1 Colo. Code Regs. § 205-2, Regulation 44-20-420(6)

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Regulation Regulation 44-20-420(6)
(a) The Board, in determining whether a licensee or license applicant has demonstrated unfitness of licensing character or record, will consider whether the licensee or license applicant or the licensee's or license applicant's partner, officer, director, or shareholder of any corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or any other business entity authorized under law to hold a license, 1) has had a license fined, denied, suspended or revoked; 2) has been determined to have violated the licensing examination procedures of Regulation 44-20-404(1)(k); or, 3) has had any complaints, civil judgments, injunctions, consent orders/decrees, or stipulations, arising from the operation of a business in this state or any other state, engaged in the sale, lease, or distribution of powersports vehicles, and, if so, the nature, severity, and extent of these legal matters. This regulation does not apply to shareholders of corporations, who own less than five per-cent that are subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
(b) The Board, in determining whether a licensee or applicant has demonstrated unfitness of criminal character or record, will consider the nature and date of the convictions, parole or probation status, including whether the licensee or applicant has maintained satisfactory compliance, and/or restitution. A pattern of convictions which individually may not constitute grounds for denial or disciplinary action, may, taken together constitute unfitness.
(c) The Board, in determining whether a licensee or applicant has demonstrated unfitness of financial character or record, will consider net worth, liquid assets including cash, lines of credit, marketable securities, credit reports, unpaid judgments and/or tax liens, delinquent debts, and bankruptcy status. Applications for a powersports vehicle dealer or used powersports vehicle license will be closely evaluated based on the factors herein and the applicant's concept of operation for the business to assess the potential for harm to retail customers.
(I) Failure to timely pay any fine imposed by the Board, or the submission of a draft or check for the payment of any fee required by the Board which is dishonored shall be deemed to demonstrate unfitness of financial character or record.
(II) Any license for which an application has been made pursuant to this part 4 may be denied if, at the time of the application, the Board received notice that the Applicant failed to comply with a court or administrative order for current child support, retroactive child support or child support arrears. If the Board receives notice of the Applicant's noncompliance pursuant to sections 24-35-116 and 26-13-126, C.R.S., the application may be denied.
(III) Any license for which an application for renewal has been made pursuant to this part 4 may be denied on a conditional basis if, at the time of the renewal application, the Board received notice that the Applicant failed to comply with a court or administrative order for current child support, retroactive child support or child support arrearages pursuant to sections 24-35-116 and 26-13-126, C.R.S.

1 CCR 205-2, Regulation 44-20-420(6)

43 CR 24, December 25, 2020, effective 11/17/2020
44 CR 24, December 25, 2021, effective 1/14/2022
45 CR 03, February 10, 2022, effective 3/17/2022
45 CR 14, July 25, 2022, effective 8/15/2022