5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1002-81.3

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1002-81.3 - DEFINITIONS

As used in this regulation, the following definitions of terms apply.

(1) "25-YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM" means a storm of a 24-hour duration which yields a total rainfall of a magnitude which has a probability of recurring once every twenty-five years.
(2)"AGRONOMIC RATE" means the rate of application of nitrogen to plants that is necessary to satisfy the plants' nutritional requirements while accounting for applicable nitrogen credits.
(3)"ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION" (AFO) means a lot or facility (other than an aquatic animal production facility) where the following conditions are met:
(a) Animals (other than aquatic animals) have been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained for a total of 45 days or more in any 12-month period, and
(b) Crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility.
(4)"BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE" means an activity, procedure, or practice necessary for the reduction of impacts from AFOs on surface or ground water, as described in section 81.8.
(5)"CHRONIC STORM" means a series of storms that occur during a 10-day period which yield a total precipitation of a magnitude that has a probability of recurring once every 10 years.
(6)"CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS" (CAFO) means an AFO that is defined as a Large or Medium CAFO, or that is designated by the Division as a CAFO pursuant to Section 81.4 . Two or more AFOs under common ownership are deemed to be a single AFO for the purposes of determining whether they qualify as a Large or Medium CAFO, if they are adjacent to each other or if they use a common area or system for land application of manure or wastewater.
(7)"CONVEYANCE STRUCTURE" means a natural or constructed conduit (e.g., berm, channel, ditch, pipe, or culvert) that carries process-generated wastewater and/or open-lot wastewater from production areas, and diverts the wastewater to an impoundment or between impoundments.
(8)"DISCHARGE" means the introduction or addition of a pollutant into waters of the state.
(9)"DIVISION" means the Division of Administration of which the Water Quality Control Division of the Department of Public Health and Environment is a part. The Environmental Agriculture Program (Ag Program) implements this regulation on behalf of the Division.
(10)"FACILITY" means the production area and land application sites of an AFO or CAFO.
(11)"FREEBOARD" means the vertical distance measured from the liquid surface level (elevation) in an impoundment or tank to the top elevation of the impoundment or tank (for example, berm or wall).
(12)"GROUND WATER" means subsurface waters in a zone of saturation which are or can be brought to the surface of the ground or to surface waters through wells, springs, seeps, or other discharge areas.
(13)"GROUND WATER RECHARGE" means the entry into the saturated zone of water made available at the water-table surface, together with the associated flow away from the water table within the saturated zone.
(14)"IMPOUNDMENT" means a natural topographic depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials or other seepage control materials), or any other structure which is used for the storage, treatment, evaporation or discharge of pollutant-containing waters, sludge or associated sediment.
(15)"LAND APPLICATION SITE" means land under the control of an AFO or CAFO, whether it is owned, rented, or leased by the AFO or CAFO, to which manure or wastewater from the production area is or may be applied, or where cropping or nutrient budget decisions for the site are made by the AFO or CAFO.
(16)"LARGE CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION" (Large CAFO) means an AFO that stables or confines as many as or more than the numbers of animals specified in any of the following categories:
(a) 700 mature dairy cows, whether milked or dry;
(b) 1,000 veal calves
(c) 1,000 cattle other than mature dairy cows or veal calves. Cattle includes, but is not limited to, heifers, steers, bulls and cow/calf pairs;
(d) 2,500 swine each weighing 55 pounds or more;
(e) 10,000 swine each weighing less than 55 pounds;
(f) 500 horses;
(g) 10,000 sheep or lambs;
(h) 55,000 turkeys;
(i) 30,000 laying hens or broilers, if the AFO uses a liquid manure handling system;
(j) 125,000 chickens (other than laying hens), if the AFO uses other than a liquid manure handling system;
(k) 82,000 laying hens, if the AFO uses other than a liquid manure handling system;
(l) 30,000 ducks (if the AFO uses other than a liquid manure handling system) or
(m) 5,000 ducks (if the AFO uses a liquid manure handling system).
(17)"MAN-MADE DRAINAGE SYSTEM" means a drainage ditch, flushing system, or other drainage device which was constructed by man and is used for the purpose of transporting manure or wastewater.
(18)"MANURE" means feces, litter, and/or urine and materials, such as bedding, sludge, compost, feed waste, dry harvested forage, and any raw material used in or resulting from the operation of an AFO or CAFO, that have been commingled with feces, litter, and/or urine.
(19)"MEDIUM ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION" (Medium AFO) means an AFO with the type and number of animals that fall within any of the ranges listed in section 81.3 , and which has not been defined or designated as a CAFO.
(20)"MEDIUM CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION" (Medium CAFO) means an AFO with the type and number of animals that fall within any of the ranges listed in (a) below and which has been defined or designated as a CAFO. An AFO is defined as a Medium CAFO if:
(a) The type and number of animals that it stables or confines falls within any of the following ranges:
(i) 200 to 699 mature dairy cows, whether milked or dry;
(ii) 300 to 999 veal calves;
(iii) 300 to 999 cattle other than mature dairy cows or veal calves. Cattle includes but is not limited to heifers, steers, bulls, and cow/calf pairs.
(iv) 750 to 2,499 swine each weighing 55 pounds or more;
(v) 3,000 to 9,999 swine each weighing less than 55 pounds;
(vi) 150 to 499 horses;
(vii) 3,000 to 9,999 sheep or lambs;
(viii) 16,500 to 54,999 turkeys;
(ix) 9,000 to 29,999 laying hens or broilers, if the AFO uses a liquid manure handling system;
(x) 37,500 to 124,999 chickens (other than laying hens), if the AFO uses other than a liquid manure handling system;
(xi) 25,000 to 81,999 laying hens, if the AFO uses other than a liquid manure handling system;
(xii) 10,000 to 29,999 ducks (if the AFO uses other than a liquid manure handling system); or
(xiii) 1,500 to 4,999 ducks (if the AFO uses a liquid manure handling system); and
(b) Either one of the following conditions are met:
(i) Pollutants are discharged into surface waters of the state through a man-made drainage system; or
(ii) Pollutants are discharged directly into surface waters of the state which originate outside of and pass over, across, or through the facility or otherwise come into direct contact with the animals confined in the operation.
(21)"NEW SOURCE" means any building, structure, facility, or installation from which there is or may be a discharge of pollutants, the construction of which commenced after the promulgation of standards of performance for the particular source, pursuant to section 306 of the Clean Water Act. The term also applies where a standard of performance has been proposed, provided that the standard is promulgated within 120 days of its proposal. Except as otherwise provided in an applicable new source performance standard, a source is a "new source" if it meets this definition of "new source", and:
(a) It is constructed at a site at which no other source is located; or
(b) It totally replaces the process or production equipment that causes the discharge of pollutants at an existing source; or
(c) Its processes are substantially independent of an existing source at the same site. In determining whether these processes are substantially independent, the Division shall consider such factors as the extent to which the new facility is integrated with the existing source; and the extent to which the new facility is engaged in the same general type of activity as the existing source.
(22)"OPEN-LOT WASTEWATER" means any precipitation that comes into contact with manure or feed, any spillage or overflow from animal or poultry watering systems in production area facilities that are not roof-covered (except livestock drinking water in constant-flow watering troughs that overflow into in-trough drain pipes and is retained separately from wastewater storage), or, spray-cooling water used in open-sided pole sheds that are not flushed.
(23)"OPERATOR" means any person who owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises an AFO or CAFO
(24)"PERMIT" means a permit issued pursuant to Colorado Water Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 61.
(25)"PERSON" means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, state or political subdivision thereof, federal agency, state agency, municipality, commission, or interstate body.
(26)"POLLUTANT" means dredged spoil, dirt, slurry, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, sewage sludge, garbage, trash, chemical waste, biological nutrient, biological material, radioactive material, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, or any industrial, municipal, or agricultural waste.
(27)"PROCESS-GENERATED WASTEWATER" means wastewater resulting from water being directly or indirectly used in the operation of an AFO or CAFO for any or all of the following:
(a) Spillage or overflow from animal or poultry watering systems in roof-covered production area facilities (except livestock drinking water in constant-flow watering troughs that overflows into in-trough drain pipes and is retained separately from wastewater storage);
(b) Washing, cleaning or flushing pens, barns, manure pits, or other roof-covered production area facilities;
(c) Direct contact swimming, washing or spray cooling of animals (except in open-sided pole barns in open lots);
(d) Dust control; or
(e) Water which comes into contact with any products or byproducts including manure litter, feed, milk, eggs, or bedding that is not defined as open-lot wastewater.
(28)"PRODUCTION AREA" means that part of an AFO or CAFO that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and wastewater containment areas. Also included in the definition of production area is any egg washing or egg processing facility, and any area used in the storage, handling, treatment, or disposal of mortalities.

The animal confinement area includes but is not limited to:

(a) Open lots, housed lots and feedlots;
(b) Confinement houses;
(c) Stall barns and free stall barns;
(d) Milkrooms and milking centers;
(e) Cowyards, barnyards and stables;
(f) Medication and hospital pens;
(g) Walkers and animal walkways.

The manure and residual solids storage area includes but is not limited to:

(a) Lagoons, runoff ponds, liquid impoundments and tanks;
(b) Storage sheds, under house or pit storages;
(c) Stockpiles, static piles and composting piles.

The raw materials storage area includes but is not limited to:

(a) Feed silos, silage bunkers and bedding materials. The waste containment area includes but is not limited to:
(a) Settling basins; and
(b) Areas within berms and diversions which separate uncontaminated stormwater.
(29)"PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM" means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if such system has at least 15 service connections or serves an average of at least 25 persons daily at least 60 days out of the year. A public drinking water system includes both community and non-community systems.
(30)"SETBACK" means a specified distance from waters of the state, or potential conduits to waters of the state.
(31)"SMALL CONCENTRATED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION" (Small CAFO) means an AFO that is designated by the Division as a CAFO, and is not a Medium CAFO.
(32)"SOLID/LIQUID WASTE SEPARATION FACILITY" means a filtration or screening device, settling tank, or settling channel used to separate a portion of solids from a liquid wastewater stream.
(33)"STOCK WATERING POINT" means a fenced area with a hardened surface that limits access to surface water for a very small number of animals (typically one or two at a time) for the purpose of the animals obtaining drinking water.
(34)"STORMWATER" means precipitation induced surface runoff from land, except that defined as wastewater.
(35)"SURFACE WATER" means all waters of the state, except ground water, but includes ground water that may be hydrologically connected to non-subsurface water.
(36)"TANK" means a stationary device designed to contain an accumulation of pollutant-containing water, which is constructed primarily of non-earthen materials (e.g., wood, concrete, steel, plastic) which provide structural support.
(37)"WASTEWATER" means water defined as process-generated wastewater and/or open-lot wastewater.
(38)"WASTEWATER TREATMENT STRIP" means a treatment component of an agricultural waste management system consisting of a strip or area of herbaceous vegetation that assimilates pollutants and within which wastewater runs via sheet flow.
(39)"WATERS OF THE STATE" means any and all surface and subsurface waters which are contained in or flow in or through this state, except waters in sewage systems, waters in treatment works of disposal systems, waters in potable water distribution systems, and all water withdrawn for use until use and treatment have been completed.
(40)"WATERS OF THE U.S." means waters of the United States as defined in 40 C.F.R. Part 122.2.
(41)"WATER QUALITY STANDARD" means any standard promulgated pursuant to section 25-8-204, C.R.S.

5 CCR 1002-81.3

40 CR 13, July 10, 2017, effective 7/31/2017