Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1010-6.7 - Sanitary Facilities and Controls6.7.1Water SupplyA. Adequate, uncontaminated, safe drinking water for the needs of the school shall be provided in the building housing the establishment and shall be from a source constructed, maintained, and operated according to the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 5 CCR 1002-11, and regulations adopted pursuant to Title 25-1.5-203, C.R.S., or 1. If the school does not meet the definition of a public water system pursuant to the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 5 CCR 1002-11 promulgated pursuant to 25-1.5-101 and 25-1.5-203, C.R.S., the school shall provide: a. Adequate treatment on a continuous basis; and b. Bacteriological samples at a minimum of once per quarter or at a frequency determined by the Department; and c. An N, N diethyl-p-phenylene diamine (DPD) colorimetric drinking water test kit capable of testing free chlorine at an accuracy of 0.1 milligrams per liter (mg/L); and d. Free chlorine shall range from a trace amount to 4 mg/Liter (0.2 to 1.2 mg/L recommended) at any fixture; and e. The previous twelve months of water sample reports shall be retained on file at the school and shall be available for review by the Department when request; and the school shall immediately report positive results to Department.2. Schools with water supplies determined to be surface water or under the direct influence of surface water shall be required to filter their water to one micron absolute using National Science Foundation (NSF) approved equipment and maintain a residual disinfectant concentration to ensure inactivation and/or removal of giardia and other parasitic cysts and viruses.B. The water supply system shall deliver water at normal operating pressures (20 pounds per square inch minimum) to all plumbing fixtures.C. When a total water service interruption exceeds a period of two hours, the school shall be closed, unless dismissal of the pupils would be detrimental to their physical well being, or unless accessible alternatives for providing drinking water are available and approved by the Department prior to use.D. Faucets on non-drinking water supply systems used for irrigation or similar purposes shall be physically separated from the drinking water supply system and the faucets on the non-drinking water system shall be clearly marked as unsafe for drinking.E. The water storage, distribution system, treatment facilities and other mechanical equipment shall be protected from unauthorized access.F. Where water is supplied by the school's independent water supply system, plans for the water system shall be submitted to the Department for approval prior to construction.6.7.2Sewage DisposalA. Facilities, approved by the Department, shall be provided and maintained for the treatment and sanitary disposal of sewage.B. Where a public sewer system is available, all plumbing fixtures and all building sewer lines shall be connected thereto, pursuant to Section 32-1-1006(1)(a)(I) C.R.S.C. If a public sewer system is not available, a sewage disposal system meeting the requirements of the Department shall be provided, and all plumbing fixtures and building sewer lines shall be connected thereto, pursuant to Sections 25-8-702(1) and/or 25-10-105 C.R.S.D. Where a total sewer service interruption exceeds a period of two hours, the school shall be closed unless dismissal of the pupils would be detrimental to their physical well being or unless accessible alternatives for the sanitary disposal of sewage are available and approved by the Department prior to use.E. Where non-water carriage sanitary facilities, such as vaults or privies are permitted, they shall be provided and installed in accordance with requirements of the Department.F. In all new schools and schools modifying existing sewage disposal systems or expanding their usage beyond the design capacity of the sewage disposal system, plans shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval in accordance with provisions of Sections 25-8-702 and/or 25-10-105 C.R.S. prior to construction.6.7.3Refuse DisposalA. The storage, collection, transportation and disposal of refuse shall be conducted to control odors, insects, rodents, accidents, or other nuisance conditions.B. Durable non-absorbent, cleanable refuse, recycling and composting containers shall be provided, kept in a clean condition and placed in readily accessible locations.C. Exterior refuse, recycling and compost containers shall be easily cleanable, provided with covers, stored on a smooth surface of non-absorbent material, such as concrete or machine-laid asphalt, and kept in a clean, sanitary condition.D. Interior garbage containers shall be easily cleanable and shall be emptied whenever full. Refuse shall be removed from the building and premises on a regular basis, or at a minimum every seven days, and in a manner which would prevent creation of a nuisance condition.E. Disposal or removal of hazardous materials shall be conducted in a safe manner and in accordance with state, federal, and local provisions.6.7.4Insect, Rodent Control and Classroom AnimalsA. Insects, rodents, bats and other pests shall be managed, when they reach levels considered to pose economic or health threats, with integrated strategies for long-term pest suppression, using the most cost-effective means with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.B. Animals used for instructional purposes shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and in a manner to prevent health hazards or nuisance conditions. Their enclosures or pens shall be provided with easily cleanable surfaces and maintained in good repair. Hygienic practices shall be supervised during and following contact with animals. Location and/or presence of animals shall be determined based on the protection of the health of students and staff with allergies and/or asthma.C. Live poultry (e.g., chicks and ducklings), reptiles, and amphibians shall be prohibited as pets in classrooms with children kindergarten age or younger. Because infections from these animals spread via fecal-oral transmission (hand to mouth behaviors), use of these animals in other classrooms where children engage in frequent hand to mouth behaviors is discouraged.1. Embryology units involving the incubation of poultry eggs are allowed under the following conditions:a. Eggs and live birds must be enclosed in an incubator or brooding box at all times.b. The incubators and brooding boxes shall be placed on a nonabsorbent, smooth, and easily cleanable surface. Flooring beneath shall be non-carpeted and easily cleanable.c. The areas surrounding the incubators and brooding boxes shall be washed, rinsed, and disinfected at least daily with an approved disinfectant meeting the criteria listed in 6.7.6 (F)(1). The disinfectant used shall have a contact time of five minutes or less.d. Once chicks hatch they must be contained in the brooding boxes at all times and removed from the building within two weeks.e. Children in kindergarten may not handle the eggs, live birds, or their enclosures.f. Staff and children in first grade and subsequent grades involved with the care of the eggs or live birds shall thoroughly wash their hands with soap and running water immediately after handling eggs, birds, or enclosures.g. All staff and children who participate in the embryology unit must thoroughly wash their hands prior to meals and snacks.h. Hand sanitizer shall not be used in place of handwashing in accordance with 6.7.6(D). i. Children shall not eat in areas where incubators or brooding boxes are kept, even during inclement weather. j. The school shall contact the Department if there are two or more gastrointestinal illnesses identified, within a similar timeframe, in children or staff in classrooms where the incubators or brooding boxes are located.k. If preschool age children or younger are in the building the animals and their enclosures may not be in a communal area used by these younger children.2. Live poultry coops are allowed under the following conditions:a. Live poultry shall be enclosed in an outdoor coop.b. If preschool age children or younger are at the school, the coop may not be located in a communal area used by these younger children.c. Kindergarten age children or younger may not handle the poultry, eggs, or have direct contact with the coop.d. An alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol shall be provided at entrances and exits of the chicken coop and the area where chickens are allowed to roam.e. All adults and children shall use hand sanitizer after any contact with the poultry, eggs, or the coop. Adults and children must then immediately wash their hands upon entering the building.f. Signs instructing the use of hand sanitizer and handwashing shall be clearly posted near the coop. The signs shall clearly state that hand sanitizer must be used immediately following contact with the chickens or the coop and that hands must be washed immediately upon returning to the building.g. The school shall contact the Department if there are two or more gastrointestinal illnesses identified, within a similar timeframe, in children or staff who have contact with the poultry, eggs, or the coop.D. Service animals shall be permitted to accompany their handlers throughout the school provided it is not in food preparation areas. Schools administrators shall make reasonable accommodations wherever possible to protect the health of students with allergies and asthma from contact with classroom and service animals.E. The use of toxic compounds to control rodents, insects, and other pests shall be implemented only after other means have been used for control, such as the elimination of harborages, cleaning food waste, and sealing of ports of entry. All pesticides shall be used in accordance with U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered label directions and stored in a safe manner in an area accessible only to authorized personnel. Application of EPA "restricted use pesticides" shall be performed only by a certified pesticide applicator.6.7.5PlumbingA. In the absence of more stringent plumbing codes, all plumbing fixtures shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the 2009 International Plumbing Code, hereby incorporated by reference.B. Plumbing fixtures shall be maintained in working order and in a clean sanitary condition. All plumbing fixtures shall be designed and maintained to be accessible by the age group being served.C. The drinking water supply shall be installed and maintained to preclude the possibility of backflow or backsiphonage of non-potable, used, unclean, polluted and contaminated water, or other substances, into any part of the drinking water system.D. A properly installed approved backflow prevention device shall be provided for all drinking water supply outlets which are capable of receiving a hose connection.E. Where chemical dispensing towers are installed without an integral air gap or break to prevent backsiphonage, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed between the chemical tower and the water supply line.F. Backsiphonage and backflow prevention devices shall meet American Society of Sanitary Engineering (A.S.S.E.) standards for construction, installation, maintenance, inspection and testing for that specific application and type of device.6.7.6Toilet, Lavatory and Bathing FacilitiesA. Schools shall take active steps to ensure hand washing before eating, after restroom use, and any other time hands may be contaminated.B. Toilet, lavatory, bathing facilities and drinking fountains shall be provided and installed in accordance 28 CFR, Part 36 , Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Disability By Public Accommodations And In Commercial Facilities, revised July 1, 2014 and hereby incorporated by reference.C. Each hand washing and classroom sink shall be provided with hot and cold water through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Hot water at sinks accessible to children shall be at least 90°F and shall not exceed a temperature of 120°F.D. Hand sanitizers may be used in addition to, but not in place of, hand washing within the facility. Hand sanitizers or approved alternate hand washing methods shall be used for staff and children at times and in areas where hand washing facilities are not available, such as while out of doors in remote locations. Hand sanitizers shall be stored in an area where use can be monitored.E. Sanitizers are to be used on commonly touched surfaces such as, but not limited to, chairs, desks, tables, keyboards, and computer mice. These surfaces shall be cleaned and sanitized at least once a week or whenever visibly soiled. 1. Acceptance of sanitizers shall be determined by the following requirements:a. The chemical is registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the use of the chemical is in accordance with labeled instructions, including: b. During times of increased illness, or at the discretion of the school health personnel, a disinfectant meeting the approval criteria in section 6.7.6 may be used on these surfaces. If surfaces are also used for meals and snacks they shall be washed, rinsed, and sanitized after disinfection.F. Disinfectants are to be used on surfaces that are commonly contaminated with high hazard body fluids, such as but not limited to restroom surfaces, toilets, diaper changing areas and surfaces that have been in contact with high hazard body fluids. 1. Acceptance of disinfectants shall be determined by the following requirements:a. The chemical is registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the use of the chemical is in accordance with labeled instructions, including: G. Drinking fountains shall be conveniently located on each floor and easily accessible to all school program activities. Drinking fountains shall not be located in toilet rooms or other areas with increased potential for contamination (e.g., science, vocational, industrial, photography or art education areas).H. Drinking fountains shall be equipped with angled jets and orifice guards located above the rim of the fountain. The pressure shall be regulated so that the water stream does not come in contact with, and passes, the orifice guard or splash onto the floor. Separate angle jet drinking fountains, when installed, shall be at an appropriate height.I. Use of common drinking cups or vessels is prohibited.J. Toilet rooms shall be conveniently located at a travel distance of not more than 200 feet from any room to be served and in accordance with Section 6.13 for health care areas. All toilet rooms shall be provided with adequate lavatory facilities.K. Detached structures and modular classrooms not provided with plumbing shall be no more than 500 feet from restrooms and drinking water fountains, accessible through an unlocked door or key access during all hours of operation, and shall be adequately ventilated. L. Soap and single service towels shall be available for all lavatory facilities, except that mechanical warm air dryers may be used in lieu of towels.M. Hot and cold water or tempered water under operating pressures (20 PSI minimum) shall be available for bathing and washing. Hot water delivered to showers and lavatories shall be at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit (90°F) and shall not exceed 120°F. The temperature of hot water at other fixtures shall not exceed 140°F, except where necessary for sanitizing purposes.N. Toilets shall be equipped with non-absorbent, easily cleanable toilet seats. Toilet paper shall be available at each toilet mounted in an appropriate dispenser.O. Floors, walls, and ceilings of all toilet and locker rooms shall be smooth, easily cleanable, non- absorbent and shall be maintained in good repair and in a clean, sanitary condition. P. A floor drain and a keyed hose bib with a vacuum breaker shall be available for all toilet rooms having a total combination of two or more water closets or urinals. The floors in these rooms shall slope to the floor drains.Q. Showers shall be installed in accordance with the 2009 International Plumbing Code, hereby incorporated by reference, or as approved by the Department. Showers shall be constructed to prevent water flow into the drying or dressing room space and shall slope to the floor drains. Shower floors, ceilings, and walls shall be easily cleanable and shower floors shall have a non-skid surface.R. Functional hose bibs shall be available, where necessary, at designated refuse, compost and recycling storage areas and at high density student common use areas within 50 feet of the building where heavy accumulations of refuse are generated to minimize hazards and to maintain such areas in a clean, safe condition.6.7.7Diapering and ToiletingA. Where diapering or bowel/bladder hygiene care is necessary, a separate changing area with privacy shall be available with a cleanable impervious surface large enough to accommodate the individual in care. 1. This changing area shall be located: a. Away from any food preparation, storage and servicing areas.b. Nearby a handwashing sink with soap and hot and cold running water.c. Adjacent to a washable, covered container lined with a plastic bag, inaccessible to children, and used for disposal of soiled diapers, wipes and gloves.d. Items unrelated to diaper changing shall not be placed on the changing tables or wall-hung changing stations.2. If a changing mat is used it shall be kept clean and in good repair and shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use.3. The following procedure shall be conducted each time bowel or bladder hygiene is provided: a. Whenever bowel or bladder hygiene is conducted, individuals shall wear a new pair of disposable gloves prior to beginning.b. The student shall be cleaned wherever necessary.c. Soiled diapers/underwear and clothing shall be replaced with clean diapers/underwear and clothing.d. Soiled clothes shall be placed in a plastic bag for parents or guardians to take home. Soiled diapers shall be placed in a covered, impervious plastic lined receptacle.e. The student's hands shall be washed.(1) Any contaminated surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected.f. The staff member shall then thoroughly wash his/her hands.38 CR 06, March 25, 2015, effective 4/14/201541 CR 04, February 25, 2018, effective 3/17/2018