5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-4-IX

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024
Section 5 CCR 1001-4-IX - Specific Odor Control Requirements

Housed commercial swine feeding operations shall employ technology to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions from all aspects of its operations.

IX.A. Mandatory Specific Odor Control Requirements

Housed commercial swine feeding operations shall employ the following odor control technologies and comply with the following work practices at a minimum for all aspects of the operations, unless the owner or operator can demonstrate that an alternative technology or work practice is more effective in minimizing off-site odor emissions from that aspect of the operation to the greatest extent practicable, with the exception of Sections IX.A.2.a., and IX.A.2.b., Part B, Regulation Number 2. In any event, the housed commercial swine feeding operation must comply with the standards in Section III.A., and III.B., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2.

IX.A.1. Swine Confinement Structures

Swine confinement structures, including under floor waste storage areas, must be designed, operated, and maintained to minimize odor emissions. Each swine confinement structure must employ, at a minimum, the following odor control technologies and work practices to minimize odor emissions to the greatest extent practicable, but in any event must meet the standards in Sections III.A., and III.B., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2:

IX.A.1.a. Adequate Ventilation
IX.A.1.a.(1) Existing sources shall employ the necessary technology and work practices to ensure adequate ventilation and efficient air movement to reduce gases and odors, remove moisture, control temperature, and keep the animals clean.
IX.A.1.a.(2) New sources that store and/or treat wastewater, solids, and/or sludges under the floor of the swine building shall employ mechanical under floor ventilation and add-on control equipment for exhaust vents to the outside.
IX.A.1.b. Dust Management

The dust at a confinement structure must be managed so as to minimize off-site odor emissions to the greatest extent practicable by minimizing the amount of dust in the confinement structure.

IX.A.1.b.(1) The inside of the confinement structure shall be maintained so as to keep the animals reasonably clean.
IX.A.1.b.(2) Bedding shall be replaced as necessary to reduce dust, if applicable.
IX.A.1.b.(3) The feed delivery downspouts shall be sized to minimize the generation of dust.
IX.A.1.b.(4) The feed storage tanks and containers shall be maintained so as to minimize spills, including keeping mechanical equipment in good repair and removing spilled feed as specified in the Odor Management Plan.
IX.A.1.b.(5) Exhaust fans and shutters must be cleaned of dust as necessary.
IX.A.1.b.(6) Building sidewall screens should be cleaned of debris such as dust, cobwebs, and weeds as frequently as necessary.
IX.A.1.c. Manure Management
IX.A.1.c.(1) All surfaces (including slotted and slatted floors) on which manure may collect and on which animals are maintained, including floors and walls, should be as clean and dry as possible and with a minimum of cracks and crevices.
IX.A.1.c.(2) Manure must be removed from all of these surfaces as frequently as necessary, by flushing or pit recharge using fresh, recycled, or well treated water, or scraping.
IX.A.1.c.(3) The surfaces shall be completely cleaned and washed down between groups of animals.
IX.A.1.c.(4) Flushing systems shall be flushed as frequently as necessary.
IX.A.1.c.(5) Pit recharge systems shall be partially drained and refilled as frequently as necessary.
IX.A.1.c.(6) The floor surface area on which manure can accumulate shall be minimized.
IX.A.1.c.(7) New sources shall use slotted (also known as slatted) floors or another design as approved by the Division.
IX.A.1.c.(8) Flush tanks shall have a cover and the fill line shall be extended to near the bottom of the tank with an anti-siphon vent.
IX.A.1.c.(9) Sump tanks shall be covered.
IX.A.2. Solid Waste and Process Wastewater Collection, Storage, and Treatment Systems

All solid waste and process wastewater held in process wastewater collection, storage and treatment systems, including waste impoundments and anaerobic and aerobic impoundments and vessels, must be stored, treated, and handled in a manner to minimize odor emissions. Solid waste and process wastewater may be stored only in accordance with the following methods:

IX.A.2.a. In anaerobic process wastewater vessels and impoundments, pursuant to the preceding Section IV.A., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2; or
IX.A.2.b. In aerobic impoundments, pursuant to the preceding Section IV.B., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2.
IX.A.2.c. The owner or operator shall ensure that separated solids are removed promptly to a storage vessel and managed to minimize off-site odor emissions to the greatest extent practicable, composted in compliance with Section IX.A.3., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2, and/or land applied in compliance with Section IX.A.4., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2.
IX.A.2.d. The owner or operator shall comply with the following practices during operation of process wastewater vessel or waste impoundment:
IX.A.2.d.(1) Treatment and storage vessels and impoundments must be loaded at the proper rate to minimize the emission of odorous gases to the greatest extent practicable.
IX.A.2.d.(2) Loading shall occur on a daily or frequent basis to avoid "shock" loading and upset conditions.
IX.A.2.d.(3) Loading shall occur through a feeder pipe that discharges below the surface water level.
IX.A.2.d.(4) Aerobic impoundments shall ensure that there is sufficient oxygen in the impoundment to ensure maintenance of aerobic conditions and utilize air or oxygen as defined in this Part B of Regulation Number 2.
IX.A.2.e. Owners and operators shall minimize release of odorous gases from the liquids in the process wastewater vessels and waste impoundments to the greatest extent practicable.
IX.A.2.f. The owner or operator shall ensure that all pre-treatment digesters are operated to ensure stabilization of the waste and odor control, including operating at the appropriate loading rate, retention time, and temperature.
IX.A.3. Manure Composting Storage Sites

All solid manure compost operations shall meet at a minimum the following best odor management control practices:

IX.A.3.a. All compost piles shall be operated to ensure maintenance of proper aerobic conditions at all times or shall be fully contained in a vessel or a covered building to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions.
IX.A.3.b. All compost piles shall be aerated using natural, mechanical, or other Division-approved system. If a natural system is used, the owner or operator shall turn the compost pile on a frequent basis (at least weekly or more frequently as necessary to comply with Sections III.A., and III.B., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2). If a mechanical system is used, the owner or operator shall establish and follow operating parameters to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions.
IX.A.4. Land Application

Owners and operators land applying process wastewater, solid waste, or sludge shall, at a minimum, comply with the following requirements:

IX.A.4.a. No land application of process wastewater, solid waste, or sludge shall occur on lands which are saturated, on land where ponding is occurring, or on land with a snow depth of greater than one inch. During this period, wastewater must be impounded or otherwise treated pursuant to this Part B of Regulation Number 2.
IX.A.4.b. No land application of process wastewater, solid waste, or sludge shall occur on lands which are frozen unless the Water Quality Control Division has approved of the required site-specific analysis demonstrating that run-off will not occur. During this period, wastewater must be impounded or otherwise treated pursuant to this Part B of Regulation Number 2.
IX.A.4.c. Process wastewater shall be land applied only when the wind conditions are such to minimize off-site transport of the process wastewater.
IX.A.4.d. Land application on weekends and holidays shall not occur unless the Division approves of a waiver or under dire circumstances or an emergency.
IX.A.4.e. All process wastewater:
IX.A.4.e.(1) that is land applied and not injected shall be pretreated to remove at least 65 percent of the total solids and remove over 90 percent of the volatile fatty acids or achieve at least 60 percent removal of total volatile solids; or
IX.A.4.e.(2) that is land applied and injected need not be pretreated as described in Section IX.A.4.e.(1), Part B, Regulation Number 2.
IX.A.4.f. All process wastewater disposal operations using pressure spray systems shall meet the following requirements:
IX.A.4.f.(1) Spraying shall occur using minimum recommended operating pressure with a low pressure system that is no greater than 20 psi, unless the process wastewater is pretreated to remove at least 60 percent of the solids and destroy 95 percent of the volatile fatty acids or achieve at least 60 percent removal of total volatile solids;
IX.A.4.f.(2) Pump intake shall be located near the waste impoundment liquid surface;
IX.A.4.f.(3) A low trajectory system shall be used for spraying; and
IX.A.4.f.(4) Multi-stage waste impoundment systems shall only utilize liquids for land application from the last stage waste impoundment.
IX.A.4.g. Owners and operators land applying any solids separated from process wastewater by screening, settling, or other means, and the land application of any sludge from any process wastewater vessel or impoundment, shall, at a minimum, comply with the following requirements:
IX.A.4.g.(1) All solids or sludges being land applied shall be injected or knifed into the soil immediately upon application. The owner or operator may request and the Division may approve solids or sludges being incorporated into the soil within six hours after application is completed if the owner or operator can demonstrate such a process minimizes to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions.
IX.A.4.g.(2) All solids or sludges applied to the land using subsurface injection methods shall not result in significant amounts of the solids or sludges being present on the surface within one hour after the solids or sludges are injected.
IX.A.4.h. Land application of wastewater shall not be allowed outside of the period of March 1 through October 31.
IX.A.5. Carcass Disposal

Owners and operators shall dispose of carcasses in a manner that minimizes to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions, using one of the approved carcass disposal methods described in Sections IX.A.5.a., through IX.A.5.d., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2.

All carcasses shall be refrigerated or kept natural cooled in a covered enclosure if the owner or operator fails or is unable to properly dispose of the carcasses in accordance with Sections IX.A.5.a. through IX.A.5.d., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2, within 24 hours.

IX.A.5.a. Incineration. Owners or operators shall store the carcasses in an enclosure until the carcasses can be incinerated. The carcasses shall be incinerated so as to avoid incomplete combustion. If the incinerator is unable to consistently achieve complete combustion, the owner or operator shall install a secondary stack burner. The owner or operator shall operate the incinerator in compliance with Commission Regulation Number 6 (5 C.C.R. 1001-8), Part B Sections VII., concerning the operation of incinerators.
IX.A.5.b. Burial. Owners or operators shall bury the carcasses after one day of storage. The carcasses shall be completely covered so as to minimize to the greatest extent practicable odor emissions. The carcasses shall be buried so as not to negatively impact water quality of the waters of Colorado and be in compliance with the Colorado Solid Waste Act and its implementing regulations.
IX.A.5.c. Transport Off Site. Owners or operators shall store the carcasses in a manner to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions from death of the animal until the carcass is picked up.
IX.A.5.d. Composting. Owners or operators shall put the carcasses in the composter within one day of the death of the animal. The carcasses shall be maintained in a manner to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions.
IX.A.5.e. Any other disposal method approved by the Division.
IX.B. Recommended Specific Odor Control Requirements

The following technologies and work practices are recommended and the Division may require a housed commercial swine feeding operation to employ the following odor control technologies and comply with the following work practices at a minimum for all aspects of the operations, if the Division determines that the housed commercial swine feeding operation must employ such technologies or work practices to comply with the standards in Sections III.A., and III.B., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2.

IX.B.1. Swine Confinement Structures
IX.B.1.a. Adequate Ventilation
IX.B.1.a.(1) A mechanical ventilation system shall be designed, installed,

operated, and maintained to ensure adequate ventilation and efficient air movement to reduce gases and odors, remove moisture, control temperature, and keep the animals clean.

IX.B.1.a.(2) Fresh air intakes for ventilation located away from dust sources and manure pits.
IX.B.1.a.(3) Add-on control equipment installed on all exhaust vents from the confinement structures.
IX.B.1.a.(4) Mechanical under floor ventilation and add-on control equipment from exhaust vents to the outside.
IX.B.1.b. Dust Management
IX.B.1.b.(1) The use of feed additives and enclosed feeder mechanisms and feed delivery systems.
IX.B.1.c. Manure Management
IX.B.1.c.(1) Manure must be removed from all of surfaces on which manure may collect and on which animals are maintained as frequently as necessary, by flushing or pit recharge using fresh or well treated water, or scraping.
IX.B.1.c.(2) Use of feed management practices, such as phase feeding, amino acid supplemented low protein diets, enzymes, or other feed additives, which reduce the nitrogen content of manure.
IX.B.1.d. Windbreak walls shall be erected downwind from the fans that exhaust air from tunnel-ventilated confinement structures.
IX.B.1.e. Add-on control system shall be installed at each exhaust vent to the outside at confinement structures.
IX.B.2. Solid Waste and Process Wastewater Collection, Storage, and Treatment Systems
IX.B.2.a. The owner or operator shall comply with the following practices during operation of a process wastewater vessel or waste impoundment:
IX.B.2.a.(1) Aerobic impoundments shall employ mechanical aerators sized to provide sufficient oxygen to ensure maintenance of aerobic conditions and utilize air or oxygen as defined in this Part B of Regulation Number 2, and mechanically aerated impoundments shall be aerated continuously; and
IX.B.2.a.(2) The removal pumps shall be located as far as possible from the inflow line and above the designed sludge storage volume.
IX.B.2.b. Fill and recharge lines are extended to near the bottom of the pit with an anti-siphon vent to minimize agitation when pumping liquids.
IX.B.3. Manure Composting Storage Sites
IX.B.3.a. All air collected from the manure compost pile shall be directed to one or more control points for odor reduction using one or more odor control practices defined in Section IV.A.3.e., Part B, of this Regulation Number 2.
IX.B.4. Land Application
IX.B.4.a. All process wastewater, solid wastes, and sludges prior to land application shall be treated as necessary to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions.
IX.B.4.b. Land applying process wastewater, solid wastes, and sludges may be restricted based upon other factors as necessary to minimize to the greatest extent practicable off-site odor emissions, including, but not limited to, wind direction, temperature, humidity, and impending rainfall.
IX.B.4.c. The soil shall be tilled prior to and after application of solid wastes or sludges.
IX.B.4.d. All process wastewater disposal operations using pressure spray systems shall meet the following requirements:
IX.B.4.d.(1) The application of extra fine spray shall not occur.
IX.B.5. Carcass Disposal
IX.B.5.a. Any odor emissions from any enclosures or covered units or vessels used to store carcasses shall be captured and treated as necessary.

5 CCR 1001-4-IX