Bench packed nursery stock shall bear a special label to read as follows:
This plant has been removed from the growing site in a bare root condition. A growing medium mixture has been packed around the roots.
This label shall be printed on a separate tag that is securely attached to each item of bench packed nursery stock when offered for sale.
A seller of turfgrass sod shall state on the sales contract, invoice or bill of lading the genus and species, common name or named blend or mixture of turfgrasses involved in the transaction. Each different lot of harvested turfgrass sod shall, when offered for retail sale, be identified by a sign stating the genus and species, common name or named blend or mixture as stated on the sales contract, invoice or bill of lading from the grower.
In-ground fabric bag-grown nursery stock shall bear a special label to read as follows:
The root system of this plant must be removed from the bag, with the soil ball intact, before planting.
This label shall be printed on a separate tag that is securely attached to each item of in-ground fabric bag-grown nursery stock when offered for sale.
Any plant collected from its original native habitat shall bear a special label that reads as follows:
This plant has been gathered from its original native habitat and was not grown in a nursery.
This label shall be printed on a separate tag that is securely attached to each item of collected nursery stock when offered for sale.
8 CCR 1203-5, pt. 4.0