Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 7.04 - Supply Plans of Electric Companies(1)Scope and Purpose.(a)980 CMR 7.04 sets forth the requirements for a statement of supply resources and plans which every electric company must meet in each long-range forecast. A long-range forecast, including supply plans, must be filed on the dates set forth in 980 CMR 7.02(3)(a) in the same manner as provided by 980 CMR 7.03(1). Except as otherwise provided by this section or 980 CMR 7.05(3), every faciUty expected to commence operation in the tenth year after the date of a forecast must be included in the supply plans required by 980 CMR 7.04(8). For purposes only of the long-range forecast required to be submitted on or before May 1, 1976, a company must include pursuant to 980 CMR 7.04(8) all facilities expected to commence operation at any time prior to December 31, 1985, and not exempted from Council authority for any reason. Facilities expected to commence operation more than ten years after the date of the forecast may be included in the supply plan. Only those facilities required to be described as set forth in 980 CMR 7.04(8) are subject to Council approval or disapproval. Information concerning other construction projects must in any event be provided to the extent required by 980 CMR 7.04(5), (6) and (7).(b) Statements of supply plans shall be submitted and reviewed so that the Council may better determine whether the supply plans will fulfill the energy, environmental and economic policies of the Commonwealth.(c) As provided by 980 CMR 7.04(l)(b), an electric company may include a proposed facility in a forecast or modify the plans for a proposed facility pursuant to 980 CMR 7.04(8) nine years or less before it is expected to commence operation, if the electric company's plans have changed, requiring the completion of a facility nine years or less after the date of the forecast under consideration. The company shall notify the Council of such change of plans or proposed facility as early as possible. The notification may be in the form of the filing of a long-range forecast, amended forecast, supplement, or in the form of a motion to amend an approved forecast or supplement or a forecast or supplement then under consideration. The circumstances and factors necessitating the change in plans and the completion of a facility shall be fully described in said notification.(2)Inventory of Resources. (a) Each electric company shall provide one or more maps of appropriate scale showing:1. the location and capacity of all generating facilities, including units below 100 MW (including jointly-owned units and units outside Massachusetts);2. the location of transmission substations with a voltage rating of 69 kV or higher; and3. the location of transmission lines rated 69 kV or higher and interconnections with the transmission facilities of other companies.(b) Each electric company shall provide a schedule of existing generating facilities (including jointly-owned facilities), including units below 100 MW which shall contain: 1. the facility name, location, and in-service date;3. the MW capability (summer and winter);4. the type or types of energy resources used;5. the type of service (base load, cycling, peaking);6. the total acreage of the facility site; and7. a statement concerning the reliability of the faciKty during each of the most recent five years. In the case of any facility containing any single generating unit with a capacity in excess of 100 MW, the information required by this paragraph, whenever appropriate, shall be reported separately for every generating unit comprising the facility.
(c) Each electric company shall provide a schedule of existing 69 kV or higher voltage transmission facilities which shall contain as to each transmission circuit: 1. origin, terminus and length;2. design and operating voltages;3. nominal width of right-of-way (in the case of a right-of-way containing more than one circuit the total width will be given),4. type of structure; and5. size of conductor and material.(d) Each electric company shall provide a schedule of existing transmission substations with a voltage rating of 69 kV or higher which shall contain: 3. main power transformer capacity; and4. the total acreage of the substation site.(3)Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Reports. Each Company shall submit any Federal Energy Regulatory Commission form that the Council determines may be useful. The Council may require that a copy of any Commission form be deposited in any repository of documents chosen pursuant to 980 CMR 7.02(5).(4)Comparison of Resoiuxes and Requirements to Meet Forecast Demand. (a) For each of the years covered by the forecast, the following items should be listed as total generating capacity at the time of the winter and summer peaks. These items should be differentiated as to existing or additional capacity and capacity in units included or not included in the definition of "facility". Some elements may be vinknown or difficult to forecast, but the basis for any estimates should be described: 1. anticipated peak loads;2. capacity available from existing sources;3. capacity available from planned additions;5. capacity available from purchases to meet peak;6. capacity committed to sell coincident with peak; and(b) Estimates of the total energy input in primary fuels required to meet demand for the first two future years of the forecast should be furnished. Primary fuels should be organized by standard categories (nuclear fuel, coal, gas and the various petroleum products) and quantified on the basis of MMBtu.(c) The company shall state fully the extent to which consideration of the risk of insufficient generating capacity influences the plans set forth pursuant to 980 CMR 7.04(1).(5)Small Generating Plants Planned. Each company shall provide, for each generating plant of less than 100 MW (including jointly-owned plants) planned or under construction with an in-service date within the coming ten years, the following information to the extent known or planned: (a) the facility name and location;(c) the anticipated in-service date;(d) the MW capability (summer and winter);(e) the type or types or energy resources to be used; (e) the type of service (base load, cycling, peaking);(f) the total acreage of the facility site; and(h) a statement of the anticipated reliability of the facility. This information is required for informational purposes only.
(6)Generating Facilities Planned in Other States. Each company shall provide for each generating plant or facility of any size, planned or under construction in a state other than Massachusetts with an in-service date within the coming ten years, and owned or to be owned entirely or in part by the company, the following information to the extent known or planned: (a) the facility name and location;(c) the anticipated in-service date;(d) the MW capability (summer and winter);(e) the type or types of energy resources to be used;(f) the type of service (base load, cycling, peaking); and(g) a statement concerning the anticipated reliability of the facility.(7)Exempt and Approved Facilities.(a) Each company shall provide for each facility (including jointly-owned facilities) plarmed or under construction in the Commonwealth with an in-service date within the coming ten years but not requiring Councilapproval in a forecast because exempt pursuant to 980 CMR 7.01(6) or 980 CMR 7.02(10) or because already contained in an approved forecast or supplement, the information required by this regulation to the extent known or planned.(b) For each such generating facility, the company shall state: 1. the facility name and location;3. the anticipated in-service date;4. the MW capability (summer and winter);5. the type or types of energy resources to be used;6. the type of service (base load, cycling, peaking); and7. a statement concerning the anticipated reliability of the facility.(c) For each such transmission facility, the company shall state:1. origin, terminus, length and, if known, route;2. design and operating voltages;3. the anticipated in-service date;4. type of structure; and5. size of conductor and material.(8)Planned Facilities.(a) For each new facility to be located in Massachusetts, not otherwise approved or exempted, the lead company shall include a description of the facility and an assessment of its environmental impact as well as a discussion of the relationship of the proposed facility to the current health, environmental protection, and resource use and development policies of the Commonwealth as set forth in the constitution, general laws, and duly promulgated rules and regulations of responsible state, regional or local agencies. Such description shall include the following information:1. name of the lead company;2. name of participating owners;3. facility name and location; and4. predicted dates of commencement and completion of construction.(b) The lead company should also: 1. state the name and degree of jurisdiction of other state agencies (include references to statutory authority of agency);2. state the name and degree of jurisdiction of federal agencies (include references to statutory authority of agency); and3. identify the agency or agencies for which environmental assessments must be prepared under M.G.L. c. 30, § 62 and 42 USC, § 4332.(c) For a proposed transmission line, the lead company shall provide the information and documentation set forth in Administrative Bulletin 78-2.(d) For a proposed new substation site or expansion of any existing site beyond the acreage shown on the schedule required under 980 CMR 7.04(2)(d)4. for those substations which are associated with and constructed at the same time as a transmission line or generating facility whose construction is to be commenced after May 1, 1976, the lead company shall provide:1. a summary statement of purpose, location, approximate size of the site, general nature and capacity of major equipment, proposed ultimate development, estimated cost, alternative sites, other alternatives, and a discussion of the alternative of no new substation;2. a general description of the site and surrounding area in terms of natural features, including topography and water resources, and land use, both existing and proposed, including types and densities in developed areas, agricultural and other open uses, parks and recreation areas, areas designated by a governmental agency for protection as nature preserves or historic or scenic districts, near-by roads, near-by utility or transportation corridors and zoning; and3. an evaluation of the impact of the facility in terms of its effect on natural features and land use as just described, its visibility, and, if applicable, its air quality, water quality, solid waste, radiation and noise effects.(e) For a proposed generating facility, the lead company shall provide:1. a summary statement of purpose, name and location or alternative locations of the facility, approximate size of site and buildings, size and nature of the major equipment, peak capacity (summer and winter), the type of service (base-load, cycUng, peaking), fuel storage facilities, major ancillary equipment, alternative sites, possible alternative fuel types, alternative methods of generation or sources of power, effect if the specified generating facility were not constructed, estimated cost, and major environmental protection equipment;2. a description of each alternate site and surrounding area in terms of natural features, including topography, water resources, soils, vegetation, and wildlife, and land use, both existing and proposed, including types and densities in developed areas, agricultural and other open uses, parks and recreation areas, areas designated by a governmental agency for protection as nature preserves or historic or scenic districts, nearby roads, nearby utility and transportation corridors;3. aerial photographs of appropriate scale of each alternative site and and the surroundings showing the approximate location of the facilities;4. a map showing the current use of each alternative site, contiguous property and surroundings up to one mile;5. U.S.G.S. 1:24,000 scale maps with overlays showing each alternative site and the location of each alternative facility; and6. an evaluation of the impact of the facility in terms of its effect on natural features (especially water resources), land use as described above, visibility, air quality, water quality, solid waste, radiation, noise, and socioeconomics.(9)Exclusions. The following activities are deemed not to constitute the construction of facilities subject to 980 CMR 7.04(8):(a) a change, not having significant visual impact, of transformers, circuit breakers, or other miscellaneous equipment contained within the physical boundaries of the substation site;(b) reconductoring or rebuilding of an existing transmission line at the same voltage;(c) modification in or replacement of equipment at or within a generating plant site which does not increase the gross capacity at such site by more than ten percent;(d) modifications or minor relocations of a transmission line required by a public highway project or other governmental action;(e) changes or alteration to a transmission line which do not significantly affect the general physical characteristics of the facility, including conversion to a higher voltage;(f) temporary placement of generating or substation facilities to be utilized for a period less than one year; and(g) commencement of permanent placement of facilities on an emergency basis subject to compliance with the provisions of 980 CMR 6.06(2).