5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-29-B-IV

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1001-29-B-IV - Graphic Arts and Printing
IV.A. Packaging Rotogravure, Publication Rotogravure, and Flexographic Printing
IV.A.1. Definitions

For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:

IV.A.1.a. "Flexographic Printing" means the application of words, designs, and pictures to a substrate by means of a roll printing technique in which the pattern to be applied is raised above the printing roll and the image carrier is made of rubber or other elastomeric materials.
IV.A.1.b. "Packaging Rotogravure Printing" means rotogravure printing upon paper, paperboard, metal foil, plastic film, and other substrates, which are, in subsequent operations, formed into packaging products and labels for articles to be sold.
IV.A.1.c. "Publication Rotogravure Printing" means rotogravure printing upon paper, which is subsequently formed into books, magazines, catalogues, brochures, directories, newspaper supplements, and other types of printed materials.
IV.A.1.d. "Roll Printing" means the application of words, designs, and pictures to a substrate usually by means of a series of hard rubber or steel rolls each with only partial coverage.
IV.A.1.e. "Rotogravure Printing" means the application of words, designs, and pictures to a substrate by means of a roll printing technique, which involves an intaglio or recessed image areas in the form of cells.
IV.A.2. Applicability
IV.A.2.a. This section applies to all packaging rotogravure, publication rotogravure, and flexographic printing facilities whose potential emissions of volatile organic compounds before control (determined at design capacity and 8760 hrs/year, or at maximum production, and accounting for any capacity or production limitations in a federally-enforceable permit) are equal to or more than 90,000 Kg per year (100 tons/year). Potential emissions are to be estimated by extrapolating historical records of actual consumption of solvent and ink. (e.g., the historical use of 20 gallons of ink for 4,000 annual hours would be extrapolated to 43.8 gallons for 8760 hours.) The before-control volatile organic compound emissions calculations shall be the summation of all volatile organic compounds in the inks and solvents (including cleaning liquids) used.
IV.A.3. Provisions for Specific Processes
IV.A.3.a. No owner or operator of a facility subject to this section and employing VOC-containing ink shall operate, cause, allow, or permit the operation of the facility unless:
IV.A.3.a.(i) The volatile fraction of ink, as it is applied to the substrate, contains 25.0 percent or less (by volume) of VOC and 75.0 percent or more (by volume) of water; or
IV.A.3.a.(ii) The ink (minus water) as it is applied to the substrate, contains 60.0 percent or more (by volume) non-volatile material; or
IV.A.3.a.(iii) The owner or operator installs and operates a control device and capture system in accordance with Sections IV.A.3.b. and IV.A.3.c.; or
IV.A.3.a.(iv) A combination of solvent-borne inks and low solvent inks that achieve a 70% (volume) overall reduction of solvent usage (compared to an all solvent borne ink usage) is used; or
IV.A.3.a.(v) Flexographic and packaging rotogravure printing facilities limit emissions to 0.5 pounds of VOC per pound of solids in the ink. The limit includes all solvent added to the ink: solvent in the purchased ink, solvent added to cut the ink to achieve desired press viscosity, and solvent added to ink on the press to maintain viscosity during the press run. (Publication rotogravure facilities shall not use this option); or
IV.A.3.a.(vi) Crossline averaging is used. The requirements of Section I.A.5.d. apply.
IV.A.3.b. A capture system shall be used in conjunction with the emission control system in Section IV.A.3.a. The design and operation of a capture system shall be consistent with good engineering practice, and in conjunction with control equipment shall be required to provide for an overall reduction in volatile organic compound emissions of at least:
IV.A.3.b.(i) 75.0 percent where a publication rotogravure process is employed;
IV.A.3.b.(ii) 65.0 percent where a packaging rotogravure process is employed; or
IV.A.3.b.(iii) 60.0 percent where a flexographic printing process is employed.
IV.A.3.c. The design, operation, and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with any emission control system shall be certified in writing by the source owner or operator and approved by the Division. Testing of any capture system may be required by the Division on a case-by-case basis, in cases where a total enclosure is not used or when material balance results are questionable. Testing of capture system efficiency shall meet the requirements of Section I.A.5.e.
IV.A.3.d. The overall reduction in VOC emissions specified in Section IV.A.3.b. shall be calculated by material balance methods approved by the Division, or by determination of capture and control device efficiencies. The overall VOC emission reduction rate equals the (percent capture efficiency X percent control device efficiency)/100.
IV.A.4. Testing and Monitoring

The owner or operator of a source subject to the requirements of this section is also subject to the requirements of Part B, Sections I.A.3., I.A.7, I.A.9., and I.A.10. In Part B, Section I.A.3., EPA reference method 24A (October 7, 2020) shall be the test method used for publication rotogravure inks, while EPA Reference method 24 (October 7, 2020) data is acceptable for all other inks. Test methods as set forth in Appendix A, Part 60, Chapter I, Title 40, of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), in effect July 1, 2022.

IV.A.5. The owner or operator of a source subject to the requirements of this section is also subject to the requirements of Section I.A.8. "A Guideline for Graphic Arts Calculations" shall be used for compliance determination.
IV.B. Lithographic and Letterpress Printing
IV.B.1. General Provisions
IV.B.1.a. Definitions
IV.B.1.a.(i) "Alcohol" means any of the hydroxyl-containing organic compounds with a molecular weight equal to or less than 74.12, which includes methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol.
IV.B.1.a.(ii) "Alcohol substitute" means nonalcohol additives that contain VOCs and are used in the fountain solution to reduce the surface tension of water or prevent ink piling.
IV.B.1.a.(iii) "Cleaning material" means a VOC-containing material used to remove ink and debris from the printing press area, operating surfaces of the printing press and, printing press parts. Blanket wash is a type of cleaning material.
IV.B.1.a.(iv) "Composite partial vapor pressure" means the sum of the partial pressures of the compounds defined as VOCs. Composite partial vapor pressure is calculated as follows:

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Wi = Weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams

Ww = Weight of water, in grams

We = Weight of exempt compound, in grams

MWi = Molecular weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in g/g-mole

MWw = Molecular weight of water, in g/g-mole

MWc = Molecular weight of exempt compound, in g/g-mole

PPc = VOC composite partial vapor pressure at 20°C (68°F), in mm Hg

VPi = Vapor pressure of the "i"th VOC compound at 20°C(68°F), in mm Hg

IV.B.1.a.(v) "Fountain solution" means a mixture of water, nonvolatile printing chemicals, and a liquid additive that reduces the surface tension of the water so that it spreads easily across the printing plate surface. The fountain solution wets the non-image areas so that the ink is maintained within the image areas.
IV.B.1.a.(vi) "Heatset" means any lithographic or letterpress printing operation where printing inks are set by the evaporation of the ink oils in a heatset dryer.
IV.B.1.a.(vii) "Heatset dryer" means a hot air dryer used in heatset lithography to heat the printed substrate and to promote the evaporation of ink oils.
IV.B.1.a.(viii) "Lithographic printing" means a planographic printing process where the image and non-image areas are chemically differentiated (the image area is oil receptive and the non-image area is water receptive). This printing process differs from other conventional printing methods, where the image is a raised or recessed surface.
IV.B.1.a.(ix) "Letterpress printing" means a printing process in which the image area is raised relative to the non-image area and the paste ink is transferred to the substrate directly from the image surface.
IV.B.1.a.(x) "Non-heatset" means any printing operation where the printing inks are set without the use of heat. For the purpose of Section IV.B., ultraviolet-cured and electron beam-cured inks are considered non-heatset.
IV.B.1.a.(xi) "Offset lithographic printing" means a printing process that transfers the ink film from the lithographic plate to an intermediary surface (blanket), which in turn transfers the ink film to the substrate.
IV.B.1.a.(xii) "Press" means a printing production assembly composed of one or more print units used to produce a printed substrate including any associated coating, spray powder application, heatset web dryer, ultraviolet or electron beam curing units, or infrared heating units.
IV.B.1.a.(xiii) "Sheet-fed printing" means a printing process where individual sheets of paper or substrate are fed into the printing press.
IV.B.1.a.(xiv) "Web printing" means a printing process where continuous rolls of substrate material are fed to the press and rewound or cut to size after printing.
IV.B.1.b. Applicability
IV.B.1.b.(i) The provisions of this Section IV.B. apply to fountain solutions, cleaning materials, inks (which include varnishes) and coatings used in lithographic and letterpress printing presses. These materials are not subject to the requirements of Sections I. and II.
IV.B.1.b.(ii) The work practice requirements in Section IV.B.1.c. apply to all lithographic and letterpress printing operations.
IV.B.1.b.(iii) The VOC content limit for inks in Section IV.B.1.d. applies to lithographic and letterpress printing operations where total combined uncontrolled actual VOC emissions from each printing operation, including related cleaning materials and fountain solutions, are equal to or greater than three (3) tons per calendar year.
IV.B.1.b.(iv) The cleaning material requirements in Section IV.B.2. apply to letterpress printing operations where total combined uncontrolled actual VOC emissions from each printing operation, including related cleaning materials and fountain solutions, are equal to or greater than three (3) tons per calendar year.
IV.B.1.b.(v) The cleaning material and fountain solution requirements in Sections IV.B.2. and IV.B.3. apply to offset lithographic printing operations where total combined uncontrolled actual VOC emissions from each printing operation, including related cleaning materials and fountain solutions, are equal to or greater than three (3) tons per calendar year.
IV.B.1.b.(vi) The control requirements in Section IV.B.4. apply to each heatset web offset lithographic and heatset web letterpress printing press with the potential to emit from the dryer, prior to controls, at least 25 tons per calendar year of VOC (petroleum ink oil) from heatset inks.
IV.B.1.c. Work Practice Requirements

Lithographic and letterpress printing operations must implement the following work practices at all times to reduce VOC emissions from fugitive sources:

IV.B.1.c.(i) Cover open containers and keep cleaning materials in closed containers when not in use;
IV.B.1.c.(ii) Properly dispose of used cleaning materials, fountain solutions, and used shop towels; and
IV.B.1.c.(iii) Implement good air pollution control practices that minimize emissions, including, but not limited to, using only volumes necessary for cleaning and maintain cleaning equipment to repair cleaning materials leaks.
IV.B.1.d. VOC Content Limit for Inks
IV.B.1.d.(i) Lithographic and letterpress printing operations, excluding heatset web offset and heatset web letterpress printing operations, must use low-VOC inks, which average less than 30% (by weight) VOC on a monthly basis.
IV.B.1.d.(ii) Heatset web offset lithographic and heatset web letterpress printing operations must use low-VOC inks, which average less than 40% (by weight) VOC on a monthly basis.
IV.B.2. Offset lithographic printing and letterpress printing operations must comply with the following cleaning materials requirements;
IV.B.2.a. All cleaning materials must contain less than 70% (by weight) VOC or have a VOC composite vapor pressure less than 10 mmHg at 20°C.
IV.B.2.b. Exemptions

The following materials and operations are exempt from the cleaning material requirements in Section IV.B.2.a.:

IV.B.2.b.(i) Cleaners used on electronic components of a press.
IV.B.2.b.(ii) Pre-press cleaning operations.
IV.B.2.b.(iii) Post-press cleaning operations.
IV.B.2.b.(iv) Floor cleaning supplies (other than those used to clean dried ink).
IV.B.2.b.(v) Cleaning performed in parts washers or cold cleaners that are subject to Section II.
IV.B.2.c. Use of non-compliant cleaning materials Cleaning materials not meeting the limits in Section IV.B.2.a. are limited to less than or equal to 110 gallons per calendar year.
IV.B.3. Offset lithographic printing operations must comply with the following fountain solution requirements:
IV.B.3.a. Heatset web offset lithographic printing operations must:
IV.B.3.a.(i) Use a fountain solution containing 1.6% alcohol (by weight) or less as applied;
IV.B.3.a.(ii) Use a fountain solution containing 3% alcohol (by weight) or less as applied if the fountain solution is refrigerated to below 60°F (15.5°C); or
IV.B.3.a.(iii) Use a fountain solution containing 5% alcohol substitute (by weight) or less as applied and no alcohol.
IV.B.3.b. Sheet-fed printing operations must
IV.B.3.b.(i) Use a fountain solution containing 5% alcohol (by weight) or less as applied;
IV.B.3.b.(ii) Use a fountain solution containing 8.5% alcohol (by weight) or less as applied if the fountain solution is refrigerated to below 60°F (15.5°C); or
IV.B.3.b.(iii) Use a fountain solution containing 5% alcohol substitute (by weight) or less as applied and no alcohol.
IV.B.3.b.(iv) The following are exempt from the fountain solution requirements in Section IV.B.3.b.:
IV.B.3.b.(iv)(A) Fountain solution use associated with a sheet-fed printing press with maximum sheet size 11x17 inches or smaller.
IV.B.3.b.(iv)(B) Fountain solution use associated with a sheet-fed printing press having a total fountain solution reservoir less than one (1) gallon.
IV.B.3.c. Non-heatset web printing must use a fountain solution containing 5% alcohol substitute (by weight) or less and no alcohol.
IV.B.4. Heatset web offset lithographic and heatset web letterpress printing operations must comply with the following control requirements:
IV.B.4.a. Heatset web offset lithographic and heatset web letterpress printing operations must reduce VOC emissions from heatset dryers with an emission control system having a control efficiency of 90% or greater.
IV.B.4.b. If the control device was first installed on or after January 1, 2017, heatset web offset lithographic and heatset web letterpress printing operations must reduce VOC emissions from heatset dryers with an emission control system having a control efficiency of 95% or greater.
IV.B.4.c. Where inlet VOC concentration is low and a 90 or 95% control efficiency is not achievable due to low inlet concentrations or measurable due to equipment configuration, heatset web offset lithographic and heatset web letterpress printing operations may reduce the control device outlet concentration to 20 ppmv (as hexane on a dry basis).
IV.B.4.d. The following are exempt from the control requirements in Section IV.B.4.:
IV.B.4.d.(i) Heatset presses used for book printing.
IV.B.4.d.(ii) Heatset presses with maximum web width of 22 inches or less.
IV.B.4.d.(iii) Waterborne or radiation (ultra-violet or electron beam) cured materials that are not heatset.
IV.B.5. Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting
IV.B.5.a. The owner or operator of a heatset web offset lithographic or heatset web letterpress printing operation required to demonstrate compliance with Section IV.B.4. must install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a temperature monitoring device, according to the manufacturer's specifications.
IV.B.5.b. The owner or operator of a lithographic and letterpress printing operations subject to Sections IV.B.1.d. and IV.B.2. through IV.B.4. must keep the following records for two (2) years and make them available for inspection by the Division upon request:
IV.B.5.b.(i) If applicable, records demonstrating that a listed exemption to this Section IV.B. applies.
IV.B.5.b.(ii) If applicable, monthly records of the type, alcohol content or alcohol substitute content, and total volume of fountain solution used in printing operations.
IV.B.5.b.(iii) If applicable, monthly records of the type, VOC content or composite vapor pressure, and total volume of the cleaning materials used in printing operations.
IV.B.5.b.(iv) If applicable, monthly records of the type, VOC content, and total volume of inks (including varnishes) and coatings used in printing operations.
IV.B.5.b.(v) If applicable, monthly records demonstrating compliance with the control requirements in Section IV.B.4.
IV.B.5.b.(vi) Records of calendar year VOC emission estimates demonstrating whether the printing operation meets or exceed the applicability thresholds in Section IV.B.1.b.
IV.B.5.c. Compliance with control requirements must be demonstrated using the following methods as applicable:
IV.B.5.c.(i) Safety data sheets or other analytical data from the ink, cleaning material, or fountain solution manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with VOC content limit for inks in Section IV.B.1.d., the cleaning material requirements in Section IV.B.2., and the fountain solution requirements in Section IV.B.3.;
IV.B.5.c.(ii) A manufacturer guarantee of the control equipment's emission control efficiency and operation and maintenance of control equipment according to manufacturer's specifications to demonstrate compliance with the control equipment requirements in Section IV.B.4.; or
IV.B.5.c.(iii) A performance test conducted during representative conditions using one of the following methods as applicable:
IV.B.5.c.(iii)(A) EPA Method 24 ( 40 CFR Part 60 , Appendix A) (October 7, 2020) to determine VOC content for inks, fountain solutions and cleaning materials; or
IV.B.5.c.(iii)(B) EPA Method 18, 25, or 25A ( 40 CFR Part 60 , Appendix A) (November 14, 2018) to determine control efficiency or outlet concentration of the emission control equipment.
IV.C. Digital Printing
IV.C.1. Definitions
IV.C.1.a. "Digital Printing" (direct-to-media printing) means a print-on-demand method of printing where the transfer of electronic files occurs directly from the computer to an electronically driven output device that prints the image directly on a variety of selected media (substrates). Digital printing methods include, but are not limited to, inkjet printing, electrophotographic printing, dye sublimation printing, thermal wax printing and solid ink printing. Electronic images and four-color process images can be printed virtually any size
IV.C.2. Applicability
IV.C.2.a. Beginning May 1, 2023, this section applies to digital printing operations with uncontrolled actual VOC emissions greater than or equal to 25 tons per year (as of November 7, 2022, located in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area).
IV.C.3. Work practices
IV.C.3.a. Cover open containers and keep cleaning materials in closed containers when not in use.
IV.C.3.b. Properly dispose of used cleaning materials.
IV.C.3.c. Implement good air pollution control practices that minimize emissions including, but not limited to
IV.C.3.c.(i) Using only volumes of cleaning materials necessary for cleaning and maintain cleaning equipment to be leak free.
IV.C.3.c.(ii) Using low or no-VOC solvents, if possible.
IV.C.3.c.(iii) Maintaining ink and solvent storage, transfer, and use operations equipment in a way that minimizes evaporation loss and remains leak free.
IV.C.4. Recordkeeping. Records must be maintained for five (5) years and made available to the Division upon request.
IV.C.4.a. Monthly records of the type, VOC content, and total volume of inks and coatings used in printing operations.
IV.C.4.b. Monthly records of the type, VOC content, and total volume of cleaning materials used in printing operations.
IV.C.4.c. Records of calendar year VOC emission estimates demonstrating whether the printing operation meets or exceeds the applicability threshold in Section IV.C.2.

5 CCR 1001-29-B-IV

46 CR 10, May 25, 2023, effective 6/14/2023