Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 4.08 - Application for Warrant Pilot Commission(1) The Commissioner will consider, and will interview and examine, only those applicants for a Warrant Pilot Commission who have:(a) Is a citizen of the United State of America;(b) Is at least 21 years of age;(c) Has completed 12 years of formal education or equivalent satisfactory to the Commissioner;(d) Is fluent in the English language;(e) Is physically and mentally fit for pilotage service;(f) Possesses a US Coast Guard license master of steam and motor vessels of unlimited gross tons upon oceans, as well as other endorsements and certificates described in 995 CMR 4.14; and(g) Has documented pilotage service or prior maritime service or has suitable veteran sea time.(2) Each applicant for a Warrant Pilot Commission shall submit to the Commissioner: (a) A signed letter requesting a Commission specifying the specific type and areas;(c) Copies of all US Coast Guard credentials and endorsements, as well as certificates required under 995 CMR 4.14;(d) Copies of US Coast Guard federal first class pilotage for the Cape Cod Canal and Buzzards Bay, New Bedford Harbor and Approaches; and at least one area of Nantucket Sound, Vineyard Sound, Woods Hole Harbor and Passage, and Hyannis Harbor, as well as other endorsements and certificates as described in 995 CMR 4.14;(e) Proof of 15 round trips as a pilot or as pilot under instruction or equivalent transits over the waters specified within the past three years before the date of application; issued by a pilot association or a federal agency; (1/3 of which in each respective category shall be during hours of darkness unless daylight only operations are mandated for a particular area);(f) A Letter of Nomination signed by three Full Branch Pilots attesting that they have each observed the applicant while directing the movements of vessels in each of the areas to which the Commission applied for is applicable, and that said applicant is competent, professional and posses the temperament to furnish prompt and safe pilotage services; and(g) A separate signed letter explaining any unusual incidents or violations of federal regulations or state statutes involving the applicant, including the disposition of any formal hearings or investigations.