5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-29-B-I

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1001-29-B-I - Surface Coating Operations
I.A. General Provisions
I.A.1. Definitions, unless otherwise specified in Sections I.B. through I.O.
I.A.1.a. "Coating" means a protective, functional or decorative film applied in a thin layer to a surface. This term often applies to paints such as lacquers or enamels, but is also used to refer to films applied to paper, plastics, or foils.
I.A.1.b. "Coating Applicator" means an apparatus used to apply a surface coating.
I.A.1.c. "Coating Line" means an operation which includes both (1) a coating applicator and (2) device(s) and/or area(s) to accomplish one or more of the following processes: flash-off, drying, curing, heat-setting and/or polymerization.
I.A.1.d. "Coating Solids" means that portion of a surface coating, which remains after volatile components have escaped.
I.A.1.e. "Final Repair Application" means that application of surface coating specifically intended to repair damage and imperfections in existing surface coats.
I.A.1.f. "Finished Coating Solids" means those coating-solids that remain on a coated substance after completion of all production processes.
I.A.1.g. "Flash-off Area" means the space between the application area and the oven.
I.A.1.h. "Prime Coat" (also termed "primer") means the first film of coating applied in a multiple-coat operation.
I.A.1.i. "Single Coat" means a single film of coating applied directly to the metal substrate, omitting the primer application.
I.A.1.j. "Surface Coating" means a liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition which is converted to a solid (or semi-solid) protective, decorative, or adherent film or deposit after application as a thin layer or by impregnation. In a machine which has both coating and printing units, all units shall be considered as performing a printing operation. Such a machine is subject to the standards governing graphic arts, and thus is not covered by coating standards.
I.A.1.k. "Surface Coating Oven" means a chamber within which heat is used to bake, cure, polymerize, and/or dry a surface coating.
I.A.1.l. "Topcoat" means the final film of coating applied in a multiple-coat operation.
I.A.2. Abbreviations
I.A.2.a. Kg/lc shall be the abbreviation for: kilograms of solvent VOC per liter of coating (minus water and "exempt" solvents, as defined in Part A, Section II.B.).
I.A.2.b. Lb/gc shall be the abbreviation for: (avoirdupois) pounds of solvent VOC per gallon of coating (minus water and "exempt" solvents, as defined in Part A, Section II.B.).
I.A.3. Test Methods and Procedures
I.A.3.a. The owner or operator of any VOC source required to comply with this section shall, at their own expense, demonstrate compliance using EPA reference method 24 of 40 CFR Part 60 (September 14, 1989) for surface coatings, and reference method 25 and reference methods 1 through 4 (March 23, 2021) for add-on controls.
I.A.3.b. The test protocol should be in accordance with the requirements of the Air Pollution Control Division Compliance Test Manual and shall be submitted to the Division for review and approval at least thirty (30) days prior to testing. No test shall be conducted without prior approval from the Division.
I.A.3.c. The Division may use independent tests to verify test data submitted by the source operator or owner. The test methods shall be those listed in Section I.A.3.a. and the Division test results shall take precedence.
I.A.3.d. The Division may accept, instead of the testing required in this section, a certification by the manufacturer of the composition of the coatings if supported by actual batch formulation records. The owner or operator of the VOC source required to comply with this section shall obtain certification from the coating manufacturer(s) that the test method(s) used for determination of VOC content meet the requirements specified in Section I.A.3.a. The owner or operator shall have this certification readily available to Division personnel, in order to allow the results to be used in the daily compliance calculations specified in Section I.A.10.
I.A.3.e. The performance of add-on control device equipment shall be established with the required test methods of I.A.3.a. at equipment startup, and after major modification to the control equipment. Baseline operating parameters shall be established during the satisfactory (i.e. in-compliance) operation of the control equipment, including operation during all anticipated ranges of process throughput. During subsequent process operation, the owner or operator shall maintain the operating conditions of the add-on controls as close to these baseline conditions as possible. If serious operational problems with an add-on control system are evidenced from the daily monitoring required by Section I.A.8.b. (such problems may be indicated by changes from baseline conditions), repeat performance tests may be required by the Division, as necessary.
I.A.4. Sampling

To determine compliance with applicable surface coating standards, samples shall be taken from the coating as freshly delivered to the reservoir of the coating applicator.

I.A.5. Alternative compliance methods for processes and operations

For each process specified in Sections I.B. through I.N. the emission limits designated for that process shall be achieved by:

I.A.5.a. Use of coatings with proportions of VOC less than or equal to the maximums specified by the applicable section of this regulation; or
I.A.5.b. Use of the specified equipment and procedures prescribed by the applicable section of this regulation; or
I.A.5.c. Use of an alternative means of control which satisfies the requirements of Section I.A.5.e., I.A.5.f., and Part A, Section II.D.; or
I.A.5.d. Use of crossline averaging. The emission trading requirements of Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V. shall be met. In addition, the following requirements apply:
I.A.5.d.(i) The actual reduction shall be equivalent to the actual reduction that would be achieved on a line-by-line basis.
I.A.5.d.(ii) Credit shall not be received for downtime, however, credit is allowed for enforceable production limits.
I.A.5.d.(iii) Crossline averaging shall be used only across lines in the same control technique guidance group.
I.A.5.d.(iv) The emission trading policy shall be met on a daily weighted average.
I.A.5.d.(v) Sources subject to best available control technology (BACT) and lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) requirements shall not use cross line averaging.
I.A.5.d.(vi) VOC emissions shall be expressed as lbs/gallons solids to determine reduction over baseline (lb VOC/lb solids for graphic arts).
I.A.5.d.(vii) Organisol and plastisol coatings shall not be used to bubble emissions from vinyl surface or automobile topcoating operations.
I.A.5.d.(viii) Before crossline averaging may be used, the control methodology shall be approved as a revision to the State Implementation Plan.
I.A.5.e. The design, operation and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with any emission control system shall be certified in writing by the source owner or operator and approved by the Division. Unless the capture system meets the requirements for a total enclosure as specified in the New Source Performance Standard for the Magnetic Tape Manufacturing Industry, 53FR38892, October 3, 1988, or unless Division approved material balance techniques are used to adequately determine overall VOC capture and destruction/recovery efficiency, the efficiency of the capture system shall be determined by test methods approved as a revision to the State Implementation Plan. Testing for capture efficiency shall be performed on a case-by-case basis as required by the Division. The requirements of Sections I.A.3.e. and I.A.8.b. shall apply to the capture and control device system. When capture and control device efficiency must be independently determined, the overall VOC emission reduction rate equals the (percent capture efficiency X percent control device efficiency)/100.
I.A.5.f. Sources which use add-on controls, crossline averaging, or an approved alternative control strategy instead of low solvent technology to meet the applicable emission limit shall meet the equivalent VOC emission limit, on the basis of solids applied (lb VOC/gal solids applied, or lb VOC/lb solids applied, for graphic arts sources). Appendix E sets forth the procedure for converting emission limits and lists equivalent limits for various coating operations.
I.A.5.g. Owners or operators of sources which use a carbon adsorption system shall provide for the proper disposal or reuse of all VOC recovered.
I.A.6. Exemptions
I.A.6.a. The requirements of this Section I. do not apply to sources used exclusively for chemical or physical analysis or determination of product quality and commercial acceptance, provided;
I.A.6.a.(i) the operation of the source is not an integral part of the production process; and
I.A.6.a.(ii) the emissions from the source do not exceed 363 kilograms (800 lbs.) in any calendar month; and
I.A.6.a.(iii) the exemption is approved in writing by the Division.
I.A.6.b. The requirements of Sections I.C., D., E., F., G., H., I., L. and M. are not applicable to sources whose actual emissions, including fugitive emissions, before add-on controls, are less than 6.8 kilograms (15 lbs.) per day and less than 1.4 kilograms (3 lbs.) per hour. Emissions from all sources within the same control technique guidance group shall be totaled to determine actual emissions.
I.A.7. Fugitive emission control
I.A.7.a. Control techniques and work practices shall be implemented at all times to reduce VOC emissions from fugitive sources. Control techniques and work practices include, but are not limited to:
I.A.7.a.(i) tight-fitting covers for open tanks;
I.A.7.a.(ii) covered containers for solvent wiping cloths;
I.A.7.a.(iii) proper disposal of dirty cleanup solvent.
I.A.7.b. Emissions of organic material released during clean-up operations, disposal, and other fugitive emissions shall be included when determining total emissions, unless the source owner or operator documents that the VOCs are collected and disposed of in a manner that prevents evaporation to the atmosphere.
I.A.8. Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Monitoring
I.A.8.a. If add-on control equipment is used, continuous monitors of the following parameters shall be installed, calibrated, and operated at all times that the associated control equipment is operating:
I.A.8.a.(i) exhaust gas temperature of all incinerators;
I.A.8.a.(ii) temperature rise across a catalytic incineration bed;
I.A.8.a.(iii) breakthrough of VOC on a carbon adsorption unit;
I.A.8.a.(iv) any other monitoring and/or recording device, maintenance and/or control-media-replacement schedule(s) specified on a case-by-case basis by the Division.
I.A.8.b. If add-on control equipment is used, in addition to the requirements of Section I.A.8.a., the following information and any other necessary information, as determined applicable for each source by the Division, shall be monitored and recorded daily in order to assure continuous compliance. The substitution of continuous recordings for daily recording may be allowed by the Division.
I.A.8.b.(i) For the capture system: fan power use, duct flow, duct pressure.
I.A.8.b.(ii) For carbon adsorbers: bed temperature, bed vacuum pressure, pressure at the vacuum pump, accumulated time of operation, concentration of VOC in the outlet gas, solvent recovery.
I.A.8.b.(iii) For refrigeration systems: compressor discharge and suction pressures, condenser fluid temperature, solvent recovery.
I.A.8.b.(iv) For incinerator systems: exhaust gas temperature, temperature rise across a catalytic incinerator bed, flame temperature, accumulated time of incinerator.
I.A.8.c. Recordkeeping procedures shall follow the guidance in "Recordkeeping Guidance Document for Surface Coating Operations and the Graphic Arts Industry," July 1989, EPA 340/ 1-88-003.
I.A.9. Required and Prohibited Acts
I.A.9.a. No owner or operator of a source of VOCs subject to this section shall operate, cause, allow or permit the operation of the source, unless:
I.A.9.a.(i) For each category of surface coating as specified in Sections I.B. through I.M., the owner or operator of a surface coating line or facility subject to that section does not cause, allow or permit the discharge into the atmosphere of any VOCs in excess of the specified emission limit, calculated as delivered to the coating applicator or as applied to the substrate, whichever is greater.
I.A.9.a.(ii) The owner or operator of a surface coating operation maintains and operates surface coating operations in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions, such as, but not limited to, coating application methods capable of achieving a transfer efficiency achieved by HVLP spraying.
I.A.10. Compliance Calculation Procedures
I.A.10.a. Compliance with this section shall be determined on a daily basis. Sources may request a revision to the State Implementation Plan for longer times for compliance determination.
I.A.10.b. Compliance calculation procedures shall follow the guidance in "Procedure for Certifying Quantity of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted by Paint, Ink, and Other Coatings," December 1984, EPA-450/3-84/019. In addition, for add-on controls or other compliance alternatives, calculation procedures shall follow the guidance of Section I.A.5.f.
I.A.11. The requirements of Sections I.A.1. through I.A.10. apply to each category of surface coating as specified in Sections I.B. through I.M. The requirements of Sections I.A.7. through I.A.10. apply to the category in Section I.N. The requirements of Sections I.A.1. through I.A.9 apply to the category in Section I.O.
I.A.12. The Division shall approve utilization of alternative compliance methods to the following sources pursuant to this Section I.
I.A.12.a. Lexmark International, Inc. shall be allowed to utilize the alternative compliance method of crossline averaging for processes and operations within the Manufactured Metal Parts and Metal products (Subgroup L) and within the Plastic Film Coating Operations (Subgroup J). The emission trading requirements of Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V. shall be met, and utilization of the alternative compliance method shall be subject to the following generic conditions, which shall be written and specifically described as enforceable permit terms and conditions in its permits:
I.A.12.a.(i) The alternative compliance method shall result in an actual reduction that is equivalent to the actual reduction that would otherwise be achieved on a line-by-line basis pursuant to this Regulation Number 25.
I.A.12.a.(ii) Credit shall not be received for downtime; however, credit is allowed for emission reductions from enforceable production limits.
I.A.12.a.(iii) Cross line averaging shall be used only across lines of the same control technique guidance group. Lexmark shall use cross line averaging between Metal Parts and Metal Products lines or between Plastic Film Coating lines. Lexmark shall not use cross line averaging where the emissions from Plastic film coating lines are averaged with Metal Parts and Metal Products lines.
I.A.12.a.(iv) The emission trading policy set forth in Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V., shall be met on a daily weighted average.
I.A.12.a.(v) Sources subject to Best Available Control Technology (BACT), and Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) shall not use cross line averaging.
I.A.12.a.(vi) To determine reduction over baseline, VOC emissions shall be expressed according to Section I.A.5.f., as lbs/gallons solids.
I.A.12.a.(vii) Monthly records shall be kept at the source to verify ongoing compliance with these conditions. The recordkeeping format shall be approved by the Division.
I.A.12.a.(viii) An annual report demonstrating ongoing compliance with this regulation and all permit terms shall be filed with the Division. The report format shall be approved by the Division and specifically described in the permit.
I.A.12.a.(ix) The Division shall issue a permit with federally enforceable terms and conditions to Lexmark limiting Lexmark's alternative compliance method emissions to those allowable under Section I.L. and Section I.J.
I.A.12.a.(x) Commercial and Product quality control laboratory equipment are exempt from APEN filing and construction permit requirements under Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section II.D.1.i., and Regulation Number 3, Part B, Section II.D.1.a.; and from construction permit requirements under Regulation Number 3, Part B, Section II.D.1.i. Qualifying sources shall be exempt from Regulation Number 25, Section I. A.6.
I.A.12.a.(xi) Nothing in the alternative compliance method is intended to relax any emissions limitation of this Regulation Number 25.
I.B. Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Assembly Plants
I.B.1. Definitions
I.B.1.a. "Application Area" means the area where the surface coating is applied by spraying, dipping or flow coating.
I.B.1.b. "Automobile" means a passenger motor-vehicle or a derivative of same, capable of seating twelve (12) or fewer passengers, and having at least two driven wheels.
I.B.1.c. "Automobile Assembly Facility" means a facility where parts (including assembled or partially assembled components) of automobiles are received, and finished automobiles are produced, partially or wholly by an assembly line.
I.B.1.d. "Light-Duty Truck" means any motor vehicle rated at 8,500 pounds (3,855 kilograms) gross vehicle weight or less, and having at least two driven wheels, which is designed primarily for purposes of transportation of property or is a derivative of such vehicles. It includes, but is not limited to, pickup trucks, vans, and window vans rated at 8,500 pounds' gross vehicular weight or less.
I.B.1.e. "Light-Duty Truck Assembly Facility" means a facility where parts (including assembled or partially assembled components) of light-duty trucks are received, and finished light-duty trucks are produced, partially or wholly by an assembly line.
I.B.2. Applicability

This section applies to all assembly and subassembly lines in an automobile or light-duty truck assembly facility, including those for frames, small parts, wheels, and main body parts. This section applies only to the manufacture of new vehicles.

I.B.3. Emission Limitations



Prime application, flashoff area, and oven



Topcoat application area, flashoff area, and oven



Final repair application, flashoff area and oven



I.B.4. Coatings other than primer, surfacer (guidecoat), topcoat and final repair shall be considered under the miscellaneous metal parts Section I.L.
I.B.5. For topcoat application, if a complying coating is not used to meet the emission limit of Section I.B.3, then:
I.B.5.a. the alternate method shall meet an emission limit of 15.1 lb VOC/gal. solids deposited on the coated part; and
I.B.5.b. compliance shall be determined on a daily weighted average basis.
I.B.6. Topcoat operation shall include all spray booths, flash-off areas and ovens in which topcoat is applied, dried and cured, except for final offline repair.
I.C. Can Coating Operations
I.C.1. Definitions
I.C.1.a. "Can Coatings" means any coatings containing organic materials and applied--or intended for application-- by spray, roller, or other means onto the inside and/or outside surfaces of formed cans and components of cans.
I.C.1.b. "End Sealing Compound" means a substance which is coated onto can ends and which functions as a seal when the end is assembled onto the can.
I.C.1.c. "Exterior Base Coat" means a coating applied to the exterior of a can to provide protection to the metal and/or to provide background for any lithographic or printing operation.
I.C.1.d. "Interior Base Coat" means the initial coating applied to the interior surface of a can by roller coater or spray.
I.C.1.e. "Interior Body Spray" means a coating sprayed onto the interior surface of the can body to provide a protective film between the can and its contents.
I.C.1.f. "Overvarnish" means a coating applied directly over ink to reduce the coefficient of friction, provide gloss, protect against abrasion, enhance product quality, and protect against corrosion.
I.C.1.g. "Three-Piece Can Side Seam Spray" means a coating sprayed onto the interior and/or exterior of a can body seam on a three-piece can to protect the exposed metal.
I.C.1.h. "Two-Piece Can Exterior End Coat" means a coating applied to the exterior of the bottom end of a two-piece can.
I.C.2. Applicability

This section applies to coating applicator(s), and oven(s) of sheet can or end coating lines involved in sheet basecoat (exterior and interior) and over varnish, two-and three-piece can interior body spray, two-piece can exterior end (spray or roll coat), three-piece can side-seam spray, and end sealing compound operations.

I.C.3. Emission Limitations

Can Coating



Sheet base coat (exterior and interior) and overvarnish two-piece can exterior (base coat and overvarnish)



Two and three-piece can interior body spray, two-piece can exterior end (spray or roll coat)



Three-piece can side-seam spray



End sealing compound



Any additional coats



I.D. Coil Coating Operations
I.D.1. Definitions
I.D.1.a. "Coil Coating" means any surface coating applied by spray, roller, or other means onto one or both surfaces of flat metal sheets or strips that come in rolls or coils.
I.D.1.b. "Quench Area" means a chamber where the hot metal exiting the oven is cooled by either a spray of water or a blast of air followed by water cooling.
I.D.2. Applicability

This section applies to the coating applicator(s), oven(s), and quench area(s) of coil coating operations involved in primer, intermediate, top-coat or single-coat operations.

I.D.3. Emission Limitations:

Coil Coating



Any coat (primer, intermediate coat, topcoat, single coat)



I.E. Fabric Coating Operations
I.E.1. Definitions
I.E.1.a. "Fabric Coating" means the process of coating or impregnating the full, usable surface of a fabric web or sheet to impart properties that are not initially present such as strength, stability, water or acid repellency, or appearance. "Fabric Coating" excludes those processes normally included under fabric finishing (e.g. dyeing, treating for stain and wrinkle resistance, etc.).
I.E.2. Applicability

This section applies to fabric coating lines which includes, but is not limited to, coaters and drying ovens.

I.E.3. Emission Limitations



Fabric Coating Line



I.F. Large Appliance Coating Operations
I.F.1. Definition
I.F.1.a. "Large Appliances" includes doors, cases, lids, panels, interior support parts, and any other large (greater than one square decimeter (15.5 square inches)) coated surfaces of residential and commercial washers, dryers, ovens, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, water heaters, dishwashers, trash compactors, air conditioners, and all other products under SIC Code 363 according to the "Standard Industrial Classification Manual", Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, designated by convention of the industry as large appliances.
I.F.2. Applicability

This section applies to all large appliance coating lines.

I.F.3. Emission Limitations



Large Appliance Coating Line; prime, single or topcoat application area, flashoff area, and oven



I.G. Magnet Wire Coating Operations
I.G.1. Definition
I.G.1.a. "Magnet Wire Coating" means those operations which apply a coating of electrically insulating varnish or enamel (or similar substance) to wire which is known as "magnet wire." Magnet wire is usually copper or aluminum, and is used for electric motors, generators, transformers, magnets, and related products.
I.G.2. Applicability

This section applies to, but is not limited to, coaters and drying ovens of magnet wire coating operations.

I.G.3. Emission Limitations



Magnetic wire coating operation



I.H. Metal Furniture Coating Operations
I.H.1. Definitions
I.H.1.a. "Metal Furniture" means furnishings commonly considered furniture, for domestic, business, and/or institutional use, which have one or more essential, major components made of metal. "Metal furniture" includes, but is not limited to, tables, chairs, wastebaskets, beds, desks, lockers, shelving, cabinets, room dividers, clothing racks, chests of drawers, and sofas.
I.H.1.b. "Metal Furniture Coating" means applying a "surface coating" to "metal furniture" as defined. It excludes coating of non-metal components.
I.H.2. Applicability

This section applies to all metal furniture coating lines.

I.H.3. Emission Limitations



Metal Furniture Coating Line: All coats (including prime, single, and topcoat)



I.I. Paper Coating Operations
l.l.1. Definition

"Paper Coating" means impregnating or applying a uniform layer of "surface coating" to paper. It includes, but is not limited to, the production of: coated, glazed, decorated, and varnished paper; carbon and pressure-sensitive copy papers; paper adhesive-labels and tapes; blue-print; photographic and copier paper. It also includes coating of metal foil such as gift wrap and packaging. Paper coating does not include impregnation using a batch dipping process.

l.l.2. Applicability

This section applies to paper coating lines, which includes, but is not limited to, coaters and drying ovens.

l.l.3. Emission Limitations



Paper Coating Line



I.J. Plastic-Film Coating Operations
I.J.1. Definition
I.J.1.a. "Plastic-Film Coating" means applying a uniform layer of "surface coating" to a flexible web or sheet of thin plastic substance, excluding all rubbers and vinyl's* (polyvinyl chloride) except for the following two categories of vinyl products:
(1) vinyl tapes and
(2) vinyl's coated with an adhesive or pressure-sensitive coating. It includes, but is not limited to: plastic typewriter ribbons, photographic film, adhesive tapes, and magnetic recording tapes. (*see Section I.K.)
I.J.2. Applicability

This section applies to, but is not limited to, coaters and drying ovens of plastic-film coating lines.

I.J.3. Emission Limitations



Plastic-Film Coating Line



I.K. Vinyl Coating Operations
I.K.1. Definition

"Vinyl Coating" means applying a uniform layer, decorative or protective topcoat to a vinyl (polyvinyl chloride) coated fabric or vinyl sheet. It includes printing of same. Excluded are*:

(1) the coating of same with adhesive or pressure-sensitive coatings and
(2) vinyl tapes. (*see Section I.J.)
I.K.2. Application

This section applies to vinyl coating lines which includes, but is not limited to, coaters and drying ovens.

I.K.3. Emission Limitations



Vinyl Coating Line



I.L. Manufactured Metal Parts and Metal Products
I.L.1. General Provisions
I.L.1.a. Applicability

Before January 1, 2022, this section applies to the application area(s), flashoff area(s), oven(s), and drying areas including (but not limited to) air and forced air drier(s) used in the surface coating of the metal parts and products listed below where actual emissions, including fugitive emissions, before add-on controls, are greater than or equal to 6.8 kilograms (15 lbs.) per day and 1.4 kilograms (3 lbs.) per hour. This section applies to prime coat, top coat, and single coat operations.

On or after January 1, 2022, this section applies to each metal parts and product surface coating unit at a facility where the total actual VOC emissions from all metal parts and product surface coating operations, including related cleaning activities, at that facility are equal to or greater than 2.7 tons per 12-month rolling period, before consideration of controls.

This section is applicable to surface coating of manufactured metal parts and metal products which include:

I.L.1.a.(i) Large farm machinery (harvesting, fertilizing, and planting machines, tractors, combines, etc.);
I.L.1.a.(ii) Small-farm, lawn and garden machinery (lawn and garden tractors, lawn mowers, rototillers, etc.);
I.L.1.a.(iii) Small appliances (fans, mixers, blenders, crock pots, dehumidifiers, vacuum cleaners, etc.);
I.L.1.a.(iv) Commercial machinery (office equipment, computers and auxiliary equipment, typewriters, calculators, vending machines, etc.);
I.L.1.a.(v) Industrial machinery (pumps, compressors, conveyor components, fans, blowers, transformers, etc.);
I.L.1.a.(vi) Fabricated metal products (metal covered doors, frames, etc.);
I.L.1.a.(vii) Furniture hardware made of metal for use with non-metal furniture; and
I.L.1.a.(viii) Any other industrial category which coats metal parts or products under the standard industrial classification code of major group 33 (primary metal industries), major group 34 (fabricated metal products), major group 35 (non-electric machinery), major group 36 (electrical machinery), major group 37 (transportation equipment), major group 38 (miscellaneous instruments), and major group 39 (miscellaneous manufacturing industries), according to the "Standard Industrial Classification Manual" Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget.
I.L.1.b. Exemptions
I.L.1.b.(i) Section I.L. does not apply to the surface coating of metal parts and products inasmuch as these are covered in Sections I.B., I.C., I.D., I.F., I.G., and I.H.
I.L.1.b.(ii) Section I.L. is not applicable to the following special purpose coatings:
I.L.1.b.(ii)(A) Division-approved exemptions for high performance coatings on a case-by-case basis.
I.L.1.b.(ii)(B) Full exterior repainting of automobiles and light-duty trucks if fewer than 18 vehicles are painted per day.
I.L.1.b.(iii) Beginning January 1, 2022, Section I.L. does not apply to aerosol coatings, architectural coatings, and automobile refinish coatings regulated by 40 CFR Part 59 Subparts B (National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Automobile Refinish Coatings (August 23, 2019)), Subpart D (National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings (August 23, 2019)), or Subpart E (National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Aerosol Coatings (August 23, 2019)).
I.L.1.b.(iv) Beginning January 1, 2022, Section I.L. does not apply to architectural and industrial maintenance coatings regulated by Regulation Number 21.
I.L.1.b.(v) Beginning January 1, 2022, Section I.L. does not apply to the coating of aerospace vehicles or components including, but not limited to, any fabricated part, processed part, assembly of parts, or completed unit of any aircraft including, but not limited to, airplanes, helicopters, missiles, rockets, and space vehicles at aerospace manufacturing and rework operations.
I.L.1.b.(vi) Beginning January 1, 2022, Sections I.L.2 and I.L.3. do not apply to:
I.L.1.b.(vi)(A) Aerosol coating products.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(B) Powder coatings.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(C) Stencil coatings.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(D) Safety-indicating coatings.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(E) Solid-film lubricants.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(F) Electric-insulating and thermal-conducting coatings.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(G) Magnetic data storage disk coatings.
I.L.1.b.(vi)(H) Plastic extruded onto metal parts to form a coating.
I.L.1.b.(vii) Beginning January 1, 2022, Section I.L.3. does not apply to touch-up coatings, repair coatings, and textured finishes.
I.L.1.c. Definitions

For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:

I.L.1.c.(i) "Air Dried Coating" means coatings which are dried by the use of air or forced warm air at temperatures up to 90°C (194°F);
I.L.1.c.(ii) "Baked Coating" means a coating that is cured at a temperature at or above 90oC (194oF).
I.L.1.c.(iii) "Camouflage Coating" means a coating used, principally by the military, to conceal equipment from detection.
I.L.1.c.(iv) "Clear Coat" means a coating, which lacks color and opacity or a coating which is transparent.
I.L.1.c.(v) "Coating Application System" means all operations and equipment which apply, convey, and dry a surface coating, including, but not limited to, spray booths, flow coaters, flashoff areas, air dryers and ovens.
I.L.1.c.(vi) "Coating Unit" means a series of one or more coating applicators and any associated drying area and/or oven wherein a coating is applied, dried, and/or cured. A coating unit ends at the point where the coating is dried or cured, or prior to any subsequent application of a different coating. It is not necessary for a coating unit to have an oven or flash-off area.
I.L.1.c.(vii) "Drum" means any cylindrical metal shipping container larger than 12 gallons' capacity but no larger than 110 gallons' capacity.
I.L.1.c.(viii) "Electric-Insulating Varnish" means a non-convertible-type coating applied to electric motors, components of electric motors, or power transformers, to provide electrical, mechanical, and environmental protection or resistance.
I.L.1.c.(ix) "Etching Filler" means a coating that contains less than 23 percent solids by weight and at least 1/2-percent acid by weight, and is used instead of applying a pretreatment coating followed by a primer.
I.L.1.c.(xi) "Extreme Environmental Conditions" means exposure to any of the following: temperatures consistently above 95°C, detergents, abrasive and scouring agents, solvents, and corrosive environments.
I.L.1.c.(xii) "Extreme High-Gloss Coating" means a coating which, when tested by the American Society for Testing Material Test Method D-523 adopted in 1980, shows a reflectance of 75 or more on a 60° meter.
I.L.1.c.(xiii) "Extreme Performance Coatings" means coatings designed for extreme environmental conditions (i.e., chronic exposure to corrosive, caustic or acidic agents, chemicals, chemical fumes, chemical mixtures or solutions; repeated exposure to temperatures in excess of 250°F; or repeated heavy abrasion, including mechanical wear and repeated scrubbing with industrial grade solvents, cleaners, or scouring agents).
I.L.1.c.(xiv) "Heat-Resistant Coating" means a coating that must withstand a temperature of at least 400°F during normal use.
I.L.1.c.(xv) "High-Performance Architectural Coating" means a coating used to protect architectural subsections and which meets the requirements of the Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer Association's publication number AAMA 2604-05 (Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels) or 2605-05 (Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for Superior Performing Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels).
I.L.1.c.(xv) "Metallic Coating" means a coating which contains more than 5 grams of metal particles per liter of coating as applied. "Metal particles" are pieces of a pure elemental metal or a combination of elemental metals.
I.L.1.c.(xvi) "Military Specification Coating" means a coating which has a formulation approved by a United States Military Agency for use on military equipment.
I.L.1.c.(xvii) "Mold-Seal Coating" means the initial coating applied to a new mold or a repaired mold to provide a smooth surface which, when coated with a mold release coating, prevents products from sticking to the mold.
I.L.1.c.(xviii) "Multi-Component Coating" means a coating requiring the addition of a separate reactive resin, commonly known as a catalyst or hardener, before application to form an acceptable dry film.
I.L.1.c.(xix) "One-Component Coating" means a coating that is ready for application as it comes out of its container to form an acceptable dry film. A thinner, necessary to reduce the viscosity, is not considered a component.
I.L.1.c.(xx) "Pan Backing" means a coating applied to the surface of pots, pans, or other cooking implements that are exposed directly to a flame or other heating elements.
I.L.1.c.(xxi) "Prefabricated Architectural Coating" means coatings applied to metal parts and products which are to be used as an architectural structure.
I.L.1.c.(xxii) "Repair Coating" means a coating used to re-coat portions of a previously coated product which has sustained mechanical damage to the coating following normal coating operations.
I.L.1.c.(xxiii) "Silicone Release Coating" means any coating which contains silicone resin and is intended to prevent food from sticking to metal surfaces such as baking pans.
I.L.1.c.(xxiv) "Solar-Absorbent Coating" means a coating which has as its prime purpose the absorption of solar radiation.
I.L.1.c.(xxv) "Touch-Up Coating" means a coating used to cover minor coating imperfections appearing after the main coating operation.
I.L.1.c.(xxvi) "Vacuum-Metalizing Coating" means the undercoat applied to the substrate on which the metal is deposited or the overcoat applied directly to the metal film. Vacuum metalizing/physical vapor deposition (PVD) is the process whereby metal is vaporized and deposited on a substrate in a vacuum chamber.
I.L.2. Provisions for Specific Processes
I.L.2.a. Until January 1, 2022, no owner or operator of a facility or operation engaging in the surface coating of manufactured metal parts or metal products may operate a coating application system subject to this regulation that emits VOC in excess of:
I.L.2.a.(i) Clear coatings: 0.52 kg/lc (4.3 lb/gc)
I.L.2.a.(ii) Extreme Performance Coatings: 0.42 kg/lc (3.5 lb/gc)
I.L.2.a.(iii) Air-Dried Coatings: 0.42 kg/lc (3.5 lb/gc)
I.L.2.a.(iv) Other coatings and systems: 0.36 kg/lc (3.0 lb/gc) delivered to a coating applicator for all other coatings and coating application systems.
I.L.2.b. Beginning January 1, 2022, the owner or operator of a facility or operation engaging in the surface coating of manufactured metal parts or metal products must:
I.L.2.b.(i) Reduce VOC emissions from coatings and thinners with an emission control system having a control efficiency of 90% or greater;
I.L.2.b.(ii) Use products that comply with the following VOC content limits (VOC per volume solid) in Table 1; or

Table 1 - Metal parts and products VOC content limits (kg VOC/l solids)

Coating category

Air dried


kg VOC/l solids

lb VOC/gal solids

kg VOC/l solids

lb VOC/gal solids

General one component





General multi-component










Electric-insulating varnish





Etching filler





Extreme high-gloss





Extreme performance










High performance architectural





High temperature










Military specification










Pan backing





Prefabricated architectural multi-component





Prefabricated architectural one-component





Pretreatment coatings





Silicone release















Drum coating, new, exterior





Drum coating, new, interior





Drum coating, reconditioned, exterior





Drum coating, reconditioned, interior





I.L.2.b.(iii) Use products that comply with the following VOC content limits (excluding water and exempt compounds, as applied) in Table 2.

Table 2 - Metal parts and products VOC content limits (lb VOC/gallon coating)

Coating category

Air dried


kg VOC/l coating

lb VOC/gal coating

kg VOC/l coating

lb VOC/gal coating

General one component





General multi-component










Electric-insulating varnish





Etching filler





Extreme high-gloss





Extreme performance










High performance architectural





High temperature










Military specification










Pan backing





Prefabricated architectural multi-component





Prefabricated architectural one-component





Pretreatment coatings





Repair and touch-up





Silicone release















Drum coating, new, exterior





Drum coating, new, interior





General one component





Drum coating, reconditioned, exterior





Drum coating, reconditioned, interior





I.L.2.c. If more than one emission limitation in Sections I.L.2.a., I.L.2.b.(ii), or I.L.2.b.(iii) applies to a specific coating, then the least stringent emission limitation applies.
I.L.2.d. Pioneer Metal Finishing, Inc., a surface coating operation, is authorized pursuant to Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V. and Regulation Number 25, Part A, Section II.D.1.a. to use up to twenty (20) tons of certified emission reduction credits of volatile organic compounds (VOC) as an alternative compliance method to satisfy the surface coating emission limitations of Regulation Number 25 in accordance with and upon demonstration of the conditions set forth:
I.L.2.d.(i) Certified emission reduction credits for VOCs (methanol) to be used in this transaction were formerly owned by the Coors Brewing Company, registered and issued in Emissions Reduction Credit Permit 91AR120R on July 25, 1994;
I.L.2.d.(ii) Those emission reduction credits were originally obtained by Coors from Verticel, a company that produced honeycomb packaging material and was located within five miles of the PMF facility;
I.L.2.d.(iii) The use of these VOC emission reduction credits identified shall be used to satisfy VOC limitations of certain specified surface coatings in excess of Control Technique Guidance as specified in Regulation Number 25, Section I.L.2.a. and Section I.A.6.b., and applicable to the Pioneer Metal finishing operations;
I.L.2.d.(iv) Such emission reduction credits identified will be used by PMF to achieve compliance with Regulation Number 25 to compensate for ozone precursor emission of VOCs from non-compliant coatings which meet the emission trading requirements of Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V. In order to satisfy the photochemical reactivity equivalency requirement of VOC trades, the methanol VOC ERCs will be reduced on a ratio of 1.1:1 for VOCs of toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene and ketones emitted from non-compliant coatings. All other VOCs involved in this transaction are considered to be of the same degree of photochemical reactivity;
I.L.2.d.(v) The requirement in Regulation Number 3, Part A, Section V.F.2. shall not apply to this transaction;
I.L.2.d.(vi) This transaction is only valid within the Denver/Boulder nonattainment area as described at 40 CFR 81, Subchapter C-Air Programs, Subpart C, Section 107 - Attainment Status Designations, Section 81.306 (February 16, 1995);
I.L.2.d.(vii) This transaction shall be calculated upon a pound for pound basis and averaged over a maximum 24-hour period.
I.L.2.d.(viii) This transaction shall be effective upon approval by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a revision to the Colorado State Implementation Plan and after issuance of a State Construction Permit incorporating, but not limited to, the conditions and requirements of the Section;
I.L.2.d.(ix) This transaction may not be used to satisfy any current or future requirements of NSPS, BACT, LAER, or MACT requirements of HAPs which may apply to PMF, except that this transaction may be used to satisfy control technique guidance or RACT requirements contained in Regulation Number 25 which are applicable to PMF;
I.L.2.d.(x) This transaction shall not interfere with any applicable requirement concerning attainment and reasonable further progress in the Colorado State Implementation Plan or any other applicable requirements of the Clean Air Act;
I.L.2.d.(xi) This transaction shall be registered and enforced through a State Construction Permit issued to Pioneer Metal Finishing, Inc. containing, but not limited to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Section;
I.L.2.d.(xii) Such state Construction Permit issued to Pioneer Metal Finishing, Inc. shall specify, among other, things the necessary monitory, recordkeeping and reporting requirements to insure that the emission reduction credits are applied in accordance with the conditions and requirements of this Section;
I.L.2.d.(xiii) The state Construction Permit shall allow a daily maximum limitation of 160 lbs. of VOC emissions from non-compliant surface coatings and an annual limitation of 40,000 lbs. of non-compliant VOC emissions. The annual limitation shall be calculated on a 12-month rolling total calculated on the first day of each month using the previous 12 months.
I.L.2.d.(xiv) The state Construction Permit shall limit the VOC-HAP emissions to less than ten (10) per year of any one HAP or twenty-five (25) tons per year of any combination of HAP emissions; and
I.L.2.d.(xv) PMF will maintain records of daily and monthly totals of non-compliant surface coatings used in its operation and report such usages on an annual basis to the Division or as otherwise requested.
I.L.3. Application methods. Beginning January 1, 2022, unless the owner or operator is reducing VOC emissions by complying with Section I.L.2.b.(i), the owner or operator must use one or more of the following coating application methods
I.L.3.a. Electrostatic application.
I.L.3.b. High volume low pressure (HVLP) spray.
I.L.3.c. Flow coat.
I.L.3.d. Roller coat.
I.L.3.e. Dip coat, including electrodeposition.
I.L.3.f. Airless spray,
I.L.3.g. Air-assisted airless spray.
I.L.3.h. Other coating application method capable of achieving a transfer efficiency equivalent to or better than that achieved by HVLP spraying.
I.L.4. Work practices, beginning January 1, 2022, owners or operator's must
I.L.4.a. Store all VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials, cleaning materials, and used shop towels in closed containers.
I.L.4.b. Keep mixing and storage containers used for VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials, cleaning materials, and used shop towels closed at all times except when depositing or removing materials.
I.L.4.c. Minimize spills of VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials cleaning materials, and used shop towels.
I.L.4.d. Convey VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials, cleaning materials, and used shop towels in closed containers.
I.L.4.e. Minimize VOC emissions from cleaning of application, storage, mixing, and conveying equipment by cleaning equipment without atomizing the cleaning solvent and capturing spent solvent in closed containers.
I.L.5. Recordkeeping. Beginning January 1, 2022, owners or operators must maintain the following records for five (5) years and make them available to the Division upon request
I.L.5.a. Records of the calendar year VOC emission estimates demonstrating whether the coating operation meets or exceeds the applicability threshold in Section I.L.1.a.
I.L.5.b. If applicable, monthly records such as safety data sheets or other analytical data from the coating manufacturer showing the VOC type and VOC content used to comply with the control requirements in Sections I.L.2.b. and I.L.2.c.
I.L.5.c. If applicable, records demonstrating that a listed exemption to this Section I.L. applies.
I.L.5.d. If applicable, monthly records sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the control requirement in Section I.L.2.a.
I.M. Flat Wood Paneling Coating.
I.M.1. Definitions
I.M.1.a. "Class II Hardboard Paneling Finish" means finishes which meet the specifications of Voluntary Product Standard PS-59-73 as approved by the American National Standards Institute.
I.M.1.b. "Coating Application System" means all operations and equipment which apply, convey, and dry a surface coating, including, but not limited to, spray booths, flow coaters, conveyers, flashoff areas, air dryers and ovens.
I.M.1.c. "Hardboard" is a panel manufactured primarily from inter-felted ligno-cellulosic fibers which are consolidated under heat and pressure in a hot press.
I.M.1.d. "Hardboard Plywood" is plywood whose surface layer is a veneer of hardwood.
I.M.1.e. "Natural Finish Hardwood Plywood Panels" means panels whose original grain pattern is enhanced by essentially transparent finishes frequently supplemented by fillers and toners.
I.M.1.f. "Printed Interior Panels" means panels whose grain or natural surface is obscured by fillers and basecoats upon which a simulated grain or decorative pattern is printed.
I.M.1.g. "Thin Particleboard" is a manufactured board 1/4 inch or less in thickness made of individual wood particles which have been coated with a binder and formed into flat sheets by pressure.
I.M.1.h. "Tileboard" means paneling that has a colored waterproof surface coating.
I.M.2. Applicability

This section applies to all flat wood manufacturing and surface finishing facilities that manufacture printed interior panels made of hardwood plywood and thin particle board; natural finish hardwood plywood panels, or hardboard paneling with Class II finishes. This section does not apply to the manufacture of exterior siding, tileboard, or particleboard used as a furniture component.

I.M.3. Emission Limitations
I.M.3.a. 2.9 kg per 100 square meters of coated finished product (6.0 lb/1,000 sq. ft.) from printed interior panels, regardless of the number of coats applied;
I.M.3.b. 5.8 kg per 100 square meters of coated finished product (12.0 lb/1,000 sq. ft.) from natural finish hardwood plywood panels, regardless of the number of coats applied; and
I.M.3.c. 4.8 kg per 100 square meters of coated finished product (10.0 lb/1,000 sq. ft.) from Class II finishes on hardboard panels, regardless of the number of coats applied.
I.N. Manufacture of Pneumatic Rubber Tires
I.N.1. Definitions
I.N.1.a. "Bead Dipping" means the dipping of an assembled tire bead into a solvent-based cement.
I.N.1.b. "Green Tires" means assembled tires before holding and curing have occurred.
I.N.1.c. "Green Tire Spraying" means the spraying of green tires, both inside and outside, with release compounds which help remove air from the tire during molding and prevent the tire from sticking to the mold after curing.
I.N.1.d. "Pneumatic Rubber Tire Manufacture" means the production of pneumatic rubber, passenger type tires on a mass production basis.
I.N.1.e. "Passenger Type Tire" means agricultural, airplane, industrial, mobile home, light and medium duty truck, and passenger vehicle tires with a bead diameter up to 20.0 inches and cross section dimension up to 12.8 inches.
I.N.1.f. "Tread End Cementing" means the application of a solvent-based cement to the tire tread ends.
I.N.1.g. "Undertread Cementing" means the application of a solvent-based cement to the underside of a tire tread.
I.N.1.h. "Water Based Sprays" means release compounds, sprayed on the inside and outside of green tires, in which solids, water, and emulsifiers have been substituted for organic solvents.
I.N.2. Applicability

This section applies to VOC emissions from the following operations in all pneumatic rubber tire facilities: undertread cementing, tread end cementing, bead dipping, and green tire spraying.

The provisions of this section do not apply to the production of specialty tires for antique or other vehicles when produced on an irregular basis or with short production runs. This exemption applies only to tires produced on equipment separate from normal production lines for passenger type tires.

I.N.3. Provisions for Specific Processes
I.N.3.a. The owner or operator of an undertread cementing, tread end cementing, or bead dipping operation subject to this regulation shall:
I.N.3.a.(i) Install and operate a capture system, designed to achieve maximum reasonable capture, up to 85 percent by weight of VOC emitted, from all undertread cementing, tread end cementing and bead dipping operations. Maximum reasonable capture shall be consistent with the following documents:
I.N.3.a.(i)(A) Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practices, 17th Edition, American Federation of Industrial Hygienists, 1982.
I.N.3.a.(i)(B) Recommended Industrial Ventilation Guidelines, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, January 1976.
I.N.3.a.(ii) Install and operate a control device that meets the requirements of one of the following:
I.N.3.a.(ii)(A) A carbon adsorption system designed and operated in a manner such that there is at least a 95.0 percent removal of VOC by weight from the gases ducted to the control device; or,
I.N.3.a.(ii)(B) An incineration system that oxidizes at least 90.0 percent of the nonmethane volatile organic compounds (VOC measured as total combustible carbon) which enter the incinerator to carbon dioxide and water.
I.N.4. The owner or operator of a green tire spraying operation subject to this regulation must implement one of the following means of reducing volatile organic compound emissions:
I.N.4.a. Substitute water-based sprays for the normal solvent-based mold release compound; or,
I.N.4.a.(i) Install a capture system designed and operated in a manner that will capture and transfer at least 90.0 percent of the VOC emitted by the green tire spraying operation to a control device; and,
I.N.4.a.(ii) In addition to Section I.N.4.a.(i), install and operate a control device that meets the requirements of one of the following:
I.N.4.a.(ii)(A) a carbon adsorption system designed and operated in a manner such that there is at least 95.0 percent removal of VOC by weight from the gases ducted to the control device; or,
I.N.4.a.(ii)(B) an incineration system that oxidizes at least 90 percent of the nonmethane volatile organic compounds (VOC measured as total combustible carbon) to carbon dioxide and water.
I.N.5. Testing of capture system efficiency shall meet the requirements of Section I.A.5.e.
I.N.6. Control devices shall meet the applicable requirements, including recordkeeping, of Sections I.A.3.a., b., c., and e., and I.A.8.a. and b.
I.N.7. The applicable EPA reference methods 1 through 4, and 25, of 40 CFR Part 60 (March 23, 2021), shall be used to determine the efficiency of control devices.
I.O. Wood Products Coating
I.O.1. Definitions
I.O.1.a. "As Applied" means the VOC and solids content of the finishing material that is actually used for coating the substrate. It includes the contribution of materials used for in-house dilution of the finishing material.
I.O.1.b. "Cleaning Operation" means operations in which organic solvent is used to remove coating materials from equipment used in wood furniture manufacturing operations.
I.O.1.c. "Conventional Air Spray" means a spray coating method in which the coating is atomized by mixing it with compressed air at an air pressure greater than 10 pounds per square inch (gauge) at the point of atomization. Airless and air assisted spray technologies are not conventional air spray because the coating is not atomized by mixing it with compressed air. Electrostatic spray technology is also not considered conventional air spray because an electrostatic charge is employed to attract the coating to the workplace.
I.O.1.d. "Equipment Leak" means emissions of VOCs from pumps, valves, flanges, or other equipment used to transfer or apply finishing materials or organic solvents.
I.O.1.e. "Finishing Material" means a coating used in the wood furniture industry including, but not limited to, basecoats, stains, washcoats, sealers, and topcoats.
I.O.1.f. "Finishing Operation" means those activities in which a finishing material, including, but not limited to, basecoats, stains, washcoats, sealers, and topcoats, is applied to a substrate and is subsequently air-dried, cured in an oven, or cured by radiation.
I.O.1.g. "Organic Solvent" means a liquid containing VOCs that is used for dissolving or dispersing constituents in a coating, adjusting the viscosity of a coating, cleaning, or washoff. When used in a coating, the organic solvent evaporates during drying and does not become part of the dried film.
I.O.1.h. "Sealer" means a finishing material used to seal the pores of a wood substrate before additional coats of finishing material are applied. Washcoats, which are used in some finishing systems to optimize aesthetics, are not sealers.
I.O.1.i. "Strippable Booth Coating" means a coating that is applied to a booth wall to provide a protective film to receive overspray during finishing operations that is subsequently peeled off and disposed, and reduces or eliminates the need to use organic solvents to clean booth walls.
I.O.1.j. "Topcoat" means the last film-building finishing material applied in a finishing system. Non-permanent final finishes are not topcoats.
I.O.1.k. "Washcoat" means a transparent special purpose coating that has a solids content by weight of 12 percent or less. Washcoats are applied over initial stains to protect and control color and to stiffen the wood fibers in order to aid sanding.
I.O.1.l. "Washoff Operation" means those operations in which organic solvent is used to remove coating from a substrate.
I.O.1.m. "Wood Furniture" means any product made of wood, a wood product such as rattan or wicker, or an engineer wood product such as particleboard.
I.O.1.n. "Wood Furniture Component" means any part that is used in the manufacture of wood furniture including, but not limited to, drawer sides, cabinet doors, seat cushions, and laminated tops.
I.O.1.o. "Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operation" means the finishing, cleaning, and washoff operations associated with the production of wood furniture or wood furniture components.
I.O.2. Applicability

This section applies to wood furniture manufacturing operations with uncontrolled actual VOC emissions greater than or equal to 25 tons per calendar year.

Beginning July 1, 2021, this section applies to other wood products coating operations with uncontrolled actual VOC emissions greater than or equal to 50 tons per year (as of January 27, 2020, located in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area).

Beginning May 1, 2023, this section applies to other wood products coating operations with uncontrolled actual VOC emissions greater than or equal to 25 tons per year (as of November 7, 2022, located in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area).

I.O.3. Emission Limitations
I.O.3.a. The owner or operator of a wood furniture manufacturing or other wood products coating operation must limit VOC emissions from finishing operations by:
I.O.3.a.(i) Using topcoats with a VOC content equal to or less than 0.8 lb VOC/lb solids (0.8 kg VOC/kg solids); or
I.O.3.a.(ii) Using a finishing system of:
I.O.3.a.(ii)(A) Sealers with a VOC content equal to or less than 1.9 lb VOC/lb solids (1.9 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied; and
I.O.3.a.(ii)(B) Topcoats with a VOC content equal to or less than 1.8 lb VOC/lb solids (1.8 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied; or
I.O.3.a.(iii) For sources using acid-cured alkyd amino vinyl sealers or acid-cured alkyd amino conversion varnish topcoats:
I.O.3.a.(iii)(A) Use acid-cured alkyd amino vinyl sealers with a VOC content equal to or less than 2.3 lb VOC/lb solids (2.3 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied, and an acid-cured alkyd amino conversion varnish topcoat with a VOC content equal to or less than 2.0 lb VOC/lb solids (2.0 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied; or
I.O.3.a.(iii)(B) Use acid-cured alkyd amino conversion varnish topcoat with a VOC content equal to or less than 2.0 lb VOC/lb solids (2.0 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied, and sealers with a VOC content equal to or less than 1.9 lb VOC/lb solids (1.9 kg VOC/kg solids); or
I.O.3.a.(iii)(C) Use acid-cured alkyd amino vinyl sealers with a VOC content equal to or less than 2.3 lb VOC/lb solids (2.3 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied, and topcoats with a VOC content equal to or less than 1.8 lb VOC/lb solids (1.8 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied.
I.O.3.b. The owner or operator of a wood furniture manufacturing or other wood products coating operation must use strippable booth coatings with a VOC content equal to or less than 0.8 lb VOC/lb solids (0.8 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied.
I.O.3.c. The owner or operator of a wood furniture manufacturing or other wood products coating operation must use compounds containing equal to or less than 8.0 percent by weight of VOC for cleaning spray booth components other than conveyors, continuous coaters and their enclosures, and/or metal filters, unless the spray booth is being refurbished. If the spray booth is refurbished (i.e., spray booth coating or other material used to cover the booth is being replaced), the owner or operator must use equal to or less than 1.0 gallon of organic solvent to prepare the booth prior to applying the booth coating.
I.O.4. Work Practices
I.O.4.a. In addition to complying with Sections I.A.7. and I.A.9., the owner or operator of a wood furniture manufacturing or other wood products coating operation must:
I.O.4.a.(i) Develop an operator training program that includes, at a minimum, appropriate application techniques, appropriate cleaning and washoff procedures, appropriate equipment setup and adjustment to minimize finishing material usage and overspray, and appropriate management of cleanup wastes;
I.O.4.a.(ii) Conduct monthly visual inspections of all equipment used to transfer or apply finishing materials or organic solvents for equipment leaks and repair equipment leaks within 15 working days, or within 3 months if the leaking equipment must be replaced by a new purchase;
I.O.4.a.(iii) Collect cleaning and washoff solvents into closed containers;
I.O.4.a.(iv) Use conventional air spray guns only to:
I.O.4.a.(iv)(A) Apply finishing materials with a VOC content equal to or less than 1.0 lb VOC/lb solids (1.0 kg VOC/kg solids), as applied;
I.O.4.a.(iv)(B) Touch-up and repair after completion of the finishing operation, after stain and before other finishing material, or to apply stain on a part for which it is technically or economically infeasible to use any other spray application technology.
I.O.5. Recordkeeping
I.O.5.a. The owner or operator of a wood furniture manufacturing or other wood products coating operation must keep the following records for five (5) years and make them available for inspection by the Division upon request:
I.O.5.a.(i) Records of calendar year VOC emission estimates demonstrating whether the wood furniture manufacturing operation means or exceeds the applicability threshold in Section I.O.2.;
I.O.5.a.(ii) Records of the operator training program;
I.O.5.a.(iii) Records of the date and results of the monthly equipment inspections and any repairs that were made;
I.O.5.a.(iv) Records such as, but not limited to, data sheets documenting how the as applied values were determined and safety data sheets or other analytical data from the manufacturer showing the VOC content of each sealer, topcoat, strippable booth coating, or cleaning booth compound subject to the emission limits in Section I.O.3.; and
I.O.5.a.(v) Monthly records of the quantity and type of organic cleaning and washoff solvent used.
I.P. Motor Vehicle Materials
I.P.1. Applicability
I.P.1.a. Beginning May 1, 2023, this section applies to automotive coating facilities where the total actual VOC emissions from motor vehicle materials and automotive coatings, including related cleaning activities, at that facility are equal to or greater than 2.7 tons per 12-month rolling period, before consideration of controls.
I.P.1.b. Beginning sixty days after the effective date of a finding by EPA of a failure by Colorado to attain by the moderate ozone attainment date or meet an applicable milestone under the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, this section applies to any person who manufactures, distributes, and/or sells automotive coatings that are used to coat any part or component of motor vehicles (such as cars, buses, and golf carts) or mobile equipment (such as railcars and tractors).
I.P.1.c. This section does not apply to
I.P.1.c.(i) Automotive coatings or associated solvents offered for sale, sold, or manufactured for use outside of Colorado or for shipment to other manufacturers for reformulation or repackaging.
I.P.1.c.(ii) Aerosol coating products.
I.P.1.c.(iii) Automotive coatings sold, supplied, or offered for sale in 0.5 fluid ounce or smaller containers intended to be used by the general public to repair tiny surface imperfections.
I.P.1.c.(iv) Automotive coating facilities subject to Section I.B.
I.P.2. Definitions
I.P.2.a. "Adhesion Promoter" means a coating that is labeled and formulated to be applied to uncoated plastic surfaces to facilitate bonding of subsequent coatings and on which a subsequent coating is applied.
I.P.2.b. "Associated Parts and Components" means structures, devices, pieces, modules, sections, assemblies, subassemblies, or elements of motor vehicles or mobile equipment that are designed to be a part of motor vehicles or mobile equipment but which are not attached to motor vehicles or mobile equipment at the time of coating the structure, device, piece, module, section, assembly, subassembly. Associated parts and components does not include circuit boards.
I.P.2.c. "Automotive Coating Facility" means any shop, business, location, or parcel of land where motor vehicles or mobile equipment or their associated parts and components are coated, including autobody collision repair shops. Automotive coating facility does not include the original equipment manufacturing plant where the motor vehicle or mobile equipment is completely assembled.
I.P.2.d. "Clear Coating" means any coating that contains no pigments and is labeled and formulated for application over a color coating or clear coating.
I.P.2.e. "Color Coating" means any pigmented coating applied over a primer, adhesion promotor, or color coating that requires a subsequent clear coating. Color coatings include metallic/iridescent color coatings. Color coatings does not include adhesion promotors, primers, and multi-color coatings.
I.P.2.f. "Metallic/Iridescent Color Coating" means any coating that contains more than 0.042 pounds per gallon (5 grams per liter) of metal or iridescent particles as applied, where such particles are visible in the dried film.
I.P.2.g. "Mobile Equipment" means any device that may be drawn and/or driven on rails or a roadway including, but not limited to, trains, railcars, truck trailers, mobile cranes, bulldozers, street cleaners, and implements of husbandry or agriculture.
I.P.2.h. "Motor Vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle including, but not limited to, cars, trucks, buses, golf carts, vans, motorcycles, tanks, and armored personnel carriers.
I.P.2.i. "Motor Vehicle Bedliner" means a multi-component coating applied to a cargo bed after the application of topcoat to provide additional durability and chip resistance.
I.P.2.j. "Motor Vehicle Cavity Wax" means a coating applied into the cavities of the vehicle primarily for the purpose of enhancing corrosion protection.
I.P.2.k. "Motor Vehicle Deadener" means a coating applied to selected vehicle surfaces primarily for the purpose of reducing the sound of road noise in the passenger compartment.
I.P.2.l. "Motor Vehicle Gasket/Sealing Material" means a fluid applied to coat a gasket or replace and perform the same function as a gasket and includes room temperature vulcanization (RTV) seal material.
I.P.2.m. "Motor Vehicle Lubricating Wax/Compound" means a protective lubricating material applied to vehicle hubs and hinges.
I.P.2.n. "Motor Vehicle Sealer" means a high viscosity material generally, but not always, applied in the paint shop after the body has received an electrodeposition primer coating and before the application of subsequent coatings (e.g., primer-surfacer) with the primary purpose to fill body joints completely so that there is no intrusion of water, gases, or corrosive materials into the passenger area of the body compartment. The material may also be referred to as sealant, sealant primer, or caulk.
I.P.2.o. "Motor Vehicle Trunk Interior Coating" means a coating applied to the trunk interior to provide chip protection.
I.P.2.p. "Motor Vehicle Underbody Coating" means a coating applied to the undercarriage or firewall to prevent corrosion and/or provide chip protection.
I.P.2.q. "Multi-color Coating" means any coating that exhibits more than one color in the dried film after a single application and is packaged in a single container.
I.P.2.r. "Pretreatment Coating" means any coating that contains a minimum of one-half percent acid by weight and not more than 16 percent solids by weight necessary to provide surface etching and is labeled and formulated for application directly to bare metal surfaces to provide corrosion resistance and adhesion.
I.P.2.s. "Primer" means any coating labeled and formulated for application to a substrate to provide a bond between the substrate and subsequent coats, corrosion resistance, a smooth substrate surface, or resistance to penetration of subsequent coats and on which a subsequent coating is applied. Primers may be pigmented.
I.P.2.t. "Primer Sealer" means any coating labeled and formulated for application prior to the application of a color coating for the purpose of color uniformity or to promote the ability of the underlying coating to resist penetration by the color coating.
I.P.2.u. "Single-stage Coating" means any pigmented coating labeled and formulated for application without a subsequent clear coat. Single-stage coatings include single-stage metallic/iridescent coatings. Single-stage coating does not include primers and multi-color coatings.
I.P.2.v. "Temporary Protective Coating" means any coating which is labeled and formulated for the purpose of temporarily protecting areas from overspray or mechanical damage.
I.P.2.w. "Truck Bedliner Coating" means any coating labeled and formulated for application to a truck bed to protect it from surface abrasion. Truck bedliner coating does not include clear, color, multi-color, and single-stage coatings.
I.P.2.x. "Underbody Coating" means any coating labeled and formulated for application to wheel wells, the inside of door panels or fenders, the underside of a trunk or hood, or the underside of the motor vehicle.
I.P.2.y. "Uniform Finish Coating" means any coating labeled and formulated for application to the area around a spot repair for the purpose of blending a repaired area's color or clear coat to match the appearance of an adjacent area's existing coating.
I.P.3. Beginning sixty days after the effective date of a finding by EPA of a failure by Colorado to attain by the moderate ozone attainment date or meet an applicable milestone under the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, no person can
I.P.3.a. Manufacture for sale in Colorado any automotive coating with a VOC content in excess of the VOC limit specified in Table 4.
I.P.3.b. Sell, supply, offer for sale, or distribute for sale in Colorado any automotive coating that is manufactured on or after the date in Section I.P.3. with a VOC content in excess of the VOC limit specified in Table 4.
I.P.4. Except as specified by the timing in Section I.P.4.b., the owner or operator of automotive coating facilities must
I.P.4.a. Use products that comply with the following VOC content limits in Table 3 or reduce VOC emissions from motor vehicle materials with an emission control system having a control efficiency of 90% or greater.
I.P.4.b. Beginning sixty days after the effective date of a finding by EPA of a failure by Colorado to attain by the moderate ozone attainment date or meet an applicable milestone under the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, use products manufactured on or after that effective date that comply with the following VOC content limits in Table 4 or reduce VOC emissions from automotive coatings with an emission control system having a control efficiency of 90% or greater.
I.P.4.c. Use solvents with a VOC content less than or equal to 25 grams per liter.
I.P.4.d. If more than one emission limitation applies to a specific material, then the most stringent emission limitation applies.

Table 3 - Motor vehicle materials VOC content limits

Coating Category

kg VOC/liter coating

lbs VOC/gal coating

Motor vehicle cavity wax



Motor vehicle sealer



Motor vehicle deadener



Motor vehicle gasket/gasket sealing material



Motor vehicle underbody coating



Motor vehicle trunk interior coating



Motor vehicle bedliner



Motor vehicle lubricating wax/compound



Table 4 - Automotive coatings VOC content limits

Coating Category


lbs/gallon (minus water and exempt compounds)

Adhesion promoter



Clear coating



Color coating



Multi-color coating



Pretreatment coating






Single-stage coating



Temporary protective coating



Truck bedliner coating



Underbody coating



Uniform finish coating



Any other coating type



I.P.5. Application methods. Unless the owner or operator of the automotive coating facility is reducing VOC emissions by complying with Section I.P.4.a. and except for the application of underbody coatings, truck bedliner coatings, and coatings of less than one fluid ounce, the owner or operator must use one or more of the following coating application methods
I.P.5.a. Electrostatic application.
I.P.5.b. High volume low pressure (HVLP) spray.
I.P.5.c. Flow coat.
I.P.5.d. Roller coat.
I.P.5.e. Dip coat, including electrodeposition.
I.P.5.f. Airless spray,
I.P.5.g. Air-assisted airless spray.
I.P.5.h. Other coating application method capable of achieving a transfer efficiency equivalent to or better than that achieved by HVLP spraying, as approved by EPA.
I.P.6. Work practices. Owners or operators of automotive coating facilities must
I.P.6.a. Store all VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials, cleaning materials, and used shop towels in closed containers.
I.P.6.b. Keep mixing and storage containers used for VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials, cleaning materials, and used shop towels closed at all times except when depositing or removing materials.
I.P.6.c. Minimize spills of VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating-related waste materials cleaning materials, and used shop towels.
I.P.6.d. Convey VOC containing coatings, thinners, coating related waste materials, cleaning materials, and used shop towels in closed containers.
I.P.6.e. Minimize VOC emissions from cleaning of application, storage, mixing, and conveying equipment by cleaning equipment without atomizing the cleaning solvent and capturing spent solvent in closed containers.
I.P.7. Recordkeeping.
I.P.6.a. Except as specified by the timing in Section I.P.6.e., owners or operators of automotive coating facilities must maintain the following records for five (5) years and make them available to the Division upon request.
I.P.6.a.(i) Records of the calendar year VOC emission estimates demonstrating whether the coating operation meets or exceeds the applicability threshold in Section I.P.1.a.
I.P.6.a.(ii) If applicable, monthly records such as safety data sheets or other analytical data from the product manufacturer showing the VOC type and VOC content and demonstrating compliance with the VOC content limits in Table 3.
I.P.6.a.(iii) If applicable, records demonstrating that a listed exemption to this Section I.P. applies.
I.P.6.a.(iv) If applicable, monthly records sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the control requirement in Section I.P.4.a.
I.P.6.a.(v) If applicable, records sufficient to demonstrate that a coating application method used pursuant to Section I.P.5.h. is capable of achieving a transfer efficiency equivalent to or better than that achieved by HVLP spraying.
I.P.6.a.(vi) Beginning sixty days after the effective date of a finding by EPA of a failure by Colorado to attain by the moderate ozone attainment date or meet an applicable milestone under the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, maintain records such as safety data sheets or other analytical data from the product manufacturer showing the VOC type and VOC content and demonstrating compliance with the VOC content limits in Table 4.
I.P.6.b. Beginning sixty days after the effective date of a finding by EPA of a failure by Colorado to attain by the moderate ozone attainment date or meet an applicable milestone under the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard, manufacturers, sellers, and distributors must maintain the following records for five (5) years and make them available to the Division upon request.
I.P.6.b.(i) Records demonstrating that the automotive coating meets the applicable VOC content limit specified in Table 4.
I.P.6.b.(ii) Records demonstrating that the automotive coating label includes the applicable use category(ies) and the VOC content as supplied.

5 CCR 1001-29-B-I

46 CR 10, May 25, 2023, effective 6/14/2023