approval by the Division; or
ii. Where a change of owner application is not required, transfer all of that Controlling Beneficial Owner's Interests to one or more Persons that are not a Person prohibited from holding a license or unsuitable.
b. In determining whether good cause for an extension exists, the Division will consider whether there is any Owner Interest buy-back provision with the Controlling Beneficial Owner. If mediation, arbitration, or a legal proceeding has been initiated regarding the required divestiture, the 90-day deadline is extended until 90 days following execution of a settlement agreement, arbitration order, or final judgment concluding the mediation, arbitration, or legal proceeding.
c. A Regulated Marijuana Business that is a Publicly Traded Corporation must have a divestiture plan with its Controlling Beneficial Owners which must be disclosed to the Division pursuant to Rule 2-220(A).
d. A Regulated Marijuana Business that fails to divest a Controlling Beneficial Owner as required by this Rule may be subject to denial, fine, suspension, or revocation of its license(s). The State Licensing Authority may consider aggravating and mitigating factors surrounding measures taken to divest the unsuitable or Person prohibited from holding a license when determining the imposition of a penalty. However, a Regulated Marijuana Business that is unable to divest a Controlling Beneficial Owner that is a Person prohibited from holding a license or found unsuitable is prohibited from being issued or holding a license.
2.All Controlling Beneficial Owners are Unsuitable, Revoked, or Persons Prohibited From Holding a License. A Regulated Marijuana Business's License may be revoked if 100% of its Controlling Beneficial Owners are found unsuitable, have his or her Owner's License revoked, or are Persons prohibited from holding a license by these Rules or the Marijuana Code.
B.Suspension of Controlling Beneficial Owners.
1.Suspension of Less than 100% of the Controlling Beneficial Owner(s) of a Regulated Marijuana Business. In the event of the suspension of the Owner License of a Controlling Beneficial Owner, either (i) the Regulated Marijuana Business must comply with all requirements of rule 8-210 - Disciplinary Process: Summary Suspensions, or (ii) the non-suspended Owner Licensee(s) must control the Regulated Marijuana Business without participation from the suspended Controlling Beneficial Owner(s).
2.Suspension of 100% of the Controlling Beneficial Owners of a Regulated Marijuana Business. A Regulated Marijuana Business cannot operate or Transfer Regulated Marijuana if all Controlling Beneficial Owners are suspended.
C.At Least One Controlling Beneficial Owner Holding a Valid Owner License Required. No Regulated Marijuana Business or Owner Entity may operate or be licensed unless it has at least one Controlling Beneficial Owner who holds a valid Owner License.
D.Loss Of Owner License As A Controlling Beneficial Owner Of Multiple Businesses. If an Owner License is suspended, revoked, or found unsuitable as to one Regulated Marijuana Business, that Owner License is automatically suspended, revoked, or found unsuitable as to any other Regulated Marijuana Business in which that Person is a Controlling Beneficial Owner.
E.Prohibited Third-Party Acts. No Licensee may employ, contract with, hire, or otherwise retain any Person, including but not limited to an employee, agent, or independent contractor, to perform any act or conduct on the Licensee's behalf or for the Licensee's benefit if the Licensee is prohibited by law or these rules from engaging in such conduct itself.
1. A Licensee may be held responsible for all actions and omissions of any Person the Licensee employs, contracts with, hires, or otherwise retains, including but not limited to an employee, agent, or independent contractor, to perform any act or conduct on the Licensee's behalf or for the Licensee's benefit.
2. A Licensee may be subject to license denial or administrative action, including but not limited to fine, suspension, or revocation of its license(s), based on the act and/or omissions of any Person the Licensee employs, contracts with, hires, or otherwise retains, including but not limited to an employee, agent, or independent contractor, to perform any act or conduct on the Licensee's behalf or for the Licensee's benefit.

1 CCR 212-3-2-280

42 CR 23, December 10, 2019, effective 1/1/2020
43 CR 21, November 10, 2020, effective 1/1/2021
44 CR 07, April 10, 2021, effective 5/1/2021
44 CR 13, July 10, 2021, effective 8/1/2021
44 CR 23, December 10, 2021, effective 1/1/2022
45 CR 21, November 10, 2022, effective 12/1/2022
46 CR 23, December 10, 2023, effective 1/8/2024