Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 7 CCR 1107-2.3 - Process and Notification of Program Declination1. Local government employers are permitted to decline participation in the family and medical leave insurance program after a written notice has been delivered to the Division memorializing the decision by an affirmative vote of the local government's governing body to decline participation in the program. Such a vote must follow the local government's procedures for other votes of the governing body for similar decisions.A. If a local government participates in the family and medical leave program on or after January 1, 2024, and later votes to decline participation, the declination will not take effect until at least 180 days after the vote, to allow individual employees the opportunity to opt into the benefits program pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-13.3-514, should individuals choose to elect coverage.B. Public notice must be given in the same manner as any similar business before the governing body, and the local government must take/hear public comment prior to the vote if the local government has established procedures for public comment for similar business. The local government's employees must also be notified in writing prior to the vote and provided both information regarding the vote process and the opportunity to submit comments through a public process to the governing body.C. Within 30 days following a local government declination vote, the local government must provide its local government employees with a written individual notice of the local government's declination vote and the impact toward coverage under the FAMLI Act, or other paid family and leave insurance coverage. The written notice, must at a minimum, explain the differences between benefits offered by the state program and any other paid leave plan offered by the local government. The notice must also state which employees, if any, are eligible for job protection under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefits or other local provisions where applicable. The notice must also be delivered to all new employees hired after the date of the declination vote.D. The written notice described at Section 2.3.1.C must contain information regarding the right of local government employees to voluntarily elect coverage pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-13.3-514, and the contact information for the Division. In addition to providing written notices to individual employees in accordance with Section 2.3.1.C of this rule, local government employers must also post a notice containing the information in a conspicuous and accessible place in each establishment where employees are employed; provided, however, in cases where the local government employer does not maintain a physical workplace, or an employee teleworks or performs work through a web-based or app-based platform, notification must be sent via electronic communication or through a conspicuous posting in the web-based or app-based platform. The individual and posted notices required in Sections 2.3.1.C and 2.3.1.D must be in English and in any language representing the first language spoken by at least five percent of the local government employer's workforce. The Division will create and make available to local government employers posters and notices containing the information required in this regulation, and local government employers may use the posters and notices to comply with the requirements of this section. 1. It is the responsibility of the local government employer to request printed materials from the Division. Local government employers may be responsible for the printing and mailing costs of such materials.2. It is the responsibility of the local government to provide written notification to the Division of the local government employers interpretation needs of printed notices for languages other than English or Spanish.2. Local governments without employees are not employers, and as such, do not need to register, vote, decline coverage, or otherwise participate in the family and medical leave insurance program.3. The Division may presume that an entity is not a local government if the entity does not appear on a public list of local governments published by the Office of the State Auditor's Local Government Audit Division, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, or the Colorado Department of Education. An entity not on those lists may overcome the presumption by submitting documentation sufficient to establish that it is a local government.45 CR 03, February 10, 2022, effective 3/17/202245 CR 23, December 10, 2022, effective 12/30/202246 CR 17, September 10, 2023, effective 1/1/202447 CR 23, December 10, 2024, effective 1/1/2025