The provisions of C.R.S. 25-8-202(1)(a), (b) and (2); 25-8-203; 25-8-204; and 25-8-402; provide the specific statutory authority for adoption of these regulatory amendments. The commission also adopted in compliance with 24-4-103(4) C.R.S. the following statement of basis and purpose.
Pursuant to the requirements in the Basic Standards (at 31.7(3)), the commission reviewed the status of temporary modifications scheduled to expire before December 31, 2020 to determine whether the temporary modification should be modified, eliminated, or extended.
For the temporary modifications set to expire after the effective date of this hearing, the commission reviewed progress toward resolving the uncertainty in the underlying standard and/or the extent to which conditions are a result of natural or anthropogenic conditions, and evaluated whether the temporary modifications were still necessary. The commission took no action on the following temporary modifications:
Upper Arkansas Segment 8b (COARUA08b): temporary modifications of the chronic cadmium and acute and chronic zinc standards (expire 6/30/2020). Resurrection Mining Company continues to make progress to resolve the uncertainty. The commission made no change to the expiration date, as the original time allotment was deemed adequate to resolve the uncertainty.
The commission took no action on temporary modifications that were set to expire on or before the effective date of this hearing. The commission deleted the following temporary modifications, which were allowed to expire:
Middle Arkansas Segment 4b (COARMA04b) - all
Middle Arkansas Segment 6b (COARMA06b) - temperature
Lower Arkansas Segment 1a (COARLA01a) - selenium and sulfate
5 CCR 1002-32.62