6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1011-1 Chapter 07, pt. 16

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Part 16 - Food Safety

All Assisted Living Residences

16.1 Residents handling or preparing food for other residents shall have access to a hand-sink, soap, and disposable paper towels. The assisted living residence shall ensure that such residents understand when to wash hands and the proper procedure for doing so. Supplies for cleaning and a pre-made solution for sanitizing food contact surfaces shall be readily available. The ingredients used shall be allowable foods from approved sources and within the "use-by" date.
16.2 The food safety requirements specified in this chapter do not preclude residents from consuming foods not procured by the assisted living residence.

20 or More Beds

16.3 An assisted living residence that is licensed for 20 beds or more shall comply with the Department's regulations concerning Colorado Retail Food Establishments at 6 CCR 1010-2.

19 or Fewer Beds

16.4 An assisted living residence that is licensed for 19 beds or fewer shall comply with all of the requirements in Parts 16.5 through 16.37. A commercial kitchen is not a requirement for an assisted living residence with fewer than 20 beds.

Employee Training

16.5 Staff preparing or serving food shall complete recognized food safety training and maintain evidence of completion on site. Food safety training shall be provided by recognized food safety experts or agencies, such as the Department's Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability, local public health agencies, or Colorado State University Extension Services. At a minimum, a certificate of completion of the available online modules is sufficient to comply with this part. The successful completion of other accredited food safety courses is also acceptable.

Personal Health

16.6 Staff shall be in good health and free of communicable disease while handling, preparing or serving food, or handling utensils.
16.7 Staff are prohibited from handling, preparing or serving food, or handling utensils for residents or other staff while experiencing any of the following symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, jaundice, or a lesion containing pus on the hands or wrists.
(A) Staff members experiencing these symptoms are permitted to return to handling food and utensils only when they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours and/or the lesions on their hands are bandaged and completely covered with an impervious glove or finger cot.


16.8 The assisted living residence shall ensure that food handlers, cooks, and servers properly wash their hands using the following procedure:
(A) Wash hands in warm soapy water by vigorously scrubbing all surfaces of the hands and wrists for at least 20 seconds. Rinse hands clean. Thoroughly dry hands with a disposable paper towel. Use the paper towel to turn off sink faucets before disposing.
16.9 The assisted living residence shall ensure that food handlers, cooks, and servers always wash their hands at the following times:
(A) Before leaving the restroom, and again before returning to food or beverage preparation, food and food equipment storage areas, or dishwashing;
(B) After coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or tissue, using tobacco products, or eating;
(C) When switching between working with raw animal derived foods and ready-to-eat foods;
(D) After touching the hair, face, or body;
(E) During food preparation, as often as necessary to remove soil and contamination, and to prevent cross contamination when changing tasks;
(F) Before handling or putting on single use gloves for food handling, and between removing soiled gloves and putting on new, clean gloves;
(G) After handling soiled dishes or utensils, such as clearing tables or loading a dishwashing machine;
(H) After feeding or caring for a resident;
(I) After caring for pets or other animals; and
(J) After engaging in any activity that contaminates the hands such as handling garbage, mopping, working with chemicals, and/or other cleaning activities.

Employee Hygiene

16.10 The assisted living residence shall ensure that all staff members have good hygienic practices and wear clean clothing or protective coverings while handling food or utensils.
16.11 The assisted living residence shall prohibit staff members from using common towels and other multiple use linens or clothing to wipe or dry their hands. When hands become soiled, the ALR shall ensure that staff wash their hands in accordance with Part 16.8(A).
16.12 The assisted living residence shall ensure that staff members refrain from eating or smoking in the area used for food preparation or storage while food is being prepared.
16.13 Tasting food during preparation shall be done with a utensil that is clean and sanitized. The same utensil must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before it is reused.
16.14 Utensils used to dispense food shall have handles. Utensil handles shall be kept out of food and ice. For example, scooping ice with a glass is prohibited.

Bare Hand Contact

16.15 Ready-to-eat foods shall not be handled with bare hands. Instead gloves or utensils must be used to handle, prepare, and serve these foods.

Proper Glove Use

16.16 When used, disposable food service gloves shall be used in a manner that prevents contamination of food and food contact surfaces. Gloves shall be changed whenever switching from handling raw animal products to ready-to-eat foods and when changing tasks or touching soiled surfaces. When gloves are changed, hands shall be washed in accordance with Part 16.8(A).

Approved Source

16.17 All foods, including raw ingredients and prepared foods, shall be obtained from approved, licensed, or registered sources or food manufacturers. Raw uncut produce can be obtained from other sources, including grown onsite, as long as good agricultural are used. Guidance for produce grown by a supplier or at an assisted living residence may be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Environment, Division of Environmental Health and Sustainability.

Prohibited Foods

16.18 Prohibited foods shall not be served by the assisted living residence. Prohibited foods include raw or undercooked meat, poultry, fish, and molluscan shellfish; raw unpasteurized eggs; raw milk and raw seed sprouts. Unpasteurized juice is also prohibited unless it is freshly squeezed and made to order.
16.19 Foods that pose a greater risk for the long-term care population include deli meats, hot dogs, and soft cheeses. These foods are allowed, but it is strongly recommended that they be heated before service to control Listeria monocytogenes, a particularly dangerous bacteria for older adults and immune compromised populations.
16.20 An assisted living residence shall not distribute or dispense raw milk products of any kind.

Date Marking

16.21 Refrigerated foods opened or prepared and not used within twenty-four (24) hours must be marked with a "use by" or "discard by" date. The "use by" or "discard by" date is seven (7) calendar days following opening or preparation. The seven (7) days cannot surpass the manufacturer's expiration date for the product or its ingredients or seven (7) days since the date any of the ingredients in the food were opened or prepared. This requirement does not apply to commercially prepared condiments and dressings.

Required Cooking Temperatures

16.22 Animal derived foods; meat, poultry, fish, and unpasteurized eggs must be cooked to the minimum internal temperatures in the following table before being served or held hot.

Poultry (ground or intact), stuffed meats


Eggs, pork, lamb, fish


Ground beef, fish, pork, lamb, veal


Whole muscle beef steaks


Whole roasts (beef, lamb, pork)


Required Holding Temperatures

16.23 Potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at the proper temperatures at all times. Potentially hazardous foods that are stored cold shall be held at or below 41°F. Assisted living residences can achieve this by keeping potentially hazardous foods in refrigerators maintained and running at 41°F or below.
16.24 Potentially hazardous foods that are stored hot shall be held at or above 135°F. Assisted living residences can achieve this by keeping soups, sauce, and other hot foods warm on a stove burner, in the oven, or on a warming plate at a temperature above 135°F until they are served, stored, or discarded.
16.25 When potentially hazardous foods are being prepared, cooled, or reheated, they shall not be held below 135°F or above 41°F for extended time to control the growth of harmful bacteria. Assisted living residences can achieve this by not leaving these types of food out for long periods of time once they are purchased, while they are being prepared, or waiting to be served.

Rapid Reheating

16.26 Potentially hazardous foods that are being reheated from room temperature, such as opening a can, or from cold storage before hot holding shall be rapidly heated within two (2) hours to 165°F. Rapid heating can be accomplished on a stove top, in an oven, microwave, or another approved reheating device.

Rapid Cooling

16.27 Potentially hazardous foods that are being cooled from room temperature, such as after opening a can or preparing food from room temperature ingredients, shall be cooled to 41°F within four (4) hours.
16. 28 Following cooking or removal from hot storage, foods must be cooled within six (6) hours to 41°F. Begin active cooling foods when foods are 135°F. Cool to 70°F within two (2) hours or less. Then cool from 70°F to 41°F within four (4) hours or less. Active cooling means using uncovered shallow pans, ice as an ingredient, ice wands, breaking foods down into small portions and fully submerging containers in ice baths or a combination of these methods.

Food Preparation

16.29 When foods are being assembled or prepared outside of temperature control, the process should be completed as quickly as possible and no more than two (2) hours.


16.30 Frozen foods shall be thawed under refrigeration, under cool, running water between 60-70°F, in a microwave oven, or as part of the cooking process.
16.31 Leaving food out to thaw without temperature control is prohibited.


16.32 Equipment shall be maintained in working order and cleanable. Refrigeration equipment shall maintain foods below 41°F. Hot holding equipment must hold food at or above 135°F.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

16.33 Food contact surfaces of equipment shall be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before use or at least every four (4) hours of continual use. Dish detergent shall be labeled for the intended purpose. Sanitizer shall be approved for use as a no-rinse food contact sanitizer. Sanitizers shall be registered with EPA and used in accordance with labeled instructions.


16.34 A handwashing sink supplied with soap and disposable paper towels shall be available in all food handling areas.
16.35 Sinks shall be washed, rinsed, and sanitized when switching between food preparation or produce washing and thawing animal derived foods.

Dish Washing

16.36 Dishes, utensils, and cookware shall be washed using one of the following methods:
(A) In a single or multiple compartment sink using a dish detergent that is labeled for that intended purpose. Once washed, dishes and utensils shall be rinsed clean, and then submerged in an approved no-rinse food contact sanitizer and allowed to air dry. Sanitizer shall be registered with EPA and used in accordance with labeled instructions; or
(B) A domestic or commercial dishwashing machine with a wash water temperature that reaches the operating temperature prescribed by the manufacturer.

Mop Water

16.37 Mop water shall only be filled in a dedicated utility sink, a bath tub, or using a quick release hose attachment on another sink that is immediately removed and stored away from the sink after filling. Mop water shall be disposed in the sanitary sewer (e.g., toilet, bathtub, or utility sink). Mop water shall not be discarded on the ground outside or in a storm drain.

6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 07, pt. 16