5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-10-B-I

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 16, August 25, 2024
Section 5 CCR 1001-10-B-I - Incorporated Materials, Definitions, and Acronyms
I.A. Incorporated Materials

Some documents are noted in this regulation as being incorporated by reference. Materials incorporated by reference are those in existence as of the dates indicated and do not include later amendments. The material incorporated by reference is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Office of the Commission, located at 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, Colorado 80246-1530, or may be examined at any state publications depository library. Parties wishing to inspect these materials should contact the Technical Secretary of the Commission, located at the Office of the Commission. The materials incorporated by reference, except for the ASTM Standards, are also available through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment at www.colorado.gov/cdphe/asbestos.

The following materials are herein incorporated by reference:

I.A.1. United States Environmental Protection Agency's Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), (2010) Subpart E, 40 C.F.R. Part 763, Section 1, and Appendix A to Subpart E.
I.A.2. United States Environmental Protection Agency's Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Model Accreditation Plan (MAP), 40 C.F.R. Part 763 (2011), Subpart E, Appendix C.
I.A.3. United States Environmental Protection Agency's National Emission Standard for Asbestos, Standard for Waste Disposal for Manufacturing, Fabricating, Demolition, Renovation, And Spraying Operations, 40 C.F.R. Part 61 Section 150 (2011).
I.A.4. United States Environmental Protection Agency's August 1994 Method EPA /600/R-93/116, "Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials".
I.A.5. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Method 7400 entitled "Asbestos and Other Fibers by PCM" published in the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 5th Edition, third supplement, June 2019.
I.A.6. ASTM International Method D5755-09 (Reapproved April 2014), "Standard Test Method for Microvacuum Sampling and Indirect Analysis of Dust by Transmission Electron Microscopy for Asbestos Structure Number Surface Loading."
I.A.7. ASTM International Method D6480-19 (January 2019), "Standard Test Method for Wipe Sampling of Surfaces, Indirect Preparation, and Analysis for Asbestos Structure Number Surface Loading by Transmission Electron Microscopy."
I.B. Definitions

All terms used in this Regulation Number 8, Part B, and that are not defined are given the same meaning as in the definitions in Regulation Number 8, Part A Section (I.D.), and the Common Provisions regulation:

I.B.1. "Accessible" when referring to "asbestos containing material (ACM)" means that the material is subject to disturbance by school or building occupants or custodial or maintenance personnel in the course of their normal activities.
I.B.2. "Act" means C.R.S. Sections 25-7-101 et seq., concerning the control of asbestos.
I.B.3. "Adequately wet" means sufficiently mixed or penetrated with amended water to prevent the release of particulates. If visible emissions are observed coming from an asbestos-containing material, then that material has not been adequately wetted. However, the absence of visible emissions is not sufficient evidence of being adequately wet.
I.B.4. "Air erosion" means the passage of air over friable ACM, which may result in the release of asbestos fibers.
I.B.5. "Airlock" means a system of rooms or self-closing doorways permitting ingress and egress between contaminated and uncontaminated areas with a minimum of air movement. The airlock system must be installed to allow the flow of clean air into the area of contamination, but automatically self-close and prevent backflow (airborne contamination from exiting the contaminated area) in case of negative pressure system failure.
I.B.6. "Air monitoring" means measuring the fiber content of a known volume of air collected over a known period of time.
I.B.7. "Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS)" means a person who performs final visual clearance inspections, asbestos spill delineation, or any air monitoring referred to in this regulation.
I.B.8. "Amended water" means a mixture of water and a chemical wetting agent (surfactant) to reduce surface tension that provides control of asbestos fiber release. Amended water means water to which a surfactant has been added to increase the ability of water to penetrate ACM.
I.B.9. Area of Public Access
I.B.9.a. "Area of Public Access" means any building, facility, or property, or only that portion thereof, that any member of the general public can enter without limitation or restriction by the owner or lessee under normal business conditions; "Area of Public Access" includes any facility that charges the general public a fee for admission such as any theater or arena. "General Public" does not include employees of the entity that owns, leases, or operates such building, facility, or property, or such portion thereof, or any service personnel or vendors connected therewith. Except as provided in Section I.B.9.b. Area of Public Access includes any single-family residential dwelling.
I.B.9.b. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section I.B.9.a., a single-family residential dwelling shall not be considered an area of public access for purposes of this Regulation Number 8, Part B, if the homeowner who resides in the single-family residential dwelling that is the homeowner's primary residence requests, pursuant to Section III.E.2., that the single-family residential dwelling not be considered an area of public access.
I.B.10. "Asbestos" means asbestiform varieties of chrysotile, amosite (cummingtonite-grunerite), crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite.
I.B.11. "Asbestos Abatement" means any of the following:
I.B.11.a. The wrecking or removal of structural members that contain friable asbestos-containing material;
I.B.11.b. The following practices intended to prevent or control the escape of asbestos fibers into the atmosphere:
I.B.11.b.(i) Encapsulating coating, binding, or resurfacing of walls, ceilings, pipes, or other structures for the purpose of minimizing friable asbestos-containing material from becoming airborne;
I.B.11.b.(ii) Enclosing friable asbestos-containing material to make it inaccessible;
I.B.11.b.(iii) Removing friable asbestos-containing material from any pipe, duct, boiler, tank, reactor, furnace, or other structural member.
I.B.11.b.(iv) Removing facility components that are covered with or contain friable asbestos-containing material;
I.B.11.b.(v) Conducting a major spill response.
I.B.12. "Asbestos Consulting Firm (ACF)" means any person that performs or offers to perform any of the following activities, as required by Regulation Number 8, Part B, in the state of Colorado: asbestos building inspection and bulk sampling; development of asbestos management plans; air monitoring for asbestos fibers; development of asbestos project designs; and, project management. A Project Designer employed by a General Contractor (GAC) may create a project design for his/her employer without the GAC needing to register as an ACF.
I.B.13. "Asbestos Laboratory" means any person that performs or offers to perform asbestos analysis of bulk or air samples, as required by Regulation Number 8, Part B, in the state of Colorado.
I.B.14. "Asbestos Training Provider" means any person who performs or offers to perform asbestos training courses in any of the following asbestos disciplines in the state of Colorado: Worker, Supervisor, Project Designer, Building Inspector, Management planner or Air Monitoring Specialist.
I.B.15. "Asbestos-containing building material (ACBM)" means surfacing ACM, thermal system insulation ACM, or miscellaneous ACM that is found in or on interior structural members or other parts of a school building or state building.
I.B.16. "Asbestos-containing material (ACM)" means material containing more than 1% asbestos.
I.B.17. "Asbestos-containing waste material (ACWM)" means mill tailings or any waste that contains commercial asbestos and is generated by a source subject to the provisions of this Regulation. This term includes, but is not limited to, asbestos waste from control devices, friable asbestos-containing waste material, spill debris, disposable equipment and containment components and clothing, and bags or other similar packaging contaminated with commercial asbestos fibers. As applied to demolition and renovation operations, this term also includes regulated asbestos-containing material waste and materials contaminated with asbestos including disposable equipment and clothing.
I.B.18. "Asbestos-contaminated" means any material that has had contact with or been affected by an impacted or damaged material containing more than 1% asbestos. An accumulation of powder, dust or debris similar in appearance to an ACM can be used as evidence of contamination.
I.B.19. "Asbestos debris" means pieces of ACM that can be identified by color, texture, or composition, or means dust, if the dust is determined by a certified Inspector to be ACM.
I.B.20. "Asbestos mill" means any facility engaged in converting, or in any intermediate step in converting, asbestos ore into commercial asbestos. Outside storage of asbestos-containing material is not considered a part of the asbestos mill.
I.B.21. "Asbestos spill" means any release of asbestos fibers due to a breach of the containment barrier on an abatement project, or due to any cause other than asbestos abatement.
I.B.22. "Asbestos tailings" mean any solid waste that contains asbestos and is a product of asbestos mining or milling operation.
I.B.23. "Assessment", when used in reference to friable ACM means an evaluation of the condition of ACM or ACBM, or suspected ACM or ACBM, which determines the need for a response action.
I.B.24. "Business day" means Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding state holidays.
I.B.25. "Category I nonfriable asbestos-containing material" means asbestos-containing packing, gaskets, resilient floor covering, and asphalt roofing products containing more than1 percent asbestos as determined using the method specified in Appendix E, Subpart E, 40 C.F.R. Part 763, Section 1, polarized light microscopy (EPA 1995).
I.B.26. "Category II nonfriable ACM" means any material, excluding Category I nonfriable ACM, containing more than 1 percent asbestos as determined using the methods specified in Appendix E, Subpart E, 40 C.F.R. Part 763, Section 1, polarized light microscopy, (EPA 1995) that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
I.B.27. "Certified" means holding a certificate issued pursuant to this regulation.
I.B.28. "Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)" means an individual who has been certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene to practice as a CIH.
I.B.29. "Clean Room" means an uncontaminated area or room, which is a part of the decontamination unit with provisions for storage of street clothes and clean protective equipment. The clean room must be sized to accommodate the clothes and equipment of the work crew.
I.B.30. "Commercial asbestos" means any material containing asbestos that is extracted from ore and has value because of its asbestos content.
I.B.31. "Commission" means the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission.
I.B.32. "Conflict of Interest" means any situation that has the potential to prevent impartiality or create bias.
I.B.33. "Critical Barrier" means a single layer of 6-mil or greater polyethylene sheeting or an equivalent airtight barrier installed initially over all openings between the work area and non-work area (i.e. doors, windows, ventilation openings, drains, wall penetrations, etc.), as an additional measure to prevent air from escaping the work area.
I.B.34. "Curtained Doorway" means a device to allow ingress or egress from one room to another while permitting only minimal air movement between the rooms. The curtains must self-close should negative air pressure fail.
I.B.35. "Cutting" means to penetrate with a sharp-edged instrument and includes sawing, but does not include shearing, slicing, or punching.
I.B.36. "Damaged friable miscellaneous ACM" means friable miscellaneous ACM which has deteriorated or sustained physical injury such that the internal structure (cohesion) of the material is inadequate or, if applicable, which has delaminated such that its bond to the substrate (adhesion) is inadequate or which for any other reason, lacks fiber cohesion or adhesion qualities. Such damage or deterioration may be illustrated by the separation of ACM into layers; separation of ACM from the substrate; flaking, blistering, or crumbling of the ACM surface; water damage; significant or repeated water stains, scrapes, gouges, mars or other signs of physical injury on the ACM. Asbestos debris originating from the ACM in question may also indicate damage.
I.B.37. "Damaged friable surfacing ACM" means friable surfacing ACM, which has deteriorated or sustained physical injury such that the internal structure (cohesion) of the material is inadequate or which has delaminated such that its bond to the substrate (adhesion) is inadequate, or which, for any other reason lacks fiber cohesion or adhesion qualities. Such damage or deterioration may be illustrated by the separation of ACM into layers; separation of ACM from the substrate; flaking, blistering, or crumbling of the ACM surface; water damage; significant or repeated water stains, scrapes, gouges, mars or other signs of physical injury on the ACM. Asbestos debris originating from the ACM in question may also indicate damage.
I.B.38. "Damaged or significantly damaged thermal system insulation ACM" means thermal system insulation ACM on pipes, boilers, tanks, ducts, and other thermal system insulation equipment where the insulation has lost its structural integrity, or its covering, in whole or in part, is crushed, water-stained, gouged, punctured, missing, or not intact such that it is not able to contain fibers. Damage may be further illustrated by occasional punctures, gouges or other signs of physical injury to ACM; occasional water damage on the protective coverings/jackets; or exposed ACM ends or joints. Asbestos debris originating from the ACM in question may also indicate damage.
I.B.39. "Decontamination unit" means a series of three (minimum) connected chambers, separated from the work area and from each other by air locks or curtained doorways, to allow for the decontamination of persons and equipment. The air locks or curtained doorways must self-close should negative air pressure fail. The decontamination unit must contain a shower equipped with hot and cold water adjustable at the tap.
I.B.40. "Demolition" means the wrecking or removal of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together with any handling of debris related to the demolition, the intentional burning of any facility, or moving a facility from a permanent foundation.
I.B.41. "Division" means the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division.
I.B.42. "Emergency" means an unexpected situation or sudden occurrence of a serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action and that constitutes a threat to life, health or that may cause major damage to a property. Delay of a contract does not constitute an emergency, nor are demolition projects emergencies unless the facility has been declared in imminent danger of collapse by a governmental entity.
I.B.43. "Encapsulation" means application of a liquid material to asbestos-containing material which controls the possible release of asbestos fibers from the material either by creating a membrane over the surface (bridging encapsulant) or by penetrating into the material and binding its components together (penetrating encapsulant). Painting for purposes other than controlling asbestos fibers is not considered encapsulation.
I.B.44. "Enclosure" means an airtight, impermeable, permanent barrier around ACM to minimize the release of asbestos fibers into the air.
I.B.45. "Equipment room" means a contaminated chamber or room, which is part of the decontamination unit which provides for storage of contaminated clothing and equipment.
I.B.46. "Fabricating" means any processing (e.g., cutting, sawing, drilling) of a manufactured product that contains commercial asbestos, with the exception of processing at temporary sites (field fabricating) for the construction or restoration of facilities. In the case of friction products, fabricating includes bonding, rebonding, grinding, sawing, drilling, or other similar operations performed as part of fabricating.
I.B.47. "Facility" means any institutional, commercial, public, industrial, or residential structure, installation, or building (including any structure, installation, or building containing condominiums or individual dwelling units operated as a residential cooperative), any ship; any railcar; and any active or inactive waste disposal site. Any structure, installation or building that was previously subject to this subpart is not excluded, regardless of its current use or function.
I.B.48. "Facility component" means any part of a facility, or an intact component from a previously renovated or demolished facility, including equipment.
I.B.49. "Fiber release episode" means any uncontrolled or unintentional disturbance of ACBM in school buildings resulting in visible emissions.
I.B.50. "Final cleaning" means the cleaning of all dust and debris from the work area near the end of the active abatement phase, immediately prior to the final visual inspection.
I.B.51. "Fixed object" means a piece of equipment or furniture in the work area (mounted or attached), which cannot be readily removed from the work area.
I.B.52. "Friable" means that the material, when dry, may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Friable includes previously nonfriable material after such previously nonfriable material becomes damaged or disturbed to the extent that when dry it may be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
I.B.53. "Full containment" means a pressurized system of airtight barriers constructed to isolate a work area to prevent cross-contamination and the release of asbestos fibers. This system must include, at minimum, the following items which are presented in more detail in Sections III.I. Critical Barrier Installation through Section III.N. Containment Components: Critical barriers, two (2) layers of six (6) mil polyethylene sheeting installed on the floor extending at least twelve (12) inches up the walls, two (2) layers of four (4) mil polyethylene sheeting installed on the walls extending at least twelve (12) inches beyond wall/floor joints, and, if a work area has a ceiling that will not be abated as part of the abatement work, one (1) layer of four (4)mill polyethylene installed on the ceiling extending at least twelve (12) inches beyond wall/ceiling joints. Additionally, a decontamination unit, a waste loadout area, a viewport, and negative air machines which maintain a pressure differential from the work area to the clean area at a minimum of -0.02 inches of water and exchanges air within the work area a minimum of four (4) times per hour are required.
I.B.54. "Functional space" means a room, group of rooms, or homogeneous area (including crawl spaces or the space between a dropped ceiling and the floor or roof deck above), designated by a person certified under this regulation to inspect, prepare management plans, design abatement projects, or conduct response actions.
I.B.55. "General Abatement Contractor (GAC)" means any certified person that performs or offers to perform asbestos abatement.
I.B.56. "Glovebag" means a manufactured or fabricated device, typically constructed of six mil transparent polyethylene or polyvinylchloride plastic, consisting of two inward projecting long sleeves with attached gloves, an internal tool pouch, and an attached, labeled receptacle for asbestos waste.
I.B.57. "Grinding" means to reduce to powder or small fragments and includes mechanical chipping or drilling.
I.B.58. "HEPA filtration" means a filtering system capable of trapping and retaining at least 99.97 percent of all monodispersed particles 0.3 microns in diameter or larger.
I.B.59. "HEPA vacuum" means a vacuum system approved by the manufacturer for use in asbestos applications equipped with HEPA filtration.
I.B.60. "Homogeneous area" means an area of surfacing material, thermal system insulation material, or miscellaneous material that is uniform in color, texture, and, after due diligence on the part of the certified Asbestos Building Inspector, appears or has been confirmed, to have the same date of application, and is unlikely to consist of more than one type, or formulation, of material.
I.B.61. "Independent" means that a person is not an employee, agent, representative, partner, joint venture, shareholder, parent or subsidiary company of another person.
I.B.62. "In poor condition" means the binding of the material is losing its integrity as indicated by peeling, cracking, flaking, or crumbling of the material.
I.B.63. "Installation" means any building or structure or any group of buildings or structures at a single demolition or renovation site that are under the control of the same owner or operator (or owner or operator under common control).
I.B.64. "Inspection" means an activity undertaken to determine the presence or location, or to assess the condition of, friable or non-friable ACM or ACBM or suspected ACM or ACBM, whether by visual or physical examination, or by collecting samples of such material. This term includes reinspections of friable and non-friable known or assumed ACM or ACBM which has been previously identified. The term does not include the following:
a) periodic surveillance of the type described in 40 CFR 763.92(b) and Regulation Number 8, Part B, Section IV.I.2. solely for the purpose of recording or reporting a change in the condition of known or assumed ACBM;
b) inspections performed by employees or agents of Federal, State, or local government solely for the purpose of determining compliance with applicable statutes or regulations; or
c) visual inspections of the type described in 40 CFR 763.90(i) or Section III.P.1. conducted solely for the purpose of determining completion of response actions.
I.B.65. "Large contiguous facility complex" means a complex that has a single owner and has 3 or more buildings on a single property or adjoining properties.
I.B.66. "Leak-tight" means that solids, dust or liquids cannot escape or spill out.I.B.67. "Local education agency (LEA)" means:
I.B.67.a. Any local educational agency as defined in Section 198 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 ( 20 U.S.C. 3381 ).
I.B.67.b. The operator of any nonpublic, nonprofit, elementary, or secondary school building.
I.B.67.c. The governing authority of any school building operated under the Defense Department's education system provided for under the Defense Department's Education Act of 1978 (20 U.S.C. 921, et seq.).
I.B.68. "Major asbestos spill" means an asbestos spill involving the disturbance of friable, as defined in Section I.B.52., ACM in an amount greater than the trigger levels.
I.B.69. "Makeup air intake" means a way to provide supplemental airflow into the work area. The opening must be installed through the polyethylene walls of the containment in order to facilitate the flow of additional clean air into that containment. Makeup air intakes must be fitted with a first stage (primary) filter and an interior mounted flap of 6-mil polyethylene which is larger than the filter by a minimum of 2" in all directions, and slightly weighted at the bottom so that if the containment loses pressure, the flap will self-close and air will not be released from inside of the containment. Where installed, air flow into the containment through the makeup air intake must be confirmed by the use of smoke tubes. If used, the makeup air intake must be installed prior to the removal of any ACM.
I.B.70. "Manufacturing" means the combining of commercial asbestos -or, in the case of woven friction products, the combining of textiles containing commercial asbestos - with any other material(s), including commercial asbestos, and the processing of this combination into a product. Chlorine production is considered a part of manufacturing.
I.B.71. "Mini-containment" means any containment barrier small enough to restrict entry to the asbestos work area to no more than two workers, constructed around an area where small-scale, short-duration asbestos abatement is to be performed.
I.B.72. "Minor asbestos spill" means an asbestos spill involving the disturbance of ACM in an amount less than or equal to the trigger levels.
I.B.73. "Miscellaneous ACM" means miscellaneous material that is ACM.
I.B.74. "Miscellaneous material" means building material on components, structural members or fixtures, such as floor and ceiling tiles, and does not include surfacing material or thermal system insulation.
I.B.75. "Movable objects" means pieces of free-standing equipment or furniture, not mounted or attached in the work area which can be readily removed from the work area. Movable objects remaining in the work area which cannot be readily removed from the area must be protected pursuant to Section III.M, Covering Fixed Objects and must be able to be moved in the work area to clean under such items and to facilitate final clearance.
I.B.76. "Negative air machine (NAM)" means a portable exhaust system specifically manufactured for use in the asbestos abatement industry that is equipped with HEPA filtration and capable of maintaining a constant high velocity air flow out of the contaminated area, resulting in a constant low velocity air flow into contaminated areas from adjacent uncontaminated areas.
I.B.77. "Nonfriable" means material which, when dry, may not be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. Damaged nonfriable material or nonfriable materials in poor condition may become friable.
I.B.78. "Operations and maintenance program" means a program of work practices developed by a certified management planner to maintain friable ACM or ACBM in good condition, ensure clean-up of asbestos fibers previously released, and prevent further release by minimizing and controlling friable ACM or ACBM disturbance or damage.
I.B.79. "Particulate asbestos material" means finely divided particles of asbestos or material containing asbestos.
I.B.80. "Person" means any individual, any public or private company, corporation, partnership, association, firm, trust, or estate, the state or any department, institution, or agency thereof, any municipal corporation, county, city and county, or other political subdivision of the state, or any other legal entity, which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
I.B.81. "Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM)" is an analytical technique used for the counting of fibers on a filter of an air sample. This technique is not specific for asbestos.
I.B.82. "Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM)" is an analytical technique used for identifying types of asbestos fibers in bulk material samples.
I.B.83. "Porous" means capable of trapping, retaining or holding asbestos fibers even during aggressive cleaning methods such as wet washing, wiping and HEPA vacuuming.
I.B.84. "Potential damage" means circumstances in which:
I.B.84.a. Friable ACM or ACBM is in an area regularly used by building occupants including maintenance personnel, in the course of their normal activities.
I.B.84.b. There are indications that there is a reasonable likelihood that the material or its covering will become damaged, deteriorated, or delaminated due to factors such as changes in building use, changes in operations and maintenance practices, changes in occupancy, or recurrent damage.
I.B.85. "Potential significant damage" means circumstances in which:
I.B.85.a. Friable ACM or ACBM is in an area regularly used by building occupants, including maintenance personnel, in the course of their normal activities.
I.B.85.b. There are indications that there is a reasonable likelihood that the material or its covering will become significantly damaged, deteriorated, or delaminated due to factors such as changes in building use, changes in operations and maintenance practices, changes in occupancy, or recurrent damage.
I.B.85.c. The material is subject to major or continuing disturbance, due to factors including, but not limited to, accessibility or, under certain circumstances, vibration or air erosion.
I.B.86. "Pre-cleaning" means the cleaning of surfaces inside the work area of visible dust and debris prior to active abatement.
I.B.87. "Preventive measures" mean actions taken to reduce disturbance of ACBM or otherwise eliminate the reasonable likelihood of the materials becoming damaged or significantly damaged.
I.B.88. "Project" means planned work or activity that will be finished over a period of time and is intended to achieve a particular purpose. Calculation to determine if activities required under Regulation Number 8, Part B, will exceed trigger levels is done by summing up all quantities of ACM present in the building that will be directly impacted/damaged by the planned work that will occur during a particular project. Building owners or contractors may not avoid the requirements of Regulation Number 8, Part B by breaking up a project to remain below trigger levels.
I.B.89. "Project Design" means plans, specifications, project procedures, containment design/placement, descriptions of engineering controls, and shop drawings for an asbestos abatement project or response action. The project design must be written and amended by a certified Project Designer and be specific and unique to each project.
I.B.90. "Public and Commercial Building" means any facility, which is not a school building. Single-family residential dwellings are excluded from this definition. Common areas of multi-unit dwellings including, but not limited to, hallways, entryways and boiler rooms are considered to fall under this definition of a public and commercial building. This definition includes all industrial buildings.
I.B.91. "Quantify" means to measure or count or otherwise determine, to the extent practicable, the amount of ACM.
I.B.92. "Regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM)" means
(a) friable asbestos-containing material,
(b) Category I nonfriable ACM that has become friable,
(c) Category I nonfriable ACM that will be or has been subjected to sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading or
(d) Category II nonfriable ACM that has a high probability of becoming or has become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by the forces expected to act on the material in the course of demolition or renovation operations regulated by this regulation.
I.B.93. "Removal" means the taking out or the stripping of ACM or ACBM from a damaged area, a functional space, or a homogeneous area in or on a facility.
I.B.94. "Renovation" means altering in any way one or more components in or on a facility. Operations in which load-supporting structural members are wrecked or removed are demolitions. Examples of renovation work include replacement or repair of mechanical ventilation systems, pipes, ceilings, walls, flooring (including floor tiles), and insulating materials. Renovation may also include the construction of additions or the modification of existing components where tie-ins, joints or other intersection may occur.
I.B.95. "Repair" means returning damaged ACM or ACBM to an undamaged condition or to an intact state so as to prevent fiber release.
I.B.96. "Resilient Floor Tile" means tile, which may include vinyl asbestos tile (VAT), asphalt tile, and rubber tile. Tile often appears as 9" x 9" or 12" x 12" floor tile squares. This material may be found in schools, offices and residential applications. Not all resilient floor tile contains asbestos.
I.B.97. "Response action" means a method, including removal, encapsulation, enclosure, repair, operations and maintenance that protect human health and the environment from friable ACM or ACBM.
I.B.98. "Roadways" mean surfaces on which vehicles travel. This term includes public and private highways, roads, streets, parking areas, and driveways.
I.B.99. "Routine maintenance area" means an area, such as a boiler room or mechanical room that is not normally frequented by building occupants and in which maintenance employees or contract workers regularly conduct maintenance activities.
I.B.100. "Sampling Area" means any area, whether contiguous or not, within a building which contains friable material that is homogeneous.
I.B.101. "School" means any institution that provides elementary or secondary education (this includes all schools, public and private, not for profit in grades K-12).
I.B.102. "School building" means:
I.B.102.a. Any structure suitable for use as a classroom, including a school facility such as a laboratory, library, school eating facility, or facility used for the preparation of food.
I.B.102.b. Any gymnasium or other facility, which is specially designed for athletic or recreational activities for an academic course in physical education.
I.B.102.c. Any other facility used for the instruction or housing of students or for the administration of educational or research programs.
I.B.102.d. Any maintenance, storage, or utility facility, including any hallway, essential to the operation of any facility described in this definition of "school building" under Sections I.B.87.a, b, or c.
I.B.102.e. Any portico or covered exterior hallway or walkway of any facility described in this definition of "school building" in Sections I.B.102.a, b, c, or d.
I.B.102.f. Any exterior portion of a mechanical system used to condition interior space of any facility described in this definition of "school building" in Sections I.B.102.a, b, c, or d.
I.B.103. "Secondary Containment" means a system of airtight barriers to isolate the work area to prevent the uncontrolled migration of air from the work area. This system must include, at minimum, critical barriers and the use of a HEPA filtered vacuum or similar HEPA filtered ventilation unit to exhaust air from inside the secondary containment. Air flow into the containment must be documented using smoke tubes. Secondary containment systems are distinct from full containment systems in that they do not require the installation of a decontamination unit, a waste loadout area or a viewport, though some or all of these components may be included at the discretion of the individual(s) performing the work.
I.B.104. "Sheet Vinyl Flooring" means material that is usually found in 6 ft., 9 ft., and 12 ft., width sheets. It often consists of three or more laminated layers. The upper layers are comprised of a wear layer and design feature. The bottom layer may be an asbestos-containing backing. Sheet vinyl flooring may be installed in an adhered or loose-laid manner. Other possible applications for this material include countertops and wall coverings. Not all sheet vinyl flooring has an asbestos-containing backing.
I.B.105. "Shower room" means a chamber between the clean room and the equipment room in the decontamination unit suitably arranged for complete showering during decontamination.
I.B.106. "Significantly damaged friable miscellaneous ACM" means damaged friable miscellaneous ACM or ACBM where the damage is extensive and severe.
I.B.107. "Significantly damaged friable surfacing ACM" means damaged friable surfacing ACM or ACBM in a functional space where the damage is extensive and severe.
I.B.108. "Single-family residential dwelling or unit" means any structure or portion of a structure whose primary use is for housing of a family. Residential portions of multi-unit dwellings such as apartment buildings, condominiums, duplexes and triplexes are also considered to be, for the purposes of this Regulation Number 8, Part B, single-family residential dwellings. The following are not considered to be part of a single-family residential dwelling: common areas of multi-unit dwellings including, but not limited to, hallways, entryways, and boiler rooms.
I.B.109. "Staging area" means either the holding area or an area near the waste transfer airlock where containerized asbestos waste has been placed prior to removal from the work area.
I.B.110. "State-owned or state-leased buildings" means structures occupied by any person which are either owned by the state or utilized by the state through leases of one year's duration or longer.
I.B.111. "Strip" means to take off RACM from any part of a facility or facility components.
I.B.112. "Structural member" means any load-supporting member of a facility, such as beams and load supporting walls; or any non-load-supporting member, such as ceilings and non-load-supporting walls.
I.B.113. "Surfacing ACM" means surfacing material that is ACM.
I.B.114. "Surfacing material" means material that is sprayed on, troweled on, or otherwise applied to surfaces, such as acoustical plaster on ceilings and fireproofing materials on structural members, or other materials on surfaces for acoustical, fireproofing, or other purposes.
I.B.115. "Surfactant" means a commercially available product specifically designed to be mixed with water for use in wetting of asbestos-containing materials to reduce surface tension and improve water penetration.
I.B.116. "Thermal system insulation" means material applied to pipes, fittings, boilers, breeching, tanks, ducts, or other interior structural components to prevent heat loss or gain, or water condensation, or for other purposes.
I.B.117. "Thermal system insulation ACM" means thermal system insulation that is ACM.
I.B.118. "Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)" is an analytical technique used for the definitive identification of asbestos. This technique can be used for both air and bulks sample analyses as allowed by this regulation.
I.B.119. "Trigger levels" means amounts of material as follows:
I.B.119.a. With regard to single-family residential dwellings, the trigger levels are 50 linear feet on pipes, 32 square feet on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum.
I.B.119.b. With regard to all areas other than single-family residential dwellings, the trigger levels are 260 linear feet on pipes, 160 square feet on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum.
I.B.120. "Vibration" means the periodic motion of friable ACM or ACBM, which may result in the release of asbestos fibers.
I.B.121. "Visible emission" means any emissions, which are visually detectable without the aid of instruments, coming from asbestos containing material, asbestos debris or asbestos containing waste material.
I.B.122. "Waste load-out area" means a specially constructed airlock system utilized as a short-term storage area for bagged or barreled waste and as a port for removing waste and equipment from the containment. This area must be separate from the decontamination unit.
I.B.123. "Wet wiping" means removing dust and debris from surfaces or objects in the work area by using cloths, mops, or other cleaning utensils, which have been dampened with amended water.
I.B.124. "Work area" means a room, group of rooms, or contiguous area sealed or contained by polyethylene barriers and/or walls for the purpose of eliminating air exchange between another room, group of rooms, or contiguous areas.
I.B.125. "Working day" means Monday through Friday and including holidays that falls on any of the days Monday through Friday.
I.C. Acronyms



American Board of Industrial Hygiene, 600 5 West St. Joseph, Suite 300, Lansing, MI 48917-4876



asbestos-containing building material



American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1330 Kemper Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240-4148



asbestos-containing material



asbestos-containing waste material



Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act



American Industrial Hygiene Association, 3141 Fairview Park Dr., Suite 777, Falls Church, VA 22042



Air Monitoring Specialist



American National Standards Institute,1899 L Street, NW, 11th Floor, Washington, DC 20036



Air Pollution Control Division



Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act



American Society for Testing and Materials 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959



Air Quality Control Commission



Code of Colorado Regulations



Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment



cubic feet per minute



Code of Federal Regulations



Certified Industrial Hygienist



Colorado Revised Statutes



Environmental Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460



fibers per cubic centimeter



fibers per cubic centimeter



fibers per cubic meter



General Abatement Contractor



General Equivalency Diploma



high efficiency particulate air



heating, ventilation and air conditioning



large contiguous facility [complex]



local education agency



liters per minute



Maximum Allowable Asbestos Level in air



Model Accreditation Plan (EPA)



negative air machine



National Bureau of Standards



National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, ( 40 C.F.R. Part 61 ) (EPA), Subparts A (General Provisions), and M (National Emission Standard for Asbestos)



National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 395 E. St., SW, Suite 9200, Washington, DC 20201



National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-3460



National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive, MS 2140 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-2140



Operations and Maintenance



Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20210



Proficiency Analytical Testing



Phase Contrast Microscopy



Polarized Light Microscopy



personal protective equipment



pounds per square inch



regulated asbestos-containing material



Resilient Floor Covering Institute,115 Broad St. Suite 201, La Grange, GA 30240



structures per square millimeter



single-family residential dwelling



Transmission Electron Microscopy



Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. section 2601 et seq. TSCA TITLE II means the 1986, amendments to TSCA found at 15 U.S.C. section 2641 et seq.



thermal system insulation



time weighted average



vinyl asbestos [floor] tile



vinyl composition tile

5 CCR 1001-10-B-I

37 CR 18, September 25, 2014, effective 10/15/2014
38 CR 05, March 10, 2015, effective 3/30/2015
38 CR 18, September 25, 2015, effective 10/15/2015
39 CR 18, September 25, 2016, effective 10/15/2016
40 CR 12, June 25, 2017, effective 7/15/2017
41 CR 11, June 10, 2018, effective 6/30/2018
42 CR 16, August 25, 2019, effective 9/14/2019
43 CR 03, February 10, 2020, effective 1/16/2020
43 CR 03, February 10, 2020, effective 3/1/2020
43 CR 12, June 25, 2020, effective 7/15/2020
44 CR 04, February 25, 2021, effective 3/17/2021
44 CR 12, June 25, 2021, effective 7/15/2021
45 CR 12, June 25, 2022, effective 7/15/2022
46 CR 12, June 25, 2023, effective 7/15/2023
47 CR 12, June 25, 2024, effective 7/15/2024