Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1001-9-B-I - Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Oil and Gas OperationsI.A. Applicability I.A.1. Except as provided in Section I.A.4., this section applies to oil and gas operations that collect, store, or handle hydrocarbon liquids or produced water in the 8-hour Ozone Control Area and that are located at or upstream of a natural gas plant.I.A.2. Except as provided in Section I.A.4., beginning February 14, 2023, this section applies to oil and gas operations that collect, store, or handle hydrocarbon liquids or produced water in northern Weld County and that are located at or upstream of a natural gas plant.I.A.3. Beginning February 14, 2023, this section applies to centralized oil stabilization facilities that emit or have the potential to emit VOC emissions greater than or equal to 25 tpy as of November 7, 2022, located in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area.I.A.4. Beginning February 14, 2023, Sections I.B. through I.F. and I.M. apply to class II disposal well facilities that emit or have the potential to emit VOC emissions greater than or equal to 25 tpy as of November 7, 2022, located in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area.I.A.5. Oil refineries are not subject to Section I.I.B. Definitions specific to Section I. I.B.1. "Affected Operations" means oil and gas exploration and production operations, natural gas compressor stations and natural gas drip stations, to which Section I. applies.I.B.2. "Air Pollution Control Equipment", as used in Section I., means a combustion device or vapor recovery unit. Air pollution control equipment also means alternative emissions control equipment, pollution prevention devices, and processes that comply with the requirements of Section I.D.4. that are approved by the Division.I.B.3. "Approved Instrument Monitoring Method" means an infra-red camera, EPA Method 21, or other instrument based monitoring method or program approved in accordance with Section I.L.8. If an owner or operator elects to use Division approved continuous emission monitoring, the Division may approve a streamlined inspection, recordkeeping, and reporting program for such operations.I.B.4. "Atmospheric Storage Tanks or Atmospheric Condensate Storage Tanks" means a type of condensate storage tank that vents, or is designed to vent, to the atmosphere.I.B.5. "Auto-Igniter" means a device which will automatically attempt to relight the pilot flame in the combustion chamber of a control device in order to combust volatile organic compound emissions.I.B.6. "Calendar Week" means a week beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday.I.B.7. "Class II Disposal Well Facility" means a facility that injects underground fluids which are brought to the surface in connection with natural gas storage operations or oil or natural gas production and that may be commingled with waste waters from gas plants which are an integral part of production operations, unless those waters are classified as a hazardous waste at the time of injection. Class II disposal well facilities do not include wells which inject fluids for enhanced recovery of oil or natural gas or for storage of hydrocarbons which are liquid at standard temperature and pressure.I.B.8. "Commencement of Operation" means when a source first conducts the activity that it was designed and permitted for. In addition, for oil and gas well production facilities, commencement of operation is the date any permanent production equipment is in use and product is consistently flowing to sales lines, gathering lines, or storage tanks from the first producing well at the stationary source, but no later than end of well completion operations (including flowback).I.B.9. "Condensate Storage Tank" means any tank or series of tanks that store condensate and are either manifolded together or are located at the same well pad.I.B.10. "Centralized Oil Stabilization Facility" means a facility that receives high-vapor-pressure crude oil (post-separation) from well production facilities through a pipeline oil-gathering system and stabilizes the crude oil for storage in tanks and/or for pipeline transportation.I.B.11. "Centrifugal Compressor" means any machine used for raising the pressure of natural gas by drawing in low pressure natural gas and discharging significantly higher pressure natural gas by means of mechanical rotating vanes or impellers. Screw, sliding vane, and liquid ring compressors are not centrifugal compressors.I.B.12. "Component" means each pump seal, flange, pressure relief device (including thief hatches or other openings on a controlled storage tank), connector, and valve that contains or contacts a process stream with hydrocarbons, except for components in process streams consisting of glycol, amine, produced water, or methanol.I.B.13. "Connector" means flanged, screwed, or other joined fittings used to connect two pipes or a pipe and a piece of process equipment or that close an opening in a pipe that could be connected to another pipe. Joined fittings welded completely around the circumference of the interface are not considered connectors.I.B.14. "Custody Transfer" means the transfer of crude oil or natural gas after processing and/or treatment in the producing operations or from storage vessels or automatic transfer facilities or other such equipment, including product loading racks, to pipelines or any other forms of transportation.I.B.15. "Downtime" means the period of time when a well is producing and the air pollution control equipment is not in operation.I.B.16. "Existing" means any atmospheric condensate storage tank that began operation before February 1, 2009, and has not since been modified.I.B.17. "Glycol Natural Gas Dehydrator" means any device in which a liquid glycol (including, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, or triethylene glycol) absorbent directly contacts a natural gas stream and absorbs water.I.B.18. "Hydrocarbon liquids" means any naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum liquid. Hydrocarbon liquids does not include produced water.I.B.19. "Infra-red Camera" means an optical gas imaging instrument designed for and capable of detecting hydrocarbons.I.B.20. "Modified or Modification" means any physical change or change in operation of a stationary source that results in an increase in actual uncontrolled volatile organic compound emissions from the previous calendar year that occurs on or after February 1, 2009. For atmospheric condensate storage tanks (and beginning March 1, 2020, for all storage tanks), a physical change or change in operation includes but is not limited to drilling wells and recompleting, refracturing or otherwise stimulating existing wells.I.B.21. "Natural Gas Compressor Station" means a facility, located downstream of well production facilities, which contains one or more compressors designed to compress natural gas from well pressure to gathering system pressure prior to the inlet of a natural gas processing plant.I.B.22. "Natural Gas-Driven Diaphragm Pump" means a positive displacement pump powered by pressurized natural gas that uses the reciprocating action of flexible diaphragms in conjunction with check valves to pump a fluid. A pump in which a fluid is displaced by a piston driven by a diaphragm is not considered a diaphragm pump. A lean glycol circulation pump that relies on energy exchange with the rich glycol from the contactor is not considered a diaphragm pump.I.B.23. "Natural Gas Processing Plant" means any processing site engaged in the extraction of natural gas liquids from field gas, fractionation of mixed natural gas liquids to natural gas products, or both. A Joule-Thompson valve, a dew point depression valve, or an isolated or standalone Joule-Thompson skid is not a natural gas processing plant.I.B.24. "New" means any atmospheric condensate storage tank that began operation on or after February 1, 2009.I.B.25. "Northern Weld County" means the portion of the county that does not lie south of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on Weld County's eastern boundary and Logan County's western boundary intersected by 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 47.1 seconds north latitude, proceed west on 40 degrees, 42 minutes, 47.1 seconds north latitude until this line intersects Weld County's western boundary and Larimer County's eastern boundary.I.B.26. "Produced Water" means water that is extracted from the earth from an oil or natural gas production well, or that is separated from crude oil, condensate, or natural gas after extraction.I.B.27. "Reciprocating Compressor" means a piece of equipment that increases the pressure of process gas by positive displacement, employing linear movement of the piston rod.I.B.28. "Stabilized" when used to refer to stored hydrocarbon liquids, means that the hydrocarbon liquids have reached substantial equilibrium with the atmosphere and that any emissions that occur are those commonly referred to within the industry as "working and breathing losses".I.B.29. "Storage tank" means any fixed roof storage vessel or series of storage vessels that are manifolded together via liquid line. Storage tanks may be located at a well production facility or other location.I.B.30. "Storage vessel" means a tank or other vessel that contains an accumulation of hydrocarbon liquids or produced water and is constructed primarily of nonearthed materials (such as wood, concrete, steel, fiberglass, or plastic) which provide structural support. A well completion vessel that receives recovered liquids from a well after commencement of operation for a period which exceeds 60 days is considered a storage vessel. Storage vessel does not include vessels that are skid-mounted or permanently attached to something that is mobile (such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships) and are intended to be located at the site for less than 180 consecutive days; process vessels such as surge control vessels, bottom receivers, or knockout vessels; or pressure vessels designed to operate in excess of 204.9 kilopascals and without emissions to the atmosphere.I.B.31. (State Only) "Surveillance System" means monitoring pilot flame presence or temperature in a combustion device either by visual observation or with an electronic device to record times and duration of periods where a pilot flame is not detected at least once per day.I.B.32. "System-Wide Control Strategy" means the collective emissions and emission reductions from all atmospheric condensate storage tanks under common ownership within the 8-hour Ozone Control Area for which uncontrolled actual volatile organic compound emissions are equal to or greater than two tons per year.I.B.33. "Well Production Facility" means all equipment at a single stationary source directly associated with one or more oil wells or natural gas wells upstream of the natural gas processing plant. This equipment includes, but is not limited to, equipment used for storage, separation, treating, dehydration, artificial lift, combustion, compression, pumping, metering, monitoring, and flowline.I.C. General Provisions I.C.1. General Requirements I.C.1.a. All air pollution control equipment used to demonstrate compliance with this Section I. must be operated and maintained consistent with manufacturer specifications and good engineering and maintenance practices. The owner or operator must keep manufacturer specifications on file. In addition, all such air pollution control equipment must be adequately designed and sized to achieve the control efficiency rates required by this Section I. and to handle reasonably foreseeable fluctuations in emissions of volatile organic compounds. Fluctuations in emissions that occur when the separator dumps into the tank are reasonably foreseeable.I.C.1.b. All hydrocarbon liquids and produced water collection, storage, processing, and handling operations, regardless of size, must be designed, operated, and maintained so as to minimize emission of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere to the maximum extent practicable.I.C.1.c. All air pollution control equipment used to demonstrate compliance with Sections I.D., I.J., and I.K. must meet a control efficiency of at least 95%. Failure to properly install, operate, and maintain air pollution control equipment is a violation of this regulation.I.C.1.d. If a flare or other combustion device is used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds to comply with Sections I.D., I.J., and I.K. it must be enclosed, have no visible emissions, and be designed so that an observer can, by means of visual observation from the outside of the enclosed flare or combustion device, or by other convenient means, such as a continuous monitoring device, approved by the Division, determine whether it is operating properly.I.C.1.e. All combustion devices used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds to comply with Sections I.D., I.J., and I.K. must be equipped with and operate an auto-igniter as follows: I.C.1.e.(i) (State Only) For condensate storage tanks that are constructed or modified after May 1, 2009, and before January 1, 2017, and controlled by a combustion device, auto-igniters must be installed and operational, beginning the date of first production after any new tank installation or tank modification.I.C.1.e.(ii) (State Only) For all existing condensate storage tanks controlled by a combustion device in order to comply with the emissions control requirements of Section I.D.1., auto-igniters must be installed and operational beginning May 1, 2009, for condensate storage tanks with actual uncontrolled emissions of greater than or equal to 50 tons per year, and beginning May 1, 2010, for all other existing condensate storage tanks controlled by a combustion device, or within 180 days from first having installed the combustion device, whichever date comes later.I.C.1.e.(iii) All combustion devices installed on or after January 1, 2017, must be equipped with an operational auto-igniter upon installation of the combustion device.I.C.1.e.(iv) All combustion devices installed on or after January 1, 2018, and used to comply with Sections I.J. or I.K. must be equipped with an operational auto-igniter upon installation of the combustion device.I.C.1.f. (State Only) If a combustion device is used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds, surveillance systems must be employed and operational as follows: I.C.1.f.(i) (State Only) Beginning May 1, 2010, for all existing condensate storage tanks with uncontrolled actual emissions of 100 tons per year or more based on data from the previous twelve consecutive months.I.C.1.f.(ii) (State Only) For all new and modified condensate storage tanks controlled by a combustion device for the first 90 days surveillance systems must be employed and operational beginning 180 days from commencement of operation after the tank was newly installed, or after the well was newly drilled, re-completed, re-fractured or otherwise stimulated, if uncontrolled actual emissions projected for the first twelve months based on data from the first 90 days of operation from the condensate storage tank are 100 tons or more of uncontrolled VOCs.I.C.2. The emission estimates and emission reductions required by Section I.D. must be demonstrated using one of the following emission factors: I.C.2.a. In the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area I.C.2.a.(i) For atmospheric condensate storage tanks at oil and gas exploration and production operations, a default emission factor of 13.7 pounds of volatile organic compounds per barrel of condensate must be used unless a more specific emission factor has been established pursuant to Section I.C.2.a.(iii). The Division may require a more specific emission factor that complies with Section I.C.2.a.(iii).I.C.2.a.(ii) For atmospheric condensate storage tanks at natural gas compressor stations and natural gas drip stations a source may use a specific emissions factor that was used for reporting emissions from the source on APENs filed on or before February 28, 2003. The Division may, however, require the source to develop and use a more recent specific emission factor pursuant to Section I.C.2.a.(iii) if such a more recent emission factor would be more reliable or accurate.I.C.2.a.(iii) Except as otherwise provided in Section I.C.2.a.(i), a specific emission factor is one for which the Division has no objection, and which is based on collection and analysis of a representative sample of the hydrocarbon liquids or produced water pursuant to a test method approved by the Division.I.C.2.a.(iv) For storage tanks storing produced water or hydrocarbon liquids other than condensate, the most recent Division-approved default emission factors must be used unless a more specific emission factor has been established pursuant to Section I.C.2.a.(iii).I.C.2.a.(v) If the Division has reason to believe that a specific emission factor is no longer representative, or if it deems it otherwise necessary, the Division may require the use of an alternative emission factor that complies with Section I.C.2.a.(iii).I.C.2.b. (State Only) For any other Ozone Nonattainment Area or Attainment/Maintenance AreasI.C.2.b.(i) (State Only) For storage tanks at oil and gas exploration and production operations, the source must use a default basin-specific uncontrolled volatile organic compound emission factor established by the Division unless a site-specific emission factor has been established pursuant to Section I.C.2.b.(iii). If the Division has established no default emission factor, if the Division has reason to believe that the default emission factor is no longer representative, or if it deems it otherwise necessary, the Division may require use of an alternative emission factor that complies with Section I.C.2.b.(iii).I.C.2.b.(ii) (State Only) For storage tanks at natural gas compressor stations and natural gas drip stations, the source must use a site-specific volatile organic compound emission factor established pursuant to Section I.C.2.b.(iii). If the Division has reason to believe that the site-specific emission factor is no longer representative, or if it deems it otherwise necessary, the Division may require use of an alternative emission factor that complies with Section I.C.2.b.(iii).I.C.2.b.(iii) (State Only) Establishment of or Updating Approved Emission Factors I.C.2.b.(iii)(A) (State Only) The Division may require the source to develop and/or use a more recent default basin-specific or site-specific volatile organic compound emission factor pursuant to Section I.C.2.b., if such emission factor would be more reliable or accurate.I.C.2.b.(iii)(B) (State Only) For storage tanks at oil and gas exploration and production operations, the source may use a site-specific volatile organic compound emission factor for which the Division has no objection, and which is based on collection and analysis of a representative sample of hydrocarbon liquids or produced water pursuant to a test method approved by the Division.I.C.2.b.(iii)(C) (State Only) For storage tanks at natural gas compressor stations and natural gas drip stations, a source may use a volatile organic compound emissions factor that was used for reporting emissions from the source on APENs filed on or before February 28, 2003, or an alternative site-specific volatile organic compound emission factor established pursuant to Section I.C.2.b.I.C.2.b.(iii)(D) (State Only) A default basin-specific volatile organic compound emissions factor must be one for which the Division has no objection, and which is based on collection and analysis of a representative sample of hydrocarbon liquids or produced water or an alternative method, pursuant to a test method approved by the Division, except as otherwise provided in I.C.2.b.(i).I.C.2.b.(iii)(E) (State Only) A site-specific volatile organic compound emissions factor must be one for which the Division has no objection, and which is based on collection and analysis of a representative sample of hydrocarbon liquids or produced water pursuant to a test method approved by the Division.I.D. Storage Tank Emission ControlsI.D.1. Repealed (December 16, 2022)I.D.2. Repealed (December 16, 2022)I.D.3. Storage Tank Control StrategyI.D.3.a. Applicability I.D.3.a.(i) Owners or operators of storage tanks with uncontrolled actual emissions of VOCs equal to or greater than four (4) tons per year based on a rolling twelve-month total must collect and control emissions from each storage tank by routing emissions to and operating air pollution control equipment that achieves a VOC control efficiency of 95%. If a combustion device is used, it must have a design destruction efficiency of at least 98% for VOC, except where the combustion device has been authorized by permit prior to March 1, 2020.I.D.3.a.(ii) Owners or operators of storage tanks with uncontrolled actual emissions of VOCs equal to or greater than two (2) tons per year based on a rolling twelve-month total and not subject to Section I.D.3.a.(i) must collect and control emissions from each storage tank by routing emissions to and operating air pollution control equipment that achieves a VOC control efficiency of 95%. If a combustion device is used, it must have a design destruction efficiency of at least 98% for VOC, except where the combustion device has been authorized by permit prior to March 1, 2020.I.D.3.a.(iii) Internal floating roof tanks subject to Part B, Section IV. at centralized oil stabilization facilities are not subject to Section I.D.3.I.D.3.a.(iv) Owners or operators of storage tanks at class II disposal well facilities for which the use of air pollution control equipment would be technically infeasible without supplemental fuel may apply for an exemption from the control requirements of Section I.D.3. Such request must include documentation demonstrating the infeasibility of the air pollution control equipment.I.D.3.b. Compliance Deadlines Sections I.D.3.b.(i) through I.D.3.b.(viii) do not apply to storage tanks in northern Weld County or at a centralized oil stabilization or class II disposal well facility specified in Sections I.A.3. or I.A.4.
I.D.3.b.(i) A storage tank subject to Section I.D.3.a.(i) and constructed on or after March 1, 2020, must be in compliance by commencement of operation of that storage tank.I.D.3.b.(ii) A storage tank subject to Section I.D.3.a.(ii) and constructed on or after March 1, 2020, must be in compliance by commencement of operation of that storage tank.I.D.3.b.(iii) A storage tank subject to Section I.D.3.a.(i) and constructed before March 1, 2020, must be in compliance by May 1, 2020, or by commencement of operation of the storage tank, whichever comes later.I.D.3.b.(iv) A storage tank subject to Section I.D.3.a.(ii) and constructed before March 1, 2020, must be in compliance by May 1, 2020, or by commencement of operation of the storage tank, whichever comes later.I.D.3.b.(v) A storage tank subject to Section I.D.3.a.(i) and not otherwise subject to Sections I.D.3.b.(i). or I.D.3.b.(iii) that increases uncontrolled actual emissions to four (4) tons per year VOC or more on a rolling twelve-month basis after March 1, 2020, must be in compliance within sixty (60) days of the first day of the month after which the storage tank VOC emissions exceeded four (4) tons per year on a rolling twelve-month basis.I.D.3.b.(vi) A storage tank subject to Section I.D.3.a.(ii) and not otherwise subject to Sections I.D.3.b.(ii) or I.D.3.b.(iv) that increases uncontrolled actual emissions to two (2) tons per year VOC based on a rolling twelve-month basis after March 1, 2020, must be in compliance within sixty (60) days of the first day of the month after which the storage tank VOC emissions exceeded two (2) tons per year on a rolling twelve-month basis.I.D.3.b.(vii) If air pollution control equipment is not installed by the applicable compliance date in Sections I.D.3.b.(iii) or I.D.3.b.(v), compliance with Section I.D.3.a.(i) may alternatively be demonstrated by shutting in all wells producing into that storage tank by the date in Sections I.D.3.b.(iii) or I.D.3.b.(v) so long as production does not resume from any such well until the air pollution control equipment is installed and operational.I.D.3.b.(viii) If air pollution control equipment is not installed by the applicable compliance date in Sections I.D.3.b.(iv) or I.D.3.b.(vi), compliance with Section I.D.3.a.(ii) may alternatively be demonstrated by shutting in all wells producing into that storage tank by the date in Sections I.D.3.b.(iv) or I.D.3.b.(vi) so long as production does not resume from any such well until the air pollution control equipment is installed and operational.I.D.3.b.(ix) This Section I.D.3. does not apply to storage tanks at natural gas-processing plants subject to Section I.G. or qualifying natural gas compressor stations subject to Section I.I.I.D.3.b.(x) A storage tank in northern Weld County at a centralized oil stabilization or class II disposal well facility specified in Sections I.A.3. or I.A.4. meeting the applicability in Sections I.D.3.a.(i) or I.D.3.a.(ii) and constructed before February 14, 2023, that is not already controlled under Section II.C.1.c. must be in compliance by May 1, 2023.I.D.3.b.(xi) A storage tank in northern Weld County at a centralized oil stabilization or class II disposal well facility specified in Sections I.A.3. or I.A.4. meeting the applicability in Sections I.D.3.a.(i) or I.D.3.a.(ii) and constructed on or after February 14, 2023, must be in compliance by commencement of operation.I.D.3.b.(xii) A storage tank in northern Weld County at a centralized oil stabilization or class II disposal well facility specified in Sections I.A.3. or I.A.4. meeting the applicability in Sections I.D.3.a.(i) or I.D.3.a.(ii) that increases uncontrolled actual emissions to two (2) tons per year VOC based on a rolling twelve-month basis after February 14, 2023, must be in compliance within sixty (60) days of the first day of the month after which the storage tank VOC emissions exceeded two (2) tons per year on a rolling twelve-month basis.I.D.3.b.(xiii) If air pollution control equipment is not installed by the applicable compliance date in Sections I.D.3.b.(x) through I.D.3.b.(xii), compliance with Sections I.D.3.a.(i) or I.D.3.a.(ii) may alternatively be demonstrated by shutting in all wells producing into that storage tank by the date in Sections I.D.3.b.(x) through I.D.3.b.(xii) so long as production does not resume from any such well until the air pollution control equipment is installed and operational. I.D.4. Alternative emissions control equipment and pollution prevention devices and processes installed and implemented after June 1, 2004, shall qualify as air pollution control equipment, and may be used in lieu of, or in combination with, combustion devices and/or vapor recovery units to achieve the emission reductions required by this Section I.D., if the following conditions are met: I.D.4.a. The owner or operator obtains a construction permit authorizing such use of the alternative emissions control equipment or pollution prevention device or process. The proposal for such equipment, device or process shall comply with all regulatory provisions for construction permit applications and shall include the following: I.D.4.a.(i) A description of the equipment, device or process;I.D.4.a.(ii) A description of where, when and how the equipment, device or process will be used;I.D.4.a.(iii) The claimed control efficiency and supporting documentation adequate to demonstrate such control efficiency;I.D.4.a.(iv) An adequate method for measuring actual control efficiency; andI.D.4.a.(v) Description of the records and reports that will be generated to adequately track emission reductions and implementation and operation of the equipment, device or process, and a description of how such matters will be reflected in the records and reports required by Section I.F.I.D.4.b. Public notice of the application is provided pursuant to Regulation Number 3, Part B, Section III.C.4.I.D.4.c. EPA approves the proposal. The Division shall transmit a copy of the permit application and any other materials provided by the applicant, all public comments, all Division responses and the Division's permit to EPA Region 8. If EPA fails to approve or disapprove the proposal within 45 days of receipt of these materials, EPA shall be deemed to have approved the proposal.I.E. Monitoring of Storage Tanks and Air Pollution Control EquipmentI.E.1. ApplicabilityI.E.1.a. The owner or operator of any storage tank that is being controlled pursuant to this Section I.I.E.2. Monitoring RequirementsI.E.2.a. The owner or operator of any storage tank controlled by air pollution control equipment other than a combustion device must follow manufacturer's recommended maintenance. Air pollution control equipment must be periodically inspected to ensure proper maintenance and operation according to the Division-approved operation and maintenance plan.I.E.2.b. Repealed (December 16, 2022)I.E.2.c. Weekly Monitoring Requirements The owner or operator must inspect or monitor the air pollution control equipment at least weekly to ensure that it is operating properly. The inspection must include and document the following:
I.E.2.c.(i) For combustion devices, a check that the pilot light is lit by either visible observation or other means approved by the Division. For devices equipped with an auto-igniter, a check that the auto-igniter is properly functioning.I.E.2.c.(ii) For combustion devices, a check that the valves for piping of gas to the pilot light are open.I.E.2.c.(iii) (State Only) In addition to complying with Sections I.E.2.c.(i). and I.E.2.c.(ii)., the owner or operator of tanks controlled pursuant to Section I.D. that have installed combustion devices may use a surveillance system to maintain records on combustion device operation.I.E.2.c.(iv) For combustion devices, the owner or operator must visually check for the presence or absence of smoke and that the burner tray is not visibly clogged.I.E.2.c.(v) For vapor recovery units, the owner or operator must check that the unit is operating and that vapors from the storage tank are being routed to the unit.I.E.2.c.(vi) For all control devices, the owner or operator must check that the valves for the piping from the storage tank to the air pollution control equipment are open.I.E.2.c.(vii) For all storage tanks, the owner or operator must check that the thief hatch is closed and latched, the pressure relief valve is properly seated, and all vent lines are closed.I.E.2.c.(viii) Beginning May 1, 2020, or the applicable compliance date in Section I.D.3.b., whichever comes later, owners or operators of storage tanks with uncontrolled actual emissions of VOCs equal to or greater than four (4) tons per year based on a rolling twelve-month total must conduct audio, visual, olfactory (AVO) inspections of the storage tank.I.E.2.c.(ix) Beginning May 1, 2020, or the applicable compliance date in Section I.D.3.b., whichever comes later, owners or operators of storage tanks subject to Section I.D.3.a.(ii) must conduct audio, visual, olfactory (AVO) inspections of the storage tank. I.E.2.d. (State Only) For storage tanks equipped with a surveillance system or other Division-approved monitoring system, the owner or operator must check weekly that the system is functioning properly and that necessary information is being collected. Any loss of data or failure to collect required data may be treated by the Division as if the data were not collected.I.E.3. Performance testing requirements I.E.3.a. Each storage vessel that has the potential for VOC emissions equal to or greater than six (6) tons per year (controlled actual emissions) must conduct periodic performance testing of the control device used to comply with Section I.D.3.a.(i). The potential for VOC emissions must be calculated using a generally accepted model or calculation methodology, based on the maximum average daily throughput determined for the 30-day period of production prior to May 1, 2022, or April 1, 2023, if located in northern Weld County. The determination may take into account requirements under a legally and practically enforceable limit in an operating permit or other requirement established under a federal, state, local, or tribal authority. Any vapor from the storage vessel that is recovered and routed to a process through a VRU with a cover and closed vent system is not required to be included in the determination of VOC potential to emit for purposes of determining applicability. I.E.3.a.(i) Conduct a performance test in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa, Section 60.5413a(b) (June 3, 2016) by May 1, 2023, and subsequent performance tests no longer than 60 months following the previous performance test.I.E.3.a.(ii) Control device models tested in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa, Section 60.5413a(d) and demonstrating continuous compliance in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa, Section 60.5413a(e)(1) (June 3, 2016) are not subject to the performance test requirement in Section I.E.3.a.(i).I.E.3.a.(iii) Maintain records of performance tests conducted pursuant to Section I.E.3.a.(i) or manufacturer demonstrations and associated inlet gas flow rate records specified in Section I.E.3.a.(ii) for five (5) years and make records available to the Division upon request. I.F. Storage Tank Recordkeeping and Reporting I.F.1. Repealed, except for records retained in Sections I.F.1.c. through 1.F.1.f. and I.F.1.g.(x); renumbered as I.F.1.a. through I.F.1.e., respectively. (December 16, 2022) I.F.1.a. A copy of each calendar weekly and calendar monthly spreadsheet shall be retained for five years, with final retention period ending April 30, 2025. A spreadsheet may apply to more than one week if there are no changes in any of the required data and the spreadsheet clearly identifies the weeks it covers. The spreadsheet may be retained electronically. However, the Division may treat any loss of data or failure to maintain the Division-approved spreadsheet, as if the data were not collected.I.F.1.b. Each owner or operator shall maintain records of the inspections required pursuant to Section I.E. and retain those records for five years, with final retention period ending April 30, 2025. These records shall include the time and date of the inspection, the person conducting the inspection, a notation that each of the checks required under Sections I.C. and I.E. were completed and a description of any problems observed during the inspection, and a description and date of any corrective actions taken.I.F.1.c. (State Only) Each owner or operator shall maintain records of required surveillance system or other monitoring data and shall make these records available promptly upon Division request.I.F.1.d. (State Only) Each owner or operator shall maintain records on when an atmospheric condensate storage tank is newly installed, or when a well is newly drilled, re-completed, re-fractured or otherwise stimulated. Records shall be maintained per well associated with each tank and the date of first production associated with these activities.I.F.1.e. A copy of each semi-annual report shall be retained for five years or through August 30, 2025, for the last report submitted on or before August 30, 2020.I.F.2. Recordkeeping for storage tanks subject to Section I.D.3.I.F.2.a. The owner or operator of any storage tank subject to control pursuant to Section I.D.3. must maintain records and make them available to the Division upon request.I.F.2.b. Records maintained under this Section I.F.2. must include: I.F.2.b.(i) The AIRS number for the storage tank. The AIRS number assigned by the Division must be marked on all storage tanks required to file an APEN.I.F.2.b.(ii) If air pollution control equipment is required to comply with Section I.D.3. visible signage must be located with the control equipment identifying the AIRS number for each storage tank that is being controlled by that equipment.I.F.2.b.(iii) Records of the inspections required in Section I.E.I.F.2.b.(iii)(A) The time and date of each inspection.I.F.2.b.(iii)(B) The person conducting the inspection.I.F.2.b.(iii)(C) A notation that each of the checks required under Section I.E. were completed.I.F.2.b.(iii)(D) A description of any problems observed during the inspection, description and date of any corrective actions taken, and name of individual performing corrective actions.I.F.2.b.(iv) The calendar monthly uncontrolled actual and controlled actual emissions of VOC and the rolling twelve-month totals for each storage tank subject to control under Section I.D.3.I.F.2.b.(v) The emission factor used for each storage tank. The emission factors must comply with Section I.C.2. and the owner or operator must use the most recent emission factor on file with the Division (i.e., either the default emission factor or the specific emission factor established pursuant to Section I.C.2.a.(iii)).I.F.2.b.(vi) The control efficiency of each unit of air pollution control equipment and the AIRS number of the storage tank being controlled.I.F.2.b.(vii) Records of any exemption, and associated documentation, applied for under Section I.D.3.a.(ii)(A). I.F.2.c. (State Only) The owner or operator of each storage tank subject to Section I.D.3. (except storage tanks located at centralized oil stabilization and class II disposal well facilities specified in Section I.A.4.) must maintain records of I.F.2.c.(i) The monthly production volumes for each storage tank, based on the most recent measurement available. The monthly average must be calculated by averaging the most recent measurement of such production, which may be the amount shown on the receipt from the purchaser for delivery of hydrocarbon liquids or produced water from such tank, over the time such delivered hydrocarbon liquids or produced water was collected. The monthly average from the most recent measurement will be used to estimate monthly volumes of controlled and uncontrolled actual emissions for all weeks and months following the measurement until the next measurement is taken.I.F.2.c.(ii) Any downtime of air pollution control equipment, including the date, time and duration of any scheduled downtime. For any unscheduled downtime, the date and time the downtime was discovered and the date and time the air pollution control equipment was last observed to be operating.I.F.2.c.(iii) Any required surveillance system or other monitoring data.I.F.2.c.(iv) When a storage tank is installed, or when a well is drilled, re-completed, re-fractured, or otherwise stimulated. Records must be maintained per well associated with each storage tank and the date of commencement of operation associated with these activities.I.F.3. Reporting for storage tanks subject to Section I.D.3.I.F.3.a. On or before April 30, 2021, and April 30 of each year thereafter, each owner or operator of storage tanks in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area must submit a report using Division-approved format. A copy of each report must be retained for a period of five (5) years.I.F.3.b. On or before April 30, 2024, and April 30 of each year thereafter, the owner or operator of any storage tank subject to Sections I.D.3.b.(x) through I.D.3.b.(xii) must submit a report using Division-approved format. A copy of each report must be retained for a period of five (5) years.I.F.3.c. The report under this Section I.F.3. must include:I.F.3.c.(i) The report must list all storage tanks (by AIRS number and location name) controlled pursuant to Section I.D.3. during the previous calendar year (starting calendar year 2020) andI.F.3.c.(i)(A) The calendar monthly uncontrolled actual and controlled actual emissions of VOC and the rolling twelve-month total for each storage tank.I.F.3.c.(i)(B) The emission factor used for each storage tank for each month.I.F.3.c.(i)(C) The control efficiency for the air pollution control equipment for each storage tank.I.F.3.c.(ii) (State Only) The report must identify any storage tank whose control status has changed, and the date of the change, since submission of the previous report.I.F.3.c.(iii) (State Only) The report must list the production volume for each storage tank. Production volumes may be estimated by the amounts shown on the receipt from the purchaser.I.F.3.c.(iv) (State Only) The report must list any downtime of air pollution control equipment, including the date, time, and duration of any scheduled downtime. For any unscheduled downtime, the date and time the downtime was discovered and the last date the air pollution control equipment was observed to be operating must be recorded in the report.I.F.3.c.(v) (State Only) The report must list any instances where the air pollution control equipment was not properly functioning, including the date and time the equipment was not properly operating, the date and time the equipment was last observed operating properly, and the date and time the problem was corrected. The report must also include the specific nature of the problem, the specific steps taken to correct the problem, the AIRS number, or site name if no AIRS number has been assigned, of each storage tank being controlled by the equipment and the estimated production from those storage tanks during the period of non-operation.I.F.3.c.(vi) (State Only) Reports must be signed by a responsible official who must also sign the Division-approved compliance certification form for storage tanks. The compliance certification includes both a certification of compliance with all applicable requirements of Section I. If any non-compliance is identified, the certification must include the citation, dates and durations of deviations from this Section I., associated reasoning, and compliance plan and schedule to achieve compliance. Compliance certifications for state only conditions must be identified separately from compliance certifications required under the State Implementation Plan.I.F.3.c.(vii) (State Only) Each Division-approved self-certification form, and compliance certification submitted pursuant to Section I. must contain a certification by a responsible official of the truth, accuracy and completeness of such form, report or certification stating that, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate and complete.I.G. Natural gas-processing plants located in the 8-hour Ozone Control Area or northern Weld County shall comply with requirements of this Section I.G., as well as the requirements of Sections I.B., I.C.1.a., I.C.1.b., I.H., I.J., I.K., and Regulation Number 26, Part B, Section I.A. through C. I.G.1. For fugitive volatile organic compound emissions from leaking equipment, the leak detection and repair (LDAR) program as provided at 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOO (July 1, 2017) applies, regardless of the date of construction of the affected facility, unless subject to the LDAR program provided at 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa (July 1, 2017).I.G.2. Air pollution control equipment shall be installed and properly operated to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds from any atmospheric condensate storage tank (or tank battery) used to store condensate that has not been stabilized that has uncontrolled actual emissions of greater than or equal to two tons per year. Such air pollution control equipment shall have a control efficiency of at least 95%.I.G.3. Natural gas processing plants within the 8-hour Ozone Control Area constructed before January 1, 2018, must comply with the requirements of Section I.G. beginning January 1, 2019.I.G.4. Natural gas processing plants within northern Weld County must comply with the requirements of Section I.G. beginning February 14, 2023, or upon commencement of operation if after February 14, 2023.I.G.5. The provisions of Sections I.B., I.C.1.a., I.C.1.b., I.G., I.H., I.J., I.K., and Regulation Number 26, Part B, Section I.A. through C., apply upon the commencement of operations to any natural gas processing plant that commences operation in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area after the effective date of this section.I.H. Emission Reductions from glycol natural gas dehydrators I.H.1. Beginning May 1, 2005, still vents and vents from any flash separator or flash tank on a glycol natural gas dehydrator located at an oil and gas exploration and production operation, natural gas compressor station, drip station or gas-processing plant in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area and subject to control requirements pursuant to Section I.H.3., shall reduce uncontrolled actual emissions of volatile organic compounds by at least 90 percent on a rolling twelve-month basis through the use of a condenser or air pollution control equipment.I.H.2. (State Only) Beginning January 30, 2009, still vents and vents from any flash separator or flash tank on a glycol natural gas dehydrator located at an oil and gas exploration and production operation, natural gas compressor station, drip station or gas-processing plant in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area and subject to control requirements pursuant to Section I.H.3., shall reduce uncontrolled actual emissions of volatile organic compounds by at least 90 percent on a rolling twelve-month basis through the use of a condenser or air pollution control equipment.I.H.3. The control requirements of Sections I.H.1. and I.H.2. apply where:I.H.3.a. Actual uncontrolled emissions of volatile organic compounds from the glycol natural gas dehydrator are equal to or greater than one ton per year; andI.H.3.b. The sum of actual uncontrolled emissions of volatile organic compounds from any single glycol natural gas dehydrator or grouping of glycol natural gas dehydrators at a single stationary source is equal to or greater than 15 tons per year. To determine if a grouping of dehydrators meets or exceeds the 15 tons per year threshold, sum the total actual uncontrolled emissions of volatile organic compounds from all individual dehydrators at the stationary source, including those with emissions less than one ton per year.I.H.4. Beginning February 14, 2023, still vents and vents from any flash separator or flash tank on a glycol natural gas dehydrator located at an oil and gas exploration and production operation, natural gas compressor station, drip station or gas-processing plant in northern Weld County and subject to control requirements pursuant to Section I.H.4. that is not already controlled under Section II.D., must reduce uncontrolled actual emissions of volatile organic compounds by at least 95 percent on a rolling twelve-month basis through the use of a condenser or air pollution control equipment. The control requirements of Section I.H.4. apply where:I.H.4.a. Uncontrolled actual emissions of VOCs from a glycol natural gas dehydrator constructed on or after February 14, 2023, are equal to or greater than two (2) tons per year. Such glycol natural gas dehydrators must be in compliance with Section I.H.4. by the date that the glycol natural gas dehydrator commences operation.I.H.4.b. Uncontrolled actual emissions of VOCs from a single glycol natural gas dehydrator constructed before February 14, 2023, are equal to or greater than six (6) tons per year.I.H.5. For purposes of Section I.H., emissions from still vents and vents from any flash separator or flash tank on a glycol natural gas dehydrator shall be calculated using a method approved in advance by the Division.I.H.6. Monitoring and recordkeeping I.H.5.a. Beginning January 1, 2017, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, owners or operators of glycol natural gas dehydrators subject to the control requirements of Sections I.H.1., I.H.2., or I.H.4. must check on a weekly basis that any condenser or air pollution control equipment used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds is operating properly, and document: I.H.6.a.(i) The date of each inspection;I.H.6.a.(ii) A description of any problems observed during the inspection of the condenser or air pollution control equipment; andI.H.6.a.(iii) A description and date of any corrective actions taken to address problems observed during the inspection of the condenser or air pollution control equipment.I.H.6.b. The owner or operator must check and document on a weekly basis that the pilot light on a combustion device is lit, that the valves for piping of gas to the pilot light are open, and visually check for the presence or absence of smoke.I.H.6.c. The owner or operator must document the maintenance of the condenser or air pollution control equipment, consistent with manufacturer specifications or good engineering and maintenance practices.I.H.6.d. The owner or operator must retain records for a period of five years and make these records available to the Division upon request.I.H.7. Reporting I.H.7.a. On or before November 30, 2017, and semi-annually by April 30 and November 30 of each year thereafter, the owner or operator must submit the following information for the preceding calendar year (April 30 report) and for May 1 through September 30 (November 30 report) using Division-approved format. Owners or operators of glycol natural gas dehydrators in northern Weld County must submit the first April 30 report on or before April 30, 2024 (for calendar year 2023), and each April 30 thereafter, and the first November 30 report on or before November 30, 2023, (for May 1 through September 30), and each year thereafter, using Division-approved format. I.H.7.a.(i) A list of the glycol natural gas dehydrator(s) subject to Section I.H.;I.H.7.a.(ii) A list of the condenser or air pollution control equipment used to control emissions of volatile organic compounds from the glycol natural gas dehydrator(s); andI.H.7.a.(iii) The date(s) of inspection(s) where the condenser or air pollution control equipment was found not operating properly or where smoke was observed.I.I. The requirements of Sections I.D. through I.F. do not apply to the owner or operator of any natural gas compressor station or natural gas drip station located in an Ozone Nonattainment or Attainment/Maintenance Area if: I.I.1. Air pollution control equipment is installed and properly operated to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds from all atmospheric condensate storage tanks (or tank batteries) that have uncontrolled actual emissions of greater than or equal to two tons per year;I.I.2. The air pollution control equipment is designed to achieve a VOC control efficiency of at least 95% on a rolling 12-month basis and meets the requirements of Sections I.C.1.a. and I.C.1.b;I.I.3. The owner or operator of such natural gas compressor station or natural gas drip station does not own or operate any exploration and production facilities in the Ozone Non-attainment or Attainment-maintenance Area; andI.I.4. The owner or operator of such natural gas compressor station or natural gas drip station does the following and maintains associated records and reports for a period of five years: I.I.4.a. Documents the maintenance of the air pollution control equipment according to manufacturer specifications;I.I.4.b. Conducts an annual opacity observation once each year on the air pollution control equipment to verify opacity does not exceed 20% during normal operations;I.I.4.c. Maintains records of the monthly stabilized condensate throughput and monthly actual VOC emissions; andI.I.4.d. Reports compliance with these requirements to the Division annually.I.I.5. A natural gas compressor station or natural gas drip station subject to Section I.I. at which a glycol natural gas dehydrator and/or natural gas-fired stationary or portable engine is operated is subject to Sections I.H., I.J., and/or Regulation Number 26, Part B, Section I. A natural gas compressor station subject to Section I.I. is also subject to Section I.L.I.J. CompressorsI.J.1. Centrifugal compressor I.J.1.a. Beginning January 1, 2018, or May 1, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, uncontrolled actual volatile organic compound emissions from wet seal fluid degassing systems on wet seal centrifugal compressors located between the wellhead and the point of custody transfer to the natural gas transmission and storage segment must be reduced by at least 95%. A centrifugal compressor located at a well production facility, or an adjacent well production facility and servicing more than one well production facility, is not subject to Section I.J.1.I.J.1.b. If the owner or operator uses a control device or routes emissions to a process to reduce emissions, the owner or operator must equip the wet seal fluid degassing system with a continuous, impermeable cover that is connected through a closed vent system that routes the emissions from the wet seal fluid degassing system to the process or control device.I.J.1.c. The owner or operator must conduct annual visual inspections of the cover and closed vent system for defects that could result in air emissions. Defects of the closed vent system include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes, gaps in piping, loose connections, liquid leaks, or broken or missing caps or other closure devices. Defects of the cover include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes, gaps in the cover or between the cover and separator wall, broken or damaged seals or gaskets on closure devices, broken or missing hatches or other closure devices.I.J.1.d. The owner or operator must conduct annual EPA Method 21 inspections of the cover and closed vent system to determine whether the cover and closed vent system operates with volatile organic compound emissions less than 500 ppm.I.J.1.e. In the event that a defect that could result in air emissions or leak is detected, the owner or operator must make a first attempt to repair no later than five (5) days after detecting the defect or leak and complete repair no later than thirty (30) days after detecting the defect or leak.I.J.1.f. Owners or operators may delay inspection or repair of a cover or closed vent system if: I.J.1.f.(i) Repair is technically infeasible without a shutdown. If shutdown is required, a repair attempt must be made during the next scheduled shutdown and final repair completed within two (2) years after discovery.I.J.1.f.(ii) The cover or closed vent system is unsafe to inspect or repair because personnel would be exposed to an immediate danger as a consequence of completing the inspection or repair.I.J.1.f.(iii) The cover or closed vent system is difficult to inspect or repair because personnel must be elevated more than two (2) meters above a supported surface or are unable to inspect or repair via a wheeled scissor-lift or hydraulic type scaffold that allows access up to 7.6 meters (25 feet) above the ground.I.J.1.f.(iv) The cover or closed vent system is inaccessible to inspect or repair because the cover or closed vent system is buried, insulated, or obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access. I.J.1.g. The owner or operator must conduct monthly inspections of a combustion device used to reduce emissions to ensure the device is operating with no visible emissions. If smoke is observed, either the equipment must be immediately shut-in to investigate the potential cause for smoke and perform repairs, as necessary, or EPA Method 22 must be conducted. Devices fail the visible emissions test if a Method 22 observation documents visible emissions are present for more than one minute in any 15-minute period. Devices failing the visible emissions test must follow manufacturer's repair instructions, if available, or best combustion engineering practice to return the unit to compliant operation. Following return to operation, the owner or operator must complete a Method 22 visual observation where there are less than one minute of visible emissions in any 15-minute period.I.J.1.h. For a combustion device used to reduce VOC emissions from wet seal fluid degassing systems on wet seal centrifugal compressors, the owner or operator must conduct a performance test in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa, Section 60.5413a(b) (June 3, 2016) by May 1, 2023, or May 1, 2024, if located in northern Weld County, and subsequent performance tests no longer than 60 months following the previous performance test. Control device models tested in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa, Section 60.5413a(d) and demonstrating continuous compliance in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOa, Section 60.5413a(e)(1) (June 3, 2016) are not subject to the performance test requirement.I.J.1.i. Recordkeeping I.J.1.i.(i) Owners or operators must maintain the following records for at least five (5) years and make records available to the Division upon request: I.J.1.i.(i)(A) Identification of each centrifugal compressor using a wet seal system;I.J.1.i.(i)(B) Each combustion device visible emissions inspection and any resulting responsive actions;I.J.1.i.(i)(C) Each cover and closed vent system inspection and any resulting responsive actions; andI.J.1.i.(i)(D) Each cover or closed vent system on the delay of inspection or repair list, the reason for and duration of the delay of inspection or repair, and the schedule for inspecting or repairing such cover or closed vent system.I.J.1.i.(i)(E) Each performance test or manufacturer demonstration of control device model performance test, and associated inlet gas flow rate records.I.J.1.i.(i)(F) Records of visual inspections conducted pursuant to Section I.J.1.g., including the time and date of each inspection and a description of any problems observed, description and date of any corrective action(s) taken, and name of employee or third party performing corrective action(s).I.J.1.j. As an alternative to the inspection, repair, and recordkeeping provisions in Sections I.J.1.c. through I.J.1.f., I.J.1.h.(i)(C), and I.J.1.h.(i)(D), the owner or operator may inspect, repair, and document the cover and closed vent system in accordance with the leak detection and repair program in Section I.L., including the inspection frequency.I.J.1.k. As an alternative to the emission control, inspection, repair, and recordkeeping provisions described in Sections I.J.1.a. through I.J.1.i., the owner or operator may comply with wet seal centrifugal compressors emission control, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of a New Source Performance Standard in 40 CFR Part 60 (November 16, 2017).I.J.2. Reciprocating compressor I.J.2.a. Beginning January 1, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, the rod packing on reciprocating compressors located between the wellhead and the point of custody transfer to the natural gas transmission and storage segment must be replaced every 26,000 hours of operation or every thirty-six (36) months. A reciprocating compressor located at a well production facility, or an adjacent well production facility and servicing more than one well production facility, is not subject to Section I.J.2.I.J.2.a.(i) Owners or operators of reciprocating compressors located at a natural gas processing plant and constructed before January 1, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County must I.J.2.a.(i)(A) Begin monitoring the hours of operation starting January 1, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, unless already monitoring under Section II.B.3.; orI.J.2.a.(i)(B) Conduct the first rod packing replacement required under Section I.J.2. prior to January 1, 2021, or February 14, 2026, if located in northern Weld County, unless under a replacement schedule under Section II.B.3.I.J.2.a.(ii) Owners or operators of reciprocating compressors located at a natural gas processing plant and constructed after January 1, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, must begin monitoring the hours or months of operation upon commencement of operation of the reciprocating compressor, unless the compressor located in northern Weld County is already monitoring under Section II.B.3.d.I.J.2.b. As an alternative to the requirement described in Section I.J.2.a., beginning May 1, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, the owner or operator may collect rod packing volatile organic compound emissions using a rod packing emissions collection system that operates under negative pressure and routes the rod packing emissions through a closed vent system to a process. I.J.2.b.(i) The owner or operator must conduct annual visual inspections of the cover and closed vent system for defects that could result in air emissions. Defects of the closed vent system include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes, gaps in piping, loose connections, liquid leaks, or broken or missing caps or other closure devices. Defects of the cover include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes, gaps in the cover or between the cover and separator wall, broken or damaged seals or gaskets on closure devices, broken or missing hatches or other closure devices.I.J.2.b.(ii) The owner or operator must conduct annual EPA Method 21 inspections of the cover and closed vent system to determine whether the cover and closed vent system operates with volatile organic compound emissions less than 500 ppm.I.J.2.b.(iii) In the event that a defect that could result in air emissions or leak is detected, the owner or operator must make a first attempt to repair no later than five (5) days after detecting the defect or leak and complete repair no later than thirty (30) days after detecting the defect or leak.I.J.2.b.(iv) Owners or operators may delay inspection or repair of a cover or closed vent system if: I.J.2.b.(iv)(A) Repair is technically infeasible without a shutdown. If shutdown is required, a repair attempt must be made during the next scheduled shutdown and final repair completed within two (2) years after discovery.I.J.2.b.(iv)(B) The cover or closed vent system is unsafe to inspect or repair because personnel would be exposed to an immediate danger as a consequence of completing the inspection or repair.I.J.2.b.(iv)(C) The cover or closed vent system is difficult to inspect or repair because personnel must be elevated more than two (2) meters above a supported surface or are unable to inspect or repair via a wheeled scissor-lift or hydraulic type scaffold that allows access up to 7.6 meters (25 feet) above the ground.I.J.2.b.(iv)(D) The cover or closed vent system is inaccessible to inspect or repair because the cover or closed vent system is buried, insulated, or obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access.I.J.2.c. Recordkeeping I.J.2.c.(i) Owners or operators must maintain the following records for at least five (5) years and make records available to the Division upon request: I.J.2.c.(i)(A) Identification of each reciprocating compressor;I.J.2.c.(i)(B) The hours of operation or the number of months since the previous rod packing replacement, or a statement that emissions from the rod packing are being routed to a process through a closed vent system under negative pressure;I.J.2.c.(i)(C) The date of each rod packing replacement, or date of installation of a rod packing emissions collection system and closed vent system;I.J.2.c.(i)(D) Each cover and closed vent system inspection and any resulting responsive actions; andI.J.2.c.(i)(E) Each cover or closed vent system on the delay of inspection or repair list, the reason for and duration of the delay of inspection or repair, and the schedule for inspecting or repairing such cover or closed vent system.I.J.2.d. As an alternative to the inspection, repair, and recordkeeping provisions in Sections I.J.2.b., I.J.2.c.(i)(D), and I.J.2.c.(i)(E), the owner or operator may inspect, repair, and document the cover and closed vent system in accordance with the leak detection and repair program in Section I.L., including the inspection frequency.I.J.2.e. As an alternative to the emission control, inspection, repair, and recordkeeping provisions described in Sections I.J.2.a. through I.J.2.d., the owner or operator may comply with reciprocating compressor emission control, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of a New Source Performance Standard in 40 CFR Part 60 (November 16, 2017).I.K. Pneumatic pumps I.K.1. Beginning May 1, 2018, or July 1, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, the owner or operator of each natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pump located at a natural gas processing plant must ensure the pneumatic pump has a volatile organic compound emission rate of zero.I.K.2. Beginning May 1, 2018, or July 1, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, the owner or operator of each natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pump located at a well production facility must reduce volatile organic compound emissions from the pneumatic pump by 95% if it is technically feasible to route emissions to an existing control device or process at the well production facility. Natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pumps that are in operation during any period of time during a calendar day less than 90 days per calendar year are not subject to Section I.K.2.I.K.2.a. If the control device available onsite is unable to achieve a 95% emission reduction and it is not technically feasible to route the emissions to a process at the well production facility, the owner or operator must still route the pneumatic pump emissions to the existing control device.I.K.2.b. If the owner or operator subsequently installs a control device or it becomes technically feasible to route the emissions to a process, the owner or operator must reduce volatile organic compound emissions from the pneumatic pump by 95% within thirty (30) days of startup of the control device or of the feasibility of routing emissions to a process at the well production facility.I.K.2.c. The owner or operator is not required to control pneumatic pump emissions if, through an engineering assessment by a qualified professional engineer, routing a pneumatic pump to a control device or process at the well production facility is shown to be technically infeasible.I.K.2.d. If the owner or operator uses a control device or routes emissions to a process to reduce emissions, the owner or operator must connect the pneumatic pump through a closed vent system that routes the pneumatic pump emissions to the process or control device.I.K.2.e. The owner or operator must conduct annual visual inspections of the closed vent system for defects that could result in air emissions. Defects of the closed vent system include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes, gaps in piping, loose connections, liquid leaks, or broken or missing caps or other closure devices.I.K.2.f. The owner or operators must conduct annual EPA Method 21 inspections of the closed vent system to determine whether the closed vent system operates with volatile organic compound emissions less than 500 ppm.I.K.2.g. In the event that a defect that could result in air emissions or leak is detected, the owner or operator must make a first attempt to repair no later than five (5) days after detecting the defect or leak and complete repair no later than thirty (30) days after detecting the defect or leak.I.K.2.h. Owners or operators may delay inspection or repair of a closed vent system if: I.K.2.h.(i) Repair is technically infeasible without a shutdown. If shutdown is required, a repair attempt must be made during the next scheduled shutdown and final repair completed within two (2) years after discovery.I.K.2.h.(ii) The closed vent system is unsafe to inspect or repair because personnel would be exposed to an immediate danger as a consequence of completing the inspection or repair.I.K.2.h.(iii) The closed vent system is difficult to inspect or repair because personnel must be elevated more than two (2) meters above a supported surface or are unable to inspect or repair via a wheeled scissor-lift or hydraulic type scaffold that allows access up to 7.6 meters (25 feet) above the ground.I.K.2.h.(iv) The closed vent system is inaccessible to inspect or repair because the closed vent system is buried, insulated, or obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access. I.K.3. Recordkeeping I.K.3.a. Owners or operators must maintain the following records for at least five (5) years and make records available to the Division upon request: I.K.3.a.(i) Identification of each natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pump;I.K.3.a.(ii) For natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pumps in operation less than 90 days per calendar year, records of the days of operation each calendar year;I.K.3.a.(iii) Records of control devices designed to achieve less than 95% emission reduction, including an evaluation or manufacturer specifications indicating the percentage reduction the control device is designed to achieve;I.K.3.a.(iv) Records of the engineering assessment and certification by a qualified professional engineer that routing natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pump emissions to a control device or process is technically infeasible;I.K.3.a.(v) Each closed vent system inspection and any resulting responsive actions; andI.K.3.a.(vi) Each closed vent system on the delay of inspection or repair list, the reason for and duration of the delay of inspection or repair, and the schedule for inspecting or repairing such closed vent system.I.K.4. As an alternative to the inspection, repair, and recordkeeping provisions in Sections I.K.2.e. through I.K.2.h., I.K.3.a.(v), and I.K.3.a.(vi), the owner or operator may inspect, repair, and document the closed vent system in accordance with the leak detection and repair program in Section I.L., including the inspection frequency.I.K.5. As an alternative to the emission control, inspection, repair, and recordkeeping provisions described in Sections I.K.1. through I.K.4., the owner or operator may comply with natural gas-driven diaphragm pneumatic pump emission control, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of a New Source Performance Standard in 40 CFR Part 60 (November 16, 2017).I.L. Leak detection and repair program for well production facilities and natural gas compressor stations located in the 8-hour Ozone Control Area or northern Weld County, or centralized oil stabilization facilities specified in Section I.A.3. I.L.1. Natural gas compressor stations I.L.1.a. Beginning June 30, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, owners or operators of natural gas compressor stations must inspect components for leaks using an approved instrument monitoring method at least quarterly.I.L.1.b. Owners or operators of natural gas compressor stations constructed on or after June 30, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, must conduct an initial inspection for leaks from components using an approved instrument monitoring method no later than ninety (90) days after the facility commences operation. Thereafter, approved instrument monitoring method inspections must be conducted at least quarterly.I.L.2. Well production facilitiesI.L.2.a. Beginning June 30, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, owners or operators of well production facilities with uncontrolled actual volatile organic compound emissions greater than or equal to one (1) ton per year and less than or equal to six (6) tons per year, based on a rolling twelve-month total, must inspect components for leaks using an approved instrument monitoring method at least annually.I.L.2.b. Beginning June 30, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, owners or operators of well production facilities with uncontrolled actual volatile organic compound emissions greater than six (6) tons per year, based on a rolling twelve-month total, must inspect components for leaks using an approved instrument monitoring method at least semi-annually.I.L.2.c. For purposes of Sections I.L.2.a. and I.L.2.b., the estimated uncontrolled actual volatile organic compound emissions from the highest emitting storage tank at the well production facility determines the frequency at which inspections must be performed. If no storage tanks storing oil or condensate are located at the well production facility, owners or operators must rely on the facility emissions (controlled actual volatile organic compound emissions from all permanent equipment, including emissions from components determined by utilizing the emission factors defined as less than 10,000 ppmv of Table 2-8 of the 1995 EPA Protocol for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates).I.L.2.d. Owners or operators of well production facilities constructed on or after June 30, 2018, or February 14, 2023, if located in northern Weld County, must conduct an initial inspection for leaks from components using an approved instrument monitoring method no sooner than fifteen (15) days and no later than thirty (30) days after the facility commences operation. Thereafter, approved instrument monitoring method inspections must be conducted in accordance with Sections I.L.2.a. and I.L.2.b.I.L.2.e. Beginning April 1, 2023, owners or operators of centralized oil stabilization facilities specified in Section I.A.3. must inspect components for leaks using an approved instrument monitoring method at least quarterly.I.L.3. If a component is unsafe, difficult, or inaccessible to monitor, the owner or operator is not required to monitor the component until it becomes feasible to do so. I.L.3.a. Difficult to monitor components are those that cannot be monitored without elevating the monitoring personnel more than two (2) meters above a supported surface or are unable to be reached via a wheeled scissor-lift or hydraulic type scaffold that allows access to components up to 7.6 meters (25 feet) above the ground.I.L.3.b. Unsafe to monitor components are those that cannot be monitored without exposing monitoring personnel to an immediate danger as a consequence of completing the monitoring.I.L.3.c. Inaccessible to monitor components are those that are buried, insulated, or obstructed by equipment or piping that prevents access to the components by monitoring personnel.I.L.4. Leaks requiring repair: Only leaks from components exceeding the thresholds in Section I.L.4. require repair under Section I.L.5.I.L.4.a. For EPA Method 21 monitoring, repair is required for leaks with any concentration of hydrocarbon above 500 ppm not associated with normal equipment operation, such as pneumatic device actuation and crank case ventilation.I.L.4.b. For infra-red camera monitoring, repair is required for leaks with any detectable emissions not associated with normal equipment operation, such as pneumatic device actuation and crank case ventilation.I.L.4.c. For other approved instrument monitoring methods or programs, leak identification requiring repair will be established as set forth in an approval under Section I.L.8.I.L.4.d. For leaks identified using an approved non-quantitative instrument monitoring method, owners or operators have the option of either repairing the leak in accordance with the repair schedule set forth in Section I.L.5. or conducting follow-up monitoring using EPA Method 21 within five (5) working days of the leak detection. If the follow-up EPA Method 21 monitoring shows that the emission is a leak requiring repair as set forth in Section I.L.4.a., the leak must be repaired and remonitored in accordance with Section I.L.5.I.L.4.e. Owners or operators must maintain and operate approved non-quantitative instrument monitoring methods according to manufacturer recommendations.I.L.5. Repair and remonitoring I.L.5.a. First attempt to repair a leak must be made no later than five (5) working days after discovery and completed no later than thirty (30) working days after discovery, unless parts are unavailable, the equipment requires shutdown to complete repair, or other good cause exists.I.L.5.a.(i) If parts are unavailable, they must be ordered promptly and the repair must be made within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the parts.I.L.5.a.(ii) If shutdown is required, a repair attempt must be made during the next scheduled shutdown and final repair completed within two (2) years after discovery.I.L.5.a.(iii) If delay is attributable to other good cause, repairs must be completed within fifteen (15) working days after the cause of delay ceases to exist.I.L.5.b. Within fifteen (15) working days of completion of a repair the leak must be remonitored using an approved instrument monitoring method to verify that the repair was effective.I.L.5.c. Leaks discovered pursuant to the leak detection methods of Section I.L.4. are not subject to enforcement by the Division unless the owner or operator fails to perform the required repairs in accordance with Section I.L.5. or keep required records in accordance with Section I.L.6.I.L.6. Recordkeeping I.L.6.a. Documentation of the initial approved instrument monitoring method inspection for well production facilities and natural gas compressor stations;I.L.6.b. The date, facility name, and facility AIRS ID or facility location if the facility does not have an AIRS ID for each inspection;I.L.6.c. A list of the leaks requiring repair and the monitoring method(s) used to determine the presence of the leak;I.L.6.d. The date of first attempt to repair the leak and, if necessary, any additional attempt to repair;I.L.6.e. The date the leak was repaired and type of repair method applied;I.L.6.f. The delayed repair list, including the date and duration of any period where the repair of a leak was delayed due to unavailable parts, required shutdown, or delay for other good cause, the basis for the delay, and the schedule for repairing the leak. Delay of repair beyond thirty (30) days after initial discovery due to unavailable parts must be reviewed, and a record kept of that review, by a representative of the owner or operator with responsibility for leak detection and repair compliance functions. This review will not be made by the individual making the initial determination to place a part on the delayed repair list;I.L.6.g. The date the leak was remonitored and the results of the remonitoring; andI.L.6.h. A list of components that are designated as unsafe, difficult, or inaccessible to monitor, as described in Section I.L.3., an explanation stating why the component is so designated, and the schedule for monitoring such component(s).I.L.6.i. Records must be maintained for a minimum of five years and made available to the Division upon request.I.L.7. Reporting: The owner or operator of each facility subject to the leak detection and repair requirements in Section I.L. must submit a single annual report on or before May 31st of each year (beginning May 31st, 2019, or May 31st, 2024, if located in northern Weld County or a centralized oil stabilization facilities specified in Section I.A.3) that includes, at a minimum, the following information regarding leak detection and repair activities at their subject facilities conducted the previous calendar year: I.L.7.a. The total number of well production facilities, total number of natural gas compressor stations inspected, and total number of centralized oil stabilization facilities inspected;I.L.7.b. The total number of inspections performed per inspection frequency tier of well production facilities, the total number of inspections performed at natural gas compressor stations, and the total number of inspections performed at centralized oil stabilization facilities;I.L.7.c. The total number of identified leaks requiring repair broken out by component type, monitoring method, and inspection frequency tier of well production facility as reported in Section I.L.7.b., the total number of identified leaks requiring repair at natural gas compressor stations broken out by component type and monitoring method, and the total number of identified leaks requiring repair at centralized oil stabilization facilities broken out by component type and monitoring method;I.L.7.d. The total number of leaks repaired for each inspection frequency tier of well production facilities as reported in Section I.L.7.b., the total number of leaks repaired for natural gas compressor stations, and the total number of leaks repaired for centralized oil stabilization facilities;I.L.7.e. The total number of leaks on the delayed repair list as of December 31st broken out by component type, inspection frequency tier of well production facility as reported in Section I.L.7.b.; natural gas compressor station, or centralized oil stabilization facilities, and the basis for each delay of repair;I.L.7.f. The record of all reviews conducted for delayed repairs due to unavailable parts extending beyond 30 days for the previous calendar year; andI.L.7.g. Each report shall be accompanied by a certification by a responsible official that, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete.I.L.8. Alternative approved instrument monitoring methods may be used in lieu of, or in combination with an infra-red camera, EPA Method 21, or other approved instrument monitoring method to inspect for leaks as required by Section I.L., if the following conditions are met:I.L.8.a. The proponent of the alternative approved instrument monitoring method applies for a determination of an alternative approved instrument monitoring method or program. The application must include, at a minimum, the following: I.L.8.a.(i) The proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method manufacturer information;I.L.8.a.(ii) A description of the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method including, but not limited to:I.L.8.a.(ii)(A) Whether the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method is a quantitative detection method, and how emissions are quantified, or qualitative leak detection method;I.L.8.a.(ii)(B) Whether the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method is commercially available;I.L.8.a.(ii)(C) Whether the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method is approved by other regulatory authorities and for what application (e.g., pipeline monitoring, emissions detected);I.L.8.a.(ii)(D) The leak detection capabilities, reliability, and limitations of the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method, including, but not limited to, the ability to identify specific leaks or locations, detection limits, and any restrictions on use, as well as supporting data;I.L.8.a.(ii)(E) The frequency of measurements and data logging capabilities of the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method;I.L.8.a.(ii)(F) Data quality indicators for precision and bias of the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method;I.L.8.a.(ii)(G) Quality control and quality assurance procedures necessary to ensure proper operation of the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method;I.L.8.a.(ii)(H) A description of where, when, and how the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method will be used; andI.L.8.a.(ii)(I) Documentation (e.g., field or test data, modeling) adequate to demonstrate the proposed alternative approved instrument monitoring method or program is capable of achieving emission reductions that are at least as effective as the emission reductions achieved by the leak detection and repair provisions in Section I.L.I.L.8.a.(iii) The Division will transmit a copy of the complete application and any other materials provided by the applicant to EPA.I.L.8.a.(iv) Public notice of the application is provided pursuant to Regulation Number 3, Part B, Section III.C.4.I.L.8.a.(v) The Division and the EPA approves the proposal. The Division will transmit a copy of the application and any other materials provided by the applicant, all public comments, all Division responses and the Division's approval to EPA Region 8. If EPA fails to approve or disapprove the proposal within six (6) months of receipt of these materials, EPA will be deemed to have approved the proposal.I.M. Storage tank hydrocarbon liquids loadout requirements at class II disposal well facilities specified in Section I.A.4., well production facilities, natural gas compressor stations, and natural gas processing plants. I.M.1. Owners or operators of well production facilities, natural gas compressor stations, and natural gas processing plants with a hydrocarbon liquids loadout to transport vehicles throughput of greater than or equal to 5,000 barrels per year on a rolling 12-month basis must control emissions from the loadout of hydrocarbon liquids from controlled storage tanks to transport vehicles by using (a) submerged fill and (b) a vapor collection and return system and/or air pollution control equipment. Owners or operators of class II disposal well facilities with VOC emissions from hydrocarbon liquids loadout to transport vehicles greater than or equal to two (2) tons uncontrolled actual emissions per year on a rolling 12-month basis must control emissions from the loadout of hydrocarbon liquids from storage tanks to transport vehicles by using (a) submerged fill and (b) a vapor collection and return system and/or air pollution control equipment.
I.M.1.a. Compliance with Section I.M. must be achieved in accordance with the following schedule. I.M.1.a.(i) Facilities constructed or modified on or after February 14, 2023, must be in compliance by commencement of operationI.M.1.a.(ii) Well production facilities, natural gas compressor stations, and natural gas processing plants that exceed the hydrocarbon liquids loadout to transport vehicles throughput of greater than or equal to 5,000 barrels per year on a rolling 12-month basis on or after February 14, 2023, must control emissions from loadout upon exceeding the loadout threshold.I.M.1.a.(iii) Class II disposal well facilities that exceed the hydrocarbon liquids loadout to transport vehicles emissions threshold of greater than or equal to two (2) tons uncontrolled actual VOC emissions per year on a rolling 12-month basis on or after February 14, 2023, must control emissions from loadout within sixty (60) days of the first day of the month after which loadout emissions exceeded the loadout threshold.I.M.1.b. Storage tanks must operate without venting at all times during loadout.I.M.1.c. The owner or operator must, as applicableI.M.1.c.(i) Install and operate the vapor collection and return equipment to collect vapors during the loadout of hydrocarbon liquids to tank compartments of outbound transport vehicles and to route the vapors to the storage tank or air pollution control equipment.I.M.1.c.(ii) Include devices to prevent the release of vapor from vapor recovery hoses not in use.I.M.1.c.(iii) Use operating procedures to ensure that hydrocarbon liquids cannot be transferred to transport vehicles unless the vapor collection and return system is in use.I.M.1.c.(iv) Operate all recovery and disposal equipment at a back-pressure less than the pressure relief valve setting of transport vehicles.I.M.1.c.(v) The owner or operator must inspect onsite loading equipment to ensure that hoses, couplings, and valves are maintained to prevent dripping, leaking, or other liquid or vapor loss during loadout. These inspections must occur at least monthly, unless loadout occurs less frequently, then as often as loadout is occurring.I.M.1.d. Owners or operators must retain records for at least five (5) years and make such records available to the Division upon request.I.M.1.d.(i) Records of the annual facility hydrocarbon liquids loadout to transport vehicles throughput.I.M.1.d.(ii) Records of class II disposal well facility VOC emissions from hydrocarbon liquids loadout to transport vehicles on a rolling 12-month basis.I.M.1.d.(iii) Records of the frequency of loadout.I.M.1.d.(iv) Inspections, including a description of any problems found and their resolution, required under Section I.M.1.c.(v) must be documented in a log.I.M.1.d.(v) Air pollution control equipment used to comply with this Section I.M. must comply with Section I.C.1, be inspected in accordance with Sections I.E.2.c.(i), I.E.2.c.(ii), and I.E.2.c.(iv), and achieve a hydrocarbon control efficiency of 95%.46 CR 16, August 25, 2023, effective 9/14/202347 CR 02, January 25, 2024, effective 2/14/2024