Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1001-24-A-II - DefinitionsII.A.Aftermarket Catalytic Converter means a catalytic converter not designed and built to perform exactly as the original equipment manufacturer catalytic converter.II.B.Authorized Emergency Vehicle or Emergency Vehicle means such vehicles of the fire department, police vehicles, ambulances, and other special-purpose vehicles as are publicly owned and operated by or for a governmental agency to protect and preserve life and property in accordance with state laws regulating Emergency Vehicles; said term also means the following if equipped and operated as Emergency Vehicles in the manner prescribed by state law: II.B.1. Privately owned vehicles as are designated by the state motor vehicle licensing agency necessary to the preservation of life and property; andII.B.2. Privately owned tow trucks approved by the public utilities commission to respond to vehicle emergencies.II.C.Auxiliary power unit or APU means any device that provides electrical or mechanical energy, meeting the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1962.2(c)(2), to a BEVx, after the zero emission range has been fully depleted. A fuel fired heater does not qualify under this definition for an APU.II.D.CARB means the California Air Resources Board as defined in California's Health and Safety Code, Section 39003.II.E.California credit ratio means the ratio of the average number of passenger cars and light-duty trucks that a manufacturer produced and delivered for sale in Colorado to the average number of passenger cars or light-duty trucks the manufacturer produced and delivered for sale in California.II.F.Community-Based Clean Mobility Program means a program that: 1) provides access to clean mobility solutions other than vehicle ownership including ZEV car sharing, ride-sharing, vanpools, ride-hailing, or on-demand first-mile/last-mile services; 2) serves a disproportionately impacted community, as defined in Colorado by § 24-4-109(2)(b)(II), C.R.S. (2023), or a tribal community regardless of federal recognition; and 3) is implemented by a community-based organization; Native American Tribal government regardless of federal recognition; or a public agency or nonprofit organization that has received a letter of support from a project-related community-based organization or local community group that represents community members that will be impacted by the project or has a service background related to the type of project. Qualifying programs in Colorado will be approved by the Department and posted on the Department designated website.II.G.Department means the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).II.H.Emissions Control System means equipment designed for installation on a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine for the purpose of reducing the air contaminants emitted from the motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, or a system or engine modification on a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine which causes a reduction of air contaminants emitted from the motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, including but not limited to exhaust control systems, fuel evaporation control systems and crankcase ventilating systems.II.I.Executive Officer means the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, unless the context requires otherwise. II.J.Financial assistance program means a vehicle purchase incentive program where approved dealerships accept a point-of-sale incentive for used ZEVs and PHEVs for lower-income consumers. Qualifying programs in Colorado will be approved by the Department and posted on the Department designated website.II.K.Greenhouse Gas or GHG means the following gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and hydrofluorocarbons.II.L.Heavy-Duty Engine means an engine which is used to propel a heavy-duty vehicle.II.M.Heavy-Duty Vehicle means any motor vehicle having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating greater than 8,500 pounds, except passenger cars.II.N.Light-Duty Truck means any motor vehicle certified to the standards in California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1961(a)(1) or 1961.2 rated at 8,500 pounds' gross vehicle weight or less, and any other motor vehicle, rated at 6,000 pounds' gross vehicle weight or less, which is designed primarily for purposes of transportation of property or is a derivative of such a vehicle, or is available with special features enabling off-street or off-highway operation and use. II.O.Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicle means any medium-duty vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds that is designed primarily for the transportation of persons. The Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicle definition does not include any vehicle which: (1) is an "incomplete truck" i.e., is a truck that does not have the primary load carrying device or container attached; or(2) has a seating capacity of more than 12 persons; or(3) is designed for more than 9 persons in seating rearward of the driver's seat; or(4) is equipped with an open cargo area of 72.0 inches in interior length or more. A covered box not readily accessible from the passenger compartment will be considered an open cargo area, for purposes of this definition.II.P.Medium-Duty Vehicle means any heavy-duty low-emission, ultra-low-emission, super-ultra-low-emission or zero-emission vehicle certified to the standards in California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1961.2 or 1956.8(h) having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating between 8,501 and 14,000 pounds.II.Q.Military Tactical Vehicles and Equipment means all land combat and transportation vehicles, excluding rail-based, which are designed for and are in use by any of the United States armed forces, or in use as an Authorized Emergency Vehicle by or for a governmental agency.II.R.Neighborhood Electric Vehicle or NEV means a motor vehicle that meets the definition of Low-Speed Vehicle either in the California Vehicle Code Division 1 VEH Section 385.5, or in 49 CFR 571.500 (as it existed on July 1, 2000), and is certified to Zero Emission Vehicle standards.II.S.New Motor Vehicle for purposes of this regulation means a 2022 model year or later motor vehicle that has accumulated less than 7500 miles of use as of the date of sale or lease.II.T.NZEV shall have the same meaning as the term "near-zero-emission vehicle" as defined at California Code of Regulation Title 13 CCR Section 1963(c).II.U.Passenger Car means any motor vehicle designed primarily for transportation of persons and having a design capacity of twelve persons or less.II.V.Person means any individual or entity and shall include, without limitation, corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships, and joint stock companies, and shall also include, without limitation, all political subdivisions of any states, and any agencies or instrumentalities thereof.II.W.Range Extended Battery Electric Vehicle or BEVx means a vehicle powered predominantly by a zero emission energy storage device, able to drive the vehicle for more than 75 all-electric miles, and also equipped with a backup Auxiliary Power Unit APU), which does not operate until the energy storage device is fully depleted, and meeting requirements in California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1962.2(d)(5)(G).II.X.Transitional zero emission vehicle or "TZEV" means a vehicle that meets all the criteria of California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1962.2(c)(2) and qualifies for an allowance in California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Section 1962.2(c)(3)(A) or (E).II.Y.Ultimate Purchaser means, with respect to any vehicle, the first person who in good faith purchases a new motor vehicle for purposes other than resale and registers it with the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicle.II.Z.Used Motor Vehicle means a 2022 model year or later motor vehicle that has accumulated 7500 miles or more of use as of the date of sale or lease.II.AA.Zero emission vehicle or "ZEV" means a vehicle that produces zero or near-zero exhaust emissions of any criteria pollutant (or precursor pollutant) or greenhouse gas under any possible operational modes or conditions.46 CR 10, May 25, 2023, effective 6/14/202346 CR 21, November 10, 2023, effective 12/15/2023