The purpose of Unified Permitting is to provide for expeditious permitting of land development to promote the orderly conversion and redevelopment of Devens. The DEC administers this system.
The major components of this system are zoning, site plan review and lotting or subdivision of land. Also included are variances, building permits, historic district certificates, board of health permits, wetlands approvals and water resources protection review, sign permits, and various licenses.
Level One reviews are conducted by the Director and typically include minor modifications to building and site plans, building permits (without site development), and Certificates of Compliance under a Wetlands Order of Conditions, as well as Level One Lotting plans.
A Submission that is not deemed Level One will be subject to Level Two review Level Two reviews are conducted by the DEC.
A Unified Permit (Permit), may be approved, approved with conditions, or disapproved by the DEC.
Devens Enterprise Commission
c/oDevens Commerce Center
43 Buena Vista Street
Devens, Massachusetts 01432
Consent of the property owner is required for all Submissions. If land has not yet passed title from MassDevelopment to the new user seeking to locate a facility at Devens, the Submission shall be filed by MassDevelopment alone or in conjunction with the new user.
In determining whether to grant a Waiver, the DEC shall consider whether the Waiver:
974 CMR, § 1.03