980 CMR, § 7.07

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 7.07 - Supply Plans of Gas Companies
(1)Scope and Purpose.
(a) 980 CMR 7.07 sets forth the requirements for a statement of supply resources and plans which every gas company must met in each long-range forecast.

A long-range forecast, including supply plans, must be filed on the dates set forth in 980 CMR 7.02(3)(a) in the same manner as provided by 980 CMR 7.06(1). Except as otherwise provided by this section, every facility expected to commence operation in the fifth year after the date of a forecast must be included in the supply plans required by 980 CMR 7.07(7). For purposes only of the long-range forecast required to be submitted on or before May 1, 1976, a company must include pursuant to 980 CMR 7.07(7) all faciUties expected to commence operation at any time prior to December 31,1980, and not exempted irom Council authority for any reason. Facilities expected to commence operation more than five years after the date of the forecast may be included in the supply plan; in such a case 980 CMR 7.06(4)(a)(3) must be complied with. Only those facilities required to be described as set forth in 980 CMR 7.07(7) are subject to Council approval or disapproval. Information concerning other construction projects must in any event be provided to the extent required by 980 CMR 7.07(5) and (6).

(b) Statements of supply plans shall be submitted and reviewed so that the Council may better determine whether the supply plans will fulfill the energy, environmental and economic pohcies of the Commonwealth. The long-range forecast will allow for an early initial review of the plans for proposed facilities.
(c) As provided by this paragraph, a gas company may include a proposed facility in a forecast pursuant to 980 CMR 7.07(7) four years or less before it is expected to commence operation. The Council may approve that part of the forecast relating to the said facility if it determines that changed circumstances which the gas company should not reasonably have foreseen and taken into account at the time of filing of any prior forecast or supplement require the completion of the facility four years or less after the date of the forecast under consideration. The changed circumstances should be described fully in the said forecast.
(2)Inventory of Resources. The following inventory of existing facilities shall be included in each long-range forecast.
(a) The inventory shall include a schematic map showing the routes of the company's pipelines having a normal operating pressure in excess of 100 psi gauge and the location of units designed for or capable of the manufacture or storage of gas.
(b) The inventory shall include a schedule of the company's existing facilities designed for or capable of the manufacture or storage of gas. Companies may exclude from such schedule any manufacturing or storage facility not used and not reasonably capable of being used (due to geographic separation, unavailable capacity or other reason) for the manufacture or storage of gas ultimately consumed in Massachusetts.
(c) Such a schedule shall contain for each facility included pursuant to 980 CMR 7.01(2)(b):
1. a general description of the type of facility (for example for storage facilities: LNG storage, vapor storage; for manufacturing facilities: SNG plant, propane air facility, LNG vaporization facility, LNG liquefaction facility);
2. the type of feedstock currently utilized for the manufacture of gas and the type of gas produced, or the type of gas stored, as applicable;
3. the capacity of the existing facility under normal operating conditions, expressed as the unit's normal annual and normal daily manufacturing capacity; or as its storage capacity; and
4. in the case of a facility for the manufacture of gas, a statement concerning the reliability during each of the most recent five years.
(d) The inventory shall include a schedule of all of the company's pipelines having a normal operating pressure in excess of 100 poimds per square inch (100 psi) gauge including those less than one mile in length, or at the company's election, a schedule of such pipelines in a separable segment of the company's interstate pipelines used or reasonably capable of being used to transmit gas to customers located in the Commonwealth. Said schedule shall contain the following information for each such pipeline:
1. name or numerical designation (if any);
2. origin, terminus, and length;
3. diameter and maximum allowable operating pressure; and
4. general description of the right-of-way.
(3)Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Reports. Each company shall submit copies of any Federal Energy Regulatory Commission form that the Council determines may be useful. The Council may require that a copy of any Commission form be deposited in any repository of documents chosen pursuant to 980 CMR 7.02(5).
(4)Comparison of Resources and Requirements to Meet Forecast Demand. For each of the years covered by the forecast, the following items should be listed as total gas supply capacity at the time of the winter peak. These items should be differentiated as to existing or additional capacity in units included or not included in the definition of "facility". Some elements may be unknown or difficult to forecast, but the basis for any estimates should be described:
(a) anticipated annual and peak demand and sendout;
(b) sendout available from existing sources;
(c) sendout available fi-om planned additions; and
(d) planned retirements.

The company shall state fially the extent to which considerations of the risk of insufficient supply influence the plans set forth pursuant to this section.

(5)Facilities Planned in Other States. Each company shall provide for each gas facility, planned or under construction in a state other than Massachusetts with an in-service date within the coming five years, owned or to be owned entirely or in part by the company and intended to serve Massachusetts customers directly or indirectly, the following information:
(a) the nature of the facility;
(b) the anticipated in-service date;
(c) the capacity of the facility; and
(d) in the case of the facility for the manufacture of gas, a statement concerning the anticipated reliability.

This information is required for informational purposes only.

(6)Exempt and Approved Facilities. Each company shall provide for each facility (including jointly owned facilities) planned or under construction in the Commonwealth with an in-service date within the coming five years but not requiring Council approval in a forecast because exempt pursuant to 980 CMR 7.01(6) or 7.02(10) or because already contained in an approved forecast or supplement, the following information to the extent known or planned:
(a) the nature of the facility;
(b) the anticipated in-service date;
(c) the capacity of the facility; and
(d) in the case of the facility for the manufacture of gas, a statement concerning the anticipated reliability.

This information is required for informational purposes only.

(7)Planned Facilities.
(a) For each new facility to be located in Massachusetts, the in-service date of which is to be within the time period covered by the filing, which has not been included in a long-range forecast, an amended forecast or a supplement previously approved by the Council, and which has not been exempted fi-om Council jurisdiction pursuant to 980 CMR 7.01(6) or 7.02(10), the lead company shall include a description of the facility and its environmental impact as well as a discussion of the relation of the proposed facility to the current health, environmental protection, and resource use and development poUcies of the Commonwealth as set forth in the constitution, general laws, and duly promulgated rules and regulations of responsible state, regional or local agencies having the force of law. Such description shall include the following information:
1. name of the lead company;
2. facility name and location;
3. names of participating owners; and
4. predicted dates of commencement and completion of construction.
(b) The lead company shall also:
1. name any other state agency asserting jurisdiction over the proposed facility and include a reference to the statutory authority granting agency jurisdiction;
2. name any federal agency asserting jurisdiction over the proposed facility and include a reference to the statutory authority granting agency jurisdiction; and
3. identify the agency or agencies for which environmental assessments must be prepared under M.G.L. c. 30, § 62 and 42 USC, § 4332.
(c) For a proposed manufacturing or storage facility, the company shall provide:
1. a summary statement of purpose, name and location of facility; approximate size of site; general description of major structures and equipment; alternate sites; possible alternative methods of manufacture or storage considered by the company; estimated cost; major environmental protection equipment; type of facility, anticipated reliability and planned daily and annual capacity of SNG plants, LNG vaporization facilities, LNG liquefaction facihties and other manufacturing facihties; capacity of LNG storage facilities, vapor storage facilities and other gas storage facilities; type of feedstock and operating fuel; type and size of storage for feedstock and operating fuel; and a discussion of the alternative of no new manufacturing or storage facility;
2. a general description of site and surrounding area in terms of natural features including topography, water resources, soils, vegetation, and wildUfe, and land use, both existing and proposed, including types and densities in developed area, agricultural and other open uses, parks and recreation areas, areas designated by a governmental agency for protection as natural preserves or historic or scenic districts; nearby roads, nearby gas pipelines, transportation corridors and zoning (hiclude a map or aerial photographs showing the proposed site and its surroundings up to one mile from the site, designating current major land use patterns within such area, and showing the location within the site of the proposed facilities.); and
3. an evaluation of impact of the facility in terms of its effect on: natural features (especially water resources), land use as just described, visibility, air quality, water quality, solid waste, and noise.
(d) For a proposed gas pipeline intended to have normaloperating pressure in excess of 100 psi gauge and length in excess of one mile, the company shall provide:
1. a summary statement of name or numerical description of line, purpose, location of terminal points, general location and length of route, facility characteristics including types of structures above and below the ground, proposed normal maximum operating pressure, right-of-way width, estimated cost, possible alternative routes and transportation methods, and a discussion of the alternative of no new pipeline (include U.S.G.S maps of 1:24,000 scale of the area of the proposed route and alternative routes);
2. land use, both existing and proposed, including types and densities in developed areas, agricultural and other open uses, parks and recreation areas, areas designated for protection as natural preserves or historic or scenic districts, road crossings and traffic patterns, nearby utility or transportation corridors, cemeteries and schools; and
3. a brief evaluation of impact of the facility in terms of its effect on natural features and land use, as just described, its visibility and, if applicable, its air quality, water quality, solid waste, and noise effects.
(e) For each planned new facility the company shall provide a statement of need, which shall consist of:
1. a description of the ways in which the company's existing facilities will not be adequate to serve the requirements forecast; and
2. a description of the use which is to be made of each new facility, including whether the new facility will be used to replace existing facilities or to meet additional requirements.
(8)Exclusions. The following activities are deemed not to constitute the construction of facilities subject to 980 CMR 7.07(7):
(a) modification, addition to, or replacement of equipment at an existing site which is a component part of an existing facility capable of the manufacture or storage of gas, unless such modification, addition, or replacement:
1. increases the capacity of the storage component of the facility by more than 50% or 50,000 barrels; or
2. increases the capacity of the manufacturing component of the facility by more than 50% or 25,000 MMBtu per day provided that increases of 10,000 MMBTU per day or less do not constitute the construction of facilities under 980 CMR 7.07(7);
(b) necessary maintenance of existing facilities for the manufacture or storage of gas or existing pipelines;
(c) the upgrading of an existing pipeline, which has been in existence for at least 24 months and which is capable of operating at pressures in excess of 100 psi gauge;
(d) construction of a pipeline which for at least the first two years of service will be used at a pressure of less than 100 psi gauge or which involves the rebuilding, relaying, minor relocation, or restructiong of all or part of an existing line which traverses essentially the same route; and
(e) commencement or permanent placement of facilities on an emergency basis subject to the provisions of 980 CMR 6.06(2).
(9)Interstate Facilities.
(a) When interstate natural gas companies regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) pursuant to the Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. sections 111 et seq. plan to construct new or modify existing facilities within the Commonwealth, the Council requires the following information:
1. A copy of the company's application to FERC for a certificate of public convenience and necessity with respect to the facility construction/modification.
2. Identification of the (1) general route of a pipeline or the sites of other facilities and (2) of the municipalities in the Commonwealth to be affected by such construction/modification and a description of the manner in which these municipalities will be affected. This information can be provided in a cover letter to the submittal of the FERC application to the Council, which letter references those parts of the application where that information can be foimd.

This information will be submitted to the Council at the same time the individual company files its application with FERC.

Within 60 days of receipt of this information, the Council will hold public informational hearings in the municipality or municipalities where the affected sites are located and will complete said hearings within 30 days of the time for commencement thereof The company will attend this hearing so that the public's questions concerning the construction project may be addressed and potential difficulties identified early in the application process. Interested citizens who attend such hearings will be advised as to the nature and availabiUty of their options, rights and/or remedies with respect to the project. Notice of such hearings will be given 21 days in advance in a practical manner to be specified by the hearing officer designated by the Council.

(b) Upon receipt of the company's application to FERC, the Council will act to preserve the rights of interested citizens of the Commonwealth by intervening in the FERC proceedings on said application. After conducting the public informational hearings as described in 980 CMR 7.07(9)(a), the Council will present to FERC through its intervention the difficulties and problems identified at said public hearings.
(c) Further, upon receipt of said application, the Council will contact the appropriate FERC personnel and request joint public hearings as described in (a) above and also will request joint adjudicatory hearings, said joint hearings to be conducted by the Council and FERC.
(d) The Council will also continue to apply the criteria set off in Policy 8 of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program (MCZMP) as authorized by the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act (the "Act"), 16 U.S.C. sec. 1451et seq. and implemented further in 980 CMR 9.00 herein. A MCZMP consistency review of the company's application as contemplated by the Act, 16 U.S.C. sec. 1456(c)(3) will be conducted by the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Office.

980 CMR, § 7.07