6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1014-3-1-4.0

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1014-3-1-4.0 - Preliminary Assessment

A preliminary assessment of all methamphetamine-affected properties shall be conducted in accordance with this section and Section 6.1.2 of these regulations, unless the property owner elects to demolish the property in lieu of assessment and decontamination pursuant to § 25-18.5-103(1)(a), C.R.S. No person other than a Consultant in good standing may perform preliminary assessments. However, a Consultant may use an assistant to take notes during the assessment. Information gained during the preliminary assessment shall be the basis for property decontamination and clearance sampling. Consultants and assistants shall use appropriate personal protective equipment during the preliminary assessment. The Consultant shall personally inspect the subject property to gather all of the information necessary to prepare a Preliminary Assessment Report (other than the legal description of the subject property and the background information described in Section 4.2), and shall document information collected through photographs, notes, and other appropriate methods. The Consultant shall evaluate the information collected during the preliminary assessment and record his or her observations and findings in a Preliminary Assessment Report. The Preliminary Assessment Report shall include, but not be limited to, the following, to the extent available and applicable:

4.1 Subject property description, including physical address, legal description, number and type of structures present, description of adjacent and/or surrounding properties, and any other observations made.
4.2 Summary of information from review of available law enforcement reports regarding the manufacturing method, chemicals present, cooking areas, chemical storage areas, and areas of contamination, or waste disposal.
4.3 Description of structural features in all buildings, such as attics, false ceilings, crawl spaces, and basements, including:
4.3.1 If the building has an attic, a description of the integrity of the building ceiling (i.e., attic floor), any signs of access, storage, manufacturing, or venting into the attic (e.g., holes cut in ceiling for the purpose of venting gases from a cook), and a description of observations of the ducting associated with all bathroom and kitchen exhaust vents. If preliminary assessment sampling is conducted, include the results of sampling in accordance with Section 6 of this Part 1.
4.3.2 A description of the integrity of the building floor, and if there is a crawl space, a description of any signs of access, storage, venting, or disposal related to methamphetamine manufacturing, integrity of any vapor barriers, and any signs of disposal onto the soil of the crawl space. The soil investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the assessment procedures in Section 6 of this Part 1. If the vapor barrier is intact and in good condition, and if there is no indication of chemical disposal, the soil beneath the vapor barrier may be presumed to meet the cleanup criteria, and no soil sampling is required.
4.4 Description of outdoor areas, including notation of the following:
4.4.1 Factors limiting the inspection, such as snow cover or heavy vegetation.
4.4.2 Conditions indicative of contamination.
4.5 Identification of manufacturing methods based on the Consultant's observations and law enforcement reports, if available.
4.6 Identification of chemicals used, based on the Consultant's observations and knowledge of manufacturing method(s), and if available, identification and documentation of any methamphetamine lab wastes or precursor chemicals discovered at the subject property.
4.7 Identification and documentation of areas of contamination. This identification may be based on visual observation, law enforcement reports, proximity to chemical storage areas, waste disposal areas, cooking areas, use areas, or the professional judgment of the Consultant. In the case of single-family dwellings, all rooms, attics, crawl spaces, and forced air ventilation systems of all buildings on the subject property must be assumed to be contaminated above the cleanup standards of Section 7, unless sampling conducted in accordance with the clearance level sampling protocols of Section 6 demonstrates the absence of such contamination in a given room, attic, crawl space, or ventilation system. The Consultant may determine that assessment level sampling is appropriate to verify the presence of contamination in a given room to assist in selecting an appropriate decontamination strategy. If the Consultant determines that assessment sampling is appropriate, such sample collection and analysis shall be conducted in accordance with the assessment level sampling protocols and other requirements of Section 6 of this Part 1.
4.8 Identification and documentation of chemical storage areas, waste disposal areas, cooking areas, and/or use areas, if known.
4.9 Identification and documentation of signs of contamination such as staining, etching, or fire damage.
4.10 Description of plumbing system, including identification and documentation of potential disposal into the sanitary sewer or an on-site wastewater treatment system (OWTS). If an OWTS is present, include a description of the results of field screening of the OWTS in accordance with Section 6 of this Part 1. If the Consultant determines that sampling of an OWTS is necessary to determine if methamphetamine lab wastes have been disposed of into an OWTS, include the results of sample collection and analysis conducted in accordance with Section 6 of this Part 1.
4.11 For properties with multi-unit buildings, identification and documentation of other units and common areas where contamination may have spread or been tracked.
4.11.1 If contamination above the standard is identified in any unit in a multi-unit structure with shared attics (i.e., open space with no fire walls), the shared attic spaces shall be investigated to determine whether they are also contaminated. If access is not available to inspect or sample shared attic spaces, the owner of the contaminated unit or their representative shall give notice to the owner(s) of the shared attics and the owners and tenants of the units that are immediately below the shared attic spaces that methamphetamine contamination may be present. Notice shall also be given to the homeowners' association (HOA), if one has been established. The consultant shall document any limitations on access in the final report.
4.11.2 If a multi-unit structure has connected crawl spaces, the crawl spaces shall be investigated to determine whether the connected crawl spaces are also contaminated. If access is not available to inspect or sample connected crawl spaces, the owner of the methamphetamine-affected property or their representative shall give notice to the owner(s) of the connected crawl spaces and the owners and tenants of the units that are immediately above the connected crawl spaces that methamphetamine contamination may be present. Notice shall also be given to the HOA, if one has been established. Any limitation on access shall be documented in the final report.
4.12 For properties with multi-unit buildings, identification and documentation of any common ventilation systems connected to other units or common areas. If contamination above the standard is identified in any unit in a multi-unit building, the units and common areas that are connected to the unit by ventilation systems shall be investigated to determine whether they are also contaminated. If access is not available to inspect or sample the connected units or common spaces, the owner of the contaminated unit or their representative shall give notice to the owners and tenants of the units and common areas that are connected to the contaminated unit that methamphetamine contamination may be present. Notice shall also be given to the HOA, if one has been established. The consultant shall document any limitations on access in the final report.
4.13 Identification of surfaces that are known or suspected to have been painted or sealed after the cessation of contamination-causing activities (painted-over surfaces).
4.14 Photographic documentation of property conditions, including cooking areas, chemical storage areas, waste disposal areas, and areas of obvious contamination.
4.15 If assessment sampling is conducted, it shall be conducted in accordance with Section 6 of this Part 1. Documentation of assessment sampling shall include:
4.15.1 a description of the sampling procedures used, including sample collection, handling, and QA/QC;
4.15.2 documentation of the analytical methods used and laboratory QA/QC requirements, including the laboratory analytical report and chain-of-custody documentation; and
4.15.3 results of sampling, including a description of sample locations and a computer generated figure illustrating the layout of the building(s) and sample locations and identification. Sample results shall be presented as reported by the analytical laboratory, and shall not be adjusted, changed, or manipulated in any way. Spiked samples submitted for analysis shall not be used for purposes of compliance with these regulations.
4.16 Documentation of personal property assessment and discussion of items that require decontamination or disposal, and items that can be released to the owner because the Consultant has determined, in accordance with Section of this Part 1, that they are not contaminated.
4.17 If clearance sampling is conducted during the preliminary assessment, it shall be conducted in accordance with Section 6 of this Part 1. Documentation of clearance sampling shall include:
4.17.1 A description of the sampling procedures used, including sample collection, handling, and QA/QC.
4.17.2 Documentation of the analytical methods used and laboratory QA/QC documentation, including the laboratory analytical report and chain-of-custody documentation.
4.17.3 Results of clearance sampling, including a description of sample locations and a computer generated figure with sample locations and identification, and a copy of each laboratory report of sample results. Sample results shall be presented as reported by the analytical laboratory, and shall not be adjusted, changed, or manipulated in any way. Spiked samples submitted for analysis shall not be used for purposes of compliance with the regulation.
4.17.4 Documentation of variations from standard practices.
4.17.5 A certification statement, signed by the Consultant, in substantially the following form:

"I hereby certify that I conducted clearance sampling of the subject property in accordance with 6 CCR 1014-3, Part 1, § 6. I further certify that the cleanup standards established by 6 CCR 1014-3, Part 1, § 7 [choose one: have/have not] been met as evidenced by testing I conducted."

4.18 Evidence of Consultant certification under Part 2 of these regulations.
4.19 A certification statement, signed by the Consultant, in the following form:

"I hereby certify that I conducted a preliminary assessment of the subject property in accordance with 6 CCR 1014-3, Part 1, § 4."

4.20 The Consultant shall provide an electronic copy of the Preliminary Assessment Report to the Department within thirty (30) days of completing the report. If clearance sampling is conducted during the preliminary assessment, the owner must provide a copy of the Preliminary Assessment Report to the governing body as defined in § 25-18.5-101(7), C.R.S. to obtain the immunity provided in § 25-18.5-103(2), C.R.S.

6 CCR 1014-3-1-4.0

37 CR 22, November 25, 2014, effective 12/15/2014