5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1002-22.11

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
(1) A domestic wastewater treatment works with a site location approval may submit a site location demonstration project application to temporarily modify their site location approval or conditional site location approval to evaluate process and technologies prior to permanently changing the treatment works. The application for a demonstration project at an approved site location shall be made to the Division on the proper form.
(a) The form shall be available from the Water Quality Control Division, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, Colorado, 80246-1530 and on the Division's web page.
(b) Accompanying the application shall be an adequate Demonstration Project Testing Plan describing the proposed project. The engineering report submitted with the application shall meet all requirements of Section 22.4 , including containing all information the Division must consider pursuant to sections 22.3 and 22.5 and address and/or include the following at a minimum:
(i) A Demonstration Project Testing Plan that is, as required, signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered to practice in the State of Colorado.
(A) Project goal and description of the demonstration test technology, process, or chemical.
(B) Description of the testing protocol including sampling plan with testing frequencies, locations, and methods.
(C) Site Plan or Process Flow Diagram (before and during proposed demonstration installation)
(D) If the proposed project will impact the performance of other parts of the treatment works, provide a description of how the proposed project will impact the performance of other parts of the treatment works and the impact on each unit treatment process's ability to meet effluent limitations (existing and proposed).
(E) Project schedule.
(ii) If the Demonstration Project involves the use of chemicals, the applicant, in consultation with the Permits Section, shall evaluate whether a Request for Chemical Evaluation form and/or a discharge permit amendment is required to be submitted to the Division for review and approval prior to receiving approval for starting/implementing the demonstration project.
(2) Demonstration projects have a limited time period during which testing may be conducted. As a general rule, demonstration projects must be completed as expeditiously as practical and cannot extend beyond two years without receiving an extension from the Division. The Division may authorize the operation of demonstration equipment and processes beyond two years upon written request. The written request shall specify the reason(s) for the extension request, set forth a proposed schedule for completion of the demonstration project, and identify a specific date by which the demonstration project will conclude. For example, extension requests may be made for the following; awaiting a division decision of site location and design review applications, alternative technology application, or permit modification; construction of the permanent installation; or other circumstance that could not reasonably be foreseen at the time of the initial demonstration project approval.
(3) During the duration of the demonstration project, the domestic wastewater treatment works must comply with permit effluent limitations, conditions, and local, state, and federal requirements.
(4) A demonstration project may not:
(a) Be proposed by a new or existing domestic wastewater treatment works that does not have an existing site location and design approval.
(b) Be used to modify the current, approved design capacity for a site.
(c) Cause or contribute to the exceedance of a water quality standard.
(d) Cause a temporary or permanent exceedance of the hydraulic and/or organic design capacity or rated capacity of a domestic wastewater treatment works.
(e) Continue past the time permitted by the Division, including permanent installation of any demonstration project, unless a time extension is granted or site location and design approval are obtained from the Division.
(f) Change the approved site location and permitted discharge location.
(5) The design application process pursuant to Section 22.13 is not required for pilot projects.
(6) Posting of the site and agency notifications are not required for demonstration projects.

5 CCR 1002-22.11

43 CR 10, May 25, 2020, effective 6/14/2020