Basis and Purpose - 2-135
The statutory basis for this rule includes but is not limited to sections 44-10-103, 44-10-202(1) (b), 44-10-202(1)(c), 44-10-202(1)(e), 44-10-203(1)(k), 44-10-203(1)(i), 44-10-203(2)(b), 44-10-203(2)(h), 44-10-203(2)(q), 44-10-203(2)(w), 44-10-203(2)(dd)(XII), 44-10-303(2)(b), 44-10-310(7), 44-10-313, 44-10-401, 44-10-801, 44-10-802, 44-10-803, 44-10-1201, 44-10-1202, C.R.S. Authority also exists in the Colorado Constitution at Article XVIII, Subsection 16(5)(a)(II). The purpose of these rules is to establish fees required for applications, renewals, licenses fees, permits, and other fees required to accompany applications and submissions to the Division.
2-135(A) 1
License Type | Total Due at Application |
Request Fee (for Tier Increase / Class Increase) | $320.00 |
Change of Trade Name (COTN) | $110.00 |
Change of Location (COL) | $690.00 |
Security Waiver | $630.00 |
Security Waiver Renewal | $320.00 |
Contingency Plan | $1,370.00 |
1 CCR 212-3-2-135