Section 8.08 - Facilities with Existing Floor DrainsThe owner of a commercial, industrial, petroleum, toxics and/or Hazardous Waste storage area/facility in operation prior to the effective date of these regulations with a floor drain system that discharges, with or without pretreatment (such as an oil/water separator), to the ground, a leaching structure, or septic system, shall:
(1) disconnect and plug all applicable inlets to and outlets from (where possible) applicable leaching structures, oil/water separators, and/or septic systems;(2) remove all existing sludge in oil/water separators, septic systems, and where accessible, leaching structures. Any sludge determined to be a hazardous waste shall be disposed of in accordance with 310 CMR 30.000: Hazardous Waste. Remedial activity involving any excavation and/or soil or groundwater sampling shall be performed in accordance with applicable MA DEP laws, regulations or policies;(3) Alter the floor drain system so that the floor drain shall be either:(a) connected to a holding tank that meets all applicable requirements of MA DEP laws, regulations or policies, with hauling records submitted to the DEC at the time of hauling;(b) connected to a municipal sanitary sewer line, if available, with all applicable MA DEP laws, regulations or policies and local permits; or(c) permanently sealed. Any facility sealing a drain shall to submit for approval to the DEC a Hazardous Waste management plan detailing the means of collecting, storing, and disposing any Hazardous Waste generated by the facility, including any spill or other discharge of Hazardous Materials or Wastes.