5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-1-IV

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024
IV.A. General Meetings:

General meetings of the Commission are typically held once a month. General meetings are held for the Commission to conduct business, which might include, for example, informal hearings, briefings, reports, budget matters, noticed rulemaking or adjudicatory hearings, or noticed SIP hearings.

IV.B. Frequency:

Meeting dates and hearing schedules are set by the Commission. The Commission chairperson or if the chairperson is absent or has been recused, the vice chairperson may as necessary call special meetings of the Commission.

IV.C. Placing an Item on the General Meeting Agenda:

Any person seeking to place an item on the Commission's agenda must file the relevant materials in the Commission Office prior to the general meeting during which that person desires the matter to be addressed. Materials filed less than thirty days in advance may result in the matter being placed on the agenda for the following general meeting, unless the Commission or the chairperson determines, for good cause shown, that the matter should be addressed at that month's general meeting. Amendments to the agenda may be made at any time.

IV.D. Conduct of General Meetings:

Six Commissioners constitute a quorum, and at least five Commissioners must vote in favor of a motion on a matter within the powers and duties of the Commission for that motion to pass. The chairperson, will preside over general meetings. If the chairperson is absent or has been recused, the Vice Chair, or a presiding Commissioner will conduct general meetings. General meetings may proceed under Robert's Rules of Order, although the Commission typically acts on a more informal basis. Specific procedures for rulemaking proceedings and adjudicatory proceedings will be governed by the procedures set forth in Sections V. and VI.

IV.D.1. The Commission may vote on Agenda items as part of a Consent Agenda. Adoption of a Consent Agenda allows the Commission to consolidate voting on agenda items that do not need to be discussed individually and for which presentation of additional information is not required. If any Commissioner or any member of the public believes that any item proposed for the Consent Agenda requires discussion that item may be removed from the consent agenda and handled as a regular agenda item at the same general meeting or at a subsequent general meeting. Items not removed may be adopted by unanimous consent without debate.
IV.E. Planning:

Among other agenda topics, the Commission may periodically set aside time on its agenda for general discussions regarding planning of Commission business or discussions of policy related to air quality.

IV.F. Recording Proceedings:

The Commission Office will record the proceedings of all general meetings. Copies of such recordings will be available to the public upon request at cost.

IV.G. Minutes:

The Commission Office shall prepare the minutes of the general meeting, as promptly as possible, and mail them to the Commissioners for their comment, modification and approval.

IV.H. Public Participation Encouraged:

All general meetings are open to the public. The Commission strongly encourages public participation. The chairperson or presiding Commissioner will provide an opportunity at each general meeting for the Commission to accept public comments, and the public may be invited to participate at other appropriate times during the general meeting in the discretion of the chairperson or presiding Commissioner. Public participation and comment may be reasonably limited as the chairperson or presiding Commissioner deems necessary. The chairperson or presiding Commissioner will be responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting. Members of the public appearing before the Commission are expected to present their views in a respectful manner and must refrain from abusive tactics and personal attacks.

IV.I. Executive Session:

The Commission may with respect to particular matters approved under the Colorado Open Meetings Law call for an executive session, upon affirmative vote of at least six Commissioners and announcement to the public of the topic for discussion during the executive session, where only the Commission, its counsel, appropriate staff (which includes the Technical Secretary/Administrator and Program Coordinator and, when appropriate, relevant Division personnel), and other pertinent or necessary persons may be present, pursuant to § 24-6-402(3), C.R.S.

IV.J. Public Hearings:

The Commission is authorized to hold public hearings that are conducted in compliance with the APA. Public hearings may include rulemaking hearings to adopt air quality standards and emission control regulations. Public hearings also include adjudicatory hearings, hearings on delayed compliance orders, and hearings on construction permits. Public hearings afford any interested person the opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments orally or in writing. The Commission may designate certain matters for which oral presentations are unnecessary as "Written Comment Only" hearings. Detailed information regarding each type of public hearing is addressed in these Procedural Rules.

IV.K. Informal Hearings:

Informal hearings are held in the discretion of the Commission to gather information or receive comment on a matter under preliminary consideration by the Commission or staff. They are typically held during the Commission's general meetings. Informal hearings generally do not require compliance with the APA and are therefore conducted as deemed appropriate by the Commission. Matters considered at informal hearings do not have binding regulatory or adjudicatory effect. See, Section V.B.2.a. of these regulations (regarding informal hearings for development of a proposed rule).

IV.L. Statements of Policy and Interpretive Rules:

The Commission may from time to time adopt statements of policy and interpretive rules to guide the work of the Commission and the implementation of its programs. Their adoption does not require compliance with the APA and therefore will be conducted as deemed appropriate by the Commission.

IV.M. Approval of Plans, Reports and SIPs:

The Commission periodically takes formal action on plans, reports, or SIPs, which in many cases does not involve rulemaking. The actions may vary from review and approval of reports to the state legislature, to formal promulgation of SIPs or approval of SIP reports. When the approval of regulations or revisions to regulations is involved, the Commission will follow the procedures provided in Section V. with respect to the rulemaking elements. With respect to any non-regulatory action or elements, the Commission will, to the extent appropriate, follow the procedures in Section V.

This, however, shall not be construed to require the Commission to follow such procedures in any action that does not include rulemaking. The Commission's written notice for any such actions will describe the specific requirements for participation applicable to parties and the Division, and, where appropriate, to the public. Prior to the hearing, the, Hearing Officer may also provide a prehearing order that specifies other procedural requirements.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, any plan, report, or other provision which is to become part of the Federally-enforceable SIP must be adopted by the Commission following a formal rulemaking hearing. This requirement may be satisfied by adopting such plan, report, or provision during the course of a rulemaking hearing on an associated rule, or by publishing notice of the hearing on the plan, report, or provision in compliance with the notice requirements of §§ 24-4-103 and 25-7-110, C.R.S. This requirement does not require the promulgation and publication of a plan, report or other provision as a rule or regulation unless such plan, report or provision is a rule as that term is defined in § 24-4-102, C.R.S.

IV.N. Review of conformity determinations
IV.N.1. The Commission shall hold at least one public meeting to review non-routine conformity determinations on a transportation plan or transportation improvement program. In general, the Division will determine whether a Conformity Determination is routine per the definition in AQCC Regulation Number 10, Criteria for Analysis of Transportation Conformity. Such requirement for a public meeting also applies to a non-routine conformity determination for a Federal Highway Administration or Federal Transit Administration project or any regionally significant project funded with non-federal moneys located outside of a metropolitan planning area if any member of the review team established to consult on such conformity determination requests a review by the Commission.
IV.N.2. The Commission shall provide written notice of the public meeting to the persons on the Commission mailing list maintained by the Commission Office. Such notice must be emailed at least thirty days prior to the public meeting.
IV.N.3. The entity making the conformity determination shall file via email the following documents with the Commission at least thirty days prior to the public meeting:
IV.N.3.a. A statement summarizing the conformity finding and the key assumptions supporting the finding and any technical support documentation.
IV.N.3.b. One copy each of the relevant Transportation Plan and Transportation

Improvement Program.

IV.N.4. At least fourteen days prior to the public meeting, the Division shall provide each Commissioner with a copy of its written comments, if any, on the conformity determination. This provision does not preclude the Division from making additional comments on the conformity determination at the public meeting.
IV.N.5. The Commission may continue the public meeting to the next regularly scheduled

Commission meeting, or to such other date requested by the entity making the conformity determination.

IV.N.6. The entity with final authority to adopt a conformity determination is not required to do prior to the public meeting. If the conformity determination reviewed by the Commission is not final, or is otherwise subject to change prior to submittal to the Federal Highway Administration, the Commission may provide provisional concurrence, or continue the public meeting to review any changes to the conformity determination and any changes to the plan or program that materially affect the conformity determination, that occur after the public meeting.
IV.N.7. The following procedures apply to any public meeting continued pursuant to Section IV.N.5. or IV.N.6.:
IV.N.7.a. Testimony at the continued meeting may be limited to Commission comments and to changes to the conformity determination that have occurred since the public meeting on the proposed conformity determination.
IV.N.7.b. Any change to the conformity determination following the public meeting must be filed with the Commission at least fourteen days prior to the continued meeting. The Metropolitan Planning Organization, or the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), or any other organization responsible for making the conformity determination, shall file 15 copies of a description of the changes to the conformity determination, and to the key assumptions supporting the conformity determination, together with one copy of any revisions to the supporting documentation. Any changes filed less than fourteen days prior to the continued meeting may result in an additional continuation of the public meeting to the following month.
IV.N.8. Nothing in this rule prevents the Division, the Metropolitan Planning Organization,

(CDOT), or members of the Commission from briefing the Commission on upcoming conformity determinations. Any such briefings will be in addition to the public meetings required by this rule.

5 CCR 1001-1-IV

44 CR 16, August 25, 2021, effective 9/14/2021