5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-26-C-I

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1001-26-C-I - Recovered Methane Protocols and Crediting and Tracking System
I.A. Applicability
I.A.1. This Part C applies to projects for the generation of recovered methane credits used in clean heat plans for gas distribution utilities, municipal gas distribution utilities, or small gas distribution utilities.
I.A.2. Only recovered methane produced on or after the effective date of this rule shall be eligible for recovered methane credits.
I.B. Definitions
I.B.1. "Active Coal Mine" means a coal mine where any one of the following five conditions apply.
I.B.1.a. Mine development is underway.
I.B.1.b. Coal has been produced within the last 90 days.
I.B.1.c. Mine personnel are present in the mine workings.
I.B.1.d. Mine ventilation fans are operative.
I.B.1.e. The mine is designated as an "intermittent" mine by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).
I.B.2. "Anaerobic digester" means a system where wastes are collected in containment vessels or covered lagoons where organic material is broken down by bacterial microorganisms in an oxygen-free environment. Anaerobic digesters stabilize waste by the microbial reduction of complex organic compounds to carbon dioxide and methane.
I.B.3. "Biomethane" means a mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons released from the biological decomposition of organic materials that is primarily methane and provides a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and includes biomethane recovered from manure management systems or anaerobic digesters that has been processed to meet pipeline quality.
I.B.4. "Clean heat plan" means a comprehensive plan submitted by a gas distribution utility or small gas distribution utility to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, or by a municipal gas distribution utility to the Division, that demonstrates projected reductions in methane and carbon dioxide emissions that, together, meet the required reductions for gas distribution utilities under § 40-3.2-108, C.R.S. or for municipal gas distribution utilities under § 25-7-105(1)(e) (X.8), C.R.S., or the proposed reductions in the plan for small gas distribution utilities, at the lowest reasonable cost.
I.B.5. "Coal mine methane" means methane captured from active and inactive coal mines where the methane is escaping to the atmosphere. In the case of methane escaping from active mines, only methane vented in the normal course of mine operations that is naturally escaping to the atmosphere is coal mine methane.
I.B.6. "Credit generation date" means the earliest date that a recovered methane credit is first issued on any carbon offset registry, such as with ACR or the Climate Action Reserve Offset Program, or the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system.
I.B.7. "Dedicated pipeline" means a conveyance of recovered methane that is not a part of a common carrier pipeline system, and which conveys recovered methane from where it is generated to a common carrier pipeline or to the end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced so long as the recovered methane replaces geological gas supplied by a gas distribution utility, small gas distribution utility, or municipal gas distribution utility.
I.B.8. "Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant" has the same meaning as defined by the Water Quality Control Commission in 5 Code of Colo. Regs. (CCR) 1002-22 (June 14, 2020).
I.B.9. "Gas distribution utility" means a public utility providing gas service to more than ninety thousand retail customers. Gas distribution utility does not include a municipal gas distribution utility.
I.B.10. "Gas system leaks" means methane that would have leaked without repairs of the gas distribution and service pipelines from the city gate to customer end use.
I.B.11. "Geological gas" means methane and other hydrocarbons that occur underground without human intervention and are used as fuel.
I.B.12. "Inactive Coal Mine" means a coal mine where none of the conditions in Section I.B.1. apply.
I.B.13. "Municipal gas distribution utility" means a municipally owned utility that provides gas service to more than ninety thousand customers.
I.B.14. "Pyrolysis" means the thermochemical decomposition of material at elevated temperatures without the participation of oxygen.
I.B.15. "Recovered methane" means any of the following that are located in Colorado, and meet a recovered methane protocol in Section I.C., and is delivered to or within Colorado through a dedicated pipeline or through a common carrier pipeline if the source of the recovered methane injects the recovered methane into a common carrier pipeline that physically flows within Colorado or toward the end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced.
I.B.15.a. Biomethane
I.B.15.b. Coal mine methane where capture is not otherwise required by state or federal law.
I.B.15.c. Gas system leaks
I.B.15.d. Methane derived from:
I.B.15.d.(i) Municipal solid waste
I.B.15.d.(ii) Pyrolysis of municipal solid waste.
I.B.15.d.(iii) Biomass pyrolysis or enzymatic biomass.
I.B.15.d.(iv) Wastewater treatment.
I.B.16. "Recovered methane credit" means a tradable instrument that represents a greenhouse gas emission reduction or greenhouse gas removal enhancement of one metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) that is real, additional, quantifiable, permanent, verifiable, and enforceable. Recovered methane credits do not include emission reductions or removal enhancements required or accounted for by a proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation.
I.B.17. "Recovered methane protocol" means a documented set of procedures and requirements that quantify ongoing greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements achieved by a recovered methane project and that calculate the project baseline.
I.B.18. "Small gas distribution utility" mean a public utility providing gas service to ninety thousand retail customers or fewer. Small gas distribution utility does not include a municipal gas distribution utility.
I.C. Recovered Methane Protocols
I.C.1. Recovered methane must be represented by a recovered methane credit generated pursuant to any of the recovered methane protocols in Part C, Sections I.C.2. through I.C.6. in order to count toward greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements in a clean heat plan for a gas distribution utility, municipal gas distribution utility, or a small gas distribution utility.
I.C.2. Biomethane from manure management systems
I.C.2.a. The "Compliance Offset Protocol Livestock Projects" adopted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on November 14, 2014, shall be used to quantify ongoing greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements for biomethane recovered from manure management systems through a recovered methane project eligible under the protocol and to calculate the project baseline.
I.C.2.b. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from vehicle transportation for the delivery of biomethane recovered from a manure management system to a dedicated pipeline, common carrier pipeline, or directly to an end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced shall be accounted for by tracking fuel use attributed to that transportation for both pick-up and delivery of the recovered methane and applying the appropriate emission factor for the fuel type as found in Table MM-1 or Table MM-2 of Subpart MM of 40 CFR, Part 98.
I.C.2.c. A manure management system subject to a proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation that applies to the destruction of methane from the manure management system, such as through flaring, is only eligible for recovered methane credits issued by the Division for greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions achieved above and beyond the reductions required by such proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation when using the CARB "Compliance Offset Protocol Livestock Projects".
I.C.3. Methane derived from municipal solid waste
I.C.3.a. Version 2.0 of the "Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects" methodology (April 2021; Errata & Clarification March 17, 2023), issued by ACR shall be used to quantify ongoing greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements for methane derived from a municipal solid waste landfill through a recovered methane project eligible under the methodology or protocol and to calculate the project baseline.
I.C.3.b. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from vehicle transportation for the delivery of methane recovered from a municipal solid waste landfill to a dedicated pipeline, common carrier pipeline, or directly to an end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced shall be accounted for by tracking fuel use attributed to that transportation for both pick-up and delivery of the recovered methane and applying the appropriate emission factor for the fuel type as found in Table MM-1 or Table MM-2 of Subpart MM of 40 CFR, Part 98 .
I.C.3.c. A municipal solid waste landfill subject to a proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation that applies to the destruction of methane from the landfill, such as through flaring, is only eligible for recovered methane credits issued by the Division for greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions achieved above and beyond the reductions required by such proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation when using the ACR "Landfill Gas Destruction and Beneficial Use Projects" methodology.
I.C.4. Methane derived from wastewater treatment
I.C.4.a. Version 2.1 of the "Organic Waste Digestion Protocol" (January 16, 2014; Errata and Clarifications November 1, 2018) issued by the Climate Action Reserve (CAR) shall be used to quantify ongoing greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements for methane derived from wastewater treatment through a recovered methane project eligible under the protocol and to calculate the project baseline. Projects that exclusively accept or rely on livestock manure cannot use the CAR "Organic Waste Digestion Protocol" and must utilize the "Compliance Offset Protocol Livestock Projects" adopted by CARB on November 14, 2014.
I.C.4.b. Domestic wastewater treatment plants with anaerobic digesters that will be installed or are in operation may apply for recovered methane credits using the protocol in this Section I.C.4.b.
I.C.4.b.(i) The project baseline for a domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWWTP) with anaerobic digesters is established by the process design report (PDR) for the construction or expansion of the plant that includes the anaerobic digesters submitted to and approved by the Colorado Water Quality Control Division (WQCD). If the PDR does not specify the final use or treatment of the methane from the anaerobic digesters, the DWWTP must submit documentation such as air permits, emissions recordkeeping, or facility schematics (signed by Colorado Professional Engineer), to establish the baseline. The PDR for the DWWTP and the approval issued by the WQCD for the design, or other documentation used to establish the baseline, must be included in the information provided pursuant to Section I.D.1.c.
I.C.4.b.(ii) If the PDR approved by the WQCD, or the other supporting documentation identified in Section I.C.4.b.(i), specifies that methane from the anaerobic digesters will be routed to a flare for combustion or otherwise captured and utilized, that will be included in the project baseline and be used to determine what is additional for recovered methane credit eligibility.
I.C.4.b.(iii) Where the project baseline includes existing control or capture and utilization of recovered methane, credits for the recovered methane will only be issued for emission reductions resulting from the recovered methane displacing geological gas for an end use that would otherwise be serviced by a gas distribution utility, municipal gas distribution utility, or small gas distribution utility according to the methodology in Section I.C.4.b.(iv).
I.C.4.b.(iv) Emission reductions shall be calculated using the applicable calculation methodology for local distribution companies (LDCs) described in Subpart NN of 40 CFR Part 98 at Section 98.403(a), and the volume of natural gas supplied in the calculation will be the volume of recovered methane that has displaced geological gas.
I.C.4.b.(v) As used in Section I.C.4.b.(iv), the volume of recovered methane shall be measured at the point of delivery of the recovered methane to a dedicated pipeline or common carrier pipeline, at which point the recovered methane is determined to be replacing geological gas. The measurement location must be specified in the information provided pursuant to Section I.D.1.a.
I.C.4.b.(vi) The monitoring and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) requirements in Section 98.404, procedures for estimating missing data in Section 98.405, data reporting requirements in Section 98.406(b)(11), and records that must be retained in Section 98.407 of Subpart NN of 40 CFR Part 98 must be followed as applicable to the calculation methodology in Section 98.403(a) of Subpart NN that is used and the results of that calculation. The point of measurement requirements in Section 98.404 do not have to be followed because the point of measurement for the recovered methane is specified in Section I.C.4.b.(v) of this Regulation Number 22, Part C.
I.C.4.b.(vii) Use of this protocol does not obligate any owner or operator of a domestic wastewater treatment plant to comply with Sarbanes Oxley regulations.
I.C.4.c. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from vehicle transportation for the delivery of methane recovered from wastewater treatment or a domestic wastewater treatment plant to a dedicated pipeline, common carrier pipeline, or directly to an end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced shall be accounted for by tracking fuel use attributed to that transportation for both pick-up and delivery of the recovered methane and applying the appropriate emission factor for the fuel type as found in Table MM-1 or Table MM-2 of Subpart MM of 40 CFR, Part 98 .
I.C.4.d. A wastewater treatment facility or operation subject to a proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation that applies to the destruction of methane generated from wastewater treatment, such as through flaring, is only eligible for recovered methane credits issued by the Division for greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions achieved above and beyond the reductions required by such proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation when using the CAR "Organic Waste Digestion Protocol" in Section I.C.4.a. or the domestic wastewater treatment plant protocol in Section I.C.4.b.
I.C.5. Coal mine methane
I.C.5.a. Version 1.1 of the "Capturing and Destroying Methane from Coal and Trona Mines in North America" methodology (August 22: Errata & Clarification April 28, 2023) issued by ACR shall be used to quantify ongoing greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements for coal mine methane through a recovered methane project eligible under the methodology or protocol and to calculate the project baseline.
I.C.5.b. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from vehicle transportation for the delivery of methane recovered from a coal mine to a dedicated pipeline, common carrier pipeline, or directly to an end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced shall be accounted for by tracking fuel use attributed to that transportation for both pick-up and delivery of the recovered methane and applying the appropriate emission factor for the fuel type as found in Table MM-1 or Table MM-2 of Subpart MM of 40 CFR, Part 98 .
I.C.5.c. An active or inactive coal mine subject to a proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation that applies to the destruction of methane from the coal mine, such as through flaring, is only eligible for recovered methane credits issued by the Division for greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions achieved above and beyond the reductions required by such proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation when using the ACR "Capturing and Destroying Methane from Coal and Trona Mines in North America" methodology.
I.C.6. Gas system leaks
I.C.6.a. Recovered methane credits for gas system leak mitigation may only be issued where direct quantification of the leak occurs. To be eligible for recovered methane credits, leak mitigation projects must:
I.C.6.a.(i) Occur at a location within the gas distribution system between the city gate and the customer meter.
I.C.6.a.(ii) Have leaks quantified following written company procedures and calculation methods meeting each of the following requirements.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(A) The written procedures must specify each category or type of equipment (i.e. underground main, underground service, meter, flange, etc.) that is part of the leak detection and repair project for which recovered methane credits will be requested.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(B) The written procedures must specify how the gas flow rate of the leak will be measured or calculated for each equipment type or category, including quality assurance requirements, estimated uncertainty of measurement device(s) used, and data to be collected. Examples of measurement techniques include, but are not limited to, pipeline pressure and physical parameters, flow rate meters, high flow samplers, and bag sampling.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(C) The written procedures must specify how the post-repair verification that gas is no longer leaking at the repaired location will be measured or calculated.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(C)(1) Where the equipment or technique used for the post-repair inspection is not the same as that used for the initial leak rate determination, the written procedures must specify the records to be collected and provided to the verifying entity for certification for the post-repair demonstration.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(C)(2) For leaks that are mitigated by repairing existing equipment or components, the equipment or technique used to verify the leak has been repaired must have a detection sensitivity equal to or higher than the equipment or technique used for initially measuring the leak rate.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(C)(3) For leaks that are mitigated by permanently removing the equipment or components from the gas distribution system, a post-repair leak rate determination is not required. Documentation of the permanent removal of the equipment or components shall be provided to the verifying entity.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(D) The written procedures must include a methodology for determining methane concentration of the leak. Methods for determining methane concentration include, but are not limited to, system gas chromatographs, bag sampling and lab analysis, portable gas chromatographs, and combustible gas instruments (CGI) that are capable of determining concentrations of methane either in ppm or percent gas measurements.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(E) The written procedures must specify the survey frequency for each category or type of equipment. Survey frequencies may include one-time studies to find large emission sources, annual, or shorter frequencies.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(F) The written procedures must use the following time durations to calculate the methane leakage mitigated from the project.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(F)(1) For one-time studies, the time duration shall be six months from the date and hour that the leak was verified to be repaired.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(F)(2) For surveys conducted annually or less frequently, the time duration shall be six months.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(F)(3) For survey frequencies shorter than annual, the time duration shall be one-half the time interval between surveys, not to exceed six months.
I.C.6.a.(ii)(G) The baseline for the leak repair project is determined by multiplying the gas flow rate of the leak, methane concentration, and time duration allowed by Section I.C.6.a.(ii)(F), and converting to carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. The amount of recovered methane eligible for recovered methane credit from the project is equal to the baseline.
I.C.6.a.(iii) Each applicant must submit its written procedures to the Division for approval. The Division will review the written procedures and notify the applicant of any deficiencies. If notified of deficiencies, the applicant may submit revised written procedures for final approval. The applicant must receive Division approval in writing before any recovered methane credits can be generated under this Section I.C.6.
I.C.6.a.(iv) Quantification of emissions following the written procedures specified in Part C, Section I.C.6.a.(ii) shall be verified by an accredited body or organization as specified in Part C, Section I.C.7.a.
I.C.6.b. Gas system leaks subject to a proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation that requires the detection and repair of the leaks are not eligible for recovered methane credits.
I.C.7. Entity accreditation for verifying greenhouse gas reductions or removal enhancements from recovered methane projects
I.C.7.a. All greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements demonstrated through the use of an approved recovered methane protocol under this Part C, Section I.C. to an applicable recovered methane project, except projects for biomethane from manure management systems, must be verified by a body or organization that is accredited to conduct verification for the specific project type under the Accreditation Program for Greenhouse Gas Validation/Verification Bodies (GHGVVB) of the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB), part of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and in accordance with the most current version(s) of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14065 required by ANAB for accreditation and to conduct verification.
I.C.7.b. Greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements from recovered methane projects for biomethane from manure management systems must be verified by a CARB-accredited offset verification body that is accredited to conduct verification for livestock projects.
I.D. Recovered Methane Crediting and Tracking System
I.D.1. An entity seeking issuance of credits to it in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system must submit the following information to the Division no more than twelve months from the date methane was recovered from a project in order for that methane to be eligible for credits:
I.D.1.a. The name and a detailed description of the recovered methane project; the start date and, if applicable, end date of the project; the date(s) methane was recovered from the project for which credit issuance is being sought, and; the amount of recovered methane in standard cubic feet for which credit issuance is being sought.
I.D.1.a.(i) If a detailed description of the project has been provided to the Division in a prior application for credits from the project and there has been no change in how the project operates, then the description of the project may be excluded from subsequent application(s) for credits from the project.
I.D.1.b. The credit generation date of any credits being transferred from an outside carbon offset registry under Sections I.D.3., I.D.4. or I.D.5. as applicable, to the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system.
I.D.1.c. Proof that the applicable approved recovered methane protocol under Part C, Section I.C. has been used to establish the credits being sought from the recovered methane project. This must include all data and information specified in the protocol that is used for the quantification of emissions and monitoring requirements as it relates to the credits being sought.
I.D.1.d. Proof that the recovered methane project is located in Colorado, which must include:
I.D.1.d.(i) Physical street address of the project including the city and zip code. If the project does not have a physical street address, then the project must provide the latitude and longitude representing the geographic centroid or center point of facility operations in decimal degree format. This must be provided in a comma-delimited "latitude, longitude" coordinate pair reported in decimal degrees to at least four digits to the right of the decimal point; and
I.D.1.d.(ii) The AIRS ID associated with the project or facility where the project is located if an AIRS ID has been assigned to the project or facility by the Division.
I.D.1.e. Proof that the recovered methane derived from the project for which credit issuance is being sought has been delivered to or within Colorado through a dedicated pipeline or through a common carrier pipeline that physically flows within Colorado or toward an end user in Colorado for which the recovered methane was produced.
I.D.1.e.(i) If the recovered methane is delivered from a project directly to an end user, then the name and address of the end user must be provided along with proof that the recovered methane replaced geological gas otherwise supplied to that end user by a gas distribution, small gas distribution, or municipal gas distribution utility.
I.D.1.e.(ii) If vehicle transportation was used for the delivery of recovered methane from a project to a dedicated pipeline, common carrier pipeline, or directly to an end user, then the greenhouse gas emissions attributed to that transportation as calculated per Sections I.C.2.b., I.C.3.b., I.C.4.c. or 1.C.5.b., and the underlying data used in the calculation, must also be provided.
I.D.1.f. Proof that a body or organization that is accredited pursuant to Part C, Section I.C.7, was used to verify ongoing greenhouse gas emission reductions or greenhouse gas removal enhancements for recovered methane derived from a recovered methane project, including the results of that verification from the entity or organization accredited pursuant to Part C, Section I.C.7.
I.D.1.g. Proof that the requirements of Part C, Sections I.D.3., I.D.4. or I.D.5. have been met if applicable to the recovered methane project. If Section I.D.5. is applicable to a manure management system project, then notification of the offset registry the project is registered in and the date it was registered must also be provided. If Section I.D.5. is not applicable to a manure management system project, then notification of that must be provided.
I.D.1.h. Certification that the greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions or removal enhancements for which credit issuance is being sought are not required or accounted for by any proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation outside of this Part C or a clean heat plan, including to meet any regulatory greenhouse gas offset or cap and trade requirements.
I.D.1.h.(i) If any proposed or final federal, state, or local rule or regulation for greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions or removal enhancements applies to a source of recovered methane, each rule or regulation shall be identified, along with the specific requirements of the rule or regulation concerning the greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions or removal enhancements.
I.D.1.i. Certification that the greenhouse gas or methane emission reductions or removal enhancements for which credit issuance is being sought will not also be used to meet any voluntary greenhouse gas reduction or offset requirements outside of this Part C or a clean heat plan.
I.D.2. The Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system will:
I.D.2.a. Limit participation to recovered methane project developers and gas distribution, small gas distribution, or municipal gas distribution utilities, and require such entities to register and apply for a user account in the system with the following requirements.
I.D.2.a.(i) Only one account will be allowed per entity registered in the crediting and tracking system.
I.D.2.a.(ii) An entity must provide such information as the Division deems necessary in connection with the user account application, including but not limited to the information identified in Air Quality Control Commission Regulation Number 27, Part D, Sections II.C.1. through II.C.7.
I.D.2.a.(iii) One primary account representative must be designated, and up to four alternate account representatives may be designated, under the entity's user account. All account representatives will be considered authorized representatives of the entity registered in the crediting and tracking system.
I.D.2.a.(iv) An authorized representative shall represent, and by his or her representations, actions, inactions, or submissions, legally bind the entity in all matters relating to the crediting and tracking system. Any representation, action, inaction, or submission by any authorized representative of an entity registered in the crediting and tracking system shall be deemed to be a representation, action, inaction, or submission by the entity.
I.D.2.b. Allow for the trading of recovered methane credits among entities registered in the crediting and tracking system.
I.D.2.c. Allow for each recovered methane credit in the crediting and tracking system to be active or available for twelve months from the credit generation date.
I.D.2.c.(i) Credits in the Division's crediting and tracking system will expire after twelve months from the credit generation date unless retired.
I.D.2.c.(ii) Credits first generated in a carbon offset registry as specified in Sections I.D.3., I.D.4., and I.D.5. become ineligible for transfer to the Division's crediting and tracking system after twelve months from the credit generation date.
I.D.2.c.(iii) All expired or retired credits in the crediting and tracking system may no longer be sold or traded.
I.D.2.c.(iv) All expired or retired credits in the account of a gas distribution utility, small gas distribution utility, or municipal gas distribution utility in the crediting and tracking system may be applied toward that utility's approved clean heat plan within the limits that apply to the use of recovered methane in the plan.
I.D.2.d. Allow for each recovered methane credit generated in the crediting and tracking system to be uniquely identifiable and trackable within the system.
I.D.2.e. Allow all transactions in the crediting and tracking system to be auditable and traceable by the Division.
I.D.2.f. Allow data to be reported from the crediting and tracking system and be made publicly available by the Division. This data will include whether the credit was generated from a project located in a Disproportionately Impacted Community, as defined in § 24-4-109(2)(b)(II), C.R.S
I.D.2.g. Allow the Division to purge unused accounts from the crediting and tracking system after eighteen months of inactivity and written notice to the account representative(s) if no objection is provided by an account representative in response to the notification.
I.D.3. Recovered methane projects for municipal solid waste and coal mine methane and their associated greenhouse gas reduction or removal credits must initially be registered with ACR by the project developer or operator.
I.D.3.a. Any greenhouse gas reduction or removal credits from the project that are to be used for purposes of recovered methane under this Part C must be canceled or retired from ACR for transfer to and use in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system.
I.D.3.b. Confirmation from ACR of credit cancellation in the ACR must be provided to the Division in order for the credit to be made available in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system. The canceled ACR credit must be associated with the applicable recovered methane project for municipal solid waste or coal mine methane.
I.D.4. Recovered methane projects for wastewater treatment subject to Section I.C.4.a. and their associated greenhouse gas reduction or removal credits must initially be registered in the Climate Action Reserve's (CAR) Reserve Offset Program by the project developer or operator.
I.D.4.a. Any greenhouse gas reduction or removal credits from the project that are to be used for purposes of recovered methane under this Part C must be canceled or retired from the CAR Reserve Offset Program for transfer to and use in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system.
I.D.4.b. Confirmation from CAR of credit cancellation in the CAR Reserve Offset Program must be provided to the Division in order for the credit to be made available in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system. The canceled CAR Reserve Offset Program credit must be associated with the recovered methane project for wastewater treatment.
I.D.5. If a recovered methane project for biomethane from a manure management system is registered by the project developer or operator in a CARB-approved offset project registry, which includes ACR, CAR, and Verra, then any greenhouse gas reduction or removal credits from the project that are to be used for purposes of recovered methane under this Part C must be canceled or retired from the applicable CARB-approved offset project registry for transfer to and use in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system.
I.D.5.a. Confirmation from the applicable CARB-approved offset project registry of credit cancellation in the registry must be provided to the Division in order for the credit to be made available in the Division's recovered methane crediting and tracking system. The canceled offset registry credit must be associated with the recovered methane project for biomethane from a manure management system.
I.E. Recordkeeping
I.E.1. Records of all information required under Section I.D.1. must be maintained by the entity submitting the information for five (5) years from the date of submission, and be provided to the Division upon request.

5 CCR 1001-26-C-I

45 CR 01, January 10, 2022, effective 1/30/2022
45 CR 16, August 25, 2022, effective 9/14/2022
45 CR 24, December 25, 2022, effective 1/14/2023
46 CR 10, May 25, 2023, effective 6/14/2023
47 CR 16, August 25, 2024, effective 9/15/2024
47 CR 22, November 25, 2024, effective 12/15/2024