This document has been prepared by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, Division of Workers' Compensation (Division) and should be interpreted within the context of providers treating individuals qualifying under Colorado Workers' Compensation Act as injured workers with lower extremity injuries.
Although the primary purpose of this document is advisory and educational, these guidelines are enforceable under the Workers' Compensation Rules of Procedure, 7 CCR 1101-3. The Division recognizes that acceptable medical practice may include deviations from these guidelines, as individual cases dictate. Therefore, these guidelines are not relevant as evidence of a provider's legal standard of professional care.
To properly utilize this document, the reader should not skip nor overlook any sections.
The principles summarized in this section are key to the intended implementation of all Division of Workers' Compensation guidelines and critical to the reader's application of the guidelines in this document.
The practitioner should understand all of the physical demands of the patient's job position before returning the patient to full duty and should request clarification of the patient's job duties. Clarification should be obtained from the employer or, if necessary, from including, but not limited to, an occupational health nurse, occupational therapist, vocational rehabilitation specialist, an industrial hygienist, or another professional.
When possible, guideline recommendations will note the level of evidence supporting the treatment recommendation. It is generally recognized that early reports of a positive treatment effect are frequently weakened or overturned by subsequent research. When interpreting medical evidence statements in the guideline, the following apply:
* Consensus means the judgment of experienced professionals based on general medical principles. Consensus recommendations are designated in the guidelines as "generally well-accepted," "generally accepted," "acceptable/accepted," or "well-established."
* "Some evidence" means the recommendation considered at least one adequate scientific study, which reported that a treatment was effective. The Division recognizes that further research is likely to have an impact on the strength of the medical evidence.
* "Good evidence" means the recommendation considered the availability of multiple adequate scientific studies or at least one relevant high-quality scientific study, which reported that a treatment was effective. The Division recognizes that further research may have an impact on the strength of the medical evidence.
* "Strong evidence" means the recommendation considered the availability of multiple relevant and high-quality scientific studies, which arrived at similar conclusions about the effectiveness of a treatment. The Division recognizes that further research is unlikely to have an important impact on the strength of the medical evidence
All recommendations in the guideline are considered to represent reasonable care in appropriately selected cases, irrespective of the level of evidence or consensus statement attached to them. Those procedures considered inappropriate, unreasonable, or unnecessary are designated in the guideline as "not recommended."
The remainder of this document should be interpreted within the parameters of these guidelines principles that may lead to more optimal medical and functional outcomes for injured workers.
The Division recommends the following diagnostic procedures be considered, at least initially, the responsibility of the workers' compensation carrier to ensure that an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan can be established. Standard procedures that should be utilized when initially diagnosing a work-related lower extremity complaint are listed below.
For acute injuries:
* Did the patient hear a pop at the time of the injury?
* Was he or she able to bear weight immediately following the injury?
* Could he or she straighten the knee and Did it swell immediately?
Patient-reported outcomes, whether of pain or function, are susceptible to a phenomenon called response shift. This refers to changes in self-evaluation, which may accompany changes in health status. Patient self-reports may not coincide with objective measures of outcome, due to reconceptualization of the impact of pain on daily function and internal recalibration of pain scales. Response shift may obscure treatment effects in clinical trials and clinical practice, and may lead to apparent discrepancies in patient-reported outcomes following treatment interventions. While methods of measuring and accounting for response shift are not yet fully developed, understanding that the phenomenon exists can help clinicians understand what is happening when some measures of patient progress appear inconsistent with other measures of progress.
Swelling: may indicate joint effusion from trauma, infection or arthritis. Swelling or bruising over ligaments or bones can indicate possible fractures or ligament damage
The "sweep test" is useful for assessing the presence and degree of joint effusion in the knee. The examiner supports the medial tibiofemoral joint line, and strokes toward the suprapatellar bursa and then strokes downward toward lateral joint line. A positive test produces a bulge medially;
Assessment of activities such as the inability to crouch or stoop may give important indications of the patient's pathology and restrictions;
The following describe specific anatomic area exams.
Greater trochanter bursitis also presents with pain with direct palpation over the greater trochanter.
* Lachman's test;
* Anterior drawer test;
* Lateral pivot shift test.
* McMurray test;
* Apley compression test;
* Medial Lateral grind test;
* Weight-bearing tests - include Thessaly and Ege's test.
* Posterior drawer test;
* Extension lag may also be measured passively by documenting the heel height difference with the patient prone.
* Gravity or Posterior Sag Test (Godfrey): While supine, the patient's involved lower extremity is positioned with the thigh vertical to the floor and the lower leg perpendicular to the thigh. With the heel supported and the patient relaxed,. any posterior subluxation of the tibia on the femur is observed (movement caused by gravity).
* Medial stress Test - Usually performed at 0 and 30 degrees flexion. A positive test in full extension may include both medial collateral ligament and cruciate ligament pathology;
* Lateral stress test-Usually performed at 0 and 30 degrees flexion. A positive test in full extension may include both lateral collateral ligament and cruciate ligament pathology
* Apprehension test;
* J sign;
* Q angle.
In general, multiple tests are needed to reliably establish a clinical diagnosis. The expertise of the physician performing the exam influences the predictability of the exam findings. Lateral ankle assessments may include anterior drawer exam, talar tilt test. Syndesmotic exam may include external rotation stress test, cross leg stress test and the tibia-fibula squeeze test. Achilles tendon may be assessed with the Thompson's test. Foot examinations may include assessment of or for: subtalar, midtarsal, and metatarsal-phalangeal joints; and tarsal tunnel. Tendon assessments may include single to raise test for posterior tibial tendon pathology, as well as dorsiflexion eversion stress exam to assess for peroneal pathology and subluxation. Mulders test and side-to-side compression exam may be used to assess Morton's neuroma. The piano key push up test and Abduction Stress test may be utilized to assess Lisfranc injury.
Occult fractures, especially stress fractures, may not be visible on initial x-ray. A follow-up radiograph, MRI and/or bone scan may be required to make the diagnosis.
Weight-bearing radiographs are used to assess osteoarthritis and alignment prior to some surgical procedures.
Tests include, but are not limited to:
Risk factors for septic arthritis include joint surgery, knee arthritis, joint replacement, skin infection, diabetes, age greater than 80, immunocompromised states, and rheumatoid arthritis. More than 50% of patients with septic joints have a fever greater than 37.5 degrees centigrade and joint swelling. Synovial white counts of greater than 25,000 and polymorphonuclear cells of at least 90% increase the likelihood of a septic joint.
One diagnostic imaging procedure may provide the same or distinctive information as other procedures. Therefore, a prudent choice of a single diagnostic procedure, a complementary procedure in combination with other procedures(s), or a proper sequential order of multiple procedures will maximize diagnostic accuracy, minimize adverse effect to patients, and ensure cost effectiveness.
All diagnostic imaging procedures have a significant percentage of specificity and sensitivity for various diagnoses. None is specifically characteristic of a certain diagnosis. Clinical information obtained by history taking and physical examination should be the basis for selection and interpretation of imaging procedure results.
Practitioners should be aware of the radiation doses associated with various procedures and provide appropriate warnings to patients. Coloradans have a background exposure to radiation, and unnecessary CT scans or X-rays increase the lifetime risk of cancer death.
When a diagnostic procedure, in conjunction with clinical information, provides sufficient information to establish an accurate diagnosis, the second diagnostic procedure will become redundant. At the same time, a subsequent diagnostic procedure can be complementary if the first or preceding procedures, in conjunction with clinical information, cannot provide an accurate diagnosis. Usually, preference of any procedure over others depends upon availability, a patient's tolerance, and/or the treating practitioner's familiarity with the procedure.
The high field, closed MRI provides a better resolution. A lower field scan may be indicated when a patient cannot fit into a high field scanner or is too claustrophobic despite sedation. Inadequate resolution on the first scan may require a second MRI using a different technique or with a reading by a musculoskeletal radiologist. All questions in this regard should be discussed with the MRI center and/or radiologist.
MRIs have high sensitivity and specificity for meniscal tears and ligamentous injuries. However, when physical exam findings and functional deficits indicate the need for surgery, an MRI may not be necessary. MRI is less accurate for articular cartilage defects (sensitivity 76%) than for meniscal and ligamentous injury (sensitivity greater than 90%).
MRIs have not been shown to be reliable for diagnosing symptomatic hip bursitis.
Bone scanning is more sensitive but less specific than MRI. It is useful for the investigation of trauma, infection, stress fracture, occult fracture, Charcot joint, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and suspected neoplastic conditions of the lower extremity.
In general, these diagnostic procedures are complementary to imaging procedures such as CT, MRI, and/or myelography or diagnostic injection procedures. Electrodiagnostic studies may provide useful, correlative neuropathophysiological information that would be otherwise unobtainable from standard radiologic studies.
Diagnostic testing procedures may be useful for patients with symptoms of depression, delayed recovery, chronic pain, recurrent painful conditions, disability problems. These evaluations may also be used pre-operatively and have a possible predictive value for postoperative response. Psychological testing should provide differentiation between pre-existing depression versus injury-caused depression, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.
Formal psychological or psychosocial evaluation should be performed on patients not making expected progress within 6 to 12 weeks following injury and whose subjective symptoms do not correlate with objective signs and tests. In addition to the customary initial exam, the evaluation of the injured worker should specifically address the following areas:
This information should provide clinicians with a better understanding of the patient, thus allowing for more effective rehabilitation.
The evaluation will determine the need for further psychosocial interventions, and in those cases, a Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders diagnosis should be determined and documented. An individual with a PhD, PsyD, or Psychiatric MD/DO credentials who is familiar with work injury care should perform initial evaluations, which are generally completed within one to two hours. When issues of chronic pain are identified, the evaluation should be more extensive and follow testing procedures as outlined in the Division's Chronic Pain Disorder Medical Treatment Guidelines. The evaluator should be aware that workers compensation insurers are not covered under HIPAA therefore, some information may need to be redacted when reports are forwarded.
* Frequency: One time visit for evaluation. If psychometric testing is indicated as a portion of the initial evaluation, time for such testing should not exceed an additional two hours of professional time.
* Frequency: One time for evaluation, one for mid-treatment assessment, and one at final evaluation.
There is some evidence that an FCE fails to predict which injured workers with chronic low back pain will have sustained return to work. Another cohort study concluded that there was a significant relation between FCE information and return to work, but the predictive efficiency was poor. There is some evidence that time off work and gender are important predictors for return to work, and floor-to-waist lifting may also help predict return to work, however, the strength of that relationship has not been determined.
A full review of the literature reveals no evidence to support the use of FCEs to prevent future injuries. There is some evidence in chronic low back pain patients that (1) FCE task performance is weakly related to time on disability and time for claim closure and (2) even claimants who fail on numerous physical performance FCE tasks may be able to return to work. These same issues may exist for lower extremity issues.
Full FCEs are rarely necessary. In many cases, a work tolerance screening or return to work performance will identify the ability to perform the necessary job tasks. There is some evidence that a short form FCE reduced to a few tests produces a similar predictive quality compared to the longer 2-day version of the FCE regarding length of disability and recurrence of a claim after return to work.
When an FCE is being used to determine return to a specific jobsite, the provider is responsible for fully understanding the physical demands and the duties of the job the worker is attempting to perform. A jobsite evaluation is usually necessary. A job description should be reviewed by the provider and FCE evaluator prior to this evaluation. FCEs cannot be used in isolation to determine work restrictions. It is expected that the FCE may differ from both self-report of abilities and pure clinical exam findings in chronic pain patients. The length of a return to work evaluation should be based on the judgment of the referring physician and the provider performing the evaluation. Since return to work is a complicated multidimensional issue, multiple factors beyond functional ability and work demands should be considered and measured when attempting determination of readiness or fitness to return to work. FCEs should not be used as the sole criteria to diagnose malingering.
* Frequency: Can be used:
A jobsite evaluation may include observation and instruction of how work is done, what material changes (desk, chair) should be made, and determination of readiness to return to work.
Requests for a jobsite evaluation should describe the expected goals for the evaluation. Goals may include, but are not limited to the following:
* Frequency: One time with additional visits as needed for follow-up visits per jobsite.
* Frequency: One time with additional visits as needed for follow-up.
* Frequency: One time for initial screen. May monitor improvements in strength every 3 to 4 weeks up to a total of 6 visits.
Rupture or partial tear may present with palpable deficit in tendon. If there is a full tear, Thompson test will usually be positive. A positive Thompson's test is lack of plantar flexion with compression of the calf when the patient is prone with the knee flexed.
For tendinopathy, radiography may be performed to identify Haglund's deformity; however, many Haglund's deformities are asymptomatic.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.d. Platelet Rich Plasma.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician.
There have been recent studies suggesting that the effectiveness of non-operative treatment of complete Achilles tendon ruptures may be comparable to operative treatment. This has led some surgeons to offer non-operative treatment to patients who meet certain clinical criteria. This is consistent with the recent clinical practice guideline released by the AAOS indicating that non-operative treatment is an option for all patients with acute Achilles tendon rupture. However, there is good evidence from an adequate meta-analysis that operative repair of a complete Achilles tendon rupture does lower the re-rupture rate when compared to non-operative immobilization, but increases the rate of other complications including deep tissue infection. While the difference in re-rupture rates between surgically and conservatively treated Achilles tendon ruptures was recently contradicted in a meta-analysis, this is inadequate for evidence due to the use of an inappropriate statistical model. When the same data is examined appropriately, there is clearly a significant protective effect against re-rupture with surgical management. However, the need for surgery will depend on the individual case based upon individual functional goals. Consideration of conservative management is especially important for individuals who may be at risk of complications from surgery, such as smokers or diabetics.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Other causative factors to consider: Prior significant injury to the ankle may predispose the joint to osteoarthritis. In order to entertain previous trauma as a cause, the patient should have a medically documented injury with radiographs or MRI showing the level of anatomic change. The prior injury should have been at least 2 years from the presentation for the new complaints and there should be a significant increase of pathology on the affected side in comparison to the original imaging or operative reports and/or the opposite un-injured extremity.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
Ankle distraction arthroplasty requires an external fixator for 3 months and therefore a significant patient commitment. Arthroscopic debridement is usually performed at the same time as the procedure. There is some information that ankle distraction arthroplasty may be useful as an alternative to arthrodesis and joint replacement for the treatment of post traumatic ankle osteoarthritis in younger populations. This is because the procedure preserves the joint for more invasive later procedures. However, due to the limited amount of prospective literature addressing efficacy and long-term clinical results, there is insufficient information to recommend for or against the procedure. There is some information that ankle distraction arthroplasty may result in a decline in ankle function over time. There is some evidence that, when an external distractor is used to treat ankle osteoarthritis in patients under 60, a hinged device which allows for ankle flexion and extension is preferred over a fixed distractor which allows for no ankle motion. Given these factors, ankle distraction arthroplasty requires prior authorization and a second opinion by a surgeon specializing in lower extremity surgery.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Syndesmotic injury can occur with external rotation injuries and requires additional treatment. Specific physical exam tests include the squeeze test and external rotation at neutral.
For an acute, unstable ankle or a repeat or chronic ankle injury, a MRI and/or diagnostic injection may be ordered. Arthroscopy can be used in unusual cases with persistent functional instability and giving way of the ankle, after conservative treatment, to directly visualize the ruptured ligament(s).
Initial treatment for patients able to bear weight: NSAIDs, RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation), and early functional bracing is used. Oral and topical NSAIDs are likely to be beneficial in the short-term treatment of acute ankle sprains, but there is no evidence on long-term effects, and oral NSAIDs may be associated with possible adverse events. In addition, crutches may be beneficial for comfort. Early functional treatment, including range of motion and strengthening exercises along with limited weight-bearing, are preferable to strict immobilization with rigid casting for improving outcome and reducing time to return to work. Additionally, in the setting of a Grade 1 or Grade 2 acute ankle sprain, patients can be encouraged to begin mobilization and flexion/extension functional movement pattern exercises during the first week after the injury with instruction from a physical therapist or physician. Standard treatment generally includes protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. The injured joint need not be kept immobile in the first week after the sprain has occurred.
Initial treatment for patients unable to bear weight: bracing plus NSAIDs and RICE are used. When patient becomes able to bear weight, a walker boot is frequently employed. There is good evidence that use of either device combined with functional therapy results in similar long-term recovery. Small avulsion fractures of the fibula with minimal or no displacement can be treated as an ankle sprain.
There is good evidence that for ankle fractures immobilized with a removable boot, a below-the-knee ankle injury stocking is more effective than a tubular bandage in controlling swelling and in yielding functional gains six months after the initial injury. Therefore, tubular bandage is not recommended.
For patients with a clearly unstable joint, immobilize with a short leg cast or splint for 2 to 6 weeks along with early weight-bearing.
Balance/coordination training is a well-established treatment which improves proprioception and may decrease incidence of recurrent sprains.
There is good evidence that, for chronic ankle instability, 4 weeks of neuromuscular training aimed at improving balance and proprioception are more effective than no training at producing functional recovery.
Patient education should include instruction in self-management techniques, ergonomics, body mechanics, home exercise, joint protection, and weight management.
There is some evidence that, for ankle sprains, a 4 week program of twice weekly manual physical therapy plus home exercise provides benefits in addition to home exercise alone at the end of treatment. However, these differences decrease over a 6 month period as the natural history of ankle sprains begins to resolve. Manual therapy may also improve motion in the setting of a degenerative joint and should be coupled with instruction on both self-mobilization and range of motion exercises.
Medications/Vitamins: All patients with conditions that require bone healing, especially those over 50, should be encouraged to ingest at least 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU of vitamin D per day. Refer to Section F.9.i. Osteoporosis Management.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Heel wedges or other orthotics may be used for rear foot varus or valgus deformities.
There is also good evidence from an adequate systematic review that, in Grade 2 or Grade 3 ankle ligament injuries, external support with a semirigid brace or a short-term cast promotes injury healing more effectively than support with taping or with a tubular bandage. This is because a tubular bandage may not furnish adequate protection against inversion of the ankle joint. There is good evidence that in the setting of ankle instability, ankle taping and bracing has no influence on proprioception, and that their effect in reducing recurrent ankle injury probably arises from other mechanisms.
Weber type B fractures of the ankle demonstrate a widening of the radiographic interval between the medial edge of the talar dome and the lateral edge of the medial malleolus upon external rotation of the foot. These types of fractures generally have a positive manual external rotation stress test upon examination. There is some evidence that, in the setting of ankle fractures that meet these two criteria, functional outcomes and recovery times are similar with operative and with non-operative treatment.
There is some information from a single trial that does not rise to the level of evidence that providing educational pamphlets may not lead to improved functional outcomes but may improve patient satisfaction with the treating staff in the first three months following surgical stabilization of ankle fractures.
Treatment may include short-term post-surgical casting. In all cases, communication between the physician and therapist is important to the timing of weight-bearing and exercise progressions.
For surgically treated ankle sprains: There is also good evidence that in patients who have undergone surgical repair of the ankle ligaments, early mobilization with a prefabricated walking boot leads to earlier return to work and activity than plaster immobilization for six weeks.
For surgically treated ankle fractures: There is some evidence that early mobilization done with a removable brace, after primary wound healing has taken place, improves range of motion more rapidly and results in an earlier return to work. However, there is some evidence that immediate mobilization with a brace on the day of fracture surgery leads to a higher risk of wound infection than with an immobilizing cast. Additionally, one high quality study provides good evidence that patients who undergo internal fixation of acute non-pathological ankle fractures do not need to remain at bed rest for the first postoperative day. There is also good evidence that mobilization can safely be started with gait aids on the first morning after surgery, leading to shorter length of hospital stay, no increase in the need for opioid analgesia, and equally satisfactory wound healing two weeks after surgery. However, early mobilization should not be confused with weight bearing. Weight bearing immediately following surgical fixation of an ankle fracture is not recommended.
For acute syndesmotic injuries treated with a syndesmotic screw, there is a lack of evidence to recommend between mobilization within two weeks after surgery and a strategy which delays mobilization for six weeks. The decision regarding optimal timing of mobilization should be tailored to each individual patient.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
One systematic review does provide some pertinent information that the outcomes of calcaneal fractures depend greatly on the occurrence of complications, which do not commonly determine the outcome of most other fractures. This study suggests that this may be the reason for the ongoing controversy about the management of these fractures. Therefore, the need for surgery will depend on the individual case. Relative contraindications: smoking, diabetes, or immunosuppressive disease.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that carriers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
One study provides some evidence that in the open reduction of intra-articular calcaneal fractures, allograft yields anatomic and functional outcomes equal to those achieved with iliac crest autograft, and that donor site morbidity can be avoided if this is done, but there is inadequate evidence that the addition of PRP enhances the outcomes in a clinically relevant manner. As such, PRP in the setting of open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of calcaneal fractures is not generally recommended. However, calcaneal fractures requiring allografts frequently also utilize advanced orthobiologics. Prior authorization should be obtained except in urgent open fracture repairs.
Complications may include wound infections requiring skin graft.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
There is some evidence that the first metatarsal-phalangeal joint arthritis is better treated with arthrodesis than arthroplasty for pain and functional improvement. Therefore, total joint arthroplasties are not recommended for any metatarsal-phalangeal joints due to less successful outcomes than fusions. There may be an exception for first and second metatarsal-phalangeal joint arthroplasties when a patient is older than 60, has low activity levels, and cannot tolerate non weight-bearing for prolonged periods or is at high risk for nonunion.
Metallic hemi-arthroplasties are still considered experimental as long-term outcomes remain unknown in comparison to arthrodesis, and there is a significant incidence of subsidence. Therefore, these are not recommended at this time.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Dislocation may not always be apparent. Pronation and supination of the forefoot with the calcaneus fixed in the examiner's opposite hand may elicit pain in a Lisfranc injury. This may help distinguish a Lisfranc injury from an ankle sprain, in which this maneuver is expected to be painless. The piano key test may be used, where the examiner stabilizes the heel with one hand and presses down on the distal head of the metatarsal, assessing for pain proximally. The dorsalis pedis artery crosses the second metatarsal and may be disrupted. Therefore, the dorsalis pedis pulse and capillary filling should be assessed.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
In regards to timing of surgery, there is some information that significantly poorer results are seen if operative treatment is delayed for more than 6 months. However, a 1-2 week delay to allow reduction of soft-tissue swelling has not been shown to negatively affect outcomes of open reduction and internal fixation.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that carriers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Due to higher rates of both infectious and non-infectious complications in the postoperative period following surgical correction of Lisfranc fractures, diabetes is also considered a relative contraindication.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
* Optimum Duration: 4 treatments.
* Maximum Duration: 7 treatments.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
* Behavior Modification: Patients with plantar fasciitis often exhibit fear of movement (fear avoidance) behaviors associated with their plantar fasciitis pain. Behavioral modifications may produce some benefit in resolving these behaviors, such as positive encouragement and graded exposure to fearful activities. Providers and therapists should be aware of this and take it into consideration in developing the treatment plan.
* Stretching (Plantar Fascia Specific & Calf Stretching): Active stretching and strengthening of the entire lower extremity is appropriate in the initial treatment of plantar fasciitis.
There is good evidence that, in the setting of plantar fasciitis of recent onset, a program of home stretching exercises directed at the plantar fascia is more effective in reducing pain than radial shock wave therapy.
There is some evidence that, in workers who spend the majority of working hours on their feet and who have developed plantar fasciopathy, a physical therapy program consisting of exercises combining gastrocnemius stretching, plantar fascia stretching, balance exercises, and ankle inversion/eversion exercises produce functional and symptomatic benefits equal to those of a single injection of 4 mg of dexamethasone at 6 and at 12 weeks.
* Manual Therapy (Articular & Soft Tissue): There is some evidence that, in patients with plantar fasciitis, six sessions of individually tailored manual therapy with exercise more effectively improves pain six months later than six sessions of standardized program of exercise with ultrasound, dexamethasone iontophoresis, and ice.
* Taping: There is some evidence for small to moderate short-term (1 week) pain reduction from calcaneal taping, low dye taping (anti-pronation taping below the ankle). Some literature has studied elastic taping of both the plantar fascia and gastrocnemius. Evidence for duration of benefit after removal of tape is lacking. Evidence for effect on function is insufficient. Practical issues regarding taping are the considerable time and labor involved, the moderate complexity of the techniques which may be difficult to teach to patients, potential difficulty or inability of many patients to do self-taping because of physical limitations, and the need to change the tape at least weekly.
* Orthoses: There is good evidence that orthoses have a small, short-term (3 months) functional benefit compared to sham orthosis. There is also some literature indicating overall subjective improvement from various types of orthoses plus stretching compared to stretching alone. Evidence does not support pain reduction from orthoses. There is strong evidence that the effectiveness of prefabricated orthoses is equivalent to, and possibly better than, custom-made orthoses. Generally, custom made orthoses are not necessary, except in specific cases, such significant anatomic or alignment abnormalities of the foot.
* patient education should include instruction in self-management techniques, ergonomics, body mechanics, home exercise, joint protection, and weight management.
Safety concerns regarding steroid injection of the heel exist, including plantar fascia rupture and heel pad atrophy. Steroid injection under significant pressure should be avoided as the needle may be penetrating the tendon, and injection into the tendon could cause tendon breakdown, degeneration, or rupture. Injections should be minimized for patients under 30 years of age.
* Time to produce effect: 1 injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in 1 year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. No more than 4 steroid injections to all body parts should be performed in one year.
Steroid injections should be used cautiously in diabetic patients. Diabetic patients should be reminded to check their blood glucose levels at least daily for 2 weeks after injections. Caution should be used when considering steroid injections for patients with an A1c level of 8% or greater. For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
Refer to Section F.6.d Platelet Rich Plasma.
There is insufficient evidence and no plausible physiological theory to support a botulinum toxin injection into the plantar fascia. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Refer to Section F.6.h. Botulinum Toxin Injections for more information.
Refer to Section F. 5. EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY (ESWT) for more details.
Treatment may include the following: restricted weight-bearing, bracing, active therapy with or without passive therapy. Usually non-weight-bearing for 7 to 10 days followed by weight-bearing cast or shoe for 4 weeks; however, depending on the procedure, some patients may be restricted from weight-bearing for 4 to 6 weeks.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial-and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that carriers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Orthotics or accommodative footwear is usually necessary before workers can be returned to walking on hard surfaces. Refer to Section F.13. Return to Work.
Nerve mobilization exercise may be used by some therapists though it lacks evidence to support it.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For Achilles Tendinopathy, Refer to Section E.1.a. for other types of tendinopathy of the foot and ankle. General recommendations can be found in Section E.2.k. Tendinopathy of the Knee.
There is also good evidence that intensive physical work more than doubles the risk of symptomatic knee OA with knee replacement, and that there is a dose-response relationship between work load and the development of knee OA with knee replacement. Intensive physical labor is defined as job categories such as forestry employee, dockworker, farm worker, or ditch digger.
There is strong evidence for hand OA as a significant marker of risk for knee OA.
Other causative factors to consider - Previous meniscus or ACL damage may predispose a joint to degenerative changes. There is strong evidence that an ACL injury increased the ten-year risk of developing Kellgren-Lawrence defined osteoarthritic changes compared to the uninjured knee. This risk is approximately fourfold both for minimal OA and for moderate to severe OA. There is good evidence that meniscal damage, even in the absence of knee surgery, is associated with a significantly increased risk of development of radiographic tibiofemoral OA within 30 months of its detection on MRI. There is strong evidence for previous knee injury as a significant risk factor for OA. A number of studies indicate that patients with ACL injuries and meniscus pathology are likely to develop degenerative osteoarthritis. Percentages range from approximately 25% to 50%. It is unclear whether the repair of ACLs significantly decreases the degenerative pathology. One study found more severe arthritis present in those with an ACL repair. In order to entertain previous trauma as a cause, the patient should have medical documentation of the following: menisectomy; hemarthrosis at the time of the original injury; or evidence of MRI or arthroscopic meniscus or ACL damage. The prior injury should have been at least 2 years from the presentation for the new complaints. In addition, there should be a significant increase of pathology on the affected side in comparison to the original imaging or operative reports and/or the opposite un-injured side or extremity.
Scale is the standard radiographic scale for knee osteoarthritis. It is based on the development of osteophytes, on bone sclerosis, and on joint space narrowing. The degree of joint space narrowing may not predict disability.
Grade 1: doubtful narrowing of joint space, and possible osteophytic lipping.
Grade 2: definite osteophytes, definite narrowing of joint space.
Grade 3: moderate multiple osteophytes, definite narrowing of joint space, some sclerosis and possible deformity of bone contour.
Grade 4: large osteophytes, marked narrowing of joint space, severe sclerosis and definite deformity of bone contour.
MRI to rule out degenerative menisci tears. MRI may identify bone marrow lesions which are correlated with knee pain or trauma and instability. These lesions may reflect increased water, blood, or other fluid inside bone and may contribute to the causal pathway of pain. These are incidental findings and should not be used to determine a final diagnosis or make decisions regarding surgery. Knee pain from osteoarthritis is most clearly associated with bone marrow lesions and effusion synovitis identified on MRI.
* There is good evidence that duloxetine more effectively decreases knee OA pain in older adults than placebo. However, the side effect profile of constipation and other symptoms should be considered if the drug is given to older adults.
* Glucosamine and chondroitin are sold in the United States as dietary supplements. Their dosage, manufacture, and purity are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
There is good evidence that glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride are ineffective for relieving pain in patients with knee or hip OA. There is some evidence that glucosamine sulfate treatment for more than 6 months shows a small improvement in joint function compared to placebo controls in people with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. One study purported to show chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine equivalence to celecoxib, however, celecoxib was actually superior at 4 months.
Pharmaceutical grade versions are not available in the United States and thus, these medications are not recommended.
* for occasional Patients Tramadol may be used. Refer to Chronic Pain Guidelines
* Outpatient fentanyl use is not recommended for work related osteoarthritis.
* There is good evidence that oral doxycycline has no therapeutic effect on knee OA.
* There is good evidence that acetaminophen is not more effective than placebo for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. A trial of acetaminophen may be done when the patient has a contraindication to or an intolerance of oral and topical NSAIDs.
* for occasional Patients topical capsaicin may be used. Refer to Chronic Pain Guidelines.
Refer to medication discussions in Section F.7, Medications and Medical Management.
There is good evidence that exercise shows moderate, clinically important reductions in pain and disability in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. An optimal exercise program for knee OA should focus on improving aerobic capacity, quadriceps muscle strength, or lower extremity performance. This exercise program should be supervised, carried out 3 times weekly, and consist of at least 12 sessions. It is suggested that aerobic exercise and strength training should be performed in different sessions in order to achieve the greatest effect.
There is good evidence that land-based exercise shows a moderate clinically important benefit for the relief of pain and improvement in function at the completion of a supervised exercise program. The evidence shows that somewhat smaller benefits are sustained for at least another two to six months among people with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee.
There is good evidence that 4 weeks of resistance training is effective for improving maximal strength, functional ability, and reducing pain when used as a therapeutic rehabilitation program for various musculoskeletal conditions including chronic tendinopathy, knee osteoarthritis, and after hip replacement surgery.
There is good evidence that exercise programs based on tai chi, aerobic, and mixed exercise, and not hydrotherapy programs, are effective in improving functional aerobic capacity in patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis.
Results for the cost-effectiveness of exercise and lifestyle treatment for hip and knee osteoarthritis are mixed. One study showed an improvement in function with a supervised exercise and diet program.
Low impact aerobic exercise should be encouraged.
There is some evidence that 12 weeks of behavioral graded activity does not result in better long-term effectiveness in reducing pain or improving function at 5 years than usual exercise therapy in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee. Behavioral graded activity (BGA) uses operant behavior principles within an individually tailored exercise program in which patients' most problematic physical activities are gradually increased in a time-contingent manner to improve impairments limiting the performance of these activities.
There is good evidence that aquatic exercise and land-based exercise show comparable outcomes for function and mobility among people with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Aquatic therapy may be used as a type of active intervention when land-based therapy is not well-tolerated. Proprioceptive exercises may also have some short-term benefit.
Passive as well as active therapies may be used to control pain and swelling. Therapy should progress to strengthening and an independent home exercise program targeted to further improve ROM, strength, and normal joint mechanics influenced by structures distal and proximal to the knee.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
There is good evidence that, in people with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip, the effects of true needle acupuncture treatment relative to sham acupuncture may be too small to be perceived by participants as beneficial. Therefore, true needle acupuncture may not actually result in significant, clinically relevant functional improvement or significant pain reduction. Thus, there is strong evidence that acupuncture is not effective for osteoarthritis pain relief. Acupuncture is performed with a variety of techniques and to date none have been shown to have superior clinical results. It is not generally recommended but may be used in some patients if functional gains are demonstrated and it would be beneficial to delay arthroplasty. Refer to Section F.1. Acupuncture for more information.
There is good evidence that valgus knee bracing provides moderate improvement in pain and function compared to those that do not use another type of orthosis. There is also good evidence that this type of bracing provides a small improvement in pain associated with medial knee osteoarthritis as compared to another type of orthosis. Thus, valgus knee bracing is a reasonable treatment for medial knee osteoarthritis.
There is some evidence that conservative management using either the valgus knee brace or the lateral wedged insole reduces pain and improves function in adults with medial tibiofemoral osteoarthritis of the knee. There were no significant differences between the two orthoses in any of the clinical outcomes. Participants wore the insoles more consistently than the braces, and this may reflect convenience and greater acceptance of use. There is some evidence that laterally elevated wedged insoles are more effective in reducing pain, improving function, and reducing NSAID usage than neutrally wedged insoles in adults with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Participants wore the neutral insoles more consistently than the elevated insoles, and this may reflect comfort and greater acceptance of use. Thus, there is good evidence for the use of laterally elevated wedged soles for those with medial osteoarthritis. Insoles are not required prior to use of a brace.
Patellar taping may also provide short-term relief.
* Steroid injections may decrease inflammation and allow the therapist to progress with functional exercise and ROM.
Caution should be used when considering steroid injections for patients with an A1c level of 8% or greater. There is good evidence that steroid injection in the setting of knee osteoarthritis produces rapid but short-lasting pain relief compared to placebo, likely to last at least one week but not likely to last 4 weeks or longer.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
Steroid injections should be avoided if arthroplasty is planned within 3 months.
* Viscosupplementation - There is strong evidence that, in the setting of knee osteoarthritis, the effectiveness of viscosupplementation is clinically unimportant, and may impose a risk of adverse events on the patient. Therefore, it is generally not recommended. It may occasionally be appropriate for patients with significant functional deficits who are not yet eligible for or wish to delay an arthroplasty. Refer to Section F.6.e. Viscosupplementation for more information.
* PRP Injection - There is some evidence that, in the setting of knee OA, intra-articular injection with PRP is more effective than hyaluronic acid or placebo in improving knee function and pain. There is some evidence that in patients with knee OA, a single PRP injection is more beneficial than a saline injection, and that more than one PRP injection is likely to be more beneficial than a single PRP injection when the Kellgren-Lawrence grade is less than Grade IV, and that a single PRP injection is as beneficial as three hyaluronic acid injections for knee OA. Therefore, it may be used for patients with significant functional deficits who are not yet eligible for or wish to delay an arthroplasty when authorized by a knee specialist with familiarity with PRP preparation .Refer to Section F.6.d. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for more information.
There is currently inadequate evidence to support radiofrequency neurotomy for knee osteoarthritis failing conservative therapy. The one randomized controlled study identified was inadequate to support this invasive procedure. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Therefore, arthroscopic debridement and/or lavage are not recommended for patients with arthritic findings, continual pain and functional deficits unless there is meniscal or cruciate pathology or a large loose body causing locking. Refer to the specific conditions in this Section E, for specific diagnostic recommendations.
Free-floating interpositional unicompartmental replacement is not recommended for any patients due to high revision rate at 2 years and less than optimal pain relief. Refer also to Section G.4., Knee Arthroplasty, or G. 8, Osteotomy as appropriate.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Elastic knee braces may be useful for increasing postural stability.
A recent systematic review found good function for non-operated partial ACL tears for patients with limited sports activities with an average of 5.2 years of follow-up.
Outside of the setting where the patient has a locked knee, an ACL rupture does not require emergent treatment. The decision to provide immediate surgical reconstruction should depend on patient preference and work and recreational activities. Young active patients 18-35 years are likely to prefer surgical reconstruction.
A six-week course of progressive rehabilitation with a focus on strengthening the quadriceps muscles may lead to improved knee function and self-reported outcomes postoperatively. The quadriceps and hamstring muscles provide dynamic stabilization of the knee while the ACL typically provides passive stabilization. Adequate pre-operative rehabilitation will poise the affected knee for postoperative rehabilitation success.
Eccentric exercise may provide better results than concentric exercise.
There is no evidence showing improved clinical outcome with use of PRP for augmentation of ACL reconstruction. Therefore, it is not recommended.
A detailed occupational history, documenting the circumstances under which ACL rupture occurred, will provide a sense for the physical demands of the patient's job, which may affect injury management. Occupations that rely heavily on ACL stability might involve squatting, pivoting, twisting, climbing and stepping laterally or on uneven ground. Construction is an example of an occupation that might fit this criterion. Persons in occupations that are sedentary in nature or involve predominantly straight-line activities (i.e. standing, walking on even surfaces, running, cycling, etc.) may benefit from rehabilitation with no need for surgical intervention. It is equally important to consider the patient's typical recreational activities. If the patient is involved in sports or other hobbies requiring cutting and pivoting actions of the knee (i.e. soccer, basketball, etc.), then early surgery before 5 months may be the preferable approach to ACL rupture.
Patients who undergo early ligament reconstruction for ACL rupture are more likely to have tibiofemoral stability on clinical testing, and a lower incidence of subsequent meniscal surgery. However, however knee function does not appear to be greater and there is no clear evidence that early reconstruction either increases return to pre-injury levels of activity or prevents later development of osteoarthritis.
At two- and five-year follow up, patient-reported functional outcomes as measured by the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) were similar in the early ACL reconstruction group and the rehabilitation with option for delayed repair groups. Knee laxity, as measured by physical exam and arthrometry, however, were significantly less in the early ACL surgical group.
Diagnostic/surgical arthroscopy followed by ACL reconstruction using autograft or allograft. If a meniscus repair is performed, the ACL repair is preferably performed concurrently.
There is good evidence that medial meniscal tears are more commonly present when ACL reconstruction is done more than 12 months after injury than when it is done within 12 months of injury. Thus, surgery should be performed before one year and preferably by 5 months if the patient chooses an operative procedure after conservative treatment failure.
Patients tend to have more pain associated with patellar grafts while patients with hamstring replacement seem to have an easier rehabilitation. Choice of graft is made by the surgeon and patient on an individual basis.
One study found no evidence for improvement when bone marrow stem cells were added to an ACL reconstruction. Therefore, stem cells are not recommended.
There is good evidence that computer assisted surgery does not improve outcomes over conventional surgery for knee ligament reconstruction, but may add to operating time. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Initiation of a graduated physical therapy program, as early as the first postoperative day, is as safe and effective as delayed rehabilitation.
There is some evidence that rehabilitation can begin safely as early as the immediate postoperative period with weight-bearing, flexion up to 90 degrees, and quadriceps strengthening.
One study found a 12 week program beginning 3 weeks postoperatively focusing on eccentric exercise improved function and muscle volume more than standard rehabilitation when assessed one year postoperatively.
There is good evidence that, in the setting of postoperative ACL rehabilitation, knee bracing is not always necessary; continuous passive motion has no benefits; and home exercises may be as effective as outpatient rehabilitation in motivated patients. Therefore, continuous passive motion is not recommended.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Defects in cartilage and bone are common at the femoral condyles and patella. The Outerbridge classification grades these defects according to their size and depth.
Grade 0: normal cartilage.
Grade I: softening and swelling of cartilage.
Grade II: partial-thickness defects with surface fissures that do not exceed 1.5 cm in diameter and do not reach subchondral bone.
Grade III: fissuring that reaches subchondral bone in an area with a diameter greater than 1.5 cm.
Grade IV: exposed subchondral bone.
Chondral deficits can be asymptomatic. In a study of professional athletes, full thickness chondral deficits were present in 36% of the population, however half of these were not symptomatic.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Surgery for isolated chondral defects may be indicated when functional deficits interfere with activities of daily living and/or job duties after 6 to 12 weeks of active patient participation in non-operative therapy. Identification of the lesion should have been accomplished by diagnostic testing procedures which describe the size of the lesion and stability of the joint.
If a lesion is detached or has fluid underlying the bone on MRI, in some cases surgery may be necessary before a trial of conservative therapy is completed. Early surgery may consist of fixation, grafts, microfracture and removal of the fragment.
A systematic review of autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) found that ACI, as well as microfracture and osteochondral autograft provides short-term success. Another systematic review found microfracture to be successful for smaller lesions and matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte implantation more effective for lesions greater than 4 square cm than microfracture.
Indications: An isolated small full-thickness articular chondral defect with normal joint space, when the patient has not recovered functionally after active participation in therapy. Microfracture is likely ineffective for large lesions. Patients 45 or younger are likely to have better results.
One non-controlled study followed patients less than 50 years of age with OAT mosiacplasty or microfracture for 5 years. Outcomes were similar except for athletes. There is some evidence that, in highly athletic patients with osteochondritis dissecans or with posttraumatic full-thickness chondral lesions of the knee who are fully compliant with an active postoperative rehabilitation program, an OAT procedure is more likely than a microfracture procedure to lead to return to sports, higher functional knee scores, and fewer reoperations during the ten years following treatment of the injury.
Indications: The knee must be stable with intact ligaments and menisci, normal joint space and a large full-thickness defect less than 3 square cubic cm and 1 cm depth. The patient should be 55 years old or younger, with a BMI less than 35, and engaged in athletics and/or an equally physically demanding occupation. Lesions should be unipolar. Surgery may be indicated when functional deficits interfere with activities of daily living and/or job duties after 6 to 12 weeks of active patient participation in non-operative therapy. Occasionally, surgery may also be indicated as an initial procedure for chondral defects of traumatic origin in patients with very active physical job duties. This procedure may be appropriate in a small subset of patients and requires prior authorization.
In one observation study of patients receiving autologous chrondrocyte implantation after failing microfractures, 76% were deemed successful although 49% had subsequent surgical procedures. Follow up studies of first generation and matrix induced ACI demonstrated significant functional improvement over baseline for up to 10 years. Per one systematic review, lesions with 4 cubic cm or greater had better outcomes with ACI. One study showed better results with matrices versus microfracture. However, the review showed no evidence for one matrix over another. A meta-analysis suggests that second and third generation ACI are superior to microfracture for five years after the procedure and for larger lesions. A cohort study suggests that early ACI before microfracture may provide better overall results, although there was no difference in the activities participated in. In one follow up study, 50% of patients did not complete the procedure due to relief from the initial harvesting procedure. However, one Cochrane study found insufficient evidence to support autologous chrondrocyte implantation.
This procedure is controversial but may be appropriate in a small subset of patients with physically rigorous employment or recreational activities. It requires prior authorization.
Indications: The area of the lesion should be between 2 square cm and 4 square cm. The patient should have failed 4 or more months of active participation in therapy and a microfracture, abrasion, arthroplasty or drilling with healing time from 4 months to over one year. Those with lesions greater than 4 square cm may have ACI as a primary procedure. The knee must be stable with intact ligaments and meniscus, and normal joint space. Patients should be 55 years old or younger, with a BMI less than 35, and engaged in athletics and/or an equally physically demanding occupation.
Contraindications: General contraindications for grafts and transplants are individuals with obesity, inflammatory or osteoarthritis with multiple chondral defects, associated ligamentous or meniscus pathology, or who are older than 55 years of age.
There is inadequate evidence of the effectiveness of PRP in the setting of microfracture in patients with knee OA over the age of 40. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Biologics such as stem cell or PRP have been used, however, their efficacy is currently unproven. Prior authorization is required for their use. They may be most appropriate for patients with complex cases or otherwise at high risk.
Complications: Graft hypertrophy especially with periosteal ACI, arthrofibrosis, graft failure, infection, need for repeat procedures.
An FCE and/or a job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
There is good evidence from a meta-analysis of observational studies that there is an increased risk of degenerative meniscal tears with age over 60; BMI over 25; male gender; work-related kneeling and squatting; and regularly climbing greater than 30 flights of stairs per day for 12 months.
There is also good evidence that acute meniscal tears occur more frequently in soccer and rugby.
Providers planning treatment should therefore consider the patient's complaints and presence of arthritis on MRI carefully, because not all meniscus tears in the middle aged and older populations are related to the patients' complaints of pain.
MRI arthrograms may be used to diagnose recurrent meniscal tears, particularly after previous surgery.
There is some evidence that, for many patients with non-traumatic degenerative tears of the medial meniscus, an exercise program alone will be an adequate treatment for up to 5 years post initiation of symptoms. However, one third of patients initially treated conservatively may go on to require surgery and will have an outcome similar to patients treated with early surgery.
There is some evidence that, in patients with degenerative tears of the medial meniscus, a conservative treatment plan may yield substantial functional and symptomatic benefits similar to arthroscopic meniscectomy when measured 2 years after the beginning of treatment. This conservative treatment plan must include both supervised physical therapy and a home exercise program.
There is good evidence that, in the initial management of knee OA with a torn meniscus, it is reasonable to start with non-operative physical therapy. There is also good evidence that about 30% of patients may not respond to PT alone. The appropriate treatment changes for the patients who do not do well with PT are not evident from the study, since little is known about what accounts for their lack of benefit from the PT program.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Multiple studies note increased osteoarthritis in knees with menisectomy, with a greater incidence in patients who have had a total menisectomy, allograft, lateral menisectomy, or degenerative tear.
There is some evidence that, in patients with degenerative tears of the medial meniscus, a conservative treatment plan may yield substantial functional and symptomatic benefits similar to arthroscopic meniscectomy when measured 2 years after the beginning of treatment. The conservative treatment plan must include both supervised physical therapy and a home exercise program
There is some evidence that, in the setting of non-traumatic meniscal tears, a treatment plan focusing on supervised exercise followed by home exercise has an equal probability of success as a treatment plan involving early arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. This assumes that a surgical option is offered to patients who have persistent knee limitations after several months of exercise therapy.
There is good evidence that, in the initial management of knee OA with a torn meniscus, it is reasonable to start with non-operative physical therapy. There is also good evidence that about 30% of patients may not respond to PT alone. The appropriate treatment changes for the patients who do not do well with PT are not evident from the study, since little is known about what accounts for their lack of benefit from the PT program.
There is good evidence that, in patients with non-traumatic degenerative meniscal tears who have full knee range of motion and mild or no osteoarthritis, whose symptoms have not resolved with three months of conventional conservative treatment, both arthroscopic partial meniscectomy and a sham diagnostic arthroscopic intervention are followed by clinically important improvements in pain and function, and that arthroscopic meniscotomy is not superior to the sham diagnostic procedure which leaves the meniscus intact.
In summary, there is strong evidence that partial menisectomy provides no clear benefit over initial exercise therapy for patients with an isolated degenerative meniscal tear. Therefore, it is not recommended. It may be appropriate for the patients who continue to have significant functional deficits of activities of daily living or work duties after 6 weeks of therapy. It requires prior authorization.
Meniscal repair is appropriate for tears in the red-red zone or red-white zone as these areas have better vascular supply for healing.
One case series of the patients receiving meniscus allograft demonstrated increased graft failure in the patients with grade 3b or higher articular damage.
An FCE and/or a job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
There is no adequate level of evidence to guide the choice of treatment for patellar fractures.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively. Many patients continue to have symptomatic and functional complaints post-surgery.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of fractures.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Complications: Infection, secondary complications at graft site. Recurrence may be up to 33% with some procedures.
An FCE and/or a job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.(
* There is good evidence that the addition of hip muscle strengthening exercises to knee-focused strengthening and stretching exercises results in greater improvements in pain and function. The addition of hip muscle strengthening exercises is also more effective than knee-strengthening exercises alone in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).
* There is some evidence that, in the setting of patellar tendinopathy, a home program beginning with eccentric exercise is as effective as one beginning with referral to surgery, although referral to surgery in the first six months may be necessary for some patients. Although heavy slow resistance training may be an acceptable alternative to eccentric exercise, it requires special equipment, and has no advantage over eccentric exercise which can be done at home with a simple 25° decline squat board.
* Proprioceptive neuromuscular education may be useful.
* it may be that women and those with longer duration of pain will benefit the most from exercise therapy. Refer to Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative. Orthotics may be useful in some cases.
Steroid injections may decrease inflammation and allow the therapist to progress with functional exercise and ROM. Steroid injections under significant pressure should be avoided as the needle may be penetrating the tendon. Injection into the tendon can cause possible tendon breakdown, tendon degeneration, or rupture. Injections near the patellar tendon should generally be avoided. Injections should be minimized for patients less than 30 years of age. Caution should be used when considering steroid injections for patients with an A1c level of 8% or greater. There is no evidence that steroid injections are more effective than eccentric exercise.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
Sclerosing injections have not been compared with exercise and there is no evidence to support their use.
Other therapies in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative may be employed in individual cases.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive as well as active therapies may be used to control pain and swelling. Therapy should progress to strengthening and an independent home exercise program targeted to further improve ROM, strength, and normal joint structures distal and proximal to the knee. Refer to Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
An FCE and/or a job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
There is good evidence that 4 weeks of resistance training is effective for improving maximal strength, functional ability, and reducing pain. This training should be used as a therapeutic rehabilitation program for various musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic tendinopathy and knee osteoarthritis, as well as after hip replacement surgery.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Steroid injections may decrease inflammation and allow the therapist to progress with functional exercise and ROM. Steroid injections under significant pressure should be avoided as the needle may be penetrating the tendon. Injection into the tendon can cause possible tendon breakdown, tendon degeneration, or rupture. Injections should be minimized for patients less than 30 years of age. Caution should be used when considering steroid injections for patients with an A1c level of 8% or greater.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures. They are not recommended for acetabular fractures.
Complications: infection, nonunion, nerve damage.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Other causative factors to consider: Prior significant injury to the hip may predispose the joint to osteoarthritis. In order to entertain previous trauma as a cause, the patient should have a medically documented injury with radiographs or MRI showing the level of anatomic change. The prior injury should have been at least 2 years from the presentation for the new complaints and there should be a significant increase of pathology on the affected side in comparison to the original imaging or operative reports and/or the opposite un-injured side or extremity.
Outpatient fentanyl use is not recommended for work related osteoarthritis. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.7, Medications and Medical Management.
There is strong evidence that land-based supervised exercise program shows small, but clinically important benefits for the relief of pain and improvement in function. These benefits are sustained for at least another three to six months among people with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the hip.
There is some evidence that 12 weeks of supervised exercise therapy in addition to patient education results in better long-term cumulative survival of the native hip and reduces the need for surgery compared with patient education alone in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip.
There is some evidence that a 12-week multimodal physical therapy program, consisting of a combination of manual therapy, exercise, and education, provides no additional reductions in pain or improvements in physical function than sham physical therapy among people with hip osteoarthritis. However, the sham therapy group appeared to have a more active lifestyle at baseline.
There is good evidence that exercise programs based on tai chi, aerobic, and mixed exercise, and not hydrotherapy programs, are effective in improving functional aerobic capacity in patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis.
There is some evidence that 12 weeks of behavioral graded activity does not result in better long-term effectiveness in reducing pain or improving function at 5 years than usual exercise therapy in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee. Behavioral graded activity is defined as an exercise/behavioral treatment integrating operant behavioral principles, and additional booster sessions.Overall there is strong evidence supporting exercise programs for most patients with hip osteoarthritis.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
There is some evidence that in the setting of symptomatic hip OA of Kellgren-Lawrence grades 0 to 3, nine 30 minute sessions of manual and manipulative therapy (MMT) targeted at the hip are as beneficial as nine 30 minute sessions of MMT with additional manipulations of joints in the kinetic chain. The kinetic chain may include the lumbar, knee, ankle, and foot joints. Both programs are accompanied by gradually increasing exercise instructions. Generally, manipulation may be limited to 4 areas.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of hip OA with Kellgren-Lawrence grades 0 through 3, a short 5 week course of 9 sessions of manual therapy yields better overall improvement and hip function in daily activities than a supervised exercise program of similar duration and number of supervised sessions.
In addition to the above evidence manual therapy is recommended by other guidelines and therefore is appropriately used for hip osteoarthritis. Refer to Sections F.16.i Manipulation and F.16.l Mobilization (Joint) for more information.
There is some evidence that a fluoroscopically guided injection of triamcinolone into an osteoarthritic hip relieves pain and improves function for up to three months.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
Some authors suggest preoperative digital subtraction angiography prior to a core decompression as arterial supply insufficiency leads to poor results.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Core decompression appears to yield the best results for the patients with necrotic lesions less than 50% of the total lesion. On average, almost 26% of patients who had a core decompression required eventual arthroplasty.
There is some evidence from one study that, in the setting of core decompression, the use of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells, taken from subtrochanteric marrow, cultured in vitro for two weeks, and implanted back into the necrotic lesion, greatly reduces the rate of progression of the disease process over the following five years. The procedure similarly reduces the need for total hip replacement. Core decompression has been tried with mesenchymal stem cells and bone marrow derived cells. However, currently stem cells cannot be cultured in the United States. Due to differing techniques and study methodology these continue to be considered experimental and are not generally recommended.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Complications: Uncommon however, may include re-rupture, thrombosis, or infection. Some patients report residual pain.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Associated fracture of the acetabulum or femoral head, loose fragments in joint or open fracture.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, when a fracture is involved it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Non Occupational Relationship: There is strong evidence that in adults at risk of hip fracture, obesity, defined as a BMI of 30 or greater, is associated with a substantial reduction in the risk of hip fracture compared to non-obese persons. Osteoporosis predisposes to hip fracture.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
There is inadequate evidence to support the effect of pre-operative traction for the relief of pain in people with a fractured hip. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
MRI may reveal abnormality; however, false positives and false negatives are also possible. MRI arthrogram with gadolinium should be performed to diagnose labral tears, not a pelvic MRI. Intra-articular injection should help rule out extra-articular pain generators.
To confirm the diagnosis of labral tear, the patient should demonstrate changes on a pain scale accompanied by recorded functional improvement post-injection. This is important, as labral tears do not always cause pain and over-diagnosis is possible using imaging alone).
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Caution should be used when considering steroid injections for patients with an A1c level of 8% or greater.
* Time to Produce Effect: One injection.
* Maximum Duration: 3 injections in one year spaced at least 4 to 8 weeks apart. Not to exceed 4 injections of any body part in one year.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
Complications- low rate of minor and major complications, revision surgery may be necessary.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work , as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures or pelvic fractures.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Open tibial fractures are graded in severity according to the Gustilo-Anderson Classification:
* Type I: Less than 1 cm (puncture wounds).
* Type II: 1 to 10 cm.
* Type III-A: Greater than 10 cm, sufficient Soft tissue preserved to cover the wound (includes gunshot wounds and any injury in a contaminated environment).
* Type III-B: Greater than 10 cm, requiring a Soft tissue coverage procedure.
* Type III-C: with vascular injury requiring repair.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of tibial fractures which have delayed union at 16 weeks, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) may accelerate gains in bone mineral density and fracture gap area when used daily for 16 weeks. However, there is strong evidence that LIPUS has no clinical efficacy in returning fracture patients to normal activities. There is also strong evidence that the estimates of effectiveness in accelerating radiographic fracture healing are likely to be biased and inaccurate. Numerous other reviews have identified only low quality studies. Thus, evidence does not support the clinical effectiveness of ultrasound for delayed union and therefore it is not recommended.
There is good evidence that, in the setting of acute tibial shaft fractures, pulsed electromagnetic field devices provide no benefits in terms of reducing the rate of secondary surgical procedures in the first twelve months following the acute fracture. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Local antibiotics, sometimes in the form of bead chains, may be used particularly with intramedullary nailing.
Human bone morphogenetic protein (RhBMP): this material is used for surgical repair of open tibial fractures. Refer to Section G, 11 Therapeutic Procedures, Operative for further specific information. There is some evidence that, in the setting of open tibial fractures treated with reamed intramedullary nailing, the use of rh-BMP at the time of fracture fixation does not measurably improve fracture healing, and may increase risks of infection. There is good evidence that there are no measureable benefits of BMP over standard of care without BMP for tibial fractures. There is good evidence that, for open tibial shaft fractures, BMP does not enhance fracture healing at 20 weeks when used to augment with intramedullary nailing. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures.
Complications: infections, nonunion, residual knee and ankle pain which is unlikely to interfere with employment.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
Medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatories may be helpful. There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia and humerus, administration of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture. Therefore, NSAID use is not generally recommended during the healing time for fractures of the lower extremity fractures or immediately after the injury. Refer to medication discussions in Section F.9. Medications and Medical Management.
Passive modalities are most effective as adjunctive treatments to improve the results of active treatment. They may be used as found as adjunctive in Section F. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should agree to comply with the pre-and postoperative treatment plan including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative therapy required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively.
Because smokers have a higher risk of nonunion and postoperative costs, it is recommended that insurers cover a smoking cessation program peri-operatively. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels for long-term cessation. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Stem cell injections: Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Before initiation of any therapeutic procedure, the authorized treating provider, employer, and insurer must consider these four important issues in the care of the injured worker.
First, patients undergoing therapeutic procedure(s) should be released or returned to modified or restricted duty during their rehabilitation at the earliest appropriate time. Refer to F.12. Return to Work for detailed information.
Second, cessation and/or review of treatment modalities should be undertaken when no further significant subjective or objective improvement in the patient's condition is noted. If patients are not responding within the recommended duration periods, alternative treatment interventions, further diagnostic studies, or consultations should be pursued.
Third, providers should provide and document patient education. Functional progression is expected through prescribed activity such as neuromuscular and postural re-education/re-patterning exercises. Before diagnostic tests or referrals for invasive treatment take place, the patient should be able to clearly articulate the goals of the intervention, the general side effects and associated risks, and his or her agreement with the expected treatment plan.
Last, formal psychological or psychosocial evaluation should be performed on patients not making expected progress within 6 to 12 weeks following injury and whose subjective symptoms do not correlate with objective signs and tests.
Home therapy is an important component of therapy and may include active and passive therapeutic procedures as well as other modalities to assist in alleviating pain, swelling, and abnormal muscle tone.
The following procedures are listed in alphabetical order.
A sham procedure is a non-therapeutic procedure that appears similar to the patient as the purported therapeutic procedure being tested. In most controlled studies, sham and classic acupuncture have produced similar effects. However, the sham controlled studies have shown consistent advantages of both true and sham acupuncture over no acupuncture when the studies have included a third comparison group that was randomized to usual medical care. Having this third comparison group has been advantageous in the interpretation of the non-specific effects of acupuncture, since the third comparison group controls for some influences on study outcome. These influences include more frequent contact with providers, the natural history of the condition, regression to the mean, the effect of being observed in a clinical trial, and, if the follow-up observations are done consistently in all three treatment groups, for biased reporting of outcomes. Controlling for these factors enables researchers to more closely estimate the contextual and personal interactive effects of acupuncture as it is generally practiced.
Clinical trials of acupuncture typically enroll participants who are interested in acupuncture, and who may respond to some of the non-specific aspects of the intervention more than patients who have no interest in or desire for acupuncture. The non-specific effects of acupuncture may not be produced in patients who have no wish to be referred for it.
Another study on chronic low back pain provides good evidence that true acupuncture at traditional meridians is marginally better than sham acupuncture with blunt needles in reducing pain, but effects on disability are unclear. In these studies, 5-15 treatments were provided. Comparisons of acupuncture and sham acupuncture have been inconsistent, and the advantage of true over sham acupuncture has been small in relation to the advantage of sham over no acupuncture.
A recent study of acupuncture use for knee osteoarthritis casts doubt on the actual biological effects of acupuncture versus the effect of positive provider patient visits. It is generally agreed from multiple low quality studies that acupuncture can provide short-term pain relief and functional improvement with a small effect size. The physiologic response has been attributed to changes in brain activity on functional MRI's with acupuncture, sham acupuncture, and in response to painful stimulus.
Acupuncture is recommended for subacute or chronic pain patients who are trying to increase function and/or decrease medication usage and have an expressed interest in this modality. It is also recommended for subacute or acute pain for patients who cannot tolerate NSAIDs or other medications.
Acupuncture is not the same procedure as dry needling for coding purposes; however, some acupuncturists may use acupuncture treatment for myofascial trigger points. Dry needling is performed specifically on myofascial trigger points. Refer to F.5.c. Trigger Point Injections and Dry Needling Treatment.
Acupuncture should generally be used in conjunction with manipulative and physical therapy/rehabilitation.
Credentialed practitioners with experience in evaluation and treatment of chronic pain patients must perform evaluations prior to acupuncture treatments. The exact mode of action is only partially understood. Western medicine studies suggest that acupuncture stimulates the nervous system at the level of the brain, promotes deep relaxation, and affects the release of neurotransmitters. Acupuncture is commonly used as an alternative or in addition to traditional Western pharmaceuticals. It may be used when pain medication is reduced or not tolerated; as an adjunct to physical rehabilitation and surgical intervention; and/or as part of multidisciplinary treatment to hasten the return of functional activity. Acupuncture must be performed by practitioners with the appropriate credentials in accordance with state and other applicable regulations. Therefore, if not otherwise within their professional scope of practice and licensure, those performing acupuncture must have the appropriate credentials, such as L.A.c. R.A.c, or Dipl. Ac.
There is good evidence that the small therapeutic effects of needle acupuncture, active laser acupuncture, and sham acupuncture for reducing pain or improving function among patients older than 50 years with moderate to severe chronic knee pain from symptoms of osteoarthritis are due to non-specific effects similar to placebo. Therefore, acupuncture should only be offered as an option to patients who independently express interest in receiving it, and who expect to benefit from it.
There is good evidence that, in people with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip, the effects of true needle acupuncture treatment relative to sham acupuncture may be too small to be perceived by participants as beneficial. Therefore, true needle acupuncture may not actually result in significant, clinically relevant functional improvement or significant pain reduction. Thus, there is strong evidence that acupuncture is not effective for osteoarthritis pain relief and it is not generally recommended. It may be appropriate in cases where arthroplasty is being delayed and patients request acupuncture for temporary relief.
Indications: All patients being considered for acupuncture treatment should have subacute or chronic pain (lasting approximately 3-4 weeks depending on the condition) and meet the following criteria:
* they should have participated in an initial active Therapy program; and
* they should show a clear preference for this Type of care or previously have benefited from acupuncture; and
* they must continue to be actively engaged in physical rehabilitation Therapy and return to work.
Indications include joint pain, joint stiffness, soft tissue pain and inflammation, paresthesia, post-surgical pain relief, muscle spasm, and scar tissue pain.
It is indicated to treat chronic pain conditions, radiating pain along a nerve pathway, muscle spasm, inflammation, scar tissue pain, and pain located in multiple sites.
* Time to Produce Effect: 3 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: 1 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 1 to 2 months.
* Maximum Duration: 14 treatments.
Any of the above acupuncture treatments may extend longer if objective functional gains can be documented and when symptomatic benefits facilitate progression in the patient's treatment program. Treatment beyond 14 treatments must be documented with respect to need and ability to facilitate positive symptomatic or functional gains. Such care should be re-evaluated and documented with each series of treatments.
Indications for biofeedback include cases of musculoskeletal injury, in which muscle dysfunction or other physiological indicators of excessive or prolonged stress response affects and/or delays recovery. Other applications include training to improve self-management of pain, anxiety, panic, anger or emotional distress, opioid withdrawal, insomnia/sleep disturbance, and other central and autonomic nervous system imbalances. Biofeedback is often utilized for relaxation training. Mental health professionals may also utilize it as a component of psychotherapy, where biofeedback and other behavioral techniques are integrated with psychotherapeutic interventions. Biofeedback is often used in conjunction with physical therapy or medical treatment.
* Time to Produce Effect: 3 to 4 sessions.
* Frequency: 1 to 2 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 5 to 6 sessions.
* Maximum Duration: 10 to 12 sessions. Treatment beyond 12 sessions must be documented with respect to need, expectation, and ability to facilitate functional gains.
There is good evidence that, in the setting of acute tibial shaft fractures, pulsed electromagnetic field devices do not reduce the rate of secondary surgical procedures in the first twelve months following the acute fracture. Therefore, the use of these devices is not recommended.
LIPUS does not have clinical efficacy in returning fracture patients to normal activities, and that the estimates of effectiveness in accelerating radiographic fracture healing are likely to be biased and inaccurate.
There is no evidence of the effect of low-intensity ultrasound (LIPUS), high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFUS) and extracorporeal shockwave therapies (ESWT) as part of the treatment for acute fractures in adults. Therefore, the use of external bone growth stimulation in the setting of acute fractures in high risk patients requires prior authorization.
Informed decision making is the hallmark of a successful treatment plan. In most cases, the continuum of treatment from the least invasive to the most invasive (e.g. surgery) should be discussed. The intention is to find the treatment along this continuum which most completely addresses the condition. Patients should identify their personal functional goals of treatment at the first visit. It is recommended that specific individual goals are articulated at the beginning of treatment as this is likely to lead to increased patient satisfaction above that achieved from improvement in pain or other physical function. Progress toward the individual functional goals identified should be addressed at follow up visits and throughout treatment by other members of the health care team as well as the authorized physicians.
Documentation of this process should occur whenever diagnostic tests or referrals from the authorized treating physician are contemplated. The informed decision making process asks the patients to set their personal functional goals of treatment, describe their current health status and any concerns they have regarding adhering to the diagnostic or treatment plan proposed. The provider should clearly describe the following:
* the expected functional outcomes from the proposed treatment, or expected results and plan of action if diagnostic tests are involved.
* Any side effects and risks to the patient.
* Required post treatment rehabilitation time and impact on work, if any.
* Alternative therapies or diagnostic testing.
Before diagnostic tests or referrals for invasive treatment take place, the patient should be able to clearly articulate the goals of the intervention, the general side effects and risks associated with it and their decision regarding compliance with the suggested plan. There is some evidence that information provided only by video is not sufficient education.
Practitioners must develop and implement an effective strategy and skills to educate patients, employers, insurance systems, policy makers, and the community as a whole. An education-based paradigm should always start with providing reassuring information to the patient and informed decision making. More in-depth education currently exists within a treatment regimen employing functional restoration, prevention, and cognitive behavioral techniques. Patient education and informed decision making should facilitate self-management of symptoms and prevention.
* Time to produce effect: Varies with individual patient
* Frequency: Should occur at every visit.
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) delivers an externally applied acoustic pulse to the plantar fascia. Focused ESWT concentrates the acoustic pulse on a single point in the heel, while radial ESWT distributes the pulse along the entire plantar fascia. It has been hypothesized that ESWT causes microtrauma to the fascia, inducing a repair process involving the formation of new blood vessels and delivery of nutrients to the affected area. High energy ESWT is delivered in one session and may be painful, requiring some form of anesthesia. Conscious sedation is not recommended. The procedure may be performed with local blocks.
There is good evidence from one high quality trial that high intensity ESWT (0.25 mJ/mm2) is more effective than sham ESWT for improving pain and function in chronic plantar fasciitis which has not responded to conservative treatment after 6 months of symptoms. There is also some evidence from one adequate trial that high dose shock wave produces successful outcomes similar to those for endoscopic plantar fascia release in patients with persistent plantar fasciopathy which has not responded to more conservative treatment. However, two flawed meta-analyses failed to provide evidence that ESWT, regardless of energy level, produces a clinically meaningful reduction in pain or increase in function when compared to placebo for patients with plantar fasciitis lasting 6 months or more. While both meta-analyses did find a benefit for ESWT, the effect did not reach the level of clinical significance and provided conflicting evidence for which energy level is more effective. However, there is good evidence that plantar fascia specific stretching as initial treatment is more effective than radial ESWT in reducing pain and increasing function. Therefore, only ESWT at high intensity (0.25 mJ/mm2) may be considered in patients who have failed 6 months of conservative treatment, including stretching, physical therapy, orthoses, ice, and NSAIDs, and have significant functional deficits. This may be attempted for a maximum of 3 sessions spaced at least a week apart. ESWT may be a cost-effective alternative to plantar fascial release or a final non-invasive treatment option before surgery.
There is no evidence for extracorporeal shockwave therapies (ESWT) as part of the treatment for acute fractures in adults.
An adequate systematic review failed to provide evidence that extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is superior to sham ESWT for Achilles tendinopathy. This review examined the only two studies in the past 10 years that had adequate blinding of participants. However, a clinically important effect has not been ruled out, and future research may change the unbiased estimate of the effect of ESWT. Additionally, a single randomized controlled trial does provide some evidence that in patients with insertional Achilles tendinopathy who have no calcification of the tendon at the calcaneus, three sessions of a moderate dose (flux density of 0.12 mJ/mm2) is likely to be more successful than a 12 week program of eccentric loading exercise. As such, providers should be free to add ESWT to their treatment options for Achilles tendinopathy.
* Indications: Patients who have failed 6 months of standard therapy for plantar fasciitis and have significant functional deficits should be considered for ESWT. These patients should meet the indications for surgery found in Section E, heel spurs, plantar fascia pain. Tarsal tunnel syndrome should be ruled out. Peripheral vascular disease, lower extremity neuropathy, and diabetes are all relative contraindications. Diagnostic testing may be needed to rule out these conditions.
ESWT may also be considered for those patients who have failed conservative treatment for Achilles tendinopathy.
* Time to Effect: 2 sessions.
* Optimum/Maximum Duration: 3 sessions one week or more apart.
Description - Therapeutic injection procedures are generally accepted, well-established procedures that may play a significant role in the treatment of patients with upper extremity pain or pathology. Therapeutic injections involve the delivery of anesthetic and/or anti-inflammatory medications to the painful structure. Therapeutic injections have many potential benefits. Ideally, a therapeutic injection will:
Caution should be used when ordering four or more steroid injections total for all anatomic sites in one year. Please refer to Section F.4.d. Shoulder Joint Steroid Injections.
Diagnostic injections are procedures which may be used to identify pain generators or pathology. For additional specific clinical indications, see Specific Diagnosis, Testing and Treatment Procedures.
Contraindications - General contraindications include local or systemic infection, bleeding disorders, allergy to medications used and patient refusal. Specific contraindications may apply to individual injections.
There is good evidence for a small to moderate reduction in pain from corticosteroid injection, whether performed under ultrasound guidance or by palpation alone. Tibial nerve blocks (heel blocks) do not add benefit to the procedure. It is unclear whether factors such as the specific corticosteroid, the injection approach (e.g. medial vs. posterior), the injection target (e.g. parallel to the plantar fascia vs. into the plantar fascia), or mixing of local anesthetic with the steroid influence outcomes.
Steroid injections to the Achilles tendon should generally be avoided in these patients since this is a risk for later rupture. Therefore, steroid injections are not recommended for any pathology of the Achilles tendon.
Combination steroid and local anesthetics increase chrondrocyte death in cell cultures. This calls into questions its long-term effects on osteoarthritis.
Complications: Safety concerns regarding steroid injection of the heel exist, including plantar fascia rupture and heel pad atrophy. Steroid injection under significant pressure should be avoided as the needle may be penetrating the tendon, and injection into the tendon could cause tendon breakdown, degeneration, or rupture. Injections should be minimized for patients under 30 years of age.
General complications of injections may include transient neurapraxia, nerve injury, infection, hematoma, glucose elevation, and endocrine changes.
The majority of diabetic patients will experience an increase in glucose following steroid injections. Average increases in one study were 125mg/dL and returned to normal in 48 hours. In other studies, the increased glucose levels remained elevated up to 7 days, especially after multiple injections. All diabetic patients should be told to follow their glucose levels carefully over the 7 days after a steroid injection. For patients who have not been diagnosed with diabetes, one can expect some increase in glucose due to insulin resistance for a few days after a steroid injection. Clinicians should consider diabetic screening tests for those who appear to be at risk for type 2 diabetes and checking hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used when considering steroid injections for patients with an A1c level of 8% or greater.
Intra-articular or epidural injections cause rapid drops in plasma cortisol levels which usually resolve in one to 4 weeks. There is some evidence that an intra-articular injection of 80 mg of methylprednisolone acetate into the knee has about a 25% probability of suppressing the adrenal gland response to exogenous adrenocortocotrophic hormone ACTH for four or more weeks after injection, but complete recovery of the adrenal response is seen by week 8 after injection. This adrenal suppression could require treatment if surgery or other physiologically stressful events occur.
Case reports of Cushing's syndrome, hypopituitarism and growth hormone deficiency have been reported uncommonly and have been tied to systemic absorption of intra-articular and epidural steroid injections. Cushing's syndrome has also been reported from serial occipital nerve injections and paraspinal injections.
Morning cortisol measurements may be ordered prior to repeating steroid injections or prior to the initial steroid injection when the patient has received multiple previous steroid injections.
The effect of steroid injections on bone mineral density (BMD) and any contribution to osteoporotic fractures is less clear. Patients on long-term steroids are clearly more likely to suffer from fractures than those who do not take steroids. However, the contribution from steroid injections to this phenomena does not appear to be large. A well-controlled, large retrospective cohort study found that individuals with the same risk factors for osteoporotic fractures were 20% more likely to suffer a lumbar fracture if they had an epidural steroid injection. The risk increased with multiple injections. Other studies have shown inconsistent findings regarding BMD changes.
Given this information regarding increase in blood glucose levels, effects on the endocrine system, and possible osteoporotic influence, it is suggested that intra-articular and epidural injections be limited to a total of 3 to 4 per year [all joints combined].
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate with local anesthesia, or within 3 days if no anesthesia.
* Optimum Duration: Usually one to two injections is adequate.
* Maximum Duration: No more than 4 steroid injections to all body parts should be performed in one year.
When performing tendon insertion injections, the risk of tendon rupture should be discussed with the patient and the need for restricted duty emphasized.
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate with local anesthesia, or within 3 days if no anesthesia.
* Optimum Duration: Usually one to two injections is adequate.
* Maximum Duration: Not more than three to four times annually.
For more information, please refer to Section F.6.a. Steroid Injections.
Numerous trials are currently in process or have not been published regarding the use of stem cells from bone marrow aspirate or demineralized bone matrix. The only clear effects are on small bone deficits. They are considered to be experimental and thus are not recommended for delayed union or nonunion of long bone fractures.
There is some evidence from one study that, in the setting of core decompression, the use of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells, taken from subtrochanteric marrow, cultured in vitro for two weeks, and implanted back into the necrotic lesion, greatly reduces the rate of progression of the disease process over the following five years. There is also some evidence that the procedure similarly reduces the need for total hip replacement. It is not known how this study related to non-cultured stem cells. Core decompression has been tried with mesenchymal stem cells and bone marrow derived cells. However, currently stem cells cannot be cultured in the United States. Due to differing techniques and study methodologies, these procedures continue to be considered experimental and are not generally recommended.
There is insufficient evidence for or against the use of PRP in the setting of Achilles tendinopathy or application to the ACL patellar tendon donor site. There is also no evidence supporting the use of PRP for augmentation of ACL reconstruction. There is also insufficient evidence from another recent systematic review to recommend for or against PRP injections for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy. Additionally, there is insufficient evidence from randomized controlled trials to draw conclusions on the use, or to support the routine use, of injection therapies, including PRP, for the treatment of Achilles tendinopathy. There is insufficient evidence to support use of PRP with an open reduction of a calcaneus fracture.
There is inadequate evidence of the effectiveness of PRP in the setting of microfracture in patients with knee OA over the age of 40. Therefore, it is not recommended.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of total knee arthroplasty, intraoperative use of PRP can reduce blood loss, improve levels of postoperative hemoglobin, and reduce the need for blood transfusions by the third postoperative day. There is also some evidence that PRP theoretically may improve pain control and promote earlier return to function. Therefore it may be used in total knee arthroplasty.
There is inadequate evidence to recommend for the use of PRP in the setting of plantar fasciitis to improve pain, function, or alignment. Therefore, PRP is not generally recommended to treat plantar fasciitis, but may be considered in unusual circumstances for cases which have not responded to appropriate conservative measures for 4 to 6 months.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of knee OA, intra-articular injection with PRP is more effective than HA or placebo in improving knee function and pain. There is some evidence that in patients with knee OA, a single PRP injection is more beneficial than a saline injection, and that more than one PRP injection is likely to be more beneficial than a single PRP injection when the Kellgren-Lawrence grade is less than Grade IV, and that a single PRP injection is as beneficial as three hyaluronic acid injections for knee OA. Therefore, it may be used for patients with significant functional deficits who are not yet eligible for or to forestall an arthroplasty.
Therefore, PRP is not generally recommended. It may be considered in unusual circumstances for cases which meet the following three criteria:
* tendon damage or osteoarthritis; and
* non-responsiveness to appropriate conservative measures; and
* the next level of guideline -consistent Therapy would involve an invasive procedure with risk of significant complications and.
* Approval from the designated authorized treating physician.
If PRP is found to be indicated in these select patients, the first injection may be repeated twice when significant functional benefit is reported but the patient has not returned to full function.
Steroid injections prior to use of PRP are believed to lower the chance of healing. Generally, PRP injections should not be used for at least 2 months following a steroid injection.
There is strong evidence that, in the setting of knee osteoarthritis, the effectiveness of viscosupplementation is clinically unimportant, and may impose a risk of adverse events on the patient.
A recent meta-analysis has garnered a large amount of support for use of hyaluronic acid injections in the ankle. This seemingly confirmed findings from some previous randomized controlled trials while contradicting others. However, a major statistical error in the findings of this meta-analysis has been overlooked by many reviewers. The study, when examined appropriately, does not reveal a statistically significant difference between hyaluronic acid and saline. Thus, there is inadequate evidence that HA is more effective than saline for treatment of ankle osteoarthritis. Hyaluronic acid injections are, therefore, not recommended for ankle osteoarthritis due to the small effect size documented in knee conditions and the lack of evidence supporting its use in the ankle. Therefore, the patient and treating physician should identify functional goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work activities with injections versus other treatments. The patient should agree to comply with the treatment plan including home exercise. These injections may be considered an alternative in patients who have failed non-operative treatment and for whom surgery is not an option, particularly if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug treatment is contraindicated or has been unsuccessful. Viscosupplementation's efficacy beyond 6 months is not well-established. There is no evidence that one product significantly outperforms another. Prior authorization is required to approve product choice and for repeat series of injections.
Due to lack of efficacy, viscosupplementation for knee or ankle is not recommended and requires prior authorization. It may be used for patients with significant functional deficits who are not eligible for or wish to delay arthroplasty.
Viscosupplementation is not recommended for hip arthritis given the probable superiority of corticosteroid injections. In rare cases a patient with significant hip osteoarthritis who does not qualify for surgical intervention may try viscosupplementation. It should be done with ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance and will not necessarily require a series of three injections. The patient may choose to have repeat injections when the first injection was successful.
* Time to Produce Effect:1-3 injections; one injection may provide sufficient relief, a series of three is not required.
* Frequency: One injection or 1 series (3 to 5 injections generally spaced 1 week apart).
* Optimum/Maximum Duration: 2 series. Efficacy beyond 6 months is not well-established.
Laboratory studies may lend some biological plausibility to claims of connective tissue growth, but high quality published clinical studies are lacking. The dependence of the therapeutic effect on the inflammatory response is poorly defined, raising concerns about the use of conventional anti-inflammatory drugs when proliferant injections are given. There is no evidence to support the use of injection therapies, including steroids, for treating Achilles tendinopathy. The evidence in support of prolotherapy is insufficient and therefore, its use is not recommended in lower extremity injuries.
Description - Trigger point injections and dry needling are both generally accepted treatments. Trigger point treatments can consist of dry needling or the injection of local anesthetic, with or without corticosteroid, into highly localized, extremely sensitive bands of skeletal muscle fibers. These muscle fibers produce local and referred pain when activated. Medication is injected in a four-quadrant manner in the area of maximum tenderness. Injection and dry needling efficacy can be enhanced if treatments are immediately followed by myofascial therapeutic interventions, such as vapo-coolant spray and stretch, ischemic pressure massage (myotherapy), specific soft tissue mobilization and physical modalities. There is conflicting evidence regarding the benefit of trigger point injections. A truly blinded study comparing dry needle treatment of trigger points is not feasible. There is no evidence that injection of medications improves the results of trigger-point injections. Needling alone may account for some of the therapeutic response of injections. Needling must be performed by practitioners with the appropriate credentials in accordance with state and other applicable regulations.
There is no indication for conscious sedation for patients receiving trigger point injections or dry needling. The patient must be alert to help identify the site of the injection.
Indications - Trigger point injections and dry needling may be used to relieve myofascial pain and facilitate active therapy and stretching of the affected areas. They are to be used as an adjunctive treatment in combination with other treatment modalities such as active therapy programs. Trigger point injections should be utilized primarily for the purpose of facilitating functional progress. Patients should continue in an aggressive aerobic and stretching therapeutic exercise program, as tolerated, while undergoing intensive myofascial interventions. Myofascial pain is often associated with other underlying structural problems. Any abnormalities need to be ruled out prior to injection.
Trigger point injections and dry needling are indicated in patients with consistently observed, well-circumscribed trigger points. This demonstrates a characteristic radiation of pain pattern, and local autonomic reaction such as persistent hyperemia following palpation. Generally, neither trigger point injections nor dry needling are necessary unless consistently observed trigger points are not responding to specific, noninvasive, myofascial interventions within approximately a 6-week time frame. However, both trigger point injections and dry needling may be occasionally effective when utilized in the patient with immediate, acute onset of pain or in a post-operative patient with persistent muscle spasm or myofascial pain.
Complications - Potential but rare complications of trigger point injections and dry needling include infection, pneumothorax, anaphylaxis, penetration of viscera, neurapraxia, and neuropathy. If corticosteroids are injected in addition to local anesthetic, there is a risk of local myopathy. Severe pain on injection suggests the possibility of an intraneural injection, and the needle should be immediately repositioned. The following treatment parameters apply to both interventions combined.
* Time to produce effect: Local anesthetic 30 minutes; 24 to 48 hours for no anesthesia.
* Frequency: Weekly. Suggest no more than 4 injection sites per session per week to avoid significant post-injection or post-needling soreness.
* Optimum duration: 4 Weeks total for all sites.
* Maximum duration: 8 weeks total for all sites. Occasional patients may require 2 to 4 repetitions of trigger point injection or dry needling series over a 1 to 2 year period.
There is some evidence that, in patients with plantar fasciitis lasting 3 months or more, botulinum toxin type A injected into the gastrocnemius-soleus complex combined with stretching produces greater pain reduction and greater functional improvement than corticosteroid injection into the heel combined with stretching. The effect sizes were clinically significant and lasted through 6 months. A therapeutic response to a botulinum toxin type A injection into the gastrocnemius-soleus complex may also be helpful in determining which patients would respond favorably to a gastrocnemius recession surgery. This is not a FDA approved indication. Thus, the evidence supports injections into the gastrocnemius-soleus complex.
There is insufficient evidence and no plausible physiologic theory to support a botulinum toxin injection into the plantar fascia. Therefore, it is not recommended.
Complications - Rare systemic effects include flu-like syndrome, and weakening of distant muscles.
* Time to Produce Effect: 24 to 72 hours post injection with peak effect by 4 to 6 weeks.
* Frequency: No less than 3 months between re-administration. Patients should be reassessed after each injection session for an 80% improvement in pain (as measured by accepted pain scales) and evidence of functional improvement for 3 months. A positive result would include a return to base line function, return to increased work duties, and measurable improvement in physical activity goals, including return to baseline after an exacerbation.
* Optimum Duration: 3 to 4 months.
* Maximum Duration: 1 time. Prior authorization is required for additional injections. Repeat injections should be based upon functional improvement. In most cases, not more than four injections are appropriate due to accompanying muscle atrophy.
Chronic pain patients need to be treated as outpatients within a continuum of treatment intensity. Outpatient chronic pain programs are available with services provided by a coordinated interdisciplinary team within the same facility (formal) or as coordinated among practices by the authorized treating physician (informal). Formal programs are able to provide a coordinated, high-intensity level of services and are recommended for most chronic pain patients who have received multiple therapies during acute management.
Patients with addiction problems, high-dose opioid use, or abuse of other drugs may require inpatient and/or outpatient chemical dependency treatment programs before or in conjunction with other interdisciplinary rehabilitation. Guidelines from the American Society of Addiction Medicine are available and may be consulted relating to the intensity of services required for different classes of patients in order to achieve successful treatment.
Informal interdisciplinary pain programs may be considered for patients who are currently employed, those who cannot attend all-day programs, those with language barriers, or those living in areas not offering formal programs. Before treatment has been initiated, the patient, physician, and insurer should agree on treatment approach, methods, and goals. Generally, the type of outpatient program needed will depend on the degree of impact the pain has had on the patient's medical, physical, psychological, social, and/or vocational functioning.
When referring a patient for formal outpatient interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation, an occupational rehabilitation program, or an opioid treatment program, the Division recommends the program meets the criteria of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
Inpatient pain rehabilitation programs are rarely needed but may be necessary for patients with any of the following conditions:
Whether formal or informal programs, they should be comprised of the following dimensions (CARF 2010-11):
* Communication: to ensure positive functional outcomes, communication between the patient, insurer, and all professionals involved must be coordinated and consistent. Any exchange of information must be provided to all parties, including the patient. Care decisions should be communicated to all parties and should include the family and/or support system.
* Documentation: Through documentation by all professionals involved and/or discussions with the patient, it should be clear that functional goals are being actively pursued and measured on a regular basis to determine their achievement or need for modification. It is advisable to have the patient undergo objective functional measures.
* Treatment Modalities: use of modalities may be necessary early in the process to facilitate compliance with and tolerance to therapeutic exercise, physical conditioning, and increasing functional activities. Active treatments should be emphasized over passive treatments. Active and self-monitored passive treatments should encourage self-coping skills and management of pain, which can be continued independently at home or at work. Treatments that can foster a sense of dependency by the patient on the caregiver should be avoided. Treatment length should be decided based upon observed functional improvement. For a complete list of active and passive therapies, refer to F.12. Therapy - Active and F.13. Therapy - Passive. All treatment timeframes may be extended based on the patient's positive functional improvement.
* Therapeutic Exercise Programs: a Therapeutic Exercise program should be initiated at the start of any treatment rehabilitation. Such programs should emphasize education, independence, and the importance of an on-going exercise regimen. There is good evidence that exercise alone or part of a multi-disciplinary program results in decreased disability for workers with non-acute low back pain. There is not sufficient evidence to support the recommendation of any particular exercise regimen over any other exercise regimen.
* Return to Work: the authorized treating physician should continually evaluate the patients for their potential to return to work. For patients who are currently employed, efforts should be aimed at keeping them employed. Formal rehabilitation programs should provide assistance in creating work profiles. For more specific information regarding return to work, refer to F.11. Return to Work.
* Patient Education: Patients with pain need to re-establish a healthy balance in lifestyle. All providers should educate patients on how to overcome barriers to resuming daily activity, including pain management, decreased energy levels, financial constraints, decreased physical ability, and change in family dynamics.
* Psychosocial Evaluation and Treatment: Psychosocial Evaluation should be initiated, if not previously done. Providers should have a thorough understanding of the patient's personality profile, especially if dependency issues are involved. Psychosocial treatment may enhance the patient's ability to participate in pain treatment rehabilitation, manage stress, and increase their problem-solving and self-management skills.
* Vocational Assistance: Vocational assistance can define future employment opportunities or assist patients in obtaining future employment. Refer to F.13. Return to Work for detailed information.
Interdisciplinary programs are characterized by a variety of disciplines that participate in the assessment, planning, and/or implementation of the treatment program. These programs are for patients with greater levels of perceived disability, dysfunction, de-conditioning, and psychological involvement. Programs should have sufficient personnel to work with the individual in the following areas: behavioral, functional, medical, cognitive, pain management, psychological, social, and vocational.
Rehabilitation Program provides outcome-focused, coordinated, goal-oriented interdisciplinary team services to measure and improve the functioning of persons with pain and encourage their appropriate use of health care system and services. The program can benefit persons who have limitations that interfere with their physical, psychological, social, and/or vocational functioning. The program shares information about the scope of the services and the outcomes achieved with patients, authorized providers, and insurers.
The interdisciplinary team maintains consistent integration and communication to ensure that all interdisciplinary team members are aware of the plan of care for the patient, are exchanging information, and implement the plan of care. The team members make interdisciplinary team decisions with the patient and then ensure that decisions are communicated to the entire care team.
The Medical Director of the pain program should ideally be board certified in pain management. Alternatively, he/she should be board certified in his/her specialty area and have completed a one-year fellowship in interdisciplinary pain medicine or palliative care recognized by a national board. As a final alternative, he or she should have two years of experience in an interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program. Teams that assist in the accomplishment of functional, physical, psychological, social, and vocational goals must include: a medical director, pain team physician(s), who should preferably be board certified in an appropriate specialty, and a pain team psychologist. Professionals from other disciplines on the team may include, but are not limited to: a biofeedback therapist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, a registered nurse (RN), a case manager, an exercise physiologist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and/or a nutritionist.
* Time to Produce Effect: 3 to 4 weeks.
* Frequency: Full time programs - No less than 5 hours per day, 5 days per week; part-time programs - 4 hours per day, 2-3 days per week.
* Optimum Duration: 3 to 12 weeks at least 2-3 times a week. Follow-up visits weekly or every other week during the first 1 to 2 months after the initial program is completed.
* Maximum Duration: 4 months for full-time programs and up to 6 months for part-time programs. Periodic review and monitoring thereafter for 1 year, AND additional follow-up based on the documented maintenance of functional gains.
There is some evidence that an integrated care program, consisting of workplace interventions and graded activity teaching that pain need not limit activity, is effective in returning patients with chronic low back pain to work, even with minimal reported reduction of pain.
The occupational medicine rehabilitation interdisciplinary team should, at a minimum, be comprised of a qualified medical director who is board certified with documented training in occupational rehabilitation; team physicians having experience in occupational rehabilitation; an occupational therapist; and a physical therapist.
As appropriate, the team may also include any of the following: chiropractor, an RN, a case manager, a psychologist, a vocational specialist, or a certified biofeedback therapist.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 weeks.
* Frequency: 2 to 5 visits per week, up to 8 hours per day.
* Optimum Duration: 2 to 4 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks. Participation in a program beyond 6 weeks must be documented with respect to need and the ability to facilitate positive symptomatic and functional gains.
This program is different from a formal program in that it involves lower frequency and intensity of services/treatment. Informal rehabilitation is geared toward those patients who do not need the intensity of service offered in a formal program or who cannot attend an all-day program due to employment, daycare, language, or other barriers.
Patients should be referred to professionals experienced in outpatient treatment of chronic pain. The Division recommends the authorized treating physician consult with physicians experienced in the treatment of chronic pain to develop the plan of care. Communication among care providers regarding clear objective goals and progress toward the goals is essential. Employers should be involved in return to work and work restrictions, and the family and/or social support system should be included in the treatment plan. Professionals from other disciplines likely to be involved include: a biofeedback therapist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist, an RN, a psychologist, a case manager, an exercise physiologist, a psychiatrist, and/or a nutritionist.
* Time to Produce Effect: 3 to 4 weeks.
* Frequency: Full-time programs - No less than 5 hours per day, 5 days per week; Part-time programs - 4 hours per day for 2-3 days per week.
* Optimum Duration: 3 to 12 weeks at least 2-3 times a week. Follow-up visits weekly or every other week during the first 1 to 2 months after the initial program is completed.
Maximum Duration: 4 months for full-time programs and up to 6 months for part-time programs. Periodic review and monitoring thereafter for 1 year, and additional follow-up based upon the documented maintenance of functional gains.
The job analysis and modification should include input from the employee, employer, and a medical professional familiar with work place evaluation. An ergonomist may also provide useful information. The injured worker must be present and an employee must be observed performing all applicable job functions in order for the jobsite analysis to be valid. Periodic follow-up is recommended to evaluate effectiveness of the intervention and need for additional ergonomic changes.
workers should be counseled to vary tasks throughout the day. When possible, employees performing repetitive tasks should take 15 to 30 second breaks every 10 to 20 minutes, or 5-minute breaks every hour. Mini-breaks should include stretching exercises.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen are useful in the treatment of injuries associated with degenerative joint disease and/or inflammation. These same medications can be used for pain control.
Topical agents can be beneficial for pain management in lower extremity injuries. This includes topical capsaicin, nonsteroidals, as well as topical iontphoretics/phonophoretics, such as steroid creams and lidocaine.
Glucosamine and chondroitin are sold in the United States as dietary supplements. Their dosage, manufacture, and purity are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
There is good evidence that glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride are ineffective for relieving pain in patients with knee or hip OA. There is some evidence that glucosamine sulfate treatment for more than 6 months shows a small improvement in joint function compared to placebo controls in people with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. There is some evidence that chondroitin plus glucosamine has no clinically important effect on knee pain and function when taken for two years. An effect of slowing of the progression of joint space narrowing cannot be ruled out. However, due to investigations finding that 79% of herbal supplements did not actually contain the substance on the label, these supplements are not recommended.
S-adenosyl methionine (SAM-e), like glucosamine and chondroitin, is sold as a dietary supplement in the United States, with a similar lack of standard preparations of dose and manufacture. There is some evidence that a pharmaceutical-grade SAM-e is as effective as celecoxib in improving pain and function in knee osteoarthritis, but its onset of action is slower. Studies using liquid chromatography have shown that it may lose its potency after several weeks of storage. In addition, SAM-e has multiple additional systemic effects. It is not currently recommended due to lack of availability of pharmaceutical quality, systemic effects, and loss of potency with storage.
There is insufficient evidence to evaluate if topical herbal therapies (arnica, capsicum, and comfrey extract gels) are effective for treating patients with knee or hip OA. There is insufficient evidence to evaluate if avocado-soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) or the proprietary ASU product Piasclidine® are effective for treating patients with knee or hip OA. There is good evidence that Boswellia serrata is marginally effective for decreasing pain and improving function in treating patients with knee or hip OA. However, due to investigations finding that 79% of herbal supplements did not actually contain the substance on the label, these supplements are not recommended.
The following are listed in alphabetical order.
There is good evidence that acetaminophen is not more effective than placebo for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. It is likely the acetaminophen is also not effective for hip arthritis either. It may be used on patients with contraindications to other medications.
* Optimum Duration: 7 to 10 days.
* Maximum Duration: Long-term use as indicated on a case-by-case basis. Use of this substance long-term (for 3 days per week or greater) may be associated with rebound pain upon cessation.
There is some evidence that a post-surgery single infusion of zoledronic acid is not effective in reducing the time to clinical osteotomy healing compared to a control infusion. Other medications such as alendronate have been tried for femoral osteonecrosis; however, results are inconsistent. Therefore, they are not recommended for those without osteopenia or osteoporosis. See Section 7.h. Osteoporosis Management Section below.
All patients undergoing lower extremity surgery or prolonged lower extremity immobilization should be evaluated for elevated risk for DVT and should receive education on prevention. Possible symptoms should be discussed. Patients at higher risk than the normal population include, but are not limited to, those with known hypercoagulable states and those with previous pulmonary embolism or DVT. Those with a higher risk for bleeding, may alter thromboprophylaxis protocols. This includes patients with a history of a bleeding disorder, severe renal failure, use of an antiplatelet agent, active liver disease, revision surgery, extensive dissection or difficult to control bleeding.
There is no evidence to support mandatory prophylaxis for all patients who have isolated lower extremity injuries with immobilization. No prophylaxis is recommended for knee arthroscopy in patients without a history of prior venous thrombosis.
Hip and knee arthroplasties and hip fracture repair are standard risk factors requiring thromboprophylaxis.
There is good evidence that, in the setting of total hip or knee replacement, a venous foot pump or a strategy using chemoprophylaxis with low-molecular weight heparin, heparin, or heparin combined with aspirin, confer approximately equal benefits for preventing thrombotic events and pulmonary emboli. However, pulmonary emboli are a rare complication.
Chemoprophylaxis begins 12 hours pre or postoperatively. Low molecular weight heparin may be preferred. Dual prophylaxis, chemical and intermittent pneumatic compression devices may be more appropriate for at risk patients and during the hospital stay. However, single prophylaxis is also acceptable. Prophylaxis may be extended to 35 days. Chemical prophylaxis may use low-molecular-weight heparin, fondaparinux, apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, low-dose unfractionated heparin, adjusted-dose vitamin K antagonist and aspirin. One Cochrane review found similar prophylaxis for direct thrombin inhibitors as for warfarin, low molecular weight heparin or coumarin. However, new agents caused more bleeding. Aspirin is generally used with compressive devices and is one recommended option.
Combined compression and chemoprophylaxis may be important for patients with previous venous thrombosis and compression should be used for all patients during hospitalization. Patients with a history of bleeding disorders should receive mechanical compression only.
All patients should be mobilized as soon as possible after surgery. Mechanical prophylaxis such as pneumatic devices that are thigh/calf, calf only, or foot pumps should be considered immediately postoperatively and/or until the patient is discharged. Thigh length or knee high graduated compression stockings are used for most patients. With prolonged prophylaxis, lab tests must be drawn regularly. These may be accomplished with home health care or outpatient laboratories when appropriate.
Asymptomatic patients should not have Doppler or duplex ultrasound screening before discharge.
* Optimum Duration: 1 week.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks (or longer if used only at night).
Topical NSAIDs may be more appropriate for some patients as there is some evidence that topical NSAIDs are associated with fewer systemic adverse events than oral NSAIDs.
Oral and topical NSAIDs are likely to be beneficial in the short-term treatment of acute ankle sprains, but there is no evidence on long-term effects, and oral NSAIDs may be associated with possible adverse events.
There is some evidence that a six week postoperative course of 75 mg of daily indomethacin does not reduce the risk of heterotopic ossification compared to placebo, and that the risk of nonunion may be increased with 6 weeks of indomethacin.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of long bone fractures of the femur, tibia, and humerus, NSAID administration in the first 48 hours after injury is associated with poor healing of the fracture.
Certain NSAIDs may have interactions with various other medications. Individuals may have adverse events not listed above. Intervals for metabolic screening are dependent on the patient's age and general health status and should be within parameters listed for each specific medication. Complete Blood Count (CBC) and liver and renal function should be monitored at least every six months in patients on chronic NSAIDs and initially when indicated.
Includes NSAIDs and acetylsalicylic acid. Serious GI toxicity, such as bleeding, perforation, and ulceration can occur at any time, with or without warning symptoms, in patients treated with traditional NSAIDs. Physicians should inform patients about the signs and/or symptoms of serious GI toxicity and what steps to take if they occur. Anaphylactoid reactions may occur in patients taking NSAIDs. NSAIDs may interfere with platelet function. Fluid retention and edema have been observed in some patients taking NSAIDs.
* Optimal Duration: 1 week.
* Maximum duration: 1 year. Use of these substances long-term (3 days per week or greater) is associated with rebound pain upon cessation.
COX-2 inhibitors differ from the traditional NSAIDs in adverse side effect profiles. The major advantages of selective COX-2 inhibitors over traditional NSAIDs are that they have less GI toxicity and no platelet effects. COX-2 inhibitors can worsen renal function in patients with renal insufficiency; thus, renal function may need monitoring.
COX-2 inhibitors should not be first-line for low risk patients who will be using an NSAID short-term. COX-2 inhibitors are indicated in select patients who do not tolerate traditional NSAIDs. Serious upper GI adverse events can occur even in asymptomatic patients. Patients at high risk for GI bleed include those who use alcohol, smoke, are older than 65, take corticosteroids or anti-coagulants, or have a longer duration of therapy. Celecoxib is contraindicated in sulfonamide allergic patients.
* Optimal Duration: 7 to 10 days.
* Maximum Duration: Chronic use is appropriate in individual cases. Use of these substances long-term (3 days per week or greater) is associated with rebound pain upon cessation.
Opioids medications should be prescribed with strict time, quantity, and duration guidelines, and with definitive cessation parameters. Pain is subjective in nature and should be evaluated using a pain scale and assessment of function to rate effectiveness of the opioid prescribed. Any use beyond the maximum should be documented and justified based on the diagnosis and/or invasive procedures.
* Optimum Duration: Up to 10 days.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks. Use beyond 2 weeks is acceptable in appropriate cases when functional improvement is documented. Refer to the Division's Chronic Pain Disorder Medical Treatment Guidelines, which give a detailed discussion regarding medication use in chronic pain management. Use beyond 30 days after non-traumatic injuries, or 6 weeks post-surgery after the original injury or postoperatively is not recommended. If necessary the physician should access the Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and follow recommendations in Chronic Pain Guideline. This system allows the prescribing physician to see most of the controlled substances prescribed by other physicians for an individual patient.
inflammatory drug effect in carefully selected patients. A one-week regime of steroids may be considered in the treatment of patients who have arthritic flare-ups with significant inflammation of the joint. The physician must be fully aware of potential contraindications for the use of all steroids such as hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma, peptic ulcer disease, etc., which should be discussed with the patient.
* Optimal Duration: 3 to 7 days.
* Maximum Duration: 7 days.
One in 5 men and one in 2 Caucasian women will experience an osteoporosis related fracture in their lifetime.
Medications/Vitamins: All patients with conditions which require bone healing, especially those over 50, should be encouraged to ingest at least 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU of vitamin D per day which is similar to recommendations for older patients or those with osteoporosis and age greater than 50. Natural sources for vitamins, diet and sunlight, may be preferred but supplements are frequently necessary. A Cochrane review noted that supplements of vitamin D and calcium may prevent hip or any type of fracture. A systematic review was unable to find evidence for the role of vitamin D alone. Monitoring of vitamin D levels can be considered and may be appropriate for delayed healing of fracture, lack of radiographic signs of healing, or suspected vitamin D deficiency. For all fractures, an initial vitamin D level should be obtained if there is any clinical suspicion of deficiency. Monitoring and treatment for any deficiency should continue as clinically indicated.
There is some evidence that, for women in the older age group (58 to 88) with low hip bone density, greater callus forms for those who adhere to these recommendations than those who do not. Although the clinical implications of this are not known, there is greater nonunion in this age group and thus, coverage for these medications during the fracture healing time period is recommended. At this time there is no evidence that bisphosphonates increase acute fracture healing.
Patients with a low energy fracture, female patients 65 and older, and men 70 and older should have a bone mineral density test. A bone mineral density test may also be considered for men and women aged 50-69. Patients who have been on prednisone at a dose of 5 mg for more than 3 months should be evaluated for glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis. Risk factors for osteoporosis include alcohol use of 3 or more drinks per day, tobacco use, low BMI, parental history of hip fracture, 2º osteoporosis, age, and rheumatoid arthritis. Those with risk factors for secondary osteoporosis may require further workup. In one adequate study, all patients aged 50 to 75 referred to an orthopaedic department for treatment of wrist, vertebral, proximal humerus, or hip fractures received bone mass density testing. 97% of patients had either osteoporosis (45%) or osteopenia (42%). Referral is important to prevent future factures in these groups. Long-term care for osteoporosis is not covered under workers compensation even though it may be discovered due to an injury-related acute fracture. It is unclear if bisphosphonate use beyond 5 years is necessary. Patients should be counseled regarding prevention, including decreased alcohol consumption, smoking cessation, regular exercise, and vitamin D and calcium consumption, preferably from dietary sources.
There is good evidence that duloxetine more effectively decreases knee OA pain in older adults than placebo. However, the side effect profile of constipation and other symptoms should be considered if the drug is given to older adults.
Anti-anxiety medications are best used for short-term treatment (i.e. less than 6 months). Accompanying sleep disorders are best treated with sedating anti-depressants prior to bedtime. Frequently, combinations of the above agents are useful. The physician should be aware of potential drug interactions with these combinations. As a general rule, physicians should assess the patient's prior history of substance abuse or depression prior to prescribing any of these agents.
Due to the habit-forming potential of the benzodiazepines and other drugs found in this class, they are not generally recommended. Refer to the Division's Chronic Pain Disorder Medical Treatment Guidelines, which give a detailed discussion regarding medication use in chronic pain management.
* Optimum Duration: 1 to 6 months.
* Maximum Duration: 6 to 12 months, with monitoring.
There is strong evidence from a meta-analysis that topical NSAIDs are more effective than placebo vehicles such as gels or creams in the setting of acute musculoskeletal injuries, and some evidence that topical NSAIDs are associated with fewer systemic adverse events than oral NSAIDs.
There is no evidence that topical agents are more effective than oral medications. Therefore, they should not generally be used unless the patient has an intolerance to oral anti-inflammatories.
* Optimum Duration: One week.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks per episode.
* Optimum Duration: One week.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks per episode.
* Optimum Duration: Varies with drug or compound.
* Maximum Duration: Varies with drug or compound.
There is good evidence that, in the setting of hip OA, the analgesic and functional effects of tramadol compared to placebo are likely to be small enough to be clinically unimportant. Careful dose titration is recommended as some patients experience intolerance. There may be fewer life-threatening adverse events with tramadol than with commonly used NSAIDs. However, it is commonly used for chronic pain and may be useful for some patients.
* Optimum Duration: 3 to 7 days.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks. Use beyond 2 weeks is acceptable in appropriate cases.
* Length of visit: 1 to 2 hours per day.
* Frequency: 2 to 5 visits per week.
* Optimum Duration: 2 to 4 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks. Participation in a program beyond six weeks must be documented with respect to need and the ability to facilitate positive symptomatic or functional gains.
* Length of visit: 2 to 6 hours per day.
* Frequency: 2 to 5 visits per week.
* Optimum Duration: 2 to 4 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks. Participation in a program beyond six weeks must be documented with respect to need and the ability to facilitate positive symptomatic or functional gains.
There is good evidence that valgus knee bracing provides moderate improvement in pain and function compared to patients who do not use another type of orthosis. There is also good evidence that the use of valgus knee bracing also provides a small improvement in pain among patients with medial knee osteoarthritis, compared to patients who use another type of orthosis. Thus, valgus knee bracing is a reasonable treatment for medial knee osteoarthritis.
There is some evidence that conservative management using either the valgus knee brace or the lateral wedged insole reduces pain and improves function in adults with medial tibiofemoral osteoarthritis of the knee. There were no significant differences between the two orthoses in any of the clinical outcomes. Participants wore the insoles more consistently than the braces, and this may reflect convenience and greater acceptance of use. There is some evidence that laterally elevated wedged insoles are more effective in reducing pain, improving function, and reducing NSAID usage than neutrally wedged insoles in adults with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Participants wore the neutral insoles more consistently than the elevated insoles, and this may reflect on their comfort and greater acceptance of use. Thus, there is good evidence for the use of laterally elevated wedged soles for those with medial osteoarthritis.
There is good evidence that orthoses have a small, short-term (3 months) functional benefit compared to sham orthosis in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. There is also some literature indicating overall subjective improvement from various types of orthoses plus stretching compared to stretching alone. Evidence does not support pain reduction from orthoses. There is strong evidence that the effectiveness of prefabricated orthoses is equivalent to, and possibly better than, custom-made orthoses. There is insufficient information to support the superiority of custom-made orthoses over those that are prefabricated. Generally custom made orthoses are not necessary except in specific cases such as those with anatomic or alignment abnormalities of the foot.
There is some evidence that off the shelf foot orthoses were found to be better than flat foot inserts in the short-term for patellofemoral pain syndrome. In this study both physiotherapy and foot orthoses had similar outcomes at 52 weeks. Physiotherapy once each week for 6 weeks included joint mobilization, taping and quadriceps muscle strengthening. Although foot orthoses added to PT did not appear to change long-term outcome, it is possible they may hasten return to work. In another study, patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome who benefited most from orthoses met 3 of the following criteria: older than 25; height less than 165cm; worst pain less than 5.3/10; and mid foot width difference from non-weight bearing to weight bearing greater than 10.96mm.
* Time to Produce Effect: 1 to 3 sessions (includes wearing schedule and evaluation).
* Frequency: 1 to 2 times per week.
* Optimum/Maximum Duration: Over a period of approximately 4 to 6 weeks for casting, fitting, and re-evaluation.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 6 sessions.
* Frequency: 3 times per week.
* Optimum/Maximum Duration: 2 to 4 months.
There is inadequate evidence to recommend for or against night splinting for plantar fasciitis. A single randomized controlled trial of night splinting was identified but did not meet criteria for evidence due to large risk of bias. Night splinting is commonly used for plantar fasciitis and may be incorporated as a part of the stretching protocol.
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate.
* Frequency: 1 to 3 sessions or as indicated to establish independent use.
* Optimum/Maximum Duration: 1 to 3 sessions.
If a diagnosis consistent with the standards of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has been determined, the patient should be evaluated for the potential need for psychiatric medications. Use of any medication to treat a diagnosed condition may be ordered by the authorized treating physician or by the consulting psychiatrist. Visits for management of psychiatric medications are medical in nature and are not a component of psychosocial treatment. Therefore, separate visits for medication management may be necessary, depending on the patient and medications selected.
Psychosocial interventions include psychotherapeutic treatments for mental health conditions, as well as behavioral medicine treatments. These interventions may similarly be beneficial for patients without psychiatric conditions, but who may need to make major life changes in order to cope with pain or adjust to disability. Examples of these treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), relaxation training, mindfulness training, and sleep hygiene training.
The screening or diagnostic workup should clarify and distinguish between pre-existing, aggravated, and/or purely causative psychological conditions. Therapeutic and diagnostic modalities include, but are not limited to, individual counseling and group therapy. Treatment can occur within an individualized model, a multi-disciplinary model, or a structured pain management program.
A psychologist with a PhD, PsyD, EdD credentials, or a psychiatric MD/DO may perform psychosocial treatments. Other licensed mental health providers or licensed health care providers with training in CBT, or certified as CBT therapists who have experience in treating chronic pain disorders in injured workers, may also perform treatment in consultation with a PhD, PsyD, EdD, or psychiatric MD/DO.
CBT refers to a group of psychological therapies that are sometimes referred to by more specific names such as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Rational Behavior Therapy, Rational Living Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Dialectic Behavior Therapy. Variations of CBT methods can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, depression, anxiety, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For patients with multiple diagnoses, more than one type of CBT might be needed. The CBT used in research studies is often "manualized CBT," meaning that the treatment follows a specific protocol in a manual. In clinical settings, CBT may involve the use of standardized materials, but it is also commonly adapted by a psychologist or psychiatrist to the patient's unique circumstances. If the CBT is being performed by a non-mental health professional, a manual approach would be strongly recommended. CBT must be distinguished from neuropsychological therapies used to teach compensatory strategies to brain injured patients, which are also called "cognitive therapy."
It should be noted that most clinical trials on CBT exclude subjects who have significant psychiatric diagnoses. Consequently, the selection of patients for CBT should include the following considerations. CBT is instructive and structured, using an educational model with homework to teach inductive rational thinking. Because of this educational model, a certain level of literacy is assumed for most CBT protocols. Patients who lack the cognitive and educational abilities required by a CBT protocol are unlikely to be successful. Further, given the highly structured nature of CBT, it is more effective when a patient's circumstances are relatively stable. For example, if a patient is about to be evicted, is actively suicidal, or is coming to sessions intoxicated, these matters will generally preempt CBT treatment for pain, and require other types of psychotherapeutic response. Conversely, literate patients whose circumstances are relatively stable, but who catastrophize or cope poorly with pain or disability are often good candidates for CBT for pain. Similarly, literate patients whose circumstances are relatively stable, but who exhibit unfounded medical phobias, are often good candidates for CBT for anxiety.
There is good evidence that cognitive intervention reduces low back disability in the short-term and in the long-term. In one of the studies, the therapy consisted of 6, 2-hour sessions given weekly to workers who had been sick-listed for 8-12 weeks. Comparison groups included those who received routine care. There is good evidence that psychological interventions, especially CBT, are superior to no psychological intervention for chronic low back pain. There is also good evidence that self-regulatory interventions, such as biofeedback and relaxation training, may be equally effective. There is good evidence that six group therapy sessions lasting one and a half hours each focused on CBT skills improved function and alleviated pain in uncomplicated sub-acute and chronic low back pain patients. There is some evidence that CBT provided in seven two-hour small group sessions can reduce the severity of insomnia in chronic pain patients. A Cochrane meta-analysis grouped very heterogenous behavioral interventions and concluded that there was good evidence that CBT may reduce pain and disability, but the effect size was uncertain. In total, the evidence clearly supports CBT, and it should be offered to all chronic pain patents who do not have other serious issues, as discussed above.
CBT is often combined with active therapy in an interdisciplinary program, whether formal or informal. It must be coordinated with a psychologist or psychiatrist. CBT can be done in a small group or individually, and the usual number of treatments varies between 8 and16 sessions.
Before CBT is done, the patient must have a full psychological evaluation. The CBT program must be done under the supervision of a PhD, PsyD, EdD, or psychiatric MD/DO.
Psychological Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) Axis I disorders are common in chronic pain. One study demonstrated that the majority of patients who had failed other therapy and participated in an active therapy program also suffered from major depression. However, in a program that included CBT and other psychological counseling, the success rate for return to work was similar for those with and without a DSM IV diagnosis. This study further strengthens the argument for having some psychological intervention included in all chronic pain treatment plans.
For all psychological/psychiatric interventions, an assessment and treatment plan with measurable behavioral goals, time frames, and specific interventions planned, must be provided to the treating physician prior to initiating treatment. A status report must be provided to the authorized treating physician every two weeks during initial more frequent treatment and monthly thereafter. The report should provide documentation of progress toward functional recovery and a discussion of the psychosocial issues affecting the patient's ability to participate in treatment. The report should also address pertinent issues such as pre-existing, aggravated, and/or causative issues, as well as realistic functional prognosis.
* Time to Produce Effect: 6 to 8 1-2 hour session, group or individual (1-hour individual or 2-hour group).
* Maximum Duration: 16 sessions.
NOTE: Before CBT is done, the patient must have a full psychological evaluation. The CBT program must be done under the supervision of a PhD, PsyD, EdD, or Psychiatric MD/DO.
* Time to Produce Effect: 6 to 8 weeks.
* Frequency: 1 to 2 times weekly for the first 2 weeks (excluding hospitalization, if required), decreasing to 1 time per week for the second month. Thereafter, 2 to 4 times monthly with the exception of exacerbations, which may require increased frequency of visits. Not to include visits for medication management
* Optimum Duration: 2 to 6 months.
* Maximum Duration: 6 months. Not to include visits for medication management. For select patients, longer supervised psychological/psychiatric treatment may be required, especially if there are ongoing medical procedures or complications. If counseling beyond 6 months is indicated, the management of psychosocial risks or functional progress must be documented. Treatment plan/progress must show severity.
Some level of immobility may occasionally be appropriate which could include bracing. While these interventions may occasionally have been ordered in the acute phase, the provider should be aware of their impact on the patient's ability to adequately comply with and successfully complete rehabilitation. Activity should be increased based on the improvement of core strengthening.
Patients should be educated regarding the detrimental effects of immobility versus the efficacious use of limited rest periods. Adequate rest allows the patient to comply with active treatment and benefit from the rehabilitation program. In addition, complete work cessation should be avoided, if possible, since it often further aggravates the pain presentation and promotes disability. Modified return to work is almost always more efficacious and rarely contraindicated in the vast majority of injured workers.
Because a prolonged period of time off work will decrease the likelihood of return to work, the first weeks of treatment are crucial in preventing and/or reversing chronicity and disability mindset. In complex cases, experienced nurse case managers may be required to assist in return to work. Other services, including psychological evaluation and/or treatment, jobsite analysis, and vocational assistance, may be employed.
Two counseling sessions with an occupational physician, and work site visit if necessary, may be helpful for workers who are concerned about returning to work.
At least one study suggests that health status is worse for those patients who do not return to work than those who do. Self-employment and injury severity predict return to work. Difficulty with pain control, ADLs, and anxiety and depression were common.
The following should be considered when attempting to return an injured worker with chronic pain to work.
Recommendations to Employers and Employees of Small Businesses: employees of small businesses who are diagnosed with chronic pain may not be able to perform any jobs for which openings exist. Temporary employees may fill those slots while the employee functionally improves. Some small businesses hire other workers, and if the injured employee returns to the job, the supervisor/owner may have an extra employee. Case managers may assist with resolution of these problems and with finding modified job tasks or jobs with reduced hours, etc., depending on company philosophy and employee needs.
Recommendations to Employers and Employees of Mid-sized and Large Businesses: Employers are encouraged by the Division to identify modified work within the company that may be available to injured workers with chronic pain who are returning to work with temporary or permanent restrictions. To assist with temporary or permanent placement of the injured worker, it is suggested that a program be implemented that allows the case manager to access descriptions of all jobs within the organization.
Patients should be instructed to continue active therapies at home as an extension of the treatment process in order to maintain improvement levels. Follow-up visits to reinforce and monitor progress and proper technique are recommended. Home exercise can include exercise with or without mechanical assistance or resistance and functional activities with assistive devices.
On occasion, specific diagnoses and post-surgical conditions may warrant durations of treatment beyond those listed as "maximum." Factors such as exacerbation of symptoms, re-injury, interrupted continuity of care, and co-morbidities may also extend durations of care. Specific goals with objectively measured functional improvement during treatment must be cited to justify extended durations of care. It is recommended that, if no functional gain is observed after the number of treatments under "time to produce effect" have been completed, then alternative treatment interventions, further diagnostic studies, or further consultations should be pursued.
The following active therapies are listed in alphabetical order:
* Time to Produce Effect: 4 to 5 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 6 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks.
* Postoperative therapy as ordered by the surgeon; or
* Intolerance for active land-based or full-weight-bearing therapeutic procedures; or
* Symptoms that are exacerbated in a dry environment; and
* Willingness to follow through with the therapy on a regular basis.
The pool should be large enough to allow full extremity ROM and fully erect posture. Aquatic vests, belts, snorkels, and other devices may be used to provide stability, balance, buoyancy, and resistance.
* Time to Produce Effect: 4 to 5 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 6 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 8 weeks.
A self-directed program is recommended after the supervised aquatics program has been established, or alternatively a transition to a self-directed dry environment exercise program.
* Time to Produce Effect: 4 to 5 treatments
* Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 6 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 8 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 8 weeks. If beneficial, provide with home unit. Home use is not recommended for neuromuscularly intact patients.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: 2 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 2 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks.
There is good evidence that, for chronic ankle instability, 4 weeks of neuromuscular training aimed at improving balance and proprioception are more effective than no training at producing functional recovery.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 8 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 8 weeks.
There is some evidence that a treatment approach consisting of a combination of hip- and knee-strengthening exercises was more effective in improving function and reducing pain over a 1-year period than knee-strengthening exercises alone in sedentary women with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).
There is good evidence that 4 weeks of resistance training is effective for improving maximal strength, functional ability, and reducing pain when used as a therapeutic rehabilitation program for various musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic tendinopathy, knee osteoarthritis, and after hip replacement surgery.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of hip OA with Kellgren-Lawrence grades 0 through 3, a short 5 week course of 9 sessions of manual therapy yields better overall improvement and hip function in daily activities than a supervised exercise program of similar duration and number of supervised sessions.
There is some evidence that 3-weeks of a home preoperative quadriceps exercise program prior to knee arthroplasty is more effective in reducing pain, and improving function and quadriceps strength in the short-term up to 3 months postoperatively compared with usual care in patients with knee osteoarthritis. However, these effects are not sustained at 6 months after total knee arthroplasty. Thus, there is good evidence supporting pre-operative exercise.
Indications include the need for cardiovascular fitness, reduced edema, improved muscle strength, improved connective tissue strength and integrity, increased bone density, promotion of circulation to enhance soft tissue healing, improvement of muscle recruitment, increased range of motion and are used to promote normal movement patterns. May also include complementary/alternative exercise movement therapy.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 8 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 8 weeks.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: 2 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 2 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 2 weeks.
On occasion, specific diagnoses and post-surgical conditions may warrant durations of treatment beyond those listed as "maximum." Factors such as exacerbation of symptoms, re-injury, interrupted continuity of care, and comorbidities may also extend durations of care. Specific goals with objectively measured functional improvement during treatment must be cited to justify extended durations of care. It is recommended that, if no functional gain is observed after the number of treatments under "time to produce effect" has been completed, alternative treatment interventions, further diagnostic studies, or further consultations should be pursued.
The following passive therapies and modalities are listed in alphabetical order.
There is good evidence that, in people with osteoarthritis of the knee, continuous passive motion following total knee arthroplasty does not have clinically important short-term effects on active knee flexion ROM or medium-term effects on function or quality of life.
There is some evidence that there are no beneficial effects of early aggressive continuous passive motion (CPM) and fixed flexion CPM preceding progressive CPM on the short-term outcomes of range of motion (ROM), pain, and hospital length of stay compared to standardized physical therapy alone in patients following total knee arthroplasty. Therefore, it is not recommended..
There is good evidence that, in the setting of postoperative ACL rehabilitation, knee bracing is not always necessary. Continuous passive motion has no benefits. Home exercises may be as effective as outpatient rehabilitation in motivated patients. Therefore, it is not recommended for ACL repair.
Indications: Postoperative for knee microfracture, autologous cartilage implantation, or joint manipulation under anesthesia. Postoperative for hip microfracture.
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate.
* Frequency: 6-8 hours per day.
* Optimum Duration: Up to 4 weeks post-surgical.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks if progress in range of motion is demonstrated.
* Time to Produce Effect: 3 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 1 month.
Indications: for patients whose postoperative knee or ankle has limited range of motion and impedes function. Increasing range of motion is used to judge the effect of splinting. Physical therapy should continue with the use of dynamic splints.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 weeks.
* Frequency: Usually 6-8 hours per day.
* Optimum Duration: 8 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 16 weeks- may be continued if function ROM has not been reached but continual ROM increase is demonstrated with use.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 4 treatments.
* Frequency: Varies, depending upon indication, between 2 to 3 times per day to 1 time a week. Provide home unit if treatment is effective and frequent use is recommended.
* Optimum Duration: 1 to 3 months.
* Maximum Duration: 3 months.
* Time to Produce Effect: 1 to 4 treatments.
* Frequency: 1 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 1 month.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 4 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 3 weeks as primary, or up to 2 months if used intermittently as an adjunct to other therapeutic procedures.
* Maximum Duration: 2 months.
* Time to Produce Effect: 1 to 4 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 times per week with at least 48 hours between treatments.
* Optimum Duration: 8 to 10 treatments.
* Maximum Duration: 10 treatments.
High velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) technique, chiropractic manipulation, osteopathic manipulation, muscle energy techniques, counter strain, and non-force techniques are all types of manipulative treatment. This may be applied by osteopathic physicians (D.O.), chiropractors (D.C.), properly trained physical therapists (P.T.), properly trained occupational therapists (O.T.), or properly trained medical physicians. Under these different types of manipulation exist many subsets of different techniques that can be described as a) direct - a forceful engagement of a restrictive/pathologic barrier, b) indirect - a gentle/non-forceful disengagement of a restrictive/pathologic barrier, c) the patient actively assists in the treatment and d) the patient relaxing, in allowing the practitioner to move the body tissues. When the proper diagnosis is made and coupled with the appropriate technique, manipulation has no contraindications and can be applied to all tissues of the body. Pre-treatment assessment should be performed as part of each manipulative treatment visit to ensure that the correct diagnosis and correct treatment is employed.
There is some evidence that, in patients with plantar fasciitis, six sessions of individually tailored manual therapy with exercise is more effective in improving foot function six months later than six sessions of a standardized program of exercise with ultrasound, dexamethasone iontophoresis, and ice.
There is some evidence that, for ankle sprains, a 4 week program of twice weekly manual physical therapy plus home exercise provides benefits in addition to home exercise alone at the end of treatment. However, these differences decrease over a 6 month period as the natural history of ankle sprains begins to resolve.
* Time to Produce Effect (for all types of manipulative treatment): 1 to 6 treatments.
* Frequency: Up to 3 times per week for the first 3 weeks as indicated by the severity of involvement and the desired effect.
* Optimum Duration: 10 treatments.
* Maximum Duration: 12 treatments. Additional visits may be necessary in cases of re-injury, interrupted continuity of care, exacerbation of symptoms, and co-morbidities. Functional gains including increased ROM must be demonstrated to justify continuing treatment.
* Time to Produce Effect: Variable, depending upon use.
* Frequency: 3 to 7 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 8 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 2 months.
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate.
* Frequency: 1 to 2 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 6 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 2 months.
There is good evidence that supervised exercise therapy with added manual mobilization shows moderate, clinically important reductions in pain compared to non-exercise controls in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. It may include skilled manual joint tissue stretching. Indications include the need to improve joint play, improve intracapsular arthrokinematics, or reduce pain associated with tissue impingement.
* Time to Produce Effect: 6 to 9 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 6 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 2 months.
There is some evidence that, for ankle sprains, a 4 week program of twice weekly manual physical therapy plus home exercise provides benefits in addition to home exercise alone at the end of treatment. However, these differences decrease over a 6 month period as the natural history of ankle sprains begins to resolve.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 3 weeks.
* Frequency: 2 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 6 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 6 weeks.
* Time to Produce Effect: 1 to 4 treatments.
* Frequency: 1 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 1 month. If beneficial, provide with home unit or purchase if effective.
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate.
* Frequency: 2 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 3 weeks as primary, or up to 2 months if used intermittently as an adjunct to other therapeutic procedures.
* Maximum Duration: 2 months.
* Time to Produce Effect: 2 to 4 treatments.
* Frequency: 2 to 3 times per week up to 3 weeks.
* Optimum Duration: 3 to 5 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 5 weeks.
* Time to Produce Effect: 1 to 3 sessions.
* Frequency: 2 to 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 30 days.
* Maximum Duration: 1 month.
* Time to Produce Effect: Immediate.
* Frequency: Variable.
* Optimum Duration: 3 sessions.
* Maximum Duration: 3 sessions. If beneficial, provide with home unit or purchase if effective. Due to variations in costs and in models, prior authorization for home units is required.
Ultrasound with electrical stimulation is concurrent delivery of electrical energy that involves a dispersive electrode placement. Indications include muscle spasm, scar tissue, pain modulation, and muscle facilitation.
There is no evidence of the effect of ultrasound on knee osteoarthritis. However, there is some evidence that in primary hip osteoarthritis, the addition of ultrasound (US) treatment with conventional physical therapy is more effective in reducing pain and improving function one and 3 months after treatment compared with conventional physical therapy alone. Therefore, ultrasound may be used for treatment of osteoarthritis when combined with active therapy.
Phonophoresis is the transfer of medication to the target tissue to control inflammation and pain through the use of sonic generators. These topical medications include, but are not limited to, steroidal anti-inflammatory and anesthetics.
* Time to Produce Effect: 6 to 15 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 4 to 8 weeks.
* Maximum Duration: 2 months.
* Time to Produce Effect: 1 to 3 treatments.
* Frequency: 3 to 5 times per week.
* Optimum Duration: 1 month.
* Maximum Duration: 1 month. If beneficial, provide with home unit.
It may also be beneficial for full vocational rehabilitation to start before MMI if it is evident that the injured worker will be unable to return to his/her previous occupation. A positive goal and direction may aid the patient in decreasing stress and depression, and promote optimum rehabilitation.
All operative interventions must be based upon positive correlation of clinical findings, clinical course, and diagnostic tests. A comprehensive assimilation of these factors must lead to a specific diagnosis with positive identification of pathologic condition(s). It is imperative to rule out non-physiologic modifiers of pain presentation or non-operative conditions mimicking operative conditions (e.g. peripheral neuropathy, myofascial pain, scleratogenous or sympathetically mediated pain syndromes, psychological), prior to consideration of elective surgical intervention.
In addition, operative treatment is indicated when the natural history of surgically treated lesions is better than the natural history for non-operatively treated lesions. All patients being considered for surgical intervention should first undergo a comprehensive neuro-musculoskeletal examination to identify mechanical pain generators that may respond to non-surgical techniques or may be refractory to surgical intervention.
Structured rehabilitation interventions should strongly be considered postoperatively in any patient not making expected functional progress within three weeks after surgery.
Postoperative therapy will frequently require a repeat of the therapy provided pre-operatively. Refer to Section F. Therapeutic Procedures - Non-operative, and consider the first postoperative visit as visit number one, for the time frame parameters provided.
Return-to-work restrictions should be specific according to the recommendation in Section F.13. Return-To-Work.
The patient and treating physician should have identified functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work. The patient should agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan, including home exercise. The provider should be especially careful to make sure the patient understands the amount of postoperative treatment required and the length of partial- and full-disability expected postoperatively. The patient should have committed to the recommended postoperative treatment plan and fully completed the recommended active, manual and pre-operative treatment plans.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
There is some concern that ankle arthrodesis may affect the development of adjacent-joint arthritis. However, a recent systematic review found no consensus in the literature as to the effects of ankle arthrodesis on biomechanics or on whether ankle arthrodesis leads to adjacent-joint arthritis.
Medications/Vitamins: All patients with conditions that require bone healing, especially those over 50, should be encouraged to ingest at least 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU of vitamin D per day. Refer to Section F.9.i. Osteoporosis Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Some information from a retrospective case series indicates that both open and arthroscopic arthrodesis significantly reduces pain and improves function. However, the arthroscopic approach may result in a shorter hospital stay and better outcomes at one and two years.
Autologous bone graft is currently considered the gold standard for all indications for bone grafting procedures. However, due to the limited availability and donor site complications, new products are being developed to eliminate the need for autograft. Thus, allograft in combination with advanced orthobiologics may be considered in lieu of autograft, but advanced orthobiologics require prior authorization.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Medications/Vitamins: All patients with conditions that require bone healing, especially those over 50, should be encouraged to ingest at least 1000 mg of calcium and 1000 IU of vitamin D per day. Refer to Section F.9.i. Osteoporosis Management.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications, as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Requirements include:
* good bone quality;
* BMI Less than 35;
* Nonsmoker currently;
* patient is 55 or older;
* No lower extremity neuropathy;
* patient does not pursue physically demanding work or recreational activities.
* Diabetics under confirmed control with Hgb A1c No Greater than 8%.
The following issues should be addressed when determining appropriateness for surgery: ankle laxity, bone alignment, surrounding soft tissue quality, vascular status, presence of avascular necrosis, history of open fracture or infection, motor dysfunction, and treatment of significant knee or hip pathology.
Ankle implants are less successful than similar procedures in the knee or hip. While the volume of total ankle arthroplasty procedures is increasing, there are no quality studies comparing arthrodesis to ankle replacement. Patients with ankle fusions generally have good return to function and fewer complications than those with joint replacements. Re-operation rates may be higher in ankle arthroplasty than in ankle arthrodesis. Long-term performance beyond ten years for current devices is still unclear. Salvage procedures for ankle replacement include revision with stemmed implant or allograft fusion. Given these factors, an ankle arthroplasty requires prior authorization and a second opinion by a surgeon specializing in lower extremity surgery.
For ankle distraction arthroplasty please refer to section E.1.b Aggravated Osteoarthritis.
Complications: Infection, need for revision, prolonged hospital stay. Revision rates may be somewhat higher for arthroplasty than for arthrodesis.
Contraindications - severe osteoporosis, significant general disability due to other medical conditions, psychiatric issues.
In cases where surgery is contraindicated due to obesity, it may be appropriate to recommend a weight loss program if the patient is unsuccessful losing weight on their own. Coverage for weight loss would continue only for motivated patients who have demonstrated continual progress with weight loss.
Prior to surgery, patients may be assessed for any associated mental health or low back pain issues that may affect rehabilitation.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Complications - include pulmonary embolism, infection, bony lysis, polyethylene wear, tibial loosening, instability, malalignment, stiffness, nerve-vessel injury, and peri-prosthetic fracture.
There is good evidence that in patients with knee OA and with moderate level pain, total knee replacement followed by nonsurgical rehabilitation leads to improvements in knee symptoms, function, and quality of life which are superior to nonsurgical rehabilitation alone. However, adverse events such as deep vein thrombosis and knee stiffness requiring manipulation under anesthesia occur in approximately 16% of knee replacements, and as many as 75% of patients can improve symptomatically over the course of 12 months with nonsurgical rehabilitation alone, and a shared decision-making process is appropriate for knee OA patients who are eligible for knee replacement.
Patients younger than 50 may be considered for unicompartmental replacement if there is little or no arthritis in the lateral compartment, there is no inflammatory disease and/or deformity, and BMI is less than 35. They may be considered for lateral unicompartmental disease when the patient is not a candidate for osteotomy. Outcome is better for patients with social support.
In cases where surgery is contraindicated due to obesity, it may be appropriate to recommend a weight loss program if the patient is unsuccessful losing weight on his or her own. Coverage for weight loss would continue only for motivated patients who have demonstrated continual progress with weight loss. A nutritional consultation is recommended for anyone with a BMI over 40. A number of studies suggest that obesity correlates with an increased risk of complications following TKA. Furthermore several studies suggest that morbid obesity (BMI > or = to 40) is associated with lower implant survivorship, lower functional outcome, and a higher rate of complications in TKA patients. Patients with BMI greater than 40 require a second expert surgical opinion.
Contraindications - severe osteoporosis, significant general disability due to other medical conditions, psychiatric issues.
Prior to surgery, patients may be assessed for any associated mental health or low back pain issues that may affect rehabilitation.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively. One decision quality tool, the Hip/Knee Osteoarthritis Decision Quality Instrument, may be valuable in assessing patients' understanding of the procedure.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. There is good evidence that in patients with knee OA and with moderate level pain, total knee replacement followed by nonsurgical rehabilitation leads to improvements in knee symptoms, function, and quality of life which are superior to nonsurgical rehabilitation alone. However, adverse events such as deep vein thrombosis and knee stiffness requiring manipulation under anesthesia occur in approximately 16% of knee replacements, and as many as 75% of patients can improve symptomatically over the course of 12 months with nonsurgical rehabilitation alone, and a shared decision-making process is appropriate for knee OA patients who are eligible for knee replacement.
There is some evidence that a supervised, 8-week preoperative program of neuromuscular exercise prior to hip or knee arthroplasty is more effective in improving function and reducing pain 6 weeks after surgery than no pre-operative exercise. However, the effect is no longer present at 3 month post-surgery. There is some evidence that 3-weeks of a home preoperative quadriceps exercise program prior to knee arthroplasty is more effective in reducing pain and improving function and quadriceps strength in the short-term up to 3 months postoperatively compared with usual care in patients with knee osteoarthritis. However, these effects are not sustained at 6 months after TKA. This adequate study provides some evidence that 6-weeks of a home preoperative exercise program prior to knee arthroplasty is more effective in improving range of motion, and knee function before TKA, and in reducing the time to reach functional postoperative recovery (90° of knee flexion) after TKA compared with usual care in patients with knee osteoarthritis, but these effects are not sustained one year after TKA. Thus, there is good evidence supporting pre-operative exercise. Pre-operative neuromuscular exercise is recommended prior to arthroplasty. This is frequently accomplished prior to the decision to perform arthroplasty as treatment for aggravated osteoarthritis is recommended. There is good evidence that preoperative exercise with education programs improve function 3 months after total hip replacement among people with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the hip.
Allergy to implant components can play a role in arthroplasty failure. Pre-operative screening of patients with the following questions is suggested:
If there are positive or equivocal responses to any of the questions, patch and or lymphocyte proliferation testing is recommended in advance of surgery.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
There is currently conflicting evidence on the effectiveness of patellar resurfacing. Isolated patellofemoral resurfacing is performed on patients under 60 only after diagnostic arthroscopy does not reveal any arthritic changes in other compartments. The diagnostic arthroscopy is generally performed at the same time as the resurfacing. Resurfacing may accompany a total knee replacement at the discretion of the surgeon. There is good evidence that patellar resurfacing reduces the risk of later reoperation for a small number of arthroplasties. If 25 arthroplasties are done with resurfacing, one later reoperation may be avoided.
Alignment is only one of many factors that may affect the implant longevity. One study provides some evidence that, in patients having bilateral total knee replacements, there are no radiographic alignment differences postoperatively and no functional differences at five years between the knee which was operated on with computer navigation and the knee which was operated on without computer navigation. Another study provides some evidence that navigated total knee arthroplasty (TKA) improves coronal alignment compared to conventional TKA, increasing the likelihood that the implant will have alignment within 3° of neutral. However, there is no evidence that this alignment leads to improved knee function or implant durability compared to conventional TKA in patients who do not have considerations of extra-articular deformity, retained implants, or other factors precluding conventional alignment guides. Thus, there is good evidence that computer navigation does not improve the functional outcome in total knee arthroplasty and therefore it is not recommended. There is strong evidence that in the setting of total knee replacement, the use of patient-specific cutting instrumentation does not offer benefits over conventional instrumentation in terms of postoperative radiographic joint alignment.
There is good evidence that, in patients undergoing primary TKA who do not have patellar resurfacing, circumferential denervation of the patella during the operation can reduce pain postoperatively and improve patient satisfaction two years later.
Tranexamic acid is an effective anti-fibrinolytic agent which decreases the need for blood transfusions. Blood transfusions increase the likelihood of infection for hip and knee arthroplasties. It is usually given in two doses intravenously or topically on the surgical site. There is strong evidence that tranexamic acid in the setting of total knee arthroplasty reduces blood loss, reduces the risk of transfusion, and reduces the number of units transfused, without increasing the risk of pulmonary embolus or deep vein thrombosis. It is also used for hip arthroplasty. Contraindications include patients with hypercoagulable states, cardiac stints, previous strokes. Dosage adjustment for those with renal compromises.
There is some evidence that, in the setting of TKA, intraoperative use of PRP can reduce blood loss, improve levels of postoperative hemoglobin, and reduce the need for blood transfusions by the third postoperative day. Intraoperative use of PRP theoretically may improve pain control and promote earlier return to function. It is rarely used as tranexamic acid is usually prescribed.
There is strong evidence that femoral nerve block (FNB) reduces postoperative pain from total knee replacement more effectively than patient-controlled opioid intravenous analgesia. There is also strong evidence that total opioid use in the immediate postoperative period is lower with FNB than with PCA opioids.
There is some evidence that periarticular injections provide comparable pain relief to femoral sciatic nerve blocks as part of postoperative pain management in patients after total knee arthroplasty, but peripheral nerve blocks have a higher rate of peripheral nerve dysesthesia 6 weeks after surgery and require greater expertise, thus periarticular injections may be preferable.
Complications - Complications may include pulmonary embolism, infection, bony lysis, polyethylene wear, tibial loosening, instability, malalignment, stiffness, patellar tracking abnormality, nerve-vessel injury, and peri-prosthetic fracture. There is good evidence that adverse events such as deep vein thrombosis and knee stiffness requiring manipulation under anesthesia occur in approximately 16% of knee replacements. More complications including infections occur with BMI greater than 30. Patients with pre-existing psychiatric conditions may have more complications.
There is some evidence that initiating rehabilitation treatment within 24 hours versus 48-72 hours after total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis is more effective in reducing the hospital stay and reducing pain leading to an earlier onset of postoperative recovery.
There is some evidence that a long-term, 12-month home exercise program intervention is not more effective in reducing pain or improving function in patients after primary total knee arthroplasty than a control group receiving normal care. However, there is some evidence that this program is more effective in improving walking speed and knee flexion strength. Home exercise should be encouraged for all post knee arthroplasty patients in order to maintain function. This may require occasional physiotherapy visits - approximately 3-4 after traditional rehabilitation.
Specialized taping postoperatively may be useful. Other therapy may include knee braces, shoe lifts, orthoses, and electrical stimulation, accompanied by focused active therapy.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Possible contraindications - inadequate bone density, prior hip surgery, and obesity.
There is good evidence that preoperative exercise with education programs improve function 3 months after total hip replacement among people with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the hip.
Another study provided some evidence that a supervised, 8-week preoperative program of neuromuscular exercise prior to hip or knee arthroplasty is more effective in improving function and reducing pain 6 weeks after surgery. However, the effect is no longer present at 3 month post-surgery. Pre-operative neuromuscular exercise is recommended prior to arthroplasty. This is frequently accomplished prior to the decision to perform arthroplasty as treatment for aggravated osteoarthritis.
In cases where surgery is contraindicated due to obesity, it may be appropriate to recommend a weight loss program if the patient is unsuccessful losing weight on his or her own. Coverage for weight loss would continue only for motivated patients who have demonstrated continual progress with weight loss.
Prior to surgery, patients may be assessed for any associated mental health or low back pain issues affecting rehabilitation.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively. One decision quality tool, the Hip/Knee Osteoarthritis Decision Quality Instrument, may be valuable in assessing patients' understanding of the procedure.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
The success rate of hip arthroplasty is high regarding improved function and patient satisfaction.
Allergy to implant components can play a role in arthroplasty failure. Pre-operative screening of patients with the following questions is suggested:
If there are positive or equivocal responses to any of the questions, patch and or lymphocyte proliferation testing is recommended in advance of surgery.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
ceramic or metal prosthesis, with DVT prophylaxis. Ceramic prosthesis is more expensive; however, it is expected to have greater longevity and may be appropriate in some younger patients. Hip resurfacing, metal on metal, is an option for younger or active patients likely to out-live traditional total hip replacements. Metal-on-metal prosthesis are not generally recommended.
There is good evidence that the risk of recurrent fracture is lower with a hemiarthroplasty than with a total hip replacement. There is also good evidence that cemented hemiarthroplasty has a lower risk of intraoperative and postoperative fractures than an uncemented hemiarthroplasty. There is good evidence that unipolar and bipolar hemiarthroplasty yield similar results for mortality, acetabular erosion, reoperations, or mobility. The evidence regarding functional and pain outcomes of hemiarthroplasty versus total hip replacement remains unclear at this time. The surgeon will determine the arthroplasty type for fractures.
Complications include leg length inequality, deep venous thrombosis with possible pulmonary embolus, hip dislocation, possible renal effects, need for transfusions, future infection, need for revisions, fracture at implant site. Patients who have received a metal on metal total hip are likely to have elevated cobalt levels compared to ceramic on ceramic models. These patients should have their chromium and cobalt levels monitored regularly. With metal on metal implants, there is concern regarding adverse local tissue reactions as a result of metal particles around the implant.
Tranexamic acid is an effective anti- fibrinolytic agent which decreases the need for blood transfusions. Blood transfusions increase the likelihood of infection for hip and knee arthroplasties. It is usually given in two doses intravenously or topically on the surgical site. There is strong evidence that tranexamic acid in the setting of total knee arthroplasty reduces blood loss, reduces the risk of transfusion, and reduces the number of units transfused, without increasing the risk of pulmonary embolus or deep vein thrombosis. It is also used for hip arthroplasty. Contraindications include patients with hypercoagulable states, cardiac stints, previous strokes. Dosage adjustment for those with renal compromises.
The long-term benefit for computer assisted hip replacements is unknown. It improves acetabular cup placement. However, the long-term functional advantages are not clear. Prior authorization is required.
Robotic assisted surgery is considered experimental and not recommended due to technical difficulties.
Patients with pre-existing psychiatric conditions may have more complications than those without.
There is some evidence that adding a 4-week maximal strength training intervention to a conventional hip rehabilitation program in the early postoperative phase after undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) is effective in improving lower extremity muscle and hip abductor strength in the short-term (5 weeks postoperative), and in improving work efficiency 6 and 12 months after THA.
There is good evidence that 4 weeks of resistance training is effective for improving maximal strength, functional ability, and reducing pain when used as a therapeutic rehabilitation program for various musculoskeletal conditions and after hip replacement surgery. The musculoskeletal conditions include chronic tendinopathy and knee osteoarthritis.
There is some evidence that, for patients older than 60, early multidisciplinary therapy may shorten hospital stay and improve activity level for those receiving hip replacement. Therefore, this may be used for selected patients.
There is good evidence for the use of aquatic therapy. Refer to Section F., 14. b. Therapeutic Procedures, Non-operative. Pool exercises may be done initially under a therapist's or surgeon's direction then progressed to an independent pool program.
Return to work and restrictions after surgery may be made by an attending physician experienced in occupational medicine in consultation with the surgeon or by the surgeon.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively. Patients should know that total knee arthroplasty may be necessary later and is somewhat more complex after an osteotomy.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
Complications - new fractures, lateral peroneal nerve palsy, infection, delayed unions, compartment syndrome, or pulmonary embolism.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Diabetes clearly effects outcomes and the incidence of postoperative infections. Physicians should screen those who have risk factors for prediabetes and check hemoglobin A1c and/or glucose for diabetics. Caution should be used in proceeding with surgery on patients with a A1c 8% or greater.
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient and treating physician should identify functional operative goals and the likelihood of achieving improved ability to perform activities of daily living or work, as well as possible complications. The patient should also agree to comply with the pre- and postoperative treatment plan and home exercise requirements. The patient should understand the length of partial and full disability expected postoperatively.
Informed decision making should be documented for all invasive procedures. This must include a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of the procedure and the possible complications as well as the natural history of the identified diagnosis. Since most patients with the most common conditions will improve significantly over time, without invasive interventions, patients must be able to make well-informed decisions regarding their treatment.
Smoking may affect soft tissue healing through tissue hypoxia. Patients should be strongly encouraged to stop smoking and be provided with appropriate counseling by the physician. If a treating physician recommends a specific smoking cessation program peri-operatively, this should be covered by the insurer. Typically the patient should show some progress toward cessation at about six weeks. Physicians may monitor smoking cessation with laboratory tests such as cotinine levels. The surgeon will make the final determination as to whether smoking cessation is required prior to surgery. Patients with demonstrated success may continue the program up to 3 months or longer if needed based on the operative procedure.
An FCE and/or job site analysis may be appropriate if the patient is returning to a job that requires heavy lifting, prolonged walking or low level work such as squatting or crouching to establish safe work restrictions. When work requires prolonged stress on the lower extremity, a gradual return to work schedule may be beneficial. Reasonable accommodations should be addressed for temporary or permanent physical restrictions.
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are proteins secreted by cells which serve as signaling agents that influence cell division, matrix synthesis, and tissue differentiation. Most BMP studies examine utility in tibial fractures. For acute tibial fractures, BMP has been used at the site of fracture in conjunction with reamed or undreamed intramedullary nail fixation in an effort to promote bone formation and fracture healing. It has also been used in tibial nonunion.
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis examined the use of BMP for fracture healing in skeletally mature adults with acute or nonunion fractures with the primary outcomes of time to union and union rate. The eleven studies were of overall poor quality due to bias, measurement error, and potential for selective outcome reporting. These biases generally tend to favor the intervention. Yet, the included studies failed to identify differences in fracture healing rates between the BMP and control groups or evidence for benefit of BMP in achieving union for nonunion fractures. This further supports the conclusion that the addition of BMP does not result in significant gains in attaining union without a second procedure over the standard of care.
One study included in that meta-analysis found a higher rate of secondary procedures in the group not treated with BMP. However, this study was susceptible to assessment bias as the decision to proceed with more invasive secondary procedures may have been influenced by knowledge of allocation. Additionally, the study protocol did not specify a minimum waiting period prior to assessing the need for a secondary procedure. This omission may have influenced outcomes, as the authors did not allow sufficient time for fracture healing.
There is currently a lack of evidence to recommend the use of BMP in the treatment of tibial fractures. There is good evidence that there are no measureable benefits of BMP over standard of care without BMP for tibial fractures. There is good evidence that, for open tibial shaft fractures, BMP does not enhance fracture healing at 20 weeks compared to fracture fixation with intramedullary nailing.
Addition of BMP does not accelerate healing in the treatment of acute open tibial fractures, result in significant gains in attaining union without a secondary procedure over the standard of care, or affects the risk of hardware failure. If unusual circumstances arise, a provider may feel that a patient will benefit from addition of BMP. BMP should only be used for long bone fractures with a nonunion or high risk arthrodesis procedures and requires prior authorization.
7 CCR 1101-3 R17 Ex 06
7 CCR 1101-3 has been divided into smaller sections for ease of use. Versions prior to 01/01/2011 and rule history are located in the first section, 7 CCR 1101-3. Prior versions can be accessed from the All Versions list on the rule's current version page. To view versions effective on or after 01/01/2011, select the desired part of the rule, for example 7 CCR 1101-3 Rules 1-17, or 7 CCR 1101-3 Rule 18: Exhibit 1.