6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1007-2-11

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 11, June 10, 2024

The following provisions apply to solid waste incineration facilities and privately operated Solid Waste-to-Energy facilities not under contract to a county and/or municipality. Solid Waste-to-Energy incineration facilities sited and operated by a county and/or municipality are regulated under the Solid Waste-to-Energy Incineration Systems Act and regulations promulgated thereunder. Approval by the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division shall not relieve the applicant from its obligation to comply with the requirements of other public agencies including but not limited to the Air Pollution Control Division, the Water Quality Control Division and local government permitting and zoning authorities.

11.1.1 The Department shall approve or deny the facility within 180 days of the application being determined complete by the Department. The Department will make the determination as to whether or not the application is complete within 30 days of receipt. If the application is deemed incomplete, the Department shall notify the applicant of such deficiencies. The applicant must submit the required information within 20 days or the application will automatically be denied.

The engineering design and operations report shall include at a minimum, the following:

11.2.1General Information
(A) Name, address and telephone number of the owner and operator of the solid waste incineration facility.
(B) Location of the site and facility giving the county and legal description of the facility, mailing address, and township, section and range to the nearest one-quarter (%) of a quarter-section.
(C) Area of the site.
(D) General description of the solid waste incineration facility.
(E) Discussion of the facilities service area, including transportation corridors and surrounding access.
(F) Listing of all permits or construction approvals received or applied for including:
(1) Water Quality Permits;
(2) Air Quality Permits;
(3) Local Wastewater Treatment or other Local Permits.
11.2.2 Maps and related information:
(A) The application shall contain a topographic map which shows names of present land owners, property boundaries, including easements, rights of way, internal access roads, and other property interests for the proposed solid waste incineration site and adjacent area; and a description of title, deed, liens or usage restrictions affecting the proposed solid waste incineration facility.
(B) Other major maps and documentation shall be provided to show:
(1) The land use, zoning and population densities of the area within one mile of the proposed facility.
(2) The regional and site drainage conditions including the location of any floodplain boundaries, springs, streams, lakes, wetlands, constructed or natural drains and irrigation ditches located on the proposed site and or adjacent area which could affect the site;
(3) Counties and municipalities in which the site and facility is proposed to be located.
(4) The location of barriers, fences and other similar structures;
(5) All solid waste storage and loading areas;
(6) The location of any scales and weigh stations to be used in the operation;
(7) The location, size and use of buildings and related facilities which will be used in the operation, including their horizontal and vertical dimensions;
(8) Utilities to be installed at the facility.
(C) The applicant shall submit all construction plans, cross-sections, specifications and details.
(D) The Department may request additional information if necessary to complete its review of the facility.
11.2.3Engineering Design Information The application shall contain a detailed description of:
(A) The waste stream including sources, general waste composition, estimated volumes of solid waste to be processed, recycled or landfilled, estimated BTU values and estimated seasonal and compositional variability of the waste stream or specifications, volumes and estimated BTU values for refuse derived fuel if used in place of unprocessed solid waste.
(B) A flow chart showing the mechanical components of the system and a materials balance depicting all process variables including waste volumes, energy, ash, air and water inputs and outputs.
(C) Expected materials to be stored prior to sale, recycling or disposal, the minimum and maximum volumes and weight, minimum and maximum time frames for storage and specific plans for separation and storage of these materials and for disposal of any bulky, unmarketable or noncombustible items.
(D) The orientation, interior dimensions and specifications of the tipping floor, storage area and ingress and egress there to.
(E) The size, type, capacity and general specifications and anticipated performance of equipment for the handling, processing and storage of waste, energy recovery, air emissions control and process monitoring systems.
(F) Any water collection, storage, treatment or discharge facilities to be used in the process.
(G) Identification of sufficient support equipment to maintain operation of equipment functions.
(H) The anticipated recovery rate of marketable materials or energy.
(I) A detailed engineering description of the incinerator including:
(1) Type of incinerator and manufacturer's name and model number;
(2) Construction materials and specifications;
(3) Description of auxiliary fuel system and type of auxiliary fuel to be used;
(4) Capacity of feed charging system;
(5) Description of the combustion control system: air control, warning systems, auxiliary fuel/waste feed cutoff, waste moving/mixing system;
(6) The design and operating conditions for the proposed incinerator for the most efficient combustion of solid waste including:
(a) Expected carbon monoxide (CO) level in the stack exhaust gas
(b) Waste feed rate
(c) Combustion zone temperature and location and method of measurement.
(d) Expected stack gas volume, flow rates and temperatures.
(e) Computed residence time for waste in the combustion zone
(f) Proposed waste feed cut off-limits based on identified significant operating parameters.
(g) Air pollution control equipment, operations variables and normal operating ranges, methods of monitoring, and actions to be taken in the event the equipment and instruments exceed normal operating ranges.
(J) The actual or expected physical and chemical composition of the ash or residue produced by operation of the facility including moisture density relationships, particle size distribution, volume and weight of ash generated.
(K) The proposed location and method for disposal, storage or processing of the ash, scrubber residue, or quench or wash water produced by operation of the facility.
(L) A plan for disposal or processing of waste if the facility is temporarily shut down. A description of the maintenance plan, design redundancy, and plans to minimize unscheduled downtime.
(M) Utilities to be installed at the facility.
(N) Plans and designs for operating and maintaining the proposed facility to prevent fires, explosions, emissions of toxic gases or other emergencies.
(O) A closure plan for decommissioning of the facility addressing removal of all unprocessed solid waste, ash, wash water or any other process residuals.
(P) Other information the Department may require including, but not limited to, calculations and drawings.
11.2.4Facility Operating Plan The application shall contain a facility operating plan which includes:
(A) A narrative description of the general operating plan for the proposed facility, including hours of operation, daily operational methodology, procedures for facility start-up, scheduled and unscheduled shutdown operations, including utilization of process and instrumentation controls for start-up and shutdown, anticipated throughput design capacity, and expected life of the facility.
(B) Provisions for alternative waste handling or disposal during periods when the facility is not in operation, including procedures to be followed in case of equipment breakdown, such as the use of standby equipment, extension of operating hours or arrangements for diversion of waste to other facilities.
(C) Description of procedures to be used for removal of solid waste or ash from the system in the event of mechanical system breakdown.
(D) An operational safety, fire prevention and contingency plan to minimize hazards to human health and the environment resulting from fires, explosions, or release of pollutants into the air, onto the soil or into ground or surface water.
(E) Provisions assuring that the facility does not accept hazardous waste and also assuring that only wastes approved by the Department are accepted by the facility.
(F) The number, classification and job descriptions of personnel projected to be employed at the facility when operating at full capacity.
(G) A plan for hiring and training equipment operators and other personnel in the design and operation of the facility.
(H) Measures to prevent hazards or nuisances from vectors, litter, odors, dust, noise or other potential sources.
(I) An inventory and location of all facility records and as built drawings.
(J) Provisions for providing monitoring results to the Department.
11.3.1 The solid waste program of the Department and the local governing body having jurisdiction shall be notified in writing of the anticipated date of initial start-up of the facility not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days prior to such date and shall be notified in writing of the actual date of commencement of start-up within 15 days after such date.
11.3.2 A solid waste incineration facility must be operated in accordance with the operating procedures specified in the approved engineering design and operations report and in the air emissions permit. Facilities incinerating solid waste not typical of municipal solid waste will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for specific handling and combustion requirements to ensure the waste is handled and burned in a manner that minimizes possible environmental or health impacts.
11.3.3Design, Construction, Operation and Monitoring of Solid Waste Incineration Facilities

All solid waste incineration facilities shall be designed, constructed, operated, and monitored in compliance with all applicable requirements of the Colorado Air Pollution Prevention and Control Act, § § 25-7-101 to 610, C.R.S., and its implementing regulations promulgated by the Air Quality Control Commission, 5 CCR 1001-1 to 22. All monitoring results shall be reported quarterly to the Department and the local governing body having jurisdiction, except that upset conditions, and corrective action taken in response to the upset condition, shall be reported to the Department and the local governing body having jurisdiction as soon as possible, but no later than one business day after the occurrence of the upset condition.

11.3.4 No hazardous waste as defined in Section 25-15-101(9) C.R.S. (1989) of the Colorado Hazardous Waste Act may be received at the solid waste incineration facility.
11.3.5 "Wastes" that are incinerated at solid waste incineration facilities must have specific approval from the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division and the Air Pollution Control Division with the exception of asbestos, which must be handled and disposed of according to Section 5 of the Colorado Regulations pertaining to Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities.
11.3.6 Municipal solid waste must be stored inside an enclosed structure or building under negative air pressure which provides a minimum of three days storage, considering both volume (cubic yards) and weight (tons) at the installed design capacity of the combustion units. Storage of recovered or rejected, oversized and bulky non combustible material must be in accordance with the approved engineering design and operations plan for the facility.
11.3.7 All solid waste shall be handled in such a way as to maximize complete combustion of the waste and minimize any potential for fire, explosion, safety hazard or adverse public health effects. Adequate visual screening must be conducted to ensure removal of hazardous or other unacceptable wastes such as large bulky appliances, asbestos not approved for incineration at the facility.
11.3.8 Operations must be conducted in such a way as to prevent litter and nuisance conditions from occurring. Refuse should be confined to the tipping area and utilized on a first-in first-out basis.
11.3.9 Floors must have adequate drainage and be free of standing water.
11.3.10 The facility must be inspected daily or more frequently as necessary to detect problems with vectors, litter, fugitive dust, odors or equipment malfunctions, with inspection records maintained and corrective action implemented when problems are detected.
11.3.11 Discharge of quenching and/or scrubber water must be in compliance with all state and local water quality control regulations and sewer district requirements.
11.3.12 The alternative waste handling or backup disposal plan as approved in the Engineering Design and Operations report must be implemented for periods of facility shutdown.
11.3.13 Access to the facility must be controlled at all times to preclude unauthorized disposal.
11.3.14 All equipment operators and personnel shall be trained in the design and operation of the facility.
11.3.15 Ash shall be handled in closed conveyors and containers at the facility and shall be stored and transported in a manner to prevent leakage and dispersal.
11.3.16 No person shall close an approved solid waste incineration facility without notifying the Department and the local governing body having jurisdiction in writing at least 120 days prior to the closure date.
11.3.17 The facility shall be closed in accordance with all new applicable regulations in effect at the time of closure and with the closure plan, which if amended, must be submitted for review and approval by the Department 120 days prior to closure.
11.3.18 The operator of an approved municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy facility shall notify the general public at least 60 days in advance of the proposed closure date by placing signs of suitable size at the entrance of the facility.
11.4.1 The following records must be maintained by the facility and made available to the Department and the local governing body having jurisdiction.
(A) Operating records-
(1) A daily log or an equivalent tracking system must be maintained by the facility operator to record operational information such as:
(A) Hours of operation;
(B) Total number of incoming vehicles using the facility;
(C) Quantities of refuse derived fuel, residential and commercial refuse received, industrial other waste streams, and residues or recyclables shipped for disposal or recycling;
(2) Records to identify sources of the incoming waste and to support the mechanism to preclude hazardous or unacceptable wastes from entering the facility;
(3) Equipment maintenance or replacement;
(4) Variations from approved operational procedures;
(5) Inspections performed at the facility and any necessary action taken in response to them.
(B) Monitoring Records- The operator must maintain records of all stack tests and continuous monitoring results for the facility operations, any testing of ash residues, and information regarding water discharges pursuant to city ordinances, pretreatment standards or COPDES permits.
(C) Personnel Training Records
(D) Other Records:
(1) As-built construction details;
(2) Contingency plans and emergency procedures;
(3) Maintenance plans and schedules
11.5.1 All residual ash from solid waste incineration facilities and associated waste water and fugitive dust handling and disposal shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and with all applicable local zoning laws and ordinances.
11.5.2 Residual ash shall be dewatered to remove any free liquids prior to shipment to a disposal site in accordance with the approved engineering design and operations plan for the incineration facility.
11.5.3 Transportation of ash shall occur in equipment designed and utilized to prevent leakage, spillage or dispersion of the material during transportation.
11.5.4 Residual ash from solid waste incineration facilities must either be beneficially used or reused, as defined in paragraph 11.5.5, or finally disposed in accordance with all applicable Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities Act regulations.
11.5.5 For beneficial use or reuse of residual ash from a solid waste incineration facility to be approved by the Department after consultation with the local governing body having jurisdiction, the following must be demonstrated by the applicant:
(A) That the waste material can meet the same specifications as alternative non-waste materials, and
(B) That the beneficially used waste materials will not release contaminants into the environment.

6 CCR 1007-2-11

37 CR 17, September 10, 2014, effective 9/30/2014
37 CR 24, December 25, 2014, effective 1/14/2015
38 CR 11, June 10, 2015, effective 6/30/2015
38 CR 23, December 10, 2015, effective 12/30/2015
39 CR 23, December 10, 2016, effective 12/30/2016
39 CR 23, December 25, 2016, effective 12/30/2016
40 CR 05, March 10, 2017, effective 4/14/2017
40 CR 21, November 10, 2017, effective 1/1/2018
40 CR 21, November 10, 2017, effective 3/1/2018
41 CR 06, March 25, 2018, effective 4/14/2018
41 CR 11, June 10, 2018, effective 6/30/2018
41 CR 11, June 10, 2018, effective 7/15/2018
41 CR 24, December 25, 2018, effective 1/14/2019
42 CR 06, March 25, 2019, effective 4/14/2019
42 CR 11, June 10, 2019, effective 6/30/2019
42 CR 21, November 10, 2019, effective 11/30/2019
43 CR 06, March 25, 2020, effective 4/14/2020
43 CR 12, June 25, 2020, effective 7/15/2020
43 CR 18, September 25, 2020, effective 10/15/2020
43 CR 24, December 25, 2020, effective 1/14/2021
44 CR 24, December 25, 2021, effective 1/14/2022
45 CR 17, September 10, 2022, effective 9/30/2022
45 CR 23, December 10, 2022, effective 12/30/2022