If transfer or assignment of ownership or operation of an air pollution emission source permitted pursuant to this Part B is completed, the new owner or operator shall apply to the Division on Division supplied administrative permit amendment forms for reissuance of the existing permit within 30 days of completing acquisition of the source. The responsibility for compliance with the permit shall transfer to the new owner or operator upon submittal of completed forms. Section III. of Part A of this regulation governs the administrative permit amendment procedures required for transfer or assignment of ownership.
In accordance with the provisions of this section, the permit shall be reissued upon completion of the transfer or assignment if the applicant certifies that no change is contemplated that might constitute a new or modified air pollution source. In no event shall the new owner or operator of a source that was subject to the requirements of these regulations prior to the transfer or assignment be relieved of the obligation to comply with such requirements by reason of a transfer. Such transfers are subject to all applicable permit processing and inspection fees.
If a company is changing its name only, the owner or operator shall apply to the Division, on Division supplied administrative permit amendment forms, for reissuance of the existing permit. Section III. of Part A, governs the administrative permit amendment procedures required for identifying a change in name. If all other procedures and information as stated in the last submitted Air Pollutant Emission Notice(s) remains unchanged, only one Air Pollutant Emission Notice need be submitted for each stationary source, indicating the name change.
No administrative permit amendment for transfer or assignment of ownership of a source shall be complete until a written agreement containing a specific date for transfer of permit, responsibility, coverage and liability between the current and new permittee is received by the Division.
A permitted portable source (e.g., asphalt plants, crushers, etc.) shall have its permit number permanently and prominently displayed on each major component of equipment that is a part of that portable source.
Permit exemptions taken under this section do not affect the applicability of any State or Federal regulations that are otherwise applicable to the source. An applicant may not omit any information regarding APEN or permit exempt emission units in any application if such information is needed to determine the applicability of Title V (Part C of this Regulation Number 3), Prevention of Significant Deterioration (Section VI. of Part D of this Regulation Number 3), or Nonattainment New Source Review (Section V. of Part D of this Regulation Number 3).
For purposes of calculating total facility uncontrolled actual emissions, only those individual (or grouped) emission points requiring Air Pollutant Emission Notices are to be considered.
For purposes of calculating total facility uncontrolled actual emissions, only those individual (or grouped) emission points requiring Air Pollutant Emission Notices are to be considered.
5 CCR 1001-5-B-II