The requirements in this section of the regulation mirrors the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA) (15 U.S.C. 2646) that was enacted to identify, manage and reduce exposure to asbestos in schools.
This section of the regulation requires local education agencies to identify friable and nonfriable asbestos-containing material (ACM) in public and private elementary and secondary schools by visually inspecting school buildings for such materials, sampling such materials if they are not assumed to be ACM, and having samples analyzed by appropriate techniques referred to in this rule. The rule requires local education agencies to submit management plans to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division by October 12, 1988, or if a deferral is applied for and received from the Division, May 9,1989.
The LEA must begin to implement the plans by July 9, 1989, and complete implementation of the plans in a timely fashion. In addition, local education agencies are required to use persons who have been certified to conduct inspections, reinspections, develop management plans, or perform response actions. The rule also includes recordkeeping requirements. LEAs may contractually delegate their duties under this rule, but they remain responsible for the proper performance of those duties. Local education agencies are encouraged to consult with the EPA Regional Asbestos Coordinator or the Division for assistance in complying with this rule.
Each LEA shall:
Thermal system insulation that has retained its structural integrity and that has an undamaged protective jacket or wrap that prevents fiber release shall be treated as nonfriable and therefore is subject only to periodic surveillance and preventive measures as necessary.
A certified Inspector shall collect, in a statistically random manner that is representative of the homogeneous area, bulk samples from each homogeneous area of friable surfacing material that is not assumed to be ACM, and shall collect the samples as follows:
In a manner sufficient to determine whether material is ACM or not ACM, a certified Inspector shall collect bulk samples from each homogeneous area of friable miscellaneous material that is not assumed to be ACM.
If any homogeneous area of nonfriable suspected ACBM is not assumed to be ACM, then a certified Inspector shall collect, in a manner sufficient to determine whether the material is ACM or not ACM, bulk samples from the homogeneous area of nonfriable suspected ACBM that is not assumed to be ACM.
The LEA shall implement an operation, maintenance, and repair (O&M) program under this section whenever any friable ACBM is present or assumed to be present in a building that it leases, owns, or otherwise uses as a school building. Any material identified as nonfriable ACBM or nonfriable assumed ACBM must be treated as friable ACBM for purposes of this section when the material is about to become friable as a result of activities performed in the school building.
Unless the building has been cleaned using equivalent methods within the previous six months, all areas of a school building where friable ACBM, damaged or significantly damaged thermal system insulation ACM, or friable suspected ACBM assumed to be ACM are present shall be cleaned at least once after the completion of the inspection required by Section IV.C.1 and before the initiation of any response action, other than O&M activities or repair, according to the following procedures:
The certified management planner shall make a written recommendation to the LEA whether additional cleaning is needed, and if so, the methods and frequency of such cleaning.
The LEA shall ensure that the procedures described to protect building occupants shall be followed for any operations and maintenance activities disturbing friable ACBM.
The response action for any maintenance activities disturbing friable ACBM, other than small-scale, short-duration maintenance activities, shall be designed by persons certified to design response actions and conducted by persons certified to conduct response actions.
Annual refresher training shall be provided and documented in the management plan for the school. Training shall include, but not be limited to:
The LEA shall attach a warning label immediately adjacent to any friable and nonfriable ACBM and suspected ACBM assumed to be ACM located in routine maintenance areas (such as boiler rooms) at each school building. This shall include:
5 CCR 1001-10-B-IV