This regulation establishing basic standards and an antidegradation rule and implementation process and establishing a system for classifying state surface waters, for assigning standards, and for granting temporary modifications (hereinafter referred to as "Regulation") is the foundation for the classification of the state surface waters of Colorado, as prescribed by the Colorado Water Quality Control Act.
It is intended to implement the state Act by maintaining and improving the quality of the state surface waters. This regulation is based on the best available knowledge to insure the suitability of Colorado's waters for beneficial uses including public water supplies, domestic, agricultural, industrial and recreational uses, and the protection and propagation of terrestrial and aquatic life.
It is further intended to be consistent with the 1983 and 1985 goals and objectives of the federal Act. This regulation shall be constructed in a manner consistent with these purposes and shall be considered part of the implementation of the 1983 and 1985 goals and objectives.
5 CCR 1002-31.2