5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-15-A-IV

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024
Section 5 CCR 1001-15-A-IV - Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicle Self-Certification Opacity Test Procedures
IV.A. Opacity Evaluation Methods

Fleets shall utilize one of the following two methods of evaluating smoke opacity.

IV.A.1. A visual evaluation by means of a smoke observer trained and certified by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The observer is to be positioned in a location perpendicular to the exhaust plume and at a distance which will provide a clear view of the exhaust plume. Visual observation shall not be used on vehicle that is older than ten model years.
IV.A.2. Opacity meter evaluation of the exhaust stream by means of a portable light extinction opacity meter as specified in Part B, II.C.1. of this regulation. The meter is to be attached to the exhaust piping and calibrated as specified by the manufacturer. Opacity meters to be utilized for the Snap acceleration J1667 test procedures (Part A, IV.C.5.) must meet SAE J1667 specifications.
IV.B. Test Site and Vehicle Parameters
IV.B.1. On-Road test procedures will require a testing site approximately 300 yards in length that is suitable for vehicle full-power runs to be conducted in complete safety.
IV.B.2. An ambient temperature of 35°F (1.7°C) or above is required during any given vehicle test.
IV.B.3. Vehicles scheduled for opacity testing shall be in safe operating condition.
IV.B.4. Vehicles shall be at normal operating temperatures.
IV.B.5. If the vehicle to be tested is equipped with multiple exhaust outlets and if it is determined that they emit different exhaust smoke levels, the outlet emitting the heavier smoke level shall be opacity evaluated.
IV.B.6. Vehicles undergoing opacity testing are to use fuel obtained from the fleet's normal fuel supply. No special fuels, fuel additives, or devices are to be utilized for the sole purpose of obtaining opacity readings during testing that are lower than those typically observed when the vehicle is operating on the fleet's usual fuel supply.
IV.C. Self-Certification Program Opacity Test Procedures

Fleets shall inspect their vehicles for compliance with opacity standards as defined in Part A, VII.by utilizing one of the following test procedures, Part A, IV.C.1. through 5. Fleets that utilize the SAE J1667 test procedures in Part A, IV.C.5. shall use such procedures on all its vehicles.

IV.C.1. On- Road acceleration Test Procedure
IV.C.1.a. Select a gear which will permit the vehicle to accelerate under wide open throttle (WOT) from a moving position (approximately 900 to 1000 engine rpm) up to maximum engine rpm in no less than seven (7) seconds. This step is vital in order to ensure that the engine will be operated in an rpm range and timeframe which will allow sufficient time and engine loading in order to accurately monitor the vehicle's smoke opacity levels. Upon completing the gear selection, bring vehicle to a stop.
IV.C.1.b. If an opacity meter is being utilized, shut down the engine and verify the zero setting of the opacity meter. Clean the monitoring unit as necessary.
IV.C.1.c. Restart engine and with the transmission in the selected gear as described in Step 1.a., accelerate the vehicle under WOT from a road speed equivalent of 900 to 1000 engine rpm up to maximum engine rpm.

If a visual opacity observation is being used, alert the certified observer by means of a horn or other communication that the test is completed and to record on the opacity inspection worksheet the highest opacity which was observed in an engine rpm range which encompasses 70% of rated rpm up to maximum governed rpm. If an opacity meter was utilized, note and record the highest opacity reading displayed during the aforementioned rpm range.

IV.C.1.d. Bring the vehicle to a safe controlled stop and shutdown the engine.

Examine opacity meter reading, if applicable, and if there is more than a five percent (5%) shift (deviation) in the zero position and the highest opacity reading observed during the test exceeds the standard as defined in Part A, VII., clean the meter lenses, zero the meter and repeat the procedure beginning at Step 1.c.

IV.C.1.e. If the highest opacity observed during Step 1.c. exceeds the opacity standard and the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, is less than five percent (5%), the vehicle fails the inspection.
IV.C.1.f. If neither the highest opacity observed during Step 1.c. nor the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, exceeds the opacity standard, the vehicle passes the inspection.
IV.C.1.g. The opacity inspector shall then record the highest opacity reading, the opacity meter zero shift (if applicable), the pass/fail determination and provide a signature on the Opacity Inspection Form. Vehicles which comply with the inspection procedures and applicable opacity standards shall be issued a complete CEC.
IV.C.2. On-Road Brake Lugdown Test Procedure
IV.C.2.a. Select a gear which will permit the vehicle to attain a road speed of 15 to 25 mph with the engine at maximum rpm, wide open throttle (WOT). Due to the many variables, this gear selection is basically a trial and error effort. Upon completing the gear selection, bring vehicle to a stop.
IV.C.2.b. If an opacity meter is being utilized, shutdown the engine and verify the zero setting of the opacity meter. Clean the monitoring unit as necessary.
IV.C.2.c. Restart engine and with the vehicle operating at WOT in the selected gear as described in Step 2.a., maintain WOT and slowly begin loading the engine by means of the vehicle's service brakes. The loading is to be applied linearly throughout an engine rpm range which extends from maximum engine rpm down to seventy percent (70%) of the engine's rated rpm in a time span which encompasses no less than seven (7) seconds.
IV.C.2.d. Momentarily maintain the seventy percent (70%) rated rpm/WOT relationship and if a visual opacity observation is being used, alert the certified observer by means of a horn or other communication that the test is completed and to record on the opacity inspection worksheet the highest opacity which was observed during the brake lugdown procedure.

If an opacity meter was utilized, note and record the highest opacity reading displayed during the brake lugdown procedure.

IV.C.2.e. Bring the vehicle to a safe controlled stop and shutdown the engine.

Examine opacity meter reading, if applicable, and if there is more than a five percent (5%) shift (deviation) in the zero position, and the highest opacity reading observed during the test exceeds the standard as defined in Part A, VII., clean the meter lenses, zero the meter, and repeat the procedure beginning at Step 2. c.

IV.C.2.f. If the highest opacity observed during Step 2.c. exceeds the opacity standard and the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, is less than five percent (5%), the vehicle fails the inspection.
IV.C.2.g. If neither the highest opacity observed during Step 2.c. nor the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, exceeds the opacity standard, the vehicle passes the inspection.
IV.C.2.h. The opacity inspector shall then record the highest opacity reading, the opacity meter zero shift (if applicable), the pass/fail determination and provide a signature on the Opacity Inspection Form. Vehicles which comply with the inspection procedures and applicable opacity standards shall be issued a complete CEC.
IV.C.3. Stall Test Procedure (Vehicles with Automatic Transmissions)

This is a full-load stationary test designed for vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions.

IV.C.3.a. Transmission/torque converter oil is to be at normal operating temperature (160 to 200º F).
IV.C.3.b. If an opacity meter is being utilized, verify the zero setting of the opacity meter. Clean the monitoring unit if necessary.
IV.C.3.c. Start engine and operate at idle rpm. Apply vehicle's parking brake and securely block the vehicle. Apply the service brakes and shift the transmission gear selector to a forward range.
IV.C.3.d. Accelerate the engine by means of wide open throttle (WOT) until the transmission's stall speed rpm is attained. Maintain stall speed rpm for approximately five seconds in order to allow for stabilization.
IV.C.3.e. Momentarily maintain stall speed rpm and if a visual opacity observation is being used, alert the certified observer by means of a horn or other communication that the test is completed and to record on the opacity inspection worksheet the opacity attained at this time (stall speed rpm).

If an opacity meter is utilized, note and record the opacity meter reading at this time (stall speed rpm).

IV.C.3.f. Return the engine to idle rpm and shut down the engine.

Examine opacity meter reading, if applicable, and if there is more than a five percent (5%) shift (deviation) in the zero position, and the highest opacity reading observed during the test exceeds the standard as stated in Part A, VII,, clean the meter lenses, zero the meter and repeat the procedure beginning at Step 3.c.

Allow approximately two minutes of neutral operation between stall tests in order to prevent overheating of the transmission. During the two-minute period, maintain 1000 to 1400 engine rpm.

IV.C.3.g. If the highest opacity observed during Step 2.e. exceeds the opacity standard and the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, is less than five percent (5%), the vehicle fails the inspection.
IV.C.3.h. If neither the highest opacity observed during Step 2.e. nor the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, exceeds the opacity standard, the vehicle passes the inspection.
IV.C.3.i. The opacity inspector shall then record the highest opacity reading, the opacity meter zero shift (if applicable), the pass/fail determination and provide a signature on the Opacity Inspection Form. Vehicles which comply with the inspection procedures and applicable opacity standards shall be issued a complete CEC.
IV.C.4. Dynamometer Test Procedure
IV.C.4.a. If a smoke opacity meter is being used, verify the meter is set at zero.

Start engine and with the dynamometer in an unloaded mode/condition, select a gear which will allow the vehicle to attain and maintain a no-load vehicle speed of 60 to 70 miles per hour (mph) at wide open throttle (WOT). It is preferred and recommended that vehicles be operated at the lower end of this mph range whenever possible. If vehicle has a maximum road speed that is less than 60 mph, operate vehicle at the highest mph possible. Upon stabilization, maintain speed for ten (plus or minus four) seconds and record engine rpm and mph on opacity worksheet.

IV.C.4.b. While maintaining wide open throttle (WOT), slowly increase the dynamometer loading until engine rated rpm (plus or minus 15 rpm) is obtained. Maintain this speed/load for ten (plus or minus four) seconds and record engine rpm, smoke opacity, and horsepower (hp).
IV.C.4.c. Maintain wide open throttle (WOT) and slowly increase dynamometer loading until engine is at 90 percent of rated rpm (plus or minus 15 rpm). Maintain this speed/load for ten (plus or minus four) seconds and record engine rpm, smoke opacity, and hp.
IV.C.4.d. Maintain wide open throttle (WOT) and slowly increase dynamometer loading until engine is at 80 percent of rated rpm (plus or minus 15 rpm). Maintain this speed/load for at least ten (plus or minus four) seconds and record engine rpm, smoke opacity, and hp.
IV.C.4.e. Maintain wide open throttle and slowly increase dynamometer loading until engine is at 70 percent of rated rpm (plus or minus 15 rpm). Maintain this speed/load for ten (plus or minus four) seconds and record engine rpm, smoke opacity, and hp. This step concludes the engine loading procedure; do not apply additional loading under any circumstances.
IV.C.4.f. Vehicles with automatic transmissions are allowed two downshifts to the next lower gear at any point during the dynamometer lugdown test. If a downshift occurs, continue with the test.
IV.C.4.g. Remove dynamometer loading and shut down engine after observing engine cool down procedure.
IV.C.4.h. Examine opacity meter reading, if applicable, and if there is more than a five percent (5%) shift (deviation) in the zero position and the highest opacity reading observed during the test exceeds the standard as defined in Part A, VIII., clean the meter lenses, zero the meter and repeat the procedure beginning at Step 4.a.
IV.C.4.i. If the highest opacity observed during Steps 4.b. through 4.e. exceeds the opacity standard and the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, is less than five percent (5%), the vehicle fails the inspection.
IV.C.4.j. If neither the highest opacity observed during Step 4.b. through 4.e. nor the opacity meter zero shift, if applicable, exceeds the opacity standard, the vehicle passes the inspection.
IV.C.4.k. The opacity inspector shall then record the highest opacity reading, the opacity meter zero shift (if applicable), the pass/fail determination and provide a signature on the Opacity Inspection Form. Vehicles which comply with the inspection procedures and applicable opacity standards shall be issued a complete CEC.
IV.C.5. SAE J1667 Test Procedures.

If the SAE J1667 test procedures are used, the inspector shall comply with the procedures and specifications set out in SAE J1667 Recommended Practice, Snap Acceleration Smoke Test Procedure for Heavy-Duty Diesel Powered Motor Vehicles, © 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers Inc. (SAE), which document is incorporated herein by reference as provided in Part A, I.B.16.

The opacity inspector shall then record the average opacity reading, the pass/fail determination and sign the Opacity Inspection Form. Vehicles which comply with the inspection procedures and applicable opacity standards shall be issued a completed CEC.

IV.D. Optional No-Load Opacity Test

The opacity results of these tests (Part A, IV.D.1. and IV.D.2.) are for data collection and engine diagnosis information only and will not be used in determining a vehicle's compliance with Part A, VII. opacity standards.

IV.D.1. High Idle Opacity Test Procedure
IV.D.1.a. If an opacity meter is being utilized, verify the zero setting of the meter.

Start engine and operate at idle rpm.

IV.D.1.b. With the transmission in neutral, slowly increase the engine speed to high idle (maximum governed no-load rpm) and allow engine rpm to stabilize.
IV.D.1.c. Momentarily maintain high idle rpm and if a visual observation is being used, alert the trained observer by means of a horn or other communication that the test procedure has reached completion and the observer is to record the opacity observed at this time (high idle rpm).

If an opacity meter is utilized, note and record the meter reading/value at this time (high idle rpm).

IV.D.1.d. Return the engine to idle rpm and shutdown the engine. Enter the highest opacity reading observed and record in Step 1.c.
IV.D.2. Snap/Free Acceleration Test Procedure. This procedure requires a rapid wide open throttle (WOT) no-load acceleration of the engine from low idle rpm to maximum governed no-load engine rpm with the transmission in neutral.
IV.D.2.a. If an opacity meter is being utilized, verify the zero setting of the meter.

Start engine and operate at idle rpm.

IV.D.2.b. With the transmission in neutral and the engine at idle rpm, slowly accelerate the engine, allowing the engine to reach its maximum stabilized, no-load governed speed/rpm. Allow the engine to return to idle.
IV.D.2.c. If an opacity meter is being utilized, place the meter in "Peak Hold"

position. If a visual observation is being used, the certified observer shall note and record the highest opacity observed during the following Step 2.d. rapid acceleration procedure.

IV.D.2.d. Perform the acceleration procedure as described in Step 2.b. but accelerate the engine as rapidly as possible. Allow engine to return to idle and shut down engine.
IV.D.2.e. Enter on the opacity inspection form the highest opacity observed and recorded by the trained observer or captured by the opacity meter's peak hold feature, whichever is applicable.
IV.E. The Division has the authority to determine the applicability of this regulation for unique testing situations not specifically addressed in this regulation.

5 CCR 1001-15-A-IV

39 CR 18, September 25, 2016, effective 10/15/2016
41 CR 21, November 10, 2018, effective 11/30/2018