This regulation sets limits for the maximum stack height credit to be used in ambient air quality modeling for the purpose of setting an emission limitation and calculating the air quality impact of a source. It does not limit the actual physical stack height for any source. The following shall not be considered in determining whether an emission limitation is met:
For sources subject to the prevention of significant deterioration program, an excessive concentration alternatively means a maximum ground level concentration due to emissions from a stack due in whole or part to downwash, wakes, or eddy effects produced by nearby structures or nearby terrain features that individually is at least forty percent in excess of the maximum concentration experienced in the absence of such downwash, wakes, or eddy effects and greater than a prevention of significant deterioration increment. The allowable emission rate to be used in making demonstrations shall be prescribed by the new source performance standard that is applicable to the source category unless the owner or operator demonstrates that this emission rate is infeasible. Where such demonstrations are approved by the Division, an alternative emission rate shall be established in consultation with the source owner or operator;
5 CCR 1001-5-A-VIII