Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Part 7 - Cattle and Bison Brucellosis7.1. Definitions 7.1.1. "Adjacent herd" means a group or groups of animals having potential direct contact with the affected herd. Herds separated by a single fence are considered adjacent herds.7.1.2. "Affected herd" means a herd of cattle or bison that contains, or has recently contained, one (1) or more animals infected with Brucella abortus and that has not completed the required tests necessary for release from quarantine.7.1.3. "Annual test" means a test conducted at intervals of not less than ten (10) months nor more than fourteen (14) months.7.1.4. "Approved test" means a laboratory test used in the diagnosis of Brucella abortus approved by the State Veterinarian.7.1.5. "Cattle" means all domestic bovine (genus Bos).7.1.6. "Certified free herd" means a herd of cattle or bison that has qualified for and has been issued a Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd certificate issued by the State Veterinarian or state animal health official in the state of origin. The Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd status is valid for 12 months unless evidence of brucellosis is disclosed.7.1.7. "Class free state" means a state classified by VS/APHIS, as set forth in the UM&R, based upon the incidence of brucellosis infection existing in said state.7.1.8. "Commission" means the Colorado Agricultural Commission.7.1.9. "Commissioner" means the Colorado Commissioner of Agriculture. 7.1.10. "Exposed Animals" means cattle or bison that have been exposed to brucellosis by reason of associating with known infected animals.7.1.11. "Natural Additions" means animals born into a herd.7.1.12. "Non-free State" means a state classified by VS/APHIS, as set forth in the UM&R, based upon the incidence of brucellosis infection existing in said state.7.1.13. "Official calfhood vaccinate (OCV)" means a female bovine or bison animal vaccinated against brucellosis with RB-51 brucellosis vaccine between four and twelve (12) months of age. All vaccination must be conducted under the supervision of a federal or state veterinary official or accredited veterinarian. Vaccinated animals must be permanently identified as vaccinates and reported at the time of vaccination to the appropriate state or federal agency cooperating in the eradication of brucellosis.7.1.14. "Reactor" means an animal subjected to an official test resulting in a brucellosis reactor classification or subjected to a bacteriological examination for field strain Brucella abortus and found positive or reclassified as a brucellosis reactor by a designated epidemiologist as provided for in the definition of official test.7.1.15. "Suspect" means an animal subjected to an official test resulting in a brucellosis suspect classification or reclassified as a brucellosis suspect by a designated epidemiologist as provided for in the definition of official test.7.1.16. "Uniform Methods and Rules (UM&R)" for Brucellosis Eradication" means the standards set in APHIS Bulletin No. 91-45-013 (2013) (as incorporated herein).7.2. Certified Free Herd Requirements 7.2.1. Initial certification of the certified free herd may be accomplished by the following method: At least two consecutive negative approved blood tests of all test eligible cattle or bison not less than 10 months, nor more than 14 months apart, are required for initial certification.7.2.2. The following requirements apply to recertification of a Certified Free Herd: A negative herd test of all test eligible animals conducted within 60 days of each anniversary date is required for continuous certification. If the herd certification test is conducted within 60 days following the anniversary date the certification period will be 12 months from the anniversary and not 12 months from the date of the recertifying test. If a herd test for recertification is not conducted within 60 days following the anniversary date, then certification requirements are the same as for initial certification.7.3. Certified Free Herd Import Requirements 7.3.1. Cattle from Certified Free Herds may be imported into Colorado without a test for brucellosis. A herd of cattle or bison may qualify as Certified Brucellosis-Free by meeting the applicable requirements that follow: There has been a whole herd test within 12 months, in which all test eligible cattle or bison have tested negative to an approved test. Additions to a certified free herd may originate from other certified free herds that are approved by the state animal health officials from the state of origin. Additions to a certified free herd may originate from Class Free States that have tested negative to an approved test within 30 days of entry. Additions to a certified free herd from Non-free States must test negative to an approved brucellosis test within 30 days prior to shipment and be isolated on the certified free herd premises and retested within 45 to 120 days after arrival. Herd inventory verification of certified free herds must be approved by the animal health or brand officials from the state of origin. The certified free herd number, issued by the state animal health officials in the state of origin, must be listed on the CVI.7.4. Colorado Cattle and Bison Vaccination Requirements 7.4.1. Vaccination for Brucellosis is voluntary in the state of Colorado.7.4.2. Vaccination for Brucellosis may only be administered by an accredited veterinarian.7.4.3. Any Brucellosis vaccination of beef, dairy, and bison heifer calves must be with strain RB-51 and may only be administered between 4 and 12 months of age.7.4.4. Vaccinated heifers shall have legible Brucellosis vaccination tattoos and official ear tags.7.4.5. Any vaccination performed shall be reported by the accredited veterinarian on an official vaccination certificate (VS Form 4-24) to the USDA within 30 days of vaccination.7.5. Diagnostic Testing 7.5.1. All Brucellosis tests needed for movement or change of ownership shall be forwarded to the CDA Animal Health Laboratory (AHL) on a VS Form 4-33 whenever any livestock are tested. Any tested livestock shall be officially identified.7.6. Quarantine of Affected Herds 7.6.1. In herds where a reactor animal is disclosed, all cattle or bison in the herd shall be quarantined on the premises.7.6.2. The herd owner may ship suspect or reactor cattle or bison, or other animals within the quarantined herd directly to slaughter under a VS Form 1-27 permit.7.6.3. Affected herds shall remain under quarantine until such time that they are depopulated or all reactor or suspect cattle or bison have been removed from the herd and the remaining cattle or bison test and retest negative in accordance with the terms of the quarantine.37 CR 23, December 10, 2014, effective 12/30/201439 CR 13, July 10, 2016, effective 7/30/201640 CR 23, December 10, 2017, effective 12/30/201744 CR 10, May 25, 2021, effective 6/15/202146 CR 15, August 10, 2023, effective 9/15/2023