5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1002-74.6

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1002-74.6 - MONITORING
1. Jefferson County, Clear Creek County, Park County, municipalities, districts, and other agencies responsible for point and nonpoint sources in the Bear Creek Watershed shall conduct water quality monitoring in the watershed, in accordance with the monitoring procedures described in an annually reviewed quality assurance project plan approved by the Division. The Association shall ensure that water quality monitoring is conducted on Turkey Creek, Bear Creek, and in Bear Creek Reservoir to measure the phosphorus loadings reaching the reservoir and other factors which affect the watershed water quality, as well as the attainment of beneficial uses for the reservoir and watershed.
2. The Commission and Division shall receive annually from the Association an annual report covering the status of water quality in the watershed for the previous calendar year. The report shall include information on the wastewater treatment facilities loading and compliance with permit limitations, the nonpoint source loading and appropriate best management practices, and in-stream and in-lake data analyses indicating whether the water quality goals and standards for the watershed are being met. Information about water quality projects planned or implemented in the watershed shall also be included in the annual report. The Division shall receive annually an electronic data transfer of all water quality data collected by the Association. Data shall be submitted consistent with Division guidance, and transfer protocols will be detailed in the quality assurance project plan.
3. All permits issued by the Division for wastewater treatment facility discharges shall be consistent with sections 74.3 and 74.4 . Effluent total phosphorus shall be monitored by the permittee at least once per month but more often than monthly if specified by the Division. Phosphorus concentrations shall be reported as a 30 day average and discharge monitoring reports shall be filed with the Division monthly. The Division may establish ambient monitoring requirements in discharge permits for dischargers in the Bear Creek Watershed for use in the annual assessment of water quality in the watershed, consistent with the provisions and intent of this control regulation and the water quality narrative standard for Bear Creek Reservoir.

5 CCR 1002-74.6