While it is the intent of 974 CMR 4.02 to provide a local complaint mechanism in regard to air quality, odors and emissions, it is also recognized that many businesses at Devens will be required to obtain a Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) air quality permit, due to the pre-emptive or higher jurisdictional structure of the Commonwealth, when something is explicitly regulated. This is also in acknowledgment of the stringency of Massachusetts air quality laws and regulations ( 310 CMR 6.00 through 8.00). It is anticipated that this circumstance will preclude many potential difficulties in this area of impact. For more detail, refer to 974 CMR 4.02(2).
For the preceding reasons, there shall be two distinct courses of action for the DEC to follow, in regard to addressing complaints in this area of impact and enforcing resolution of them:
974 CMR, § 4.02